Almighty Alchemist

Chapter 77: Black Samurai (Part 2)

Hidden Valley.

"Down with him! Down with him! Down with that son of a bitch!"

Shouts came and went, spreading far and wide in the valley.

In the central open space surrounded by thousands of prisoners, two burly men were facing each other.

They fought bloody and bloody.

Soon, a strong man was knocked down, the loser was carried down, and the winner stood on the stage and continued to declare war arrogantly: "Who else?"

Someone else went up to challenge.

This is Buckler and they are selecting mid-level management assistants. Those who can win three games will be eligible to lead a small team.

Although leaders need experience rather than brains, but that is for the top. For people at the middle and lower levels, the strength of force often determines their prestige among the grassroots soldiers and the strength of their words, so strength takes precedence.

In addition, choosing assistants in this way has another advantage, that is, it can help everyone pass the boring time, vent their excess energy, and avoid unnecessary confusion.

Soldiers selected in this way are mainly used in combat units.

The combat force under the command of the Six Heavenly Kings currently has a total number of about 5,000. Almost all the most vicious and dangerous criminals from Spark Prison are concentrated in this team.

Among the Six Heavenly Kings, Haley served as the commander of the troops. He was a mercenary. In addition to his strong combat capabilities, he also had rich combat command experience, which was something that others did not have. Hailey himself commanded a thousand-man brigade, Flaming Clouded Leopard Creo and others each commanded a 800-man brigade, and then set up a squadron leader for every hundred people, and every ten people formed a small team.

The entire combat team needs fifty squadron leaders and five hundred small leaders. Except some were selected from the original cell bosses, most of them were selected through this competition.

This approach was developed by a decision-making committee.

During Xiuyi's absence, it was the responsibility of the committee to draft the charter, select the backbone, discuss the future development direction, and specific plans.

Many people may wonder why Hugh Igler agreed to set up a committee to weaken his authority in disguise.

Little did he know that this was entirely due to the particularity of Xiu Yi's situation.

For Xiuyi, the identity of Sissadaniel is extremely important, and it is an important weight for him to contend with the empire. In order to ensure the value of this weight, he must appear in the public eye under a disguised identity for a long time.

If the team does not have an effective command structure other than him, it means that without itself, the team will lose its vitality.

But he didn't want to hand over such power to a single individual.

The decision-making committee is the product of compromise in this situation.

With this decision-making committee, even in the days when Xiu Yi is away, his team can still operate as usual, and no one has the highest power except Xiu Yi himself.

During this period of time, the decision-making committee has completed several basic tasks in succession.

As for now, they are waiting for Xiuyi's return in the cave.

From the communication crystal, everyone learned that Xiuyi had completed the work on Bolan.

"What do you think we'll see?" Buckler asked Eagle, his tone full of curiosity.

"I don't know, but I've never seen that guy treat an alchemy operation so seriously, and it would take such a long time. Lilith said that she was exhausted. The life-preserving potion she poured out is worth hundreds of thousands of Goldwitts."

"Hope it's worth it," Buckler muttered.

"Shut up, you bastard, you'd better show due respect to your partner!" Behind him, Denan the Earth Bear roared angrily.

Unlike other heavenly kings, Buckler didn't have much awe and respect for Bolan. The tone of his words just now obviously aroused the dissatisfaction of others.

"Okay, Brian didn't mean anything malicious, there's no need to fight over a single sentence, that would only make people laugh." Hailey said in a deep voice.

The other five heavenly kings gave the super bully a hard look, and stopped talking angrily.

Such a performance already fully explained the result of the battle that day.

The teleportation array gave a slight signal, and Xiu Yi appeared in front of everyone.

At that moment, everyone's eyes jumped over Xiu Yi at the same time and fell behind him.

Behind Xiu Yi stood a warrior wearing a full-body armor and an iron helmet that covered every part of his body tightly. The steel glove in his hand was like a pair of double hammers, with barbs densely planted on it, and on his feet were wearing leather combat boots that were engraved with strange runes.

Except for the white gas faintly exposed in the breathing hole, which proves that there are indeed signs of life inside, even his eyes are hidden in the deep darkness.

This black warrior was like a ferocious and terrifying steel monster, standing there, motionless, with an Aston enchanted epee known for its width and weight under his crotch.


The monster snake Tina rushed over screaming, and threw herself on the cold steel armor: "Is it you? Oh my god, you can stand up now! You have arms and legs!"

Under the iron helmet, a red light flashed, and the cold eyes glanced at Tina's body, then dimmed and disappeared.

It seemed that the woman in front of him was not calling his name.

"My God, what's wrong with you? Bolan! Answer me, talk!" Tina yelled, an ominous premonition rose from her heart.

"He won't answer you, Tina." Huey said suddenly.

Tina glared back: "Why?"

"Because this is the price of being strong. You know that a person's head is the most vulnerable. Even the most powerful person, once his brain is seriously injured, his life will be in danger. In order to make up for this shortcoming, I have to comprehensively strengthen his head. The price is that his emotions and memory have been greatly damaged."

"Oh my God, you mean he's forgotten about us?"

"No, he remembers, but he no longer has feelings, and no longer has the way of thinking that can excite him. Now he only has hatred and anger in his heart, which is the source of his strength and the pillar that supports him. He has no feelings for you..."

"Hugh Iglesne, what did you turn him into? A devil?!" Tina yelled angrily and hysterically.

"That was his own choice, he forced me to do it, and before that, I warned him...I'm sorry, I tried my best to make him human, but as far as I can see, his humanity is very small. You are right, he is a devil, a killing machine, and he will do nothing else. He will not cry to you, nor will he hug you and say gentle words of comfort to you. I am sorry, Tina, I have done my best."

"Oh, no!" Tina took a few steps back, covering her face and crying bitterly.

Looking at the once wild tiger and now the cruel killing god, the other heavenly kings sighed at the same time. Cleo hugged Tina, comforted her softly, and then asked Huey: "So, now he has the ability to defeat Malette with his own strength?"

There was a trace of coldness in Xiu Yi's eyes: "Want to try? You can do it together."


"Ah!" There was a scream.

One prisoner was thrown off the stage with a broken arm.

The victor on the stage glanced around triumphantly, revealing his solid and muscular body.

This guy's name is Uhtred Bartram, and he is one of the higher-ranked warriors among the prisoners who escaped from Spark Prison.

As a sixth-level samurai, he had already defeated six opponents just now, according to the rules just established, as long as he defeated one more person, he could become the squadron leader. In order to avoid too much energy loss, he shot very fiercely.

For the prisoners, there is no contest here, only life-and-death struggle, and they are used to struggling on the line of life and death.

"Who else!" He yelled arrogantly.

The prisoners below looked at each other, but no one came up to the stage.

This made Bartram more proud: "Don't you have a seed? Maybe I should challenge the captain."

No one picked up on him, which made him a little resentful.

He was about to say something more, to stimulate the nerves of the others, when two prisoners ran over from a distance and shouted: "The Black Warrior challenges the Six Heavenly Kings! The Black Warrior challenges the Six Heavenly Kings!"

"Boom!" With a sound, the stage exploded.

"Who is the Black Samurai?"

"have no idea!"

"Who is he going to challenge?"


"Damn it, where is it?"

"On the high platform on the mountainside over there!"

"Everyone go and see!"

All the prisoners ran towards the high platform on the mountainside of the Holy Hidden Valley with a bang.

Bartram was furious: "Damn it, I haven't finished fighting yet."

Then he hurriedly jumped off the stage: "I'm going to skin that Darth Vader, he interrupted my performance!"

Then what he saw was a scene that shocked him.

A warrior in black armor, wrapped by the wind spirit, was as light as if he had no weight, and he was free to shuttle in the wind.

His opponents are the six heavenly kings headed by Haili.

The ink-colored long sword danced in the air, drawing out strange dark vortexes, and each round of vortex attacked a different opponent.

"It's the vortex of battle qi, the battle skill of the wild tiger!" Someone shouted.

"No, the vortex of dou qi is not black!" Some people objected loudly.

Yes, the reformed Crispin Bolan was not black, and even his battle qi has undergone a qualitative change. No one knows what kind of change it will be and what kind of results it will produce, but it is certain that it is no longer the unique fighting energy of human beings.

The vortex in the air is constantly rotating and enlarging, like rounds of halos of death, but this is not really surprising and terrifying.

Although the vortex of dou qi is powerful, the Six Heavenly Kings are not irresistible. What really surprised everyone is that the offensive actions of the black warrior are completely beyond the possession of human beings.

When Hailey yelled and punched his opponent, the Black Warrior made a very difficult backward movement. The backward movement was so large that it seemed that he had no spine. Then, while he was backward, one leg glared at Haili at the same time, and shot out like an arrow.

The sword stabbed fiercely and urgently, and he didn't hold back at all. If Bi Wan hadn't reacted so quickly and flashed by quickly, he would have been pierced by his sword. At the same time, he raised his left hand, and a beam of energy flashed in his left hand, and quickly hit Tina who was casting the spell, forcing Tina to give up the spell and retreat to dodge.

The flame clouded leopard Cleo roared and punched the black warrior's face. The black warrior's neck twisted slightly, and he dodged from an unbelievable angle, and then slammed into Cleo's arm.

The light of vindictiveness shone and crackled sparks. Cleo backed away with a strange scream, and the black long sword in the black warrior's hand had already slashed back at the right leg kicked by the wolf.

Even in the face of the attack of the six heavenly kings, he can still keep fighting back.

Even the fierce wind wolf, who has always been brave and fearless, couldn't bear to have his leg chopped off, so he had to give up this attack.

But at this time, the heavy punch of the bear Denan of the earth has arrived, hitting the black warrior on the back: "Hey!"

Even though he knew that his opponent was Boland, Durnan's shot was still merciless.

Then at that moment, something weird happened.

The memory of the black warrior suddenly became unreal.

Looming like a hazy apparition, Duran was stunned to see his fist pass through Darth Vader's body, but it seemed to hit a cloud of smoke.

Smoke swirled in the air, passed through Durnan's body, and recondensed into solidity behind him, re-forming the tall figure of Darth Vader.

Without looking back, he landed a hard elbow on Durnan's back.

This blow was ruthless and heavy, directly smashing the mighty Earth Bear to the ground.

The black long sword was raised again, stabbing hard towards Denan's back.

Everyone rushed towards the black warrior at the same time.

At that moment, a large group of energy rays suddenly burst out from the body of the black warrior, forming a solid magic shield. He himself did not stop, and continued to swing his long sword to stab Denan.

"No!" Tina yelled.

"Stop!" Everyone yelled.

The black samurai stabbed Dunan as if he didn't hear it.

Xiu Yi's eyes flashed brightly: "Stop."

The black long sword "hissed" and made a light sound of tearing the clothes, and the tip of the sword tore through the clothes and penetrated into the flesh, reaching Zhong De Nan's spine.

"Peng!" A large group of energy lights flashed, it was the iron fist of the Five Heavenly Kings hitting the magic shield released by the black warrior at the same time, the magic shield couldn't stop the attacks of the five powerful warriors, it shattered into gorgeous energy fireworks in an instant, and even the black warrior himself was thrown into the air by the shock.

However, at the moment when he flew up, his figure turned into smoke again, allowing a mass of dou qi energy to float through the illusory body, and gradually reappeared in human form after he escaped this round of energy storm.

When it reappeared, the ink sword was still pointing at Denan's back.

Tina yelled angrily: "Bolan, this is a contest, not a murder. Have you really lost your mind?"

Xiu Yi sighed lightly: "For him, there is no concept of martial arts. As long as he makes a move, he will kill. Except for me, he will not listen to anyone's orders. Even if he knows you, as long as he makes a move, he will still not be soft."

"Damn it, Xiu Yi, you really turned it into a devil." Cleo stared blankly at the black warrior in front of him, and murmured.

"But he is also strong enough to withstand our joint attack, and almost killed Denan. My God, Xiu Yi, what kind of monster did you create?" Hailey was also dumbfounded.

Even the sky warriors can't resist the blow of the five heavenly kings. The star warriors can, but it's definitely not the way of lifting weights lightly.

"Hey, can he let me go?" Denan asked Xiuyi helplessly. He was pressed against the back by the black warrior's long sword, and it was difficult for him to turn over.

Huey nodded to the black warrior, and then he put the long sword back into its sheath.

Denan got up from the ground and came to Xiu Yi's side: "What method did he use just now? Why can his arms bend back? Doesn't he have joints? Also, why can he turn into smoke?"

"That's a spell I got from Leah Bogle. The transformation of the blood demon in the blood magic has an atomization ability. It used to make me suffer a lot. It's a pity that Bogle didn't really know how to use it. Otherwise, it would be enough to make me die ugly. The spell of blood demon transformation is too demanding. I gave up choosing the transformation spell. I only burned the ability I possessed after transformation into his body by enchanting, becoming one of his three special abilities."

"You mean he still has two special abilities?"

"Yes." Xiu Yi replied lightly: "Three special abilities, five magical abilities, and a total of eight types of magical effects. You have seen three of them, atomization, magic shield, and elemental shock. Out of the six heavenly kings, one almost died. I am fully confident that as long as he does not touch the sanctuary, even Star Warrior... may not be his opponent."

"My God, this is horrible."

"Magical Alchemy."

Everyone exclaimed.

"I'd rather not have his strength, but only his reason!" Tina shouted angrily.

She rushed over and punched Huey right on the jaw.

Xiu Yi did not dodge or dodge, and received the punch forcefully.

A trace of blood slowly flowed from the corner of his mouth: "If hitting me makes you feel better, then you can hit me. Believe me, Tina, that's also not what I want, but I have no choice. If I don't strengthen his brain, he may not be like this, but that means that his strength is based on his fatal weakness. You must understand that Marit's fire spell is the most powerful surface attack spell, and I can't leave him a weakness... This is his own choice."

"But I still can't forgive you for what you did to him!" Tina shouted hysterically.

She didn't want to look at Xiu Yi again, and went back into the cave angrily.

Even though she knew it herself, Huey was right.

In order to be able to take revenge, Bolan gave up everything, and finally achieved the current strength.

Not inferior to the strength of Star Warrior, even stronger than that.

But she is sad.

For Xiu Yi, he has a more powerful helper than any in the past, and even the current Xu can't be the opponent of the black warrior.

But for Tina, the Wild Tiger has since disappeared and no longer exists.

There are only cold, ruthless Darth Vaders in this world.

Unable to restrain herself any longer, she prostrated herself and burst into tears.

Hearing the crying voice, Xiu Yi's face was gloomy: "The Black Warrior has been completed, and the time is almost here. Next... we are going to get ready to deal with Kevin Biers and the others. That will be our... final battle in Royo City."


The onlookers gradually dispersed.

Although the battle did not last long, it was an unforgettable experience for everyone.

There is no doubt about the power of alchemy, but this is the first time people have seen the alchemy that creates a super strong.

That blond boy, like a great demon king, used the technology in his hand to create one terrifying fighting machine after another.

Vajra puppets, undead monster rats, and now there are black warriors.

Like a nightmare, everyone who witnessed this scene felt sincere shock and admiration for the boy.

Prisoners are rebellious, aloof and difficult to be subdued.

But today, they were completely convinced.

Because of the Black Samurai, because of Xiu Yiglaier, and because of the mysterious, weird and powerful alchemy.

A thought suddenly popped up in people's minds at the same time: If this young man was given enough time and resources, how many terrifying weapons of war would he create?

No one knows the answer, and those who know the answer are doomed to pay the price in blood.

A prisoner came to Bartram, who was uttering wild words just now, and asked in a Noyue tone: "Are you sure you want to skin him? Do you hate him for stealing your limelight?"

Looking at the black warrior standing behind Xiuyi, exuding a cold and deathly aura all over his body, Bartram shuddered: "Bachman, I'll give you lunch today, please don't mention this again."

"Add dinner."

"Deal." Bartram gritted his teeth and agreed.

The first release of this book is from, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!

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