Almighty Alchemist

Chapter 70: The Gate of Magic

The inheritance of the temple is stored and transmitted in the form of magical energy.

There is no magical energy, which only means one thing: someone came here before and took away the inheritance of the Alchemy Gate, which is why this result was caused.

Who had entered here before him? And what he chose was precisely the alchemy door that Xiu Yi wanted most.

At that moment, a name popped up in Xiu Yi's mind - Electra.

Fate is like an invisible hand, which has its own arrangements in the dark. Xiuyi found that no matter where she went, she always seemed to be able to find the trace of the legendary great alchemist.

Although there is no evidence to prove this conjecture, Xiu Yi firmly believes that: Electra can only take away the inheritance from the Alchemy Gate.

Perhaps this is the only way to explain the extraordinary achievements of the legendary great alchemist in his life.

His achievements alone almost covered the achievements of the entire civilization.

The great alchemist made the smartest choice in his life.

"Do you think Electra took away the inheritance from the Alchemy Gate?" The little guy saw the mysterious smile on Xiu Yi's face.

"Other than that, I can't find any other possibility. If he really took away that knowledge, it would explain why a person's talent can be so outstanding."

"Even if this is the case, it cannot explain how he successfully reproduced these alchemy techniques. Father, just the alchemy techniques you have mastered, you alone cannot reproduce them all, let alone a more comprehensive knowledge of alchemy."

"Maybe he has other secrets, just like me, not only one secret." Xiuyi's voice gradually became low.

There was a discussion about the alchemy gate, but it stopped soon.

Now that the legacy behind the alchemy gate no longer exists, Xiuyi can only choose the other two gates.

But which one should he choose?

Xiu Yi's eyes flicked around and landed on the top of the three gates. On each gate, there was a row of lettering.

Above the gate of alchemy, there is a row of words engraved: "There is no great alchemy in the world, only great alchemists. Only those who have an endless desire for knowledge are eligible to enter here."

On the top of the warrior gate, there is a line of words engraved: "This is the gate leading to strength, the palace of the brave, and it refuses the weak to enter."

Above the gate of magic, there is also a line of characters engraved: "Mysterious magic holy land, the final choice of wise men."

"It seems that this is what Kripwell requires of his successors. Different doors require different qualities of those who enter. Or wisdom, or courage, or strong thirst for knowledge. Electra passed the test, and now, before we enter the door, we must first have a self-evaluation of ourselves. If we evaluate ourselves wrongly, or evaluate ourselves too high, then what awaits us is punishment."

"Father, I noticed that you used the word us just now?" Xu said tremblingly.

"Yes." Xiu Yi smiled at the little guy: "Of course it's us, you and me."

"Oh no, father..."

"There is nothing to say no to." Xiu Yi squatted beside Xu and said, "Don't you want to get the inheritance of an entire great civilization? You are a great dragon destined to have an infinite future, and you have wisdom beyond your own race. Do you know how many people can't hope for such an inheritance? People are even willing to risk their lives for this knowledge and power! It's a pity that I can only choose one of them, but I don't want to give up the other one because of this. This is an opportunity for you, Xu, which kind of inheritance do you want to get? Do you consider yourself a warrior or a wise man?"

"I'm a child." Xu replied simply and neatly: "If you fail, you will be punished, and it may hurt."

"It's just punishment, not death. You already possess the wisdom and creativity of human beings, but you lack the diligence and self-motivation of human beings." Xiu Yi felt helpless.

"Greatness has never been the dream of the dragon clan, it's just eating and waiting to die." Xu muttered softly.

The magic dragon is a natural superior existence. With the development of the body, powerful power will naturally appear. They don't need to strengthen themselves through hard training like humans. So from the bottom of the heart, this kind of powerful high-ranking monster is lazy.

Who has ever seen a dragon practice every day without any problems? They spend most of their time sleeping, and occasionally go to a certain place to make trouble, before offending a large number of humans and incurring revenge, they quickly slip away.

The civilization inheritance of the Western Continent? Become a great being? That may have an incomparable allure to human beings, but it is meaningless to Xu.

But Xiu Yi knew that from the moment Xu possessed human wisdom, he was destined to never be an ordinary dragon again. He may not have any requirements now, but as his age and wisdom grow, his desires will also continue to grow. You can't eliminate a person's desire, you can only give him the ability to satisfy his desire as much as possible.

So Xiu Yi said: "Xu, I thought you should understand that suffering is the best stepping stone to growth. Aren't you ashamed that you were defeated by a golden rhinoceros?"

Xu tilted his head and thought for a while, then replied: "I'm not yet an adult, so I'll be able to beat it when I grow up."

"If you can get any inheritance now, you can beat any bastard who dares to underestimate the dragon family now. Maybe you will become the new master of the abyss in the future."

"But I'm not in a hurry." Xu was still unrepentant.

After all, there are not many children who can shout "I want to be president" at the age of five.

He was even more terrified of the possible punishment if he failed.

When a child is afraid of injections, when can you let him sit on it and wait for the injection with just a few good words and future promises?

Xiu Yi is obviously aware of this problem. The five-year-old Xu is obviously not a suitable object of reasoning, so he sighed, patted the little guy's head and said, "Now I begin to understand the feelings of parents who want their children to succeed and hate iron for steel. Sometimes little guys don't make progress, and they really should be beaten. Compulsory education may not be a good thing, but it is not useless either."

He hugged Xu and said softly, "Remember, Dad loves you."

Xu felt a chill in his heart, and the next moment, he was thrown into the magic gate by Xiu Yi.

"Oh no! Daddy I hate you..."

Bang, Xu was thrown into the Warrior Gate by Xiu Yi.

The next moment, there was an earth-shattering roar from the Warrior Gate.

Transformation of the magic dragon, the second form!

Sending Xu into the warrior gate, which needs to go through the test of courage, is the result of Xiu Yi's repeated thinking.

Xiu Yi didn't expect Xu to accept the inheritance of grudge, but he hoped that the little guy could learn what is true bravery and what is true courage in such a test. The nature of the magic dragon is cruel, devouring, and even a little magic dragon will learn to tear food under the care of its mother, and devour all kinds of life that can be eaten with blood. But that doesn't mean they have courage.

Just like cheetahs hunting their prey, as large carnivorous creatures, when they encounter tigers stronger than themselves, they will only choose to retreat.

Warcraft have no courage and the concept of challenging power.

But Xu is different.

As a dragon with human wisdom, Xiu Yi hopes that he can also possess some other outstanding qualities of human beings, and these qualities require Xu to obtain through some experience.

This is what a father expects from his children. Even though Xu is not really his own child, Xiu Yi really loves Xu very much.

As for Xiu Yi himself, he could only choose the Magic Gate.

Although Xiu Yi entered the jungle to train a warrior, it was a necessary effort to improve his survivability. In terms of hobbies, Huey prefers magic. When he was on Purgatory Island, he even had the experience of tossing and turning unable to fall asleep for a successful use of magic.

The magic civilization in the Western Continent is the most glorious and long-lasting, even surpassing fighting spirit and alchemy. Xiuyi has never heard of the forbidden spell that can sink the entire continent into the bottom of the sea. Perhaps he will never be able to use that kind of magic with his own strength in his life, but this does not prevent him from trying to learn and understand.

And Xiu Yi really wanted to know whether he could be considered a wise man.

Thinking of this, Xiu Yi finally pushed open the door representing the inheritance of magic...


"Hey, Xiu Yi." A voice whispered in Xiu Yi's ear.

He opened his eyes in a daze, and there was a young and simple face in front of him.

That's Fink, his good friend.

"What's the matter? Fink." Huey rolled over and sat up.

He found himself in the cabin.

"It's the Sea of ​​Death," Fink whispered.

Xiuyi scratched her scalp: "What?"

"I said that we are now in the restricted area for human beings, the sea of ​​death. I smell that stench, like the smell of undead."

Another teenager interjected: "Look at what you said, it's as if you've seen the undead."

"It stinks anyway," Fink argued.

Such familiar words, Xiu Yi was a little at a loss.

Why does it feel like I have heard such words somewhere.

Xiu Yi felt that the atmosphere was very strange.

It was as if something had passed through his mind, but he couldn't remember it.

He whispered to Fink, "I fell asleep just now, and I seemed to have a dream."

"What dream?" Fink asked him.

"I don't know, it just feels very long, but I can't remember what it is."

"Then don't think about it, it's just a dream anyway. We're almost there, and we don't know what conditions we'll be working in yet."

"Maybe it's a bad place." Huey muttered in a low voice.

He looked at Fink and said seriously, "I feel bad, very bad, like something bad is happening."

"We are becoming servants, the lowest servants, and what do you think I could be worse for?"

Xiu Yi thought for a while, and the boy's brows were cutely frowned.

He shook his head and replied, "I don't know, Fink. But I don't know why, but I just feel very disturbed. Like I've lost something. It's something very, very important. I've lost it and I can't get it back."

"You lose your freedom, and there's nothing more important than that."

"Maybe there is..." Huey muttered.

Liberty finally sailed to Purgatory Island.

Fifteen teenagers from the boat lined up after arriving on the island.

A middle-aged man who called himself Andrew began to lecture the teenagers loudly.

Andrew shouted loudly: "Okay, little ones, welcome to Purgatory Island, this is the end of your life. From now on, you will work and live here. You must call me Mr. Andrew, and do things according to my instructions. Maybe you have never worked before, but you must quickly adapt to your current life... Has any of you served nobles before?"

Fink pokes Huey, who replies, "I've had..."


"Gler, from today onwards, you will be responsible for the material collection in Area 13."

It was Sisser, the butler who spoke.

Xiu Yi nodded confusedly.

"What...what should I do?" He asked with some hesitation.

He had a feeling that he shouldn't ask this question, but it seemed that there was some force pushing him from the bottom of his heart, forcing him to ask the other party.

Then Sisser began to pull out a flower plant and explained to Huey: "This is the weeping plant..."

The voice seemed to come from afar, so familiar and yet so far away.

Xiu Yi looked blankly at the scene where the weeping grass was crying loudly, and he had a feeling... everything in front of him was very familiar.

It was as if he knew what was going to happen the next moment.

It was a very vague feeling, he couldn't find the answer, but he could feel the uneasiness that terrified him and made him distracted.

Perhaps seeing Xiu Yi's restlessness, Sisser said to Xiu Yi: "Hey, Greer, you should be more focused."

"Yes, I understand."

"Well, every morning, an apprentice will come here to collect the materials you collected the previous day. You just hand them over to him, and at the same time he will tell you what materials you need to prepare for the next day. If you continue to prepare the supplies for the next day as instructed, you will complete the task. Your room is No. 13, which matches your management area. As long as you do the work at hand, you can arrange the rest of the time yourself. But you have to pay attention..."

"There is a lake in the east, and a canyon in the west, both of which are forbidden areas. The tower is the place of the masters, and they are not allowed to enter casually, right?"

Sisser showed a surprised expression: "How do you know?"

Xiu Yi lowered her head and thought for a while: "It seems that someone told me about it before, but I can't remember who it is."

"Then... let's get to work." Sisser shrugged indifferently.

Huey watched him go, and then he began to play with these flowers and plants very skillfully.

"It's as if I've done it countless times. This feeling is really strange." Huey muttered, "I swear with my own head, there is absolutely no weeping grass in the Baron's house. Where did I learn that?"

It's a bad feeling.

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