Almighty Alchemist

Chapter 101: Epilogue (Part 1)

By the time we returned to the Hidden Fog Castle, it was getting late.

Until now, Xiu Yi seemed to still be able to see the reluctance in Bamela's eyes when she was leaving. Both Huey and Pamela knew that this was the first time, and I'm afraid it would also be the last time.

That wonderful combination is so precious because of its rarity, which makes people linger on it repeatedly and find it hard to let go.

Raschel was the first to see Xiu Yi. At this moment, he walked up and bowed to Xiu Yi.

Huey asked him, "Has Padgett's wife and children settled down?"

"Everything has been settled, and I have to thank the Dardanelles for their efforts in this regard."

"I am also responsible for his death. No matter what, he was my former teacher."

"So, what's the situation with the royal family?" It seems that Raschel is reluctant to say more about Padgett.

Xiu Yi shrugged: "What else can I do? I reached an agreement with an emperor and a prince. I took out twelve types of alchemy, and six of them belonged to the Franks. Prince Richard has made great efforts in the matter of Mieya, and this is what he wants. Mieya cannot disagree, and to me, two balanced countries are obviously much better than a dominant country. That can allow them to restrain each other and prevent each other."

Xiuyi came to sit down in front of a big rock, and beckoned Raschel to sit beside him: "Miya was enthroned in the morning, and at noon, he sent a stern statement note to the Church of the Holy Spirit. Prince Richard of the Franks seconded, and at the same time, he acted as a witness to confirm the allegations of the Lance Empire. Land, cancel the territory of the gods, and at the same time reduce the number of recruits for the holy knights, and cancel the priority selection right."

No matter what era, land is always the most important wealth.

The church does not have the power to collect taxes in various empires, but the church itself owns a lot of land. Although these lands are located in the territories of the empires, they are nominally private property of the church, and even the empires are not allowed to touch them lightly. The clergy used the donations paid by the believers in their hands to continuously buy land, and all income was owned by the church and the clergy, and the empire was not allowed to tax them, resulting in a large amount of wealth flowing out. To force the church to pay part of the land is, to put it bluntly, to steal money.

In addition, the status of churches in various countries is extremely sacred. Some people will even run into churches to ask for asylum after committing crimes, because churches belong to the territory of gods, and even the empire can't do anything about them. Mierya demanded the abolition of the God's Territory, which greatly weakened the church's scope of power and at the same time strengthened its own position.

The church recruits holy knights from various countries every year, and many outstanding warriors in the empire have become the backbone of the church, taking up arms to defend the interests of the church. The priority of selection ensures that the church can always pick out the best warriors or magicians in the empire, and most of the selected people are willing to become a member of the church. This is obviously what Mierya and Richard are unwilling to do.

Therefore, the actions of Mierya and Richard are actually weakening the real power of the church and defending the interests of the country. The two princes themselves are both talented and bold figures, and they may not really have a heart-to-heart relationship with each other, and they have their own plans, but as long as there is a church, they will not deal with themselves.

Compared with their parents, the younger generation has a longer-term vision and is more direct and bold. They dare and are willing to challenge the existence that their parents did not dare to challenge.

The struggle between secular rights and theocracy has existed since ancient times. Generally speaking, in a place of ignorance, theocracy prospers, but with the changes of the times, people's understanding of things becomes more and more intuitive, their vision becomes higher and higher, and secular power will gradually increase, resulting in violent conflicts.

With the increase of contradictions, there is usually only one solution, which is war and turmoil.

"They have a lot of appetite." At this moment, Raschel was also speechless when he heard what Xiuyi said.

"It's very normal to ask for a lot of money and pay back the money when you land. Mierya may not expect all the conditions to be passed, but he can always force the other party to make some concessions. It would be too much of a joke to assassinate the emperor if he can't even get a little bit of benefits. Coupled with Richard's help, the two countries are working together, and the Church of the Holy Spirit is in trouble with the Sword of Glory. No matter what, they will not want to start a war at this time."

"That's right, not to mention you are controlling the church."

"However, the church also protested to the Arcane Tower. Nicholas killed hundreds of church clergy. I heard that the Pope is going to send someone to deal with him. You know what to do."

Raschel smiled: "I believe His Majesty the Pope will be very interested in the secrets of Nicholas' domain. I will write a letter to His Majesty the Pope later."

"Nicholas is having a hard time, and Mieya also issued an ultimatum to Nicholas, asking him to hand over the magician who kidnapped the princess. He almost killed the princess on the Hidden Moon Peak, and Avril herself is proof. But Miyea's current main target is the church, so Miyea will not put too much pressure on the Association of Magicians. I think he wants to use this opportunity to weaken Nicholas' prestige and force those arrogant magicians to go further to himself. Especially the Arcane Tower collapsed. Don’t even think about building another Arcane Tower by yourself. The Lance Empire is likely to become a country that will get rid of the church’s control and truly master the power of magicians in the future, and the emperor’s power will increase greatly. In this matter, we have done him a big favor.”

Xiu Yi's tone was a bit sad.

Those who contribute the most are often not necessarily the ones who benefit the most.

In this trip to Winnington, the biggest winners were actually not Xiu Yi, but Mierya and Richard.

But having said that, the benefits that Xiu Yi received are also immeasurable. The most important thing is that he has received the attention of two high-level empires at the same time. From a long-term perspective, with the support of Miya and Richard, coupled with the successful operation of the Dardanelle family's business, Xiu Yi no longer has to worry about the problem of alchemy resources.

From this point of view, there is really nothing more important than this.

As for the alchemy delivered, Xiu Yi handed over some refining methods suitable for use on the battlefield, improvements to flesh and blood puppets and puppet warriors, and the most valuable thing was the production method of ultra-distance communication. Although the empire can make it itself, compared with Xiu Yi's production method, the cost is too high, the service life is too short, and the effect is not good.

Mi Yeya really wanted the production technology of the teleportation circle and the space ring, but Xiuyi refused to hand it over to death, but promised to make ten teleportation circles and ten space rings for the two countries, and the resources would be provided by the other party.

"But from now on, you will face the pursuit of the church alone." Raschel reminded him: "The church is not so easy to deal with. When it comes to the strong, there are more churches. After all, they select outstanding talents from all the countries in the Northern Continent, and they have the priority to choose."

Xiu Yi smiled: "I am a soul mage, no matter whether I offend the church or not, they will hunt and kill me, isn't it the same for you?"

Raschel smiled wryly. Yes, if it wasn't like this, how could I never dare to use it in public after mastering the power of magic.

After thinking for a while, he suddenly repaired: "Do you know why the Church of the Holy Spirit does not allow soul magic to exist in this world?"

Xiu Yi was stunned for a moment, before he pondered for a while and said, "The Church of the Holy Spirit claims that soul magic is an evil existence, but how can there be any real and essential evil in the world? I think there may be other reasons. If you want to ask me the reason, I think it has something to do with the power of soul magic to control human nature."

The so-called religious belief is actually a process of transforming people's thoughts, and it is also a useful tool for the upper class nobles to exploit the lower classes. The nobles used spiritual beliefs to paralyze the painful bodies of the lower classes and imprison their thoughts. At the same time, they also maintained the superior status of the upper class nobles and reduced the possibility of riots at the lower classes. Anyone who is disobedient, disobeys the rules, and rebels will not only be killed in this life, but also suffer hardships, and his soul will also go to hell, and he will never be reincarnated.

The more backward the feudalism was and the poorer the people's livelihood, the more significant the significance of religious belief was. It was the most beneficial ideological weapon of the ruling class. Together with the etiquette education and the legal system, it became the three major trump cards of the ruling class.

And in order to achieve the purpose of controlling people's hearts, the Church of the Holy Spirit needs some power that can influence people's hearts.

Fortunately, this is a magical world, and the church does not need to work hard on doctrine. They do not possess a great existence like the "Bible", but possess the sacred magic that can influence people's hearts, and use this power to recruit believers and expand themselves.

So what are soul spells? When it is cultivated to a high level, it is a spell that can control other people's thoughts, and can easily enslave others for its own use.

The sacred power that can cleanse people's hearts and drive away darkness cannot eliminate the effects of soul spells on the human body. On the contrary, soul spells can fundamentally control a person's thinking. Therefore, if there is anything to be afraid of with holy spells, it is soul spells.

How can the religion of the Holy Spirit allow it to exist?

Therefore, for hundreds of years, the Church of the Holy Spirit has been chasing and killing soul mages. They have called soul magic an evil name. In fact, to put it bluntly, they do not allow others to compete with them for business.

It's a pity that no matter how hard they try, soul magic is like a tenacious grass, and it will never die.

Just like Christianity, even if Bruno is burned to death, it cannot change the fact that the earth is round and revolves around the sun.

Therefore, in essence, as a fugitive from Purgatory Island, the owner of the magic pattern, and a soul mage, Xiu Yiglaer is destined to be hunted down by the whole continent.

No one welcomes his existence, and his whole body is taboo.

Compared with him, Baron William Harden, who tried to regain the royal etiquette, was at best an unpopular and useless person. If he had been born five hundred years earlier, he might have become a big shot.

Therefore, characters with different personalities have different fates in different eras. Those with flamboyant personalities will most likely fail in a staid and backward world.

From this point, we can see why Xiu Yi had such a fate after coming to this world.

Because of his character, in fact, he doesn't blend in with this world.

His success comes from the memory inheritance of the knowledge explosion era, and his failure also comes from his understanding. Too advanced knowledge made him unable to agree with the values ​​of this world, which led to the fact that no matter how smart and talented he was, he could only be confused with the same person in the end.

Fortunately, Xiu Yi himself gradually realized this problem, so he began to change slowly. It was only in the end that he made some concessions and reached a settlement with the Lance Empire, but when he encountered threats, the methods he was accustomed to adopt had not changed in essence, so he chose to blow up the Arcane Tower and the Holy Spirit Temple.

Personality change is fundamentally a huge but slow gradual process.

But Xiu Yi's answer at this moment did not satisfy Raschel.

He shook his head: "I admire your way of thinking about problems, Xiuyi, you are always used to looking for problems from the essence. But sometimes things in the world can't all be considered from the perspective of interests. Do you know that a long time ago, soul mages also had a time when they lived in harmony with the church?"

"Oh?" Xiu Yi was taken aback.

"It's true." Raschel replied seriously: "Soul spells are not allowed in the church. It's not as simple as you think. There are other reasons behind that, but I don't know what it is. Maybe you can find out the answer. Maybe... that will be of great help to you in your future confrontation with the church."

"Is that so, I understand." Xiu Yi nodded.

After thinking for a while, Xiu said, "I'm about to leave Winnington. I've already arranged most of the other things, but you are the only one. Raschel, you have three choices now. One is to go to the Southern Continent with me. I don't know anything about the situation there. Having an experienced person help me can save a lot of trouble. One is to go to Xiduo. Haley and my people are developing there. Leaving them. The Dardanelles are very important to me, and Buckler is not good at dealing with high-level officials, and they all rely on Christine's help. If you are here, they will be much more relaxed. So where are you going?"

"Cido," Raschel replied. Smart people always give priority to choosing a place suitable for their talents to develop. For Raschel, the free land of Xiduo can undoubtedly become a good place for him to flex his muscles.

"Then it's settled." Xiu Yi said with a smile.

At this time, Buckler came out of the castle.

Buckler said to Huey, "Grinkin found."

The Holy Knights surrounded the Royal Coliseum, causing Greenkin to lose the chance to make a move, forcing Huey to escape with Bateson's hand. But Greenkin already knew the identity of Sissy Darnell at this time, and Xiuyi naturally couldn't let him go easily, so he ordered Buckler to find him.

"How about it?"

"He agreed to join us, but not here. He said he would go to a place more suitable for him to use his force."

"Then let him go to Xiduo too." Huey said, "On the way, Raschel can be protected."

Huey stood up: "Go and tell Green the news, let him and Raschel go on the road tomorrow. Then let Carmela wait for me in the Alchemy Tower, and after I repair her arm, Buckler, she will be your good helper. As for Udyk..."

Then Xiuyi remembered that Udyk hadn't come back yet.

It has been three days, and Xiuyi once gave Udyk a death order, don't come back if you can't find the black warrior. As a result, Udyk was gone for three days.

At this moment, a gust of wind suddenly passed over the castle.

Everyone looked up and saw Udyk riding Chase Wind and falling into the castle.

He looked very tired.

"Mentor." Udic jumped off Chasing Wind and came to Xiu Yi's side and said respectfully.

"You're back?"

Udyk lowered his head: "I'm sorry, mentor, I searched the jungle for three days, but I didn't find the Darth Vader, only this."

He held out a large number of armor fragments, Xiu Yi's eyes shrank, and his heart felt as if someone had beaten him severely.

At this moment, he could even feel the strong aura of lightning magic attached to those fragments.

"Oh, and it," Udyk added.

Udyk took one thing from the back of the wind chaser, it was the undead demon rat that disappeared with the black warrior, it had lost the ability to move, and it was piled on the ground like a pile of scrap copper and iron.

Xiu Yi stepped forward to look at it, sighed and said: "Its core has been severely damaged, and all parts have been severely damaged... It no longer has the value and significance of repairing."

As he said that, Xiu Yi reached into the head of the undead monster mouse, and took out the soul magic beads and magic gems from the monster mouse's brain.

The red light in the demon mouse's eyes disappeared.

Seeing the undead demon mouse completely disappear before his eyes, Xiu Yi sighed for a while.

This undead demon mouse can be said to be his first alchemy work since his debut, and it has followed him until now, but it came to an end in Nicholas' attack. It could have played a bigger role if it hadn't run into Sanctuary.

"Nicolas Cage..." Xiuyi murmured the name: "When I come back, I will definitely create an alchemy work that can defeat Sanctuary, just wait."


Following the occurrence of a series of events in Winnington, shocks were set off throughout the northern continent.

Stryker VI of the Reims Empire died, and Miyea, who had never been favored by others, ascended to the throne.

The Church of the Holy Spirit participated in the conspiracy to assassinate the emperor, and Mi Yeya attacked the church, accusing the church of wrongdoing. Prince Richard confirmed that Hamilton had indeed attacked His Majesty the Emperor, and said that three of his men had been wounded and one had died in Hamilton's attack.

The news of the fake Sword of Brilliance also spread. The believers were shocked and condemned the church one after another. The Scourge Church took the opportunity to promote and slander the hostile sects, and declared that if any country in the Northern Continent was willing to invite them to preach, they would bring the real gospel to the people of the Northern Continent.

Faced with questions from believers, challenges from the empire, and the intrusion of rival sects, the Church of the Holy Spirit was suddenly besieged on all sides. The Pope had no choice but to send a special envoy to negotiate with Emperor Mieria of the Lance Empire, hoping to avoid the flames of war. At the same time, he apologized to all believers, acknowledged the glorious sword, and declared that he would definitely regain the holy sword.

Negotiations with the Lance Empire were proceeding with difficulty. Neither party was interested in pursuing what happened that day in Winnington, but they were repeatedly arguing about the terms of compensation from the Church of the Holy Spirit.

In addition to this great event, several events of special impact occurred.

First, Sanctuary Nicholas issued a notice to all magicians in the Northern Continent to hunt down Hugh Iglesel. According to legend, Hugh Igles once fought against Nicholas, and Nicholas won at the cost of one eye and three fingers, but finally let Hugh Igles escape.

This is the first incident in history where a person who is not even a high-ranking warrior can successfully escape while injuring the sanctuary.

Shortly thereafter, Xiuyi declared to everyone that he possessed the secret of Nicholas' static domain, and anyone who had a grudge against Nicholas could turn to him for help, and those who possessed this secret would have the possibility of killing Nicholas.

This news shocked the entire Northern Continent, and Xiu Yiglaer once again became the first person to disclose the secrets of the auction field.

A series of events made Hugh Iglesle famous, even people on the two southeastern continents far overseas have heard of it.

Three months later, the negotiation agreement between the Church of the Holy Spirit, the Lance Empire and the Frank Empire was formally concluded and announced to the world.

In order to make up for the mistakes made by the church personnel, the Church of the Holy Spirit is willing to use land equivalent to a city to compensate the Lance Empire, and at the same time reduce the recruitment quota of holy knights by 20%. His Majesty the Pope is determined not to cancel the territory of the gods, but agrees to redefine the scope, no longer making every church a territory of the gods, and only cathedrals built in some particularly important cities belong to the territory of the gods. The Frank Empire benefited from this, and also gained the power to limit the territory of the gods, while reducing the number of knights by 10%.

As for the priority church, it will continue to be reserved, and the right to appoint clergy is even more persistent. However, the church allows the Empire of Lance and the Empire of Frank to place a special person in each church to supervise the daily behavior of the church. It is called: strengthening the friendly relationship between the empire and the church.

In the whole incident, Xiu Yi became the chief culprit in harming the church, the Lance Empire was the main force, and the Frank Empire was the accomplice, but there were also people who sang against them, that is, the Georgia Empire. They are a country that firmly stands on the side of the church, waving the flag for the Church of the Holy Spirit, and giving the Church of the Holy Spirit a lot of confidence in negotiations.

Ironically, as a token of gratitude to the Georgian Empire, the Church had to give the Georgian Empire a share of the missionary powers.

Whether it's the attacker or the helper, both sides cut the flesh from the church, and they have a great time cutting it. Judging from the practice, it can be clearly seen that the young monarchs of the Reims Empire are more courageous and energetic, the Frank Empire is more insidious, more scheming and borrowing swords to kill people, and the Georgia Empire is more mature, experienced, and better at being a man.

In any case, after this agreement came out, the three empires won a big victory in the political and diplomatic fields, and Miyeya was not satisfied with this.

His use of his father can be said to be outrageous. The benefit obtained in exchange for his father's death was obviously not enough to satisfy his appetite, and now he has to use another thing to satisfy his even greater appetite.

Shortly after the agreement was launched, Mierya officially announced that Xiu Yigleer would be exempted from the status of a wanted criminal, acknowledging that the Lianhe Island incident was indeed true, and at the same time said that he himself did not know about it, and everything was done by his predecessors. As an emperor who loves the people like his son, he expressed his deep sorrow for such a thing to happen. In order to demonstrate justice and be fair and innocent to the world, he must make this fact known to the public and ask his people for their understanding. At the same time, he will severely punish all those involved in the Lianhe Island incident, so that such incidents will not happen again, and he will spend a large sum of money to comfort the families of those dead teenagers.

This incident caused an uproar in the entire Northern Continent. Many people scolded Strick VI for being cruel and ruthless, killing his people, but at the same time, many people said that Mi Yeya dared to admit the facts, bowed his head and admitted his mistakes, and would be a wise and benevolent monarch in the future. While angry and hated Strick VI, people's acceptance of Miyeya increased, which invisibly greatly consolidated Miyeya's dominance.

The cleansing of Xiu Yi's identity made the Church of the Holy Spirit very dissatisfied, and what was especially angry was that Mieriya had just reached an agreement and abandoned and betrayed his "great and lovely" father, His Majesty, which made the Pope very angry. The Pope personally wrote a severely worded letter to Mierya, requesting that the Lance Empire not shelter an evil soul mage.

Mierya solemnly stated that the Lance Empire can give up Xiu Yiglaer. Of course, the Church of the Holy Spirit must show enough sincerity for this. The Frank Empire made the same statement.

Everything, as Xiu Yi and Mi Yeya had calculated, the Church of the Holy Spirit really made a concession.

The Church of the Holy Spirit agreed to cancel the priority of the Holy Knights to recruit knights in the two countries, and instead recruit freely.

In the second place, the huge interests of the Church of the Holy Spirit in the Reims Empire and the Frank Empire were seriously damaged, and its prestige was also greatly reduced.

The Church of the Holy Spirit personally issued an order to hunt down Xiu Yiglaer, but at this time, Xiu Yi was already far away in the land of the southern continent, where a new legend was once again set off.


There is another chapter in the afternoon, the main part is over, and the chapter on the southern continent will start tomorrow.

The first release of this book is from, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!

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