American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 198: pierce black widow

The environment on the second floor is much quieter, and the party-goers did not set foot in this area.

Entering the study, the loud rock music was isolated, Stark and Goofy sat down facing each other, and the two of them looked at each other.

"Honestly, I've never taken a man into a room alone at a party," Stark said with a smirk. "It feels so weird."

Gao Fei shrugged: "I have important business with you."

"What's the matter? My chief constable, are there any criminals in the party?" Stark asked.

"This matter has to do with your new assistant." Goofy said.

"Natalie? She's hot, right? What? Could it be that you like her? Emmm...I could introduce her to you, but I don't want to. Hey man, you're so blatantly grabbing my side. The woman is not good?" Stark said with a hand spread.

Goofy ignored Stark's joke and said straight to the point: "She's an agent, you know?"

"Agent?" Stark was a little surprised, but calmed down quickly, "No wonder her skills are so good and her personality is too calm..."

Then asked, "Which organization is she from, the FBI?"

"The Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau, also called S.H.I.E.L.D." Gao Fei said.

"Strategic defense of homeland... Please, there is such a nonsense name." Stark said with a smile.

"Don't tell me you haven't heard of this organization, your father is one of the founders." Gao Fei said.

Stark shrugged: "Of course I've heard of this organization. Their leader, a black bald one-eyed dragon, has also approached me, but their names are too nonsense. Every time I hear it, I can't help but complain."

Goofy smiled.

Stark asked again: "What did they want to do by sending agents to approach me? Forget it... I don't care what they want to do, I can't keep a spy by my side."

Stark acted resolutely, and immediately called Black Widow after speaking.

"Natalie, meet me in the study on the second floor."

Two minutes later, Black Widow calmly walked into the study.

"Boss, are you looking for me?" Sister Widow's acting skills are amazing, and she is still immersed in the role of assistant and can't extricate herself.

Stark smiled indifferently: "Tell me your real name."

"Natalie Rushman." Black Widow was dying.

"I mean, the real name." Stark asked in a deep voice.

Black Widow's eyes flickered slightly, and then she glanced at Goofy, who was sitting opposite Stark.

Although she didn't understand how she was exposed, it was obvious that she had been exposed, and her intuition told her that it was all related to the policeman.

"Natasha Romanoff." Black Widow finally told the truth. After all, S.H.I.E.L.D. intended to win over Stark, not hostile, so Black Widow didn't want to tear up with Stark.

"Occupation." Stark asked again.

"Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.," Black Widow said calmly, "My mission is to protect your safety, Mr. Stark, we S.H.I.E.L.D. have no ill intentions towards you."

"Protect my safety?" Stark sneered, first knocking on the Ark reactor on his chest, and then pointing to Gao Fei, who was sitting opposite, "I have a set of steel battle suits armed to the teeth, opposite There is still a police friend who has an immortal body, and I need you to protect my safety?"

Black Widow was speechless for a while, and said after a while, "But Mr. Stark, there are still dangers around you. Officer Goofy can protect you in the open, but you also need someone to protect you in the dark."

"So that's why you changed your name and forged your identity to infiltrate Stark Industries? You think I can't tell if S.H.I.E.L.D. is trying to protect me or try to spy on me?" Stark was a little angry, "Please get out of here, Romano Miss Husband, you've been fired. If you don't immediately disappear from my sight, then I don't mind giving you a taste of Mark V's firepower."

The corners of Black Widow's mouth twitched, and she obviously wanted to speak again, but Goofy, who was beside her, had already stood up.

"Come on, Madam Romanov, I'll take you out."

Black Widow clearly understood Goofy's strength, and she didn't try to quibble.

So under the "accompaniment" of Goofy, she obediently left Stark's mansion.

Walking to the door, Black Widow looked back at Goofy.

"Officer Goofy, I know there are some misunderstandings between us, but S.H.I.E.L.D. has never been malicious to you. Some things are more complicated than they seem, so..."

"I'm not interested in this, you should go, Miss Romanoff." Goofy smiled at her and turned back to the party.

As soon as he entered the door, Gao Fei saw Pepper smiling and holding a half-drinked glass of champagne in his hand. Stark stood aside and looked at Pepper with deep eyes.

Goofy paced over and asked knowingly, "What happened, Pepper? You didn't seem so happy when Stark announced that you were taking over as CEO, did you?"

"Officer Goofy!" Pepper looked at Goofy happily, as if looking at his benefactor, "I heard that you exposed the identity of Agent Natalie? This cunning spy has been fired, which is really good news."

Gao Fei laughed and said to himself: The war between women is really terrible.

At this time, Stark came over and said, "By the way, Goofy, I plan to go to Monaco to participate in the Formula 1 championship next week. Would you like to join us?"


Gao Fei was stunned, isn't this the map that opens the whip lock plot?

Ivan Vanke, the villain in "Iron Man 2", inherited the drawings of the Ark Reactor from his father (Howard Stark's partner in developing the Ark Reactor) and built this artifact, And he used the Ark Reactor to create a set of whip lock suits and slapped Iron Man at the Monaco F1 arena...

But according to the plot in the original movie, Tony Stark knew that he was dying soon, and wanted to find a way to kill himself to participate in the extremely dangerous Formula 1 racing car. Now Stark has obviously regained his strength. The palladium poisoning has also been resolved, and he is still going to participate in a ghost F1?

"What's wrong with you, Why are you participating in that thing?" Gao Fei asked with a confused expression.

"Go play, I want to see whether it is difficult to drive an F1 car or an Iron Man suit." Stark said with a smile.

Gao Fei was speechless.

Really rich world I don't understand.

"I don't have time to accompany you all over the world, I still have to go to work." Gao Fei refused decisively, "By the way, be careful when you go to Monaco, since Justin Hammer has touched you once, it is very likely that he will do it again. Hit you. Especially in a place as far from home as Monaco, he's more likely to hit you."

"Don't worry, I'll be careful." Stark patted Goofy's shoulder, "Man, you really don't want to come with me? Can you let the honest guy Steve do it for you at work!"

Speaking, Stark also pointed to Steve, who was concentrating on studying the small notebook.

Goofy shook his head decisively: "We can't bully honest people, Stark."

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