American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 205: plan ahead

Jim Walker, CEO of Osborne Group, was standing in the background with a hand card, reviewing the content of his upcoming speech, but he didn't know that an explosion sounded suddenly, and the scene was in a panic.

"Damn, what's going on?" Walker frowned. "What's wrong?"

"I'll ask about the situation, sir." The assistant quickly turned around and ran out.

All the bigwigs sitting in the VIP seats also heard the strange explosion, and Senator Stern narrowed his eyes vigilantly.

"What the **** happened? The Osborn Group's robot malfunctioned?"

Ivan Fanko, who was debugging the mechanical suit, also noticed the problem. He quietly went outside to check the situation. The assistant who just went out to check the news ran back to report the news to the CEO: "Sir, it is said that there is a suspected bomb at the venue, and the police outside have already Start evacuating people."

"What?! This is impossible! We screened the venue five times when we set up the venue. Today, everyone who entered the venue has undergone strict security checks. How can there be a bomb in the venue?" Jim Walker shouted angrily, "I will never allow such rumors to ruin my heart!"

"But a bomb really exploded just now, right at the back of the venue." The assistant whispered, "The police have arrived at the scene, and the spectators lining up outside have also begun to evacuate in an orderly manner, sir, our expo...maybe to cancel."

"It must not be canceled! The military executives have already arrived at the scene. Do you want me to release their pigeons? Please, I managed to grab this deal from the Hammer Group!" Walker said forcefully, "Go and tell me. Everyone, there are no bombs in the venue, this is a stupid rumor, I vouch for it in my name!"

Hearing this, Ivan Vanke roughly understood the current situation.

The Osborne Fair looks like it's really going to waste, and the audience is evacuating in an orderly manner.

Of course Ivan can't let the audience go away, so he can't kill a lot.

After finally coming to America for revenge, how could he be worthy of his plan without killing a few?

So the madman walked back to the backstage with a sneer and instructed the staff to put on the mechanical exoskeleton he designed.



The staff were dumbfounded, but they obediently put on the mechanical exoskeleton according to Ivan's instructions.

But after these people put on the steel suits, they immediately found out that they had been tricked - the mechanical exoskeleton did not listen to their commands at all, but moved autonomously.

A line of words appeared on the helmet display: "The autonomous attack program has been activated."

Ivan Fanko's mouth showed a savage smile, turned and walked towards the coolest "whiplock" suit in the corner.


In a blink of an eye, the police in the Flushing area rushed to the scene, and they were responsible for evacuating the crowd at the scene.

Goofy took Steve into the venue, because the real threat was in the venue.

Entering the venue through the isolation belt, there is no one else except the military bosses who entered the venue in advance, sitting in the VIP area and the staff of the Osborne Group.

"Very good, at least it can guarantee that innocent citizens will not be harmed." Gao Fei nodded in relief, and then shouted: "Hey! Guys, there is a bomb on the scene, please leave here as soon as possible."

Several military bosses were at a loss, and they all turned their heads when they heard Gao Fei's shouting.

Among them, Senator Stern recognized Goofy at a glance and frowned: "Goofy? What are you doing here, kid? Aren't you a Brooklyn policeman? What are you doing in Flushing?"

"I'm here to save your lives." Gao Fei said bluntly, "Get out of here immediately, or your lives will be in danger."

Another officer sitting next to Stern looked at Gao Fei and ordered dissatisfiedly: "Boy, come here, I need you to explain what's going on?"

Stern was also bossy: "Yes, you'd better tell me where there are bombs at the venue. Please understand, we are here to participate in the Osborne Fair. I think you should know us. How precious is our time, if our original plan is ruined because of a few rumors, who will compensate us for our losses?”

Before Goofy could answer, the CEO of Osborn Group hurried over.

"There are no bombs, there are absolutely no bombs at the venue. We have checked it several times, not to mention that the security check here is extremely strict. I assure you that there are absolutely no bombs here..."

Jim Walker did his best to keep the deal, panting.

Senator Stern looked at Walker, then turned to Goofy, and asked dissatisfiedly: "Goofy, are you sure there is a bomb on the scene? If you just hear it and lie about the news, thus destroying our cooperation with the Osborne Group, Then I promise you will pay the price!"

Goofy just smiled dismissively at Senator Stern's threat.

"Mr. Senator, I'm not sure if there is a bomb at the scene, but I can be sure of one thing - if you don't run now, you will most likely die tonight."

"Nonsense!" Jim Walker shouted angrily. "What evidence do you have for saying that?"

However, before this sentence was finished, Jim Walker was suddenly pierced by a large-caliber bullet from behind, and the entire upper body burst like a watermelon, and the red liquid splashed out.

Senator Stern, who was closest to Jim, was splashed and exclaimed.

"Oh! My God! Oh! My God!"

Gao Fei shrugged regretfully: "Don't blame me for not reminding you."

The bigwigs in the VIP seats were extremely surprised and quickly got up from their seats.

Looking up, I saw seven or eight steel warriors wearing mechanical exoskeletons coming out from the background, aiming at everyone on the scene with their weapons.

The officer next to Senator Stern was furious and shouted to the employees of the Osborne Group in the distance: "What is going on here? Do you, the Osborne Group, want to murder military officials?"

The other officer had a more normal mind, and quickly ordered everyone on the scene to retreat, and at the same time dragged the officer who questioned Osborn's staff.

"Lieutenant Colonel Charles, this is not the time for accountability, our priority is to get out of here."

And the mechanical warriors programmed by Ivan Fanko killed everyone, and the few Osborn employees who were closest to the backstage became the first target to be attacked.

Seeing this Steve hurriedly threw the vibranium shield at the employees, and then quickly sprinted over to save people.

"I'll go first, Goofy."

Goofy nodded, preparing to rescue another group of staff in the arena.

Before Goofy could act, however, Senator Stern took his arm.

"Police... Officer, where are you going?"

"Of course to save people." Goofy replied.

"No, officer, I think you'd better keep us safe now, if we have an accident, then half of the US Department of Defense will be paralyzed..." Stern said, half pleading, half threatening, "The country can lose Those mediocre little employees, but you can't lose us, can you?"

"Yes, Senator, you're right. The country really can't lose you..." Goofy smiled coldly, "but I can."

After that, Goofy shook off Stern's arm and turned and rushed towards the employees of the Osborn Group.

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