American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 210: stone man

Gao Fei's persuasion was accurately transmitted to the mind of this behemoth covered in stone, and the stone man was stunned.

Turning his head, he saw Goofy striding towards him through the crowd.

The Thing, whose original name was Benjamin (Ben) Grimm, was a native of Brooklyn. He had long heard the name of police officer Goofy, and was no stranger to this native Brooklyn hero.

Seeing Gao Fei walking towards him, he understood Gao Fei's intention.

"Oh, Officer Goofy, are you here to arrest me too? You also think I'm a monster, a saboteur, don't you?!"

Ben Grimm participated in a science experiment a few days ago and was unfortunately hit by cosmic rays during a space mission. Although these cosmic rays did not kill him, they turned him into the person he is today. Horrible look.

And he had the same experience as three other people. These three people were also hit by cosmic rays and had different mutations, but their mutations did not change their appearance, at least they didn't look any different from before the mutation. .

Only Ben Grimm has become unrecognizable and not human at all.

After the mutation, Ben couldn't accept this blow, and his personality became anxious and irritable. He couldn't wait to rush back to Brooklyn, looking for his fiancée Debbie for comfort, but Debbie collapsed on the spot after seeing Ben's change, and hid back. own apartment.

Looking at the closed windows and drawn curtains of his fiancée Debbie upstairs in the apartment building, Ben Grimm was disheartened and full of anger. At this time, he was like a bomb that would explode if anyone touched it.

But Gao Fei stood up at this time, and Ben unceremoniously vented all his grievances on Gao Fei.

"Officer Goofy, you're arresting me, aren't you?"

Ben roared loudly at Goofy, and his roar almost blew the hat off Goofy's head.

The onlookers were sweating for Gao Fei, but Gao Fei looked at him calmly.

"Yes, I'm going to arrest you." Goofy said calmly, "Ben, you're under arrest now."

"Why do you arrest me? Just because I don't look like a normal person? Just because I'm a **** mutant? Shit! You're discriminating, you're abusing your power! I'm just a mutant, but I'm still a legal citizen !" the stone man roared.

Gao Fei shrugged, and then pointed to the pavement he stepped on, the phone booth he overturned, and the smashed private car that unfortunately hit him because he ran a red light.

"Look at what you've done, Ben, how much have you destroyed? And you can't control your abilities at all right now, you're an uncontrollable risk, and if you're allowed to roam the streets, you're likely to hurt innocent citizens ." Gao Fei said in a deep voice, "So you'd better come with me first."

"It's impossible!" Ben roared stubbornly, "I'm not going anywhere until I see Debbie!"

After saying this, the Stone Man tried to rush into the apartment again.

"Debbie! You talk to me! We have to talk!"

Stone Man Ben rushed to the apartment while shouting, but with his current weight and strength, once he rushed into this dilapidated apartment, the whole building was in danger of collapse.

Residents of the apartment screamed for help through the windows.

"Stop him!"

"Help! Don't let this monster rush in!"

"Officer, please stop him!"

" this monster going to tear down an entire apartment building?"

Seeing this scene, Gao Fei knew it was time to take action.

If the Stone Man is not stopped, the apartment will collapse.

So he strode forward, grabbed the Stone Man's arm, and then swung it in the opposite direction, using a "shoulder throw" to smash the Stone Man out.

The newly mutated Thing has limited strength and weighs only 500 pounds. Having had experience with the Hulk, it is not difficult to deal with the Thing.

Under everyone's attention, Gao Fei successfully fell the huge rock block to the ground, only to hear a loud bang, and the road in front of the apartment building was directly smashed into a big hole!

Sam on the side of the road frowned: "It seems that tomorrow the municipal engineering should work overtime again..."

Anna pouted: "You should worry about how to deal with this stone spirit first."

Ben Grimm was knocked down by Goofy, and his anger grew even stronger.

"Oh... Officer Goofy, you hurt me!"

The Stone Man stood up, turned and hit Gao Fei directly, Gao Fei dodged, and then grabbed the Stone Man's arm with his backhand.

Although the Stone Man's strength is very strong, his speed is too slow, and he has little chance of winning in a head-to-head fight.

"Damn, let me go!" Ben roared, "I didn't commit a crime!"

"If you keep resisting, you're going further and further down the wrong path, Ben. Think about your family, think about your fiancée, you're scaring Debbie now, if you still Act like a lunatic and Debbie will only be more afraid of you."

Gao Fei held the Stone Man firmly and said in a deep voice.

The Stone Man still couldn't calm down.

"I'm not wrong, I won't let you arrest me!"

Having said that, the Stone Man slammed down, using his weight and strength to get rid of Gao Fei's control slyly, and then ran wildly into the distance.

"Fuck you, Goofy! I'm not afraid of you! You can't arrest me!" Ben shouted back as he ran.

Looking at the figure of the stone man running farther and farther, Gao Fei shook his head in disappointment.

Then Sam ran up and asked, "Want to hunt him down, Officer Goofy?"

Anna also said worriedly: "I'm afraid this guy will cause more trouble."

Gao Fei was very calm: "You send someone to follow him first, evacuate the crowd in the surrounding area, don't rush to arrest him, give him some time."

"Give him some time?" Sam was confused. "Officer Goofy, are you waiting for his prodigal son to come back?"

"Yes." Goofy nodded, "I think after he calms down, his inner conscience will make him come back."

And at the same time.

A prompt is given in the system - "The task of the mentor template is issued: task three, help Reed, Susan, Johnny, and Ben become the Fantastic Four."

Gao Fei smiled lightly, and it really was this task. Ever since he saw the Stone Man, he had guessed that the system would assign this task.

But after a second, Gao Fei suddenly realized that something was wrong.

and many more!

This bad system is so bad!

There are obviously four people in Nima's Fantastic I help four of them become the Fantastic Four, which should be four missions!

Why give me a task?

This is too embarrassing!

Help one get three? !

Not to be so insidious and cunning!

"Dog system, really Nima is a dog system!"

Gao Fei said angrily.

"Officer Goofy, what did you say?"

Sam next to him asked curiously.

Gao Fei shook his head quickly: "It's nothing, I mean... The Stone Man's conscience will persuade him to come back and surrender. Hmm."

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