American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 222: cornered

The last thing Hank wanted to happen finally happened, and it happened at a lightning-quick speed.

Within an hour of the three lizardmen's suicide, a total of three media outlets reported the incident one after another.

The host who first reported this news was in a very strange state of mind. When he was broadcasting a financial news, he suddenly interrupted the accident in the 109 police station. Goofy glanced at the video and immediately concluded that the host was hypnotized.

The mastermind behind the scenes telepathically manipulated his actions, forcing him to punctuate the news.

The next two reports were obviously premeditated - a news recording location was outside the 109th precinct, and the reporter claimed that he passed by "by chance" and learned of the tragedy in the 109th precinct.

Another piece of news directly interviewed the families of the three lizardmen and broadcast the weeping family of the deceased on TV. The family of the deceased strongly condemned the NYPD's negligent law enforcement and raised the contradiction to the attack on the "Superpower Registration Act". .

Seeing these news, Hank's face turned completely black.

"It won't be long before we are besieged by media reporters... Guys, be prepared to defend."

The old sheriff said tiredly.

About half an hour later, Eddie called Goofy.

"Gao Fei, what's the situation now? I heard that your 109th Division used lynching to execute three superhumans... This must be a rumor, right?"

"Of course it's a rumor. The three of them were hypnotized. There is a very powerful superhuman who is good at mind control. He secretly manipulated everything at present..." Goofy and Eddie couldn't explain it clearly, only a rough description. Consider the situation.

"Oh, the current situation is really bad! Gao Fei, I wanted to publish an article to explain it to you, but the editor-in-chief just sent an email to inform us that we should not publish articles that contradict public opinion for the time being..." Eddie said, "And now Everyone has started denouncing the Psychic Registration Act, and the prevailing rhetoric now is 'Superhumans must be respected'."

Goofy understands Eddie's troubles, Eddie is just his informant, not his mouthpiece.

"Don't worry about me, Eddie, we'll get through this," Goofy said.

"I hope so." Eddie had to pray silently for Goofy.

As soon as Gao Fei hung up the phone, several phones in the precinct rang—Sam and Anna answered them one by one. These calls were all from the news media to ask for the Lizardman incident.

In the beginning, it was just a phone call, but gradually the reporters all flocked to the 109 substation, and a large number of media workers came here, asking Sheriff Hank to give an explanation to the three "innocent and tragic" superhumans and their families.

The entire police station was surrounded by water, and even Gao Fei couldn't get out of here.

At this time, Sheriff George of Queens called Goofy for help. He said that another lizard man appeared on the streets of Queens.

Gao Fei was helpless and couldn't leave the precinct for half a step. He could only ask Sheriff George to contact ESU and use the NYPD's armed forces to subdue the Lizardmen.

So when the contradiction between superpowers and ordinary people became a social hot spot, a fight between the NYPD and the lizardmen was launched in Queens. Some of the media workers who originally tried to report the law enforcement accident in the 109 sub-bureau were transferred to the area. In Queens, a confrontation between police officers and psychics in another precinct was broadcast live.

Goofy's side just hung up Sheriff George's call, and immediately realized that this should be another trap - these lizardmen must have been artificially controlled and dropped into Queens, and they must have appeared at this time with some kind of mission.

Goofy, who wanted to understand, hurriedly called Sheriff George again, trying to remind him not to be controlled, but no matter how he called, George's phone couldn't get through.

This undoubtedly confirms Goofy's judgment from the side, and George Stacy may have been hypnotized.

Goofy made a quick decision and woke Sheriff George by whispering.

"Sergeant George, calm down and don't be fooled..."

"Be careful of the enemy's traps, let alone put the masses in danger..."

After a few whispers, Gao Fei called again and got through. Unfortunately, even if Gao Fei saw through the enemy's conspiracy, he was unable to stop all this, and the entire ESU team of the NYPD was hypnotized.

"Goofy, what the **** is going on?! ESU rushed to the scene, and they attacked the lizardmen like crazy... Even after the lizardmen returned to their original shape, they still didn't want to stop... If this goes on, these lizardmen will be killed. ESU tortured-killed on the spot!"

George Stacy's tone was desperate and broken, and he had already noticed that the police officers in front of him seemed to be all lost.

And Gao Fei knew that everything was the conspiracy of the mastermind behind the scenes, and he successfully used one trick after another to intensify the contradiction between the superpower and the law enforcement.

The news media workers who rushed to the scene clearly recorded everything that happened in Queens. The NYPD violently enforced the law to torture and kill superhumans, and the mutant lizardmen did not escape death even when they showed their original form and regained their senses.

After these pictures were broadcast live, the support for the superpowers in New York City reached an unprecedented level. This time, not only the superpowers stood up, but even ordinary citizens couldn't help but speak out for the superpowers.

On the night after the incident, the major media have been unable to hold back their condemnation of the "Superpower Registration Act" and the NYPD.

"The implementation of the "Superpower Registration Act" defines innocent citizens as dangerous criminals, and all their resistance is helpless." - "Global Daily".

"When NYPD faced superpowers, he showed a hideous side he had never had before. Today's NYPD seems to be a beast, and he has no intention of restraining his fangs." - "The Daily Bugle".

"Stupid decrees and brutal NYPD are more terrifying than superhumans, whether lizardmen or green goblins." - Daily Mail

At this time, Gao Fei was still trapped in the 109th precinct, and other police officers were not spared.

Sheriff Hank's hair is going gray in a hurry, and he keeps pacing back and forth in the office with coffee in hand. The impact of this turmoil is too great, and it will even shake the stability of the entire society.

As the dawn began to light up, Hank called Goofy into the office.

The old sheriff closed the door, looked at Gao Fei, who was sitting opposite him, and said solemnly, "Gao Fei, I think we have nowhere else to go..."

Gao Fei was silent, the current situation is indeed not optimistic.

Hank took a deep breath and pressed the gun to the table.

"I think we may have a last resort, which is to take the initiative to take responsibility. As the sheriff, I must stand up and take full responsibility, and Gao Fei, you are responsible for cheering up the other police officers. Tell the outside media, Our NYPD is really bad at dealing with superpowers, I apologize with death, and the rest take me as a warning!"

After saying these words, Hank's eyes were firm, and he was obviously ready to die.

Perhaps the death of the old sheriff can restore the NYPD whose reputation has collapsed.

But Gao Fei shook his head.

"No, Hank, you know that I will never let you What's more, the conflicts today are far more than our 109th Division, and the Queens District is the main event, even if you die, There is no way to reverse public opinion.”

"Then what can we do? We have been cornered. Under the pressure of public opinion, the superpowers will immediately form a group to resist the law, and even overthrow the current social system... Goofy, this is not very good!" Hank said desperately.

Looking at the desperate Hank, Goofy reached out and patted his shoulder.

"Don't panic, Hank, don't panic. Being cornered isn't necessarily a bad thing, at least we'll get a strong clue soon."

"What clue?" Hank looked blank, his mentality collapsed as early as last night, and he was completely unable to calm down and think about the problem.

Fortunately, Gao Fei was still very calm, and he opened his mouth slowly.

"The more unfavorable the situation is for us, the more likely it is that the man behind the scene will reveal his identity. Just let me find out who is hiding behind the scenes and I can stop this from happening."

. vertex

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