American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 226: strangled in the cradle

Goofy's words sent a chill down Samuel's back, because he was indeed planning a dirty enough conspiracy.

Of course, Samuel himself would not use "dirty" to describe his plan, he prefers to call it "a grand strategy".

Once this plan is implemented, then he will become a big man stirring up the situation in New York, not only that, he also has the opportunity to become a pioneer in changing human civilization.

However, Gao Fei's appearance caught him off guard, and what Gao Fei said made him even more frightened.

"Does he really know about my plan?"

"It's impossible! No one can know my plans!"

Samuel Stern was sure that Goofy could not be a prophet, he forced a smile and said: "Officer Goofy, I'm glad we meet again, you can see, I'm a poor mutant now... Bruce · The Banner thing hurts me, and I'm one of the victims..."

Gao Fei's expression was serious: "Sten, don't go in circles with me, I came to you not because of your status as a superpower, nor because of Bruce Banner. Those are all things in the past, I came to you for the future."

"Future?" Samuel Stern was confused. "What future?"

"What you plan to do in the future, the conspiracy you are contemplating now. Stern, I know you've been eyeing the "Superpower Registration Act", and you are trying to use this bill to instigate conflicts between superpowers and law enforcement in New York , take the opportunity to form your own superpower army..."

"You just got Professor Curtis Connors out of prison and obtained the formula for the lizard serum from him. You are developing the lizard serum in an attempt to convert innocent citizens into superhumans..."

"You also bewitched Ben and Johnny, the two new superpowers who just mutated, the Baxter Building is about to be destroyed, this is all a good thing you did!"

"By the way, mind control is your super power - the power of mind control obtained from the blood of the Hulk, you can hypnotize any weak-willed person and turn them into your puppet..."

"Samuel Stern, you're going to create a disaster in New York next, right?!"

Speaking of which, Gao Fei's voice was fierce, and the entire dim apartment was filled with Goo Fei's accountability, and even the computer monitor on the desk was humming.

Samuel Stern looked at Goofy in shock, and he had to do his best to keep his stunned expression from appearing.

Because Gao Fei exposed all his plans and figured out his next steps. The most terrifying thing is that he didn't tell anyone about these secrets. He knows this very well, even more clearly than he, the planner, knows about this plan.

Samuel Stern kept his mouth tightly shut, and sternly said "How do you know?" No matter how big his head was, he still couldn't understand how Goofy knew all this.

After pondering for a while, Samuel decided not to accept the account.

Nothing happened, why should I admit to these allegations that haven't happened yet?

As for the Connors and Baxter Building thing, what evidence do you have?

"Officer Goofy, what are you talking about? I'm just a poor mutant living in this humble apartment, and I never thought about what you just said..."

Samuel said slyly.

Goofy sneered - I knew your big head wouldn't admit it.

"Whether you admit it or not, I have to punish you today."

Gao Fei took a step forward, his body was already filled with a fierce murderous aura.

The superhero system did not have any intention to stop Goofy. It can be seen that the system also decided that Samuel Stern should be damned. The good thing about this system is that it is full of positive energy, but it is not a virgin. any bad guy.

Samuel Stern was keenly aware of Goofy's killing intent, he timidly took a step back, and at the same time quibbled again.

"Officer Goofy, what are you doing? Are you trying to murder an innocent legal citizen? I have never committed a crime, much less intend to commit a crime. The groundless accusations you just made are not enough to convict me, not to mention that you only A police officer, what qualifications do you have to try me? Dispose of me?"

While speaking, Samuel began to use his superpowers. He tried to use mind control to hypnotize Goofy, which was his only means of resistance.

It's a pity that he just tried to enter Gao Fei's brain, but a strange whisper appeared in his mind.

"Give up resistance, Stern."

"The wicked will be punished."

"Don't have any criminal thoughts, because all sins will be strangled by me in the cradle."

"Face your evil."

"Only death can stop your crime..."

The whispers pierced into the heart like bullets, and Samuel Stern simply couldn't resist.

He looked up at Gao Fei in shock, and desperately asked the last question in his life.

"who are you?"

How can an ordinary policeman have the ability to predict the future?

The man in front of him seems to have surpassed the limitations of time and space!

Goofy stabbed Samuel's chest with his lightning flashing right hand, answering his question in a whisper.

"I'm Gao Fei, a guy who opened up."

The stars rained blood, and Samuel died on the spot.


After finishing the scene, Goofy left Samuel Stern's apartment and returned to the vicinity of the police car. The time limit for the traveler's experience card had also arrived.

The whole process only took ten minutes, only enough time to drink a cup of coffee, and even when Goofy returned to the police car, Steve was a little surprised.

"Coming back so soon? You're handling things too fast, aren't you?"

"It's just an inconspicuous little thing." Gao Fei smiled, "So the time is relatively short."

"Is that so..." Steve didn't have any doubts, let alone what this "trivial matter" was, but Goofy always had a smile on his face after returning, and even blew a melodious whistle while driving.

"You're in a good mood." Steve said with a smile, "What's the joy of sharing?"

"It's nothing special, but I'll be able to go back to the police station to see my colleagues soon." Gao Fei said with a smile.

"What?" Steve was stunned on the spot, "Is this something to be happy about?"

"Of course, we have a good relationship in the 109th Bureau." Gao Fei said with a smile.

Steve pouted, he really didn't understand what was going on in his partner's mind, while Goofy whistled to After the patrol ended, he drove straight back to the 109 points he was familiar with.

At this time, the branch was calm and peaceful, and everything was the same as before.

Sam and Anna reluctantly took over as Goofy patrolled the streets, while Roger handled the file with a donut in his mouth.

Sheriff Hank was sitting in the office arrogantly on the phone. From his anxious expression, it was impossible to tell whether the call was from the NYPD's superior or his hysterical wife.

Samuel Stern and his evil plans were directly killed in the cradle the day after the Superpower Registration Act was passed, but Goofy knew he couldn't let his guard down. The impact has only just begun.

Samuel Stern may be the biggest trouble, but he won't be the only one.

In order to keep the 109th Precinct and even the whole of New York safe, and to avoid disasters like Samuel Stern and the Extraordinary Alliance, Goofy must be vigilant and pay attention to every bad sign.

. vertex

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