American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 231: rescue tom

Goofy's whispers were clearly transmitted to Tom's ears, which also successfully awakened Tom, who was in a state of syncope. At this time, the poor Inhuman only felt dizzy and confused.

But soon, he remembered that he had been kidnapped, and he was sitting in a car speeding outside New York.

Under the guidance of Goofy, Tom immediately began to implement his own escape plan.

at the same time.

NYPD 109 precinct.

Gao Fei commanded his colleagues in an orderly manner.

"Roger, help me keep an eye on whether there's a spate of bombings in New York, especially several highways that leave New York, they need to be focused."

"Understood!" Roger nodded and immediately went to get the news.

Hank arranged to block several routes that could be reached by car in an hour and 20 minutes starting from Tom's house, and set up checkpoints along the way to carefully search for all passing vehicles.

About ten minutes later, there was news from Roger's side.

Tom did follow Goofy's instructions and made a series of small-scale explosions along the way. Such a dense explosion immediately attracted the attention of the local police.

"We have news! Officer Goofy, there are frequent explosions on Interstate 78, right next to Sunset Park!"

"Nice job." Gao Fei praised, and then ordered, "Contact the local police immediately to block the road exit and check any suspicious vehicles. Remember, the kidnappers are likely to be well-equipped, so be sure to pay attention to safety."

"Understood." Roger agreed and acted immediately.

Goofy stood up and greeted Steve: "Come on, Steve, it's time for us to act."

Goofy and Steve are bound by a criminal situation involving superpowers.

Steve said nothing, picked up his shield and set off with Goofy.

The two went out and got into the car, sounded the siren and drove towards the I-278 highway. When they were halfway there, there was news on the radio that there was a large-scale exchange of fire between the kidnappers and the local police.

Upon hearing the news, Goofy and Steve were very nervous.

Gao Fei, in particular, was worried that the NYPD colleagues at the scene were not the opponents of the kidnappers.

Dare to openly hijack superpowers in New York, and still succeed, it shows how fierce these kidnappers are.

Or maybe it's the action of some infiltrated, riddled organization.

Relatively speaking, the NYPD's police officers are weak, and the weapons in their hands are not very powerful. If they meet a group of well-equipped agents, they are simply cannon fodder.

"I hope they can hold on..." Gao Fei whispered.

Steve also prayed silently: "Guys, hold on."

But no matter how anxious the two of them are, the police car is just a police car after all, and the accelerator can only run out of the speed of the car, not to mention that the road conditions in New York do not allow Goofy to step on the accelerator to the end.

At this time, Gao Fei can't help but envy a wave of superheroes who can fly. Even infantry must be fast enough like the Flash next door.

Time is money, time is life!

How dare you save the world in this slow-moving Ford Taurus!

The fierce battle over there is over, and the superheroes are still blocking the road here...

How embarrassing, how embarrassing!

Originally, Gao Fei and Steve were full of blood, waiting to rush to the scene to turn the tide and beat the murderous kidnappers to save the NYPD colleagues from water and fire.


The road was blocked for two hours, and by the time Gao Fei and Steve arrived on State Highway 78, it was already over.

The scene was a mess, the road was full of car wreckage, several police officers and rescuers were cleaning up the scene, and there were several corpses covered with white cloths that had not been transported away in the distance.

Goofy and Steve ran over nervously, and a police officer at the scene quickly greeted them.

"Officer Goofy, Officer Steve, you... are here at last."

This "finally" is used very well, and Gao Fei's expression is embarrassed.

Before, he always complained about the slow arrival of NYPD's armed support. Today, he finally realized that he can't blame them for this. Considering the terrible road conditions in New York, it is very fortunate to be able to arrive before dark.

"Sorry, there is a traffic jam." Gao Fei said helplessly.

"Knowing I should have come here on a motorcycle." Steve fired an afterthought.

"How's it going? Where's Tom Cooper?" Goofy asked hastily.

The police officer said: "The situation is not bad, Tom Cooper is safe and sound. In fact, thanks to him we were able to defeat the kidnappers today, this kid is very capable..."

Before he finished speaking, a young man in pajamas with a disheveled face and an embarrassed expression came over not far away. There was no doubt that he was Tom Cooper, the victim of this kidnapping.

"Hello, Officer Goofy, thank you for saving me..." Tom Cooper said sincerely.

Gao Fei was ashamed for a while, he didn't feel that he had helped him much.

"Ahem, you saw it too, I'm late, so your gratitude makes me well-deserved." Gao Fei said.

"No, I was knocked down by these kidnappers with a sedative gun, and I was already unconscious in the car. You woke me up in time and asked me to create a series of explosions to attract the attention of the nearby police, which prevented me from being caught by these The kidnappers were taken out of New York... I was rescued thanks to you." Tom said gratefully.

Only then did Goofy know that Tom had been in a stupor.

"In that case you should really thank me." Goofy nodded and admitted without being polite.

"By the way, where is the kidnapper now? Are there any casualties in the police?" Looking at the corpse at the scene, Gao Fei asked quickly.

A look of sadness flashed across the face of the police officer beside him.

"One police officer was killed, two police officers were injured... A total of five kidnappers, one escaped, and the remaining four were shot dead on the spot."

Hearing the news of the police officer's sacrifice, Gao Fei and Steve were also in a low mood. The two walked to the body of the martyr and silently mourned for the police officer's last journey.

Afterwards, Gao Fei saw the whole process of the incident on the dash cam of a car at the scene-NYPD bravely stopped the suspect vehicle and confronted the kidnappers head-on.

The deceased police officer was directly shot and killed by the kidnappers in the process of stopping the kidnapper's The remaining NYPD police officers immediately sought cover and launched a counterattack.

The kidnappers' weapons are obviously superior to the NYPD, which makes it impossible for the NYPD to gain the upper hand in a short period of time.

But fortunately, NYPD has a numerical advantage, and the kidnappers cannot escape at all under the suppression of firepower.

The clever Tom Cooper intervened when the two sides exchanged fire, first used his ability to detonate the ammunition bag on the kidnapper, and then slipped out of the carriage to detonate the fuel tank of the kidnapper's car.

Only one kidnapper in the co-pilot was vigilant enough to rush out of the carriage before the explosion and escaped.

After watching what happened, Goofy and Steve looked at each other, and then involuntarily looked at the inhuman Tom Cooper who was standing not far away.

"Kidnapping a superhuman is really a high-risk job..." Steve sighed sincerely.

"Who said no." Gao Fei shrugged, "If you don't play well, you will shoot yourself in the foot."

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