American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 236: Arrest Doom

Seeing Goofy striding towards him, Victor von Doom knew that he was in a desperate situation!

Once arrested by the NYPD, and then find out his identity as a superpower, let alone the guilt of disobeying the "Superpower Registration Act", the fact of killing the shareholders of the group will be exposed immediately!

When the two charges are superimposed, it will not be difficult to be sentenced to life imprisonment!

Just now Gao Fei also said that he opened a prison specially prepared for superhumans. Could Laozi Nima be the first customer?

Thinking of this, Doom was heartbroken!

no! I have to fight back!

I have to fight back!

I'm fighting with you!

The desperate Doom condensed his body power, and the surrounding electric current surged towards him immediately.

Tom Cooper hurriedly reminded: "Officer Goofy be careful! The energy flow in Mr. Doom suddenly increased... He is about to release energy!"

It's a pity that it's too late to remind him, Doom's speed is fast, he absorbed the electricity in the group building, and then projected this electricity on Gao Fei.


A smell of burnt smell suddenly came, and Gao Fei's whole body was blown up and turned into a dry man.

But just a second later, Goofy changed from his black, thin and horrifying appearance back to his original appearance.

He tidied up the clothes that were scorched by the strong current, barely covered key parts, tidied up his hair, and looked up at Doom, who was not far away.

"Mr. Doom, are you going to… kill me?"

Doom collapsed on the spot.

Forget about it in a hurry.

Everyone in New York knows that Goofy can't die! Maybe I don't know?

But you have driven me to a dead end, what can I do? !

The helpless Doom pondered for a moment, and his eyes suddenly fell on Tom who was beside Gao Fei.

If you can't beat you to fly high, isn't there another person next to you?

I'll maim this kid for your time, and then I'll take the opportunity to escape!

Doom wisely came up with a solution, raised his hand and pointed at Tom.

It's a pity that Tom had already observed his intentions and activated his ability to detonate the mobile phone in his shirt pocket before Doom shot.


The phone battery exploded!

The explosion wasn't enough to hurt Doom, but it gave him a start.


Doom thought he had been shot and jumped to his feet with fright.

Looking down, it turned out that the phone exploded!

And Tom said with a sneer: "Do you still want to bully me? Look down on who! I'm a superpower anyway! I also have superpowers!"

After speaking, the kid detonated the sound on Doom's head again, which made Doom startled again.

At this time, Gao Fei had already shot and rushed towards Doom.

"Go ahead and capture it!"

"Accept the law!"

Of course, Doom couldn't just let it go, so he quickly discharged the electricity and flew high.

Gao Fei's backhand is a punch, dare to discharge Laozi?


When the muffled sound came, Doom was directly smashed into another room next to the conference room, but he was not injured, and the part where he was punched by Gao Fei showed metal skin.

Goofy frowned, what kind of power is this?

In fact, Gao Fei's understanding of Doom's mutated abilities is very limited. After all, he didn't play it very clearly in the movie at the beginning, that is, the skin turns into metal and can absorb energy... that's all.

However, these two abilities are already powerful enough, and Doom's combat effectiveness should not be underestimated.

After absorbing another wave of electricity, Doom turned around and shot a bolt of lightning towards Gao Fei. This time Gao Fei chose to flexibly dodge the attack while chasing Doom.

Doom didn't mean to fight, he stepped on the floor and went directly to the room downstairs to escape. Downstairs in the conference room was the research and development department of Doom Group. At this time, the employees had already left work, and only some expensive instruments were left.

Goofy told Tom to stay where he was, and he set off to chase Doom, who was so much faster than Doom that it would not be a problem to catch him.

Unexpectedly, just after arriving at the R&D department below, Gao Fei suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"Officer Goofy!"

Looking back, I saw Johnny Storm, the bear boy from the Fantastic Four, sitting weakly in a dormant cabin, looking at him helplessly.

"Johnny? Why are you here?" Gao Fei walked over to open the dormant capsule and asked curiously.

Johnny said feebly, "Yeah... Doom... he got me here, damn, this guy got a freeze gun out of nowhere so I couldn't burn it. Then he took it with this **** device. With my abilities, I now... seem to be back to normal."

Before Johnny could finish speaking, Gao Fei caught a glimpse of three sleeping cabins next to him.

Clearly, Doom intends to take down the Fantastic Four in one go.

Goofy ran to several other dormant pods and released Reed Richards and Susan Storm one after another.

Both said that they did not expect Doom to suddenly turn black.

"Damn, I didn't expect him to mutate too!" Susan said regretfully.

Reed frowned and said, "I thought he invited me over to discuss cooperation. Who would have thought that all this was a trap he set!"

Then Reed pointed to the equipment in the laboratory and said: "Victor obviously intends to take away our abilities, and then analyze the mechanism of our mutation. If he can figure out the mechanism, then he can artificially mutate to obtain it. Our powers..."

Susan breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, Officer Goofy arrived in time..."

Johnny suddenly realized something: "Wait, what about Ben?"

Gao Fei hurriedly walked towards the last dormant cabin, where a simple and honest-looking middle-aged man was looking at him helplessly.

"Oh, Ben! Poor Ben! You were caught by Doom too!" Susan said sympathetically, pulling him out.

Unexpectedly, Ben shook his head: "No, Susan, I came here voluntarily."

"What?" Susan was puzzled. "You were arrested by him voluntarily?"

Ben nodded: "Yes, as soon as I heard that he had a device that could restore me to a normal person, I volunteered to come over. After all, I don't want to be an alien... After you mutate, you can keep your original appearance, and it doesn't look that much. Scary, but I can't, I'm a monster after mutating..."

Then Reed suddenly asked, "Wait, Officer Goofy, why are you here?"

Goofy then remembered that Doom was still at large.

"I came to hunt down Doom. He not only concealed his identity as a superpower, but was also involved in a murder case... But now it seems that he has one more crime."

"Where's that Doom?" Susan asked.

Gao Fei shrugged: "He tricked me into here, and then used you guys to hold me I think he had run away when I opened the dormant cabin?"

Johnny looked depressed: "Damn! You can't let this guy run away, right?"

Gao Fei said: "Don't worry, I will never let him run away."

Before he finished speaking, a violent explosion suddenly occurred downstairs of the Doom Group, and at the same time, the store across the street also burst into action.

"It's Doom..." Ben frowned. "This guy is going to create chaos in Manhattan and get out."

"We have to stop him, Reed." Susan grabbed Reed's arm.

Reed nodded, then took a closer look at Doom's instrument.

"Friends, now Doom is destroying everywhere, and it's not enough to just rely on Sergeant Goofy to stop him... I think I have a way to restore your powers, and only together we can stop him..."

"But the question is, are you still willing to accept mutation?"

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