Gao Fei's agility was far beyond that of ordinary people, and he arrived at Carrie's hiding place in three steps and two steps. At this time, the light of the Rubik's Cube in the universe had illuminated most of the sky, and the surrounding wind was raging.

Frank was hiding in the car, but the thin car was almost overturned by the strong wind, and in the middle of the strong wind, Carrie was sitting on the ground holding the cosmic cube, consuming the energy in it intoxicated.

It looked like the little girl was very happy, with a smile in her eyes and the corners of her mouth raised.

Seeing that Carrie was finally willing to eat, Goofy, the father, was very relieved.

In fact, he had been working on the idea of ​​the Cosmic Cube for a long time, and even if Carrie was not picky about Goofy tonight, she was going to let her swallow the Cosmic Cube.

The main reason is that S.H.I.E.L.D.'s decision-making risk is too great, and it has rashly studied it without understanding the universe Rubik's Cube at all.

If it wasn't for SHIELD's poor custody of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, then Loki would not have stolen the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to open the wormhole, and if there was no Cosmic Rubik's Cube to open the wormhole, the Chitarians would naturally have no way to invade New York.

Of course, S.H.I.E.L.D. had made more than one bad decision, and Gao Fei didn't bother to criticize them again.

What's more important is Thanos' carefully crafted Infinity Gloves.

Collect all six Infinity Stones, and wipe out half the universe with one snap of your fingers...

Goofy really doesn't understand what's the use of keeping weapons of mass destruction like this indiscriminate attack? Just thinking about it makes me shudder!

For the sake of the balance of the universe, please go and engage in family planning! It's really chilling to have to use this cruel method to make the entire universe smashed.

So Goofy had a bold idea - wouldn't it be enough to destroy one of the rough stones before Thanos collected them?

Anyway, so far there is no evidence to prove that the infinite rough stone is an indispensable resource in this universe. Does the earth still revolve around the sun without a rough stone? If that's the case, why don't you give Carrie the Infinity Stone to fill her stomach...

As long as Carrie devours the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, the Qitarians will not be able to come to New York, and Thanos will not be able to snap his fingers, solve the problem once and for all, and the earth will be peaceful.

Just think about it and be happy!

Goofy cheered Carrie on as he imagined his grand plan.

"Carrie, come on! Carrie, come on!"

Carrie glanced back at her father Er Que, with a blank expression on her face - I'm just having a late night snack, what's there to cheer on?

Seeing that the light of the universe cube was getting dimmer, Carrie's expression became more and more satisfied. After about two minutes, Carrie stopped swallowing.

To Gao Fei's disappointment, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube was not completely swallowed up by Carrie, but the brightness was reduced a lot - if the Cosmic Rubik's Cube at the beginning was likened to a 100w light bulb, then its brightness is now only 60w at most. .

"Is this... it's over?" Goofy asked in a low voice, looking at Carrie who was burping.

Carrie nodded, patted her stomach and said, "I'm so full... I've never eaten so full..."

Gao Fei was unwilling: "Girl, why don't you eat more?"

As he said that, he also pushed the Universe Rubik's Cube towards Carrie.

Carrie hurriedly shook her head: "Father Goofy, do you want to kill me? Although this luminous square box is delicious, you can't eat it all in one bite..."

Gao Fei was still not reconciled: "Carrie, Dad asks you a question - can you eat all this square box if you try your best to eat it?"

Carrie looked puzzled. "Why should I eat it all up? Is it about to expire?"

"That's not..." Gao Fei said, "It's just that Dad will return it later, and you won't have a chance to eat it again."

Stealing the Cosmic Rubik's Cube from S.H.I.E.L.D. is not a long-term solution, and it will definitely reveal flaws over time, so Carrie has only this chance to devour the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

Hearing Gao Fei's explanation, Carrie thought about it carefully, stretched out her little hand and touched the Rubik's Cube, forcibly arousing her appetite, but before she could open her mouth, a full hiccup dispelled her thoughts...

"No, Dad, I really can't eat it."

Carrie said desperately.

She found that the energy she devoured just now was extremely sturdy and difficult to digest.

"It seems that this is the only way..." Gao Fei shook his head helplessly, everything was destiny.

In her childhood, Carrie did not have the ability to completely devour the Rubik's Cube of the Universe, and her appetite still needed to increase. Maybe her father and uncle swallowed the entire Infinity Stone when she was there. Of course, this is just a speculation.

"Frank, Frank!"

Goofy patted the door and pulled Frank out, who was hiding inside.

"Send Carrie home and let her go to bed early after washing up."

"Understood." Frank said with a smile, "By the way, today's reward..."

"I'll pay it to you tomorrow, you guy who gets into the money!" Gao Fei said angrily, "When did I owe you your salary?"

"Hehe..." Frank laughed wickedly and beckoned to Carrie, "Come on, Carrie, go home with Grandpa Frank!"

The well-fed Carrie was in a good mood and waved goodbye to Goofy.

"Bye bye Dad Goofy! Don't go home too late!"

Gao Fei nodded with a smile, then picked up the Cosmic Rubik's Cube and walked to the SHIELD base.

Hawkeye and the others had already rushed over, and they happened to meet Gao Fei on the way.

S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were overjoyed to see the Cosmic Rubik's Cube in Gao Fei's arms.

"It's the Cosmic Cube! Officer Goofy, you got it back?"

Gao Fei put on a look of exhaustion, nodded and said, "Yeah, after a thrilling fight with the gangster, I survived several times... But in the end, I finally lived up to the expectations and got back this precious cosmic Rubik's Cube!"

Hawkeye looked suspicious. In just a few minutes, could Gao Fei have had an earth-shattering battle with the gangsters? Besides, I didn't hear any fighting just now!

"Officer Gao Fei, what about the gangster? What about the gangster who stole the universe cube?" Hawkeye asked vigilantly.

"The gangster was driven away by me a long time ago! When he saw me, he was terrified. Yes..." Gao Fei said.

"No..." Hawkeye frowned, "Officer Gao Fei, didn't you just say that you had a thrilling fight with the gangster?"

"Cough cough! Fighting is indeed thrilling, Hawkeye agent, every fight is thrilling, you can't deny this because the enemy's mentality collapses!" Gao Fei quibble, and then handed the universe cube to Hawkeye.

"Here! Take the Universe Rubik's Cube and go back to make a deal!"

Hawkeye quickly and obediently took over the universe Rubik's Cube, and then looked down.

and many more!

How did the brightness of this cosmic cube dimmed by several levels!

It used to be a 100w light bulb!

It is now 60w!

"Officer Gao Fei, there is something wrong with this Cosmic Rubik's Cube!" Hawkeye said solemnly, "The previous Cosmic Rubik's Cube is much brighter than this one, isn't it fake?"

"It must be true, how could it be false? As for the brightness issue... Maybe it's about to run out of power." Gao Fei said.

"No... No electricity?!" Hawkeye is about to flip the table, the Nima alien energy source is still dead, are you lying to a fool?

" Officer Gao Fei, this Cosmic Rubik's Cube is different from our previous Cosmic Rubik's Cube. I seriously doubt it is a fake." Hawkeye said seriously.

Gao Fei looked impatient: "It has nothing to do with me whether this Cosmic Rubik's Cube is a fake! I don't care whether it is a fake or not, it would be good to find one for you! Okay, I think it's getting late, you guys A few thanks, it's time for me to go home and sleep..."

Hawkeye urinated on the spot.

Thank you...thank you?

Just because you brought us back a fake?

Hawkeye resisted the urge to speak foul language, and reluctantly nodded to Gao Fei: "Thank you, Officer Gao Fei for your help..."

Goofy nodded slowly: "Well, this is what you should thank, good night, my S.H.I.E.L.D. guys."

After speaking, the guy turned and walked towards his broken Audi, leaving only the eagle-eyed agent holding the universe cube in the wind...

. vertex

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