American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 267: I am not weak!

The awakened eagle eye looked at the world in front of him in surprise, he felt as if he had a dream.

He vaguely remembered what had just happened - he had somehow become Loki's mercenary, and he even shot and killed several S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

"Damn... I was bewitched by this alien..."

Hawkeye quickly reacted, thinking in his heart.

"He doesn't seem to realize that I'm back to normal, I have to take the opportunity to kill him!"

Loki really didn't notice anything unusual about Hawkeye, and he was still waving his scepter and talking nonsense.

"Freedom is the biggest lie. Blind pursuit of freedom will only make you live in darkness for the rest of your life. Earthlings, only by surrendering to my feet will I lead you to see the meaning of life..."

Just when the key part of Loki's speech was delivered, Hawkeye suddenly took out a dagger from his waist, stabbed it with his backhand, and stabbed Loki in the ribs.

With a "ping" sound, the dagger seemed to be stabbed on a hard rock!

Loki's body is quite sturdy, far from being able to penetrate through the strength of ordinary daggers and eagle eyes.

"What's going on? You actually betrayed the consciousness of God?" Loki grabbed Hawkeye's neck angrily and lifted him from the ground.

Hawkeye desperately tried to resist, but his strength was far from Loki's.

"Hmph... Be grateful, mortal, for being a benevolent god. I'll give you one more chance to drive for me again..."

Having said that, Loki raised his scepter and pointed at Hawkeye's chest, the soul stone cast a faint light, Hawkeye's pupils gradually changed color, and he became Loki's puppet again.

Loki sneered: "Very good, just be obedient, boy..."

However, before the words fell, Gao Fei began to interfere again.

"Wake up, Hawkeye, wake up!"

"Don't be fooled by the bad guys!"

Hawkeye, who was just controlled by Loki, took a deep breath: "Huh..."

He opened his eyes and immediately started to resist, wielding a dagger and stabbing Loki in the face.

"Damn it!" Loki was simply depressed, "Is this scepter not working?"

The scepter poked Hawkeye's chest, and Hawkeye was bewitched again.

Gao Fei did not agree, and continued to whisper: "Wake up, Hawkeye, wake up!"

So Hawkeye took a deep breath and woke up again.


"Alien, I fought with you!"

Loki was dumbfounded, what's going on?

This scepter used to be very useful before, and it could turn the earthlings into puppets with a single poke, but why doesn't it work now?


Loki is not reconciled!

try again!

The scepter poked Hawkeye's chest, and Hawkeye was honest again.

At the same time, Loki also learned to be smart this time, and carefully observed the changes around him. He had already guessed that someone must be doing something, otherwise it would be impossible for him to break free from the control of the original soul stone by himself.

as predicted!

Pricked up his ears and listened, the undead monster standing not far away was whispering.

"Hawkeye, wake up! Wake up, Hawkeye!"

"Don't be controlled by the bad guys, don't let the bad guys succeed!"

Loki was anxious on the spot, and pointed his finger at Goofy.

"It's you!"

Gao Fei didn't hide it, and admitted frankly: "It's really me."

Loki was furious: "You dare to spoil my good deeds!"

Gao Fei spread his hands: "No way, this is my job."

In the process of talking, Hawkeye woke up again, and Loki took the scepter and slammed it down at his chest.

So Hawkeye was bewitched again, and Goofy's whisper sounded in his ear immediately.

Repeated this several times...

In the end, Hawkeye was about to collapse.

"What the **** is going on with you? If you two want to fight, fight by yourself, what's the matter with taking my anger out?!"

When Loki heard this, it was indeed the truth.

My dignified gods and mortals do it, and I don't have to force a soldier.

Thinking of this, Loki jumped up into the air with a scepter and swooped towards Gao Fei.

"I want to see if you are really immortal!"

Seeing that Loki showed amazing bouncing power, the onlookers cooperated and let out a not too surprised shout. To be honest, this level of bouncing power was not enough to shock the onlookers. These shouts were completely In order to take care of the face of alien friends and add to the atmosphere.

And when Loki rushed to Goofy, Goofy's comrades didn't even tell Goofy to "be careful", which fully demonstrated the fact that everyone didn't put the **** from Asgard in the eyes.

Loki recognized this cruel fact halfway through his pounce, which was so humiliating!

No, I have to earn face today!

It's a pity that Goofy has already taken action before Loki can show his strength - his current agility and strength have not only far surpassed that of the earthlings, but even surpassed the ice giant Loki who grew up in Asgard.

Loki, who flew into the air, was about to shoot Goofy fiercely, but he found that Goofy was gone!

Suddenly disappeared!

Simply evaporated!

The next second, Loki only felt a strong wind in his ears.


There was a muffled sound, followed by excruciating pain.

Loki was directly hit by Goofy's fast punch and fell to the side of the road.

The poor "god" rolled around on the ground several times, making himself disgraced, and the onlookers burst into laughter, mocking the **** from the realm of the gods without hesitation.

Susan folded her arms and shook her head: "Is this alien invader too weak?"

Reed deeply agreed: "It's still stronger than the ebony throat of the past few days."

"Yeah, the visual effect is better when the ebony throat is doing tricks..." Johnny nodded and said, "When the ebony throat casts the spell, it can pump out the water in the entire lake, and can directly lift up a whole piece of lawn... But this guy in front of him What will it change? It will only change clothes for myself..."

Loki, who fell to the ground, was so angry that his face turned green, struggling and shouting: "Don't look down on people!"

Laozi, the dignified **** of tricks, was actually called a weak chicken by you!

Lao Tzu is not a weak chicken!

I'm Loki!

"I want..." Loki said in a deep voice, but unfortunately he only said the first two words.

Goofy didn't give him a chance to breathe, rushed over and grabbed his ankle - the Hulk's trick he also wanted to try, after all, it looked like a lot of fun.


Loki only felt that his body was light and he had been picked up by Gao Fei.

Immediately after, Goofy swung left and right, and picked up the weak chicken... Loki smashed to the ground.




The whole person Loki was smashed was blurred, and his head was buzzing.

However, seeing this scene, the crowd began to look at Loki with admiration.

Loki's strength has finally been recognized!

"This alien... is very resistant to beating!"

"It seems that they are really aliens, people on earth are not so skinny..."

"It's all been used as a hammer, and the road has been smashed. How can people be okay? This guy has two strokes!"

"It seems that we underestimated him..."

Loki, who was almost knocked unconscious by Gao Fei, overheard the comments of passers-by, and for a while he didn't know whether he was sad or happy.

Unexpectedly, in the end, it was my ability to fight that made people on earth stand out! !

But even so, Loki still wants to prove that he is not a weak chicken!

Although I can't beat this Earth policeman in a head-to-head fight, my dignified **** of tricks has other abilities!

While Goofy wasn't paying attention, Loki used his own tricks.

Go out directly, and then stealthily go around behind Gao Fei.

"Stupid earthlings, I stab you to death!"

Loki stretched out his sneak attack on Goofy's key from behind!

But before he shot, Loki realized a problem - this Earth policeman may really be immortal, and this stab may not kill him. Instead, it is better to turn him into his own puppet.

So Loki quietly walked around to Goofy, ready to insert the scepter of the original stone into Goofy's chest.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Reed, who was standing by the side, made a reminder.

"Goofy, this guy split into two different energies a few seconds ago, now all you see is a very weak energy, the real energy is flowing where you are..."

Gao Fei heard the words and smiled.

Loki, Loki.

You have tricks, I have black technology.

"come out!"

Goofy kicked forward fiercely, Loki screamed and threw himself on the street...

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