American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 278: Thor vs Hulk

The strength of the Hulk did not arouse Thor's fear, but aroused his fighting spirit.

Thor is like a combative rooster, the more powerful opponents he encounters, the more his blood will grow stronger.

"Come on, big man, come on!"

Thor waved Mjolnir in his hand and let the hammer drive his body towards the Hulk.


The huge hammer hit the Hulk's chin, and the Hulk fell on his back.


The big man roared angrily, but didn't admit it.

Under the influence of the original soul stone, the Hulk is full of anger and needs to vent. In addition, after being beaten by Carrie last time, the Hulk is suffocated and is about to release it.


The Hulk's vocabulary is limited, and he can only jump out one word at a time, but this word is enough to explain his intention. He really only has one "smash" in his mind now.

Thor hurriedly dodged, using actual actions to prove that Dangtang Hammer was not only a strength hero, but also very good in agility attributes, but the Hulk also wanted to prove this, and immediately chased after Thor after dodging.

Facts have proved that the agility attributes of the two brothers are not very different. Whoever is faster and who is slower depends on luck, so after Thor just landed, the Hulk's fist followed.


Thor's body flew out again, knocking over a newsstand not far away.

Fortunately, the owner of the newsstand had foresight, not the kind of iron-headed masses who "watched for a while, and the crematorium tomorrow".

Thor rolled in a pile of messy newspapers and magazines. Just as he was about to struggle to get up, he saw a copy of this month's Playboy on his face.


While Thor was digging into the similarities and differences between the anatomy of Earth women and Asgardian women, the Hulk fell from the sky again.


Big is still a word, if you don't say anything, it's smashing!

Thor was a little bit irritated, he stretched out his hand and made a move in the air, and the Thor's Hammer, which fell from a distance, roared and hit the Hulk directly on the back of the head.


This time, it was the Hulk's turn to fly upside down, and his head was almost beaten and deformed.

Thor stood up proudly from the ground and carefully put away this issue of Playboy.

But the Hulk was not defeated, and Thor's attack was still within his body's tolerance.


The big man gasped and turned over, and threw himself at Thor again.

Thor smiled calmly, turned around and tricked the Hulk with a fake move, and then hit the backhand with another hammer.

In terms of strength, the Hulk may be slightly better, but in terms of fighting skills, Thor is absolutely crushing.

Boooom! !

The Hulk was knocked to the ground by the hammer, and the road immediately shattered!

Before he could get up again, Thor placed Thor's hammer directly on his belly.

The Hulk struggled desperately and couldn't get rid of the shackles of Thor's Hammer.

"Give it up, big man, you can't lift Mjolnir's." Thor said mockingly, the Hulk in front of him obviously didn't have the two brushes of Goofy's daughter.

But even though the Hulk can't lift the Quake, he has other ways to break free - the Hulk's violent struggle causes the road to shatter and the foundation sinks, and in this way the Hulk and Quake will fall at the same time, so that There was a gap between the Hulk and the road, and Thor's Hammer couldn't hold him down.

Although the Hulk is immature, it does not mean that he is a fool. In fact, this guy is very clever and immediately discovered the bug.


The big man turned down happily, and dug out the ground with his backhand to make an escape route for himself. Thor didn't expect the Hulk to have this hand, so he was dumbfounded on the spot.

"You're smart..."

Before he could finish his sentence, the Hulk had already drilled out from under his feet.


Thor was hit again, his body flew to the vehicle in the distance, and there was a loud bang. Seven or eight private cars were overturned by Thor on the spot. Fortunately, the passengers in the cars had already left, and there were no casualties in this collision...


at the same time.

Sirens sounded in the distance.

A police car was approaching from Manhattan, with "SuperPatrol" emblazoned on the side.

Seeing the appearance of this extraordinary NYPD police car, the citizens cheered one after another, and before Gao Fei in the police car appeared, he had already gained a lot of adoration.

"Looks like there are quite a few citizens around..." Gao Fei chuckled and had a headache.

The secret joy must be because of the large amount of Worship Points - everyone gathers firewood and the flames are high. The more citizens, the more Worship Points. Gao Fei hasn't gotten off the bus yet, and the Worship Points have already collected more than 300. Great?

The headache is worrying about the harm to the citizens. The destructive power of the Hulk is very terrifying. There will definitely be accidental injuries in the process of subduing him.

Before the police car approached the Hulk, there was a violent collision sound in front of him, and there was also billowing smoke and dust coming from the companion. It looked like a demolition team was working.

"What's the situation? The Hulk was torn down as soon as he entered New York? This guy is a bit arrogant..." Goofy said depressedly.

"Boss, I'll go out and check the situation."

Johnny volunteered himself, pushed the door and went out and soared into the sky. After this guy went to the sky, he not only wanted to stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun, but also deliberately made a 360° turn in the air. The citizens cheered and applauded, and this was exactly what Johnny expected.

Flying high for a while, he said in his heart: If you give Johnny my system to you, the Marvel Universe will be up to you tomorrow.

Two minutes later, Johnny flew back and reported the situation to Gao Fei on the ground.

"Boss, Thor is also here. He has a fight with the Hulk. It seems to be a half-five."

Steve was stunned when he heard the words, Huh? What did you say? who is hitting me?

Gao Fei frowned and said, "Oops, these two guys are evenly matched, and it is the public property nearby that suffers from the fight! Let's go quickly!"

Johnny didn't forget to flatter his boss: "Boss Gao Jian, take the position where the two fought as the center, and radiate to the surrounding area for one kilometer - the place has become a ruin, and it looks like it was bombed by a missile."


The last thing Gao Fei wanted to see was this kind of scene, where gods fight and mortals suffer.

"Action, action, we have to stop them!"

Johnny immediately became excited: "Look at me! I'll burn them!"

Gao Fei, hurry up and Don't be impulsive, this is the urban area...they have already smashed the city building to smash it, you're going to set it on fire? Do you think we New York taxpayers can't end their tax bills? "

"The boss means..." Johnny became very smart after working for a while, and he would see the wind and steer in front of the leader.

Gao Fei coughed and translated "Sun Tzu's Art of War" into Ingrid with his excellent language skills: "That's why a hundred battles are won in a hundred battles. Those who are not good are not good ones. Those who do not fight will subdue the soldiers of others, and those who are good are good ones."

Just as Johnny was about to make an embarrassing blast of "Bad Boss Gao Jian", he was surprised to find that he didn't understand what Gao Fei said at all.

In desperation, he had no choice but to turn to Steve, who was a little more literate than himself. Unfortunately, Steve was also confused and spread his hands towards Johnny.

I didn't understand what Gao Fei said.

Just follow his instructions.

. vertex

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