American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 615: The Lost Book of Darkness

Looking at the open safe deep in the room, Leopold Fitz's pupils kept shrinking, he felt more cold sweat on his back, and even got his shirt wet.

"You, you have already taken away the Book of the Dark God?"

Fitz asked tremblingly,

"You guessed the **** book was in my safe, didn't you?"

Gao Fei heard the sound and walked to the corridor, glanced at the open safe and said, "The Book of Darkness is in the safe? It seems that my speculation is correct..."

"But unfortunately, Agent Fitz, the safe was opened when we first arrived, and there was nothing in it, and there was no "Dark God Book" at all."

"What?!" Fitz clenched his fists instantly, tremblingly said, "It can't be! It shouldn't! What's going on?"

Maria Hill said solemnly: "Fitz, if you are playing tricks with us, I think you are too unwise."

Ghost Rider Robbie Reyes waved the chain in his hand.

"Don't let me interrogate you myself, boy, I promise you'll regret it!"

Seeing these people standing in front of him fiercely, Fitz was about to urinate.

His legs were trembling constantly, and his whole body was highly nervous.

"I didn't! I didn't! I didn't!"

"I didn't play tricks with you! God can testify! How dare I have such courage!"

"The Book of Darkness is in this safe, I swear in the name of God! But someone must have been after I fell asleep... wait! I got it! It's Ada!"

"It's Ada! She put sedatives in my wine! She opened the safe! She took the Book of Darkness!"

"Oh! God! It's her!"

Everyone was confused by Fitz's words that didn't match up. Agent Hill frowned and asked, "What Ada? Who is Ada? Fitz, I advise you to be honest, otherwise we will not will be polite."

"I know, I know..." Fitz hugged his head in a broken voice and whispered, "I'll tell you the whole process now, I'll say it now..."

Gao Fei was willing to believe Fitz, nodded and said: "Okay, then listen to Fitz's statement first... Anyway, from the traces on the scene, it has been some time since the "Book of Darkness" was taken away. It's too late for us to investigate now, so let's listen to the whole story first."

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Neither Agent Hill nor Ghost Rider had any opinion, and Steve nodded.

Fitz looked up at Goofy and said gratefully, "Thank you, Officer Goofy."

Gao Fei said seriously: "I gave you this opportunity because I am willing to trust you, don't let me down."

"Of course." Fitz nodded quickly, "I must tell the truth..."

Then Fitz began his narration.

"Everything starts when I get the Book of the Dark God..."

"That was a dream I had a few months ago, uh, although this content sounds like nonsense, I swear it's real..."

"A few months ago, I found an unnumbered document in the S.H.I.E.L.D. data room in a dream at night. The content recorded in this document is very confidential. The introduction above says 'the key to saving the world'..."

"When I woke up the next day, I didn't know if I was fascinated by ghosts, but I actually went to the S.H.I.E.L.D. data room to find this information according to the process in my dream yesterday..."

"Guess what happened later?!" - Fitz asked excitedly when he talked about it, his eyes flashing with excitement.

Steve was quite cheering, shrugged and said, "Did you really find this unnumbered document?"

"Yes! That's right! It's true!" Fitz said excitedly, "I really found this unnumbered material! And its introduction is 'the key to saving the world'!"

Hearing this, Agent Hill squinted his eyes and asked, "Wait... If my guess is correct, this information should be the Book of the Dark God, right?"

"Yes! Yes!" Fitz nodded. "It's so weird, but this material is the Book of Darkness, and I know no one will believe this story even if I tell it, but it's The Darkness. Divine Book!!"

Fitz was right. Many people at the scene did not believe his description.

Steve pouted at his words, and Agent Hill sneered.

Goofy was noncommittal, but Ghost Rider was a little bit convinced.

At this time Goofy asked, "So, Fitz, what form is the Book of Darkness? What kind of book is it?"

"Well...that's the magic of it, it's a wordless book," Fitz said.

"Wordless book?" Hill frowned. "How can a wordless book be called a book? Is it a notebook or a sketchbook at most?"

Fitz said: "No, the Book of the Dark God is wordless at first glance, but when you read it carefully and comprehend it, its pages will show handwriting..."

Gao Fei is clear about this He knows that the content of the "Dark God Book" will change according to the needs of the readers. What's even more amazing is that the content of the "Dark God Book" will change according to the reader's needs. the native language situation is displayed.

For example - when Fitz read the book, it was displayed in English.

And if Natasha came to read it, it would probably display Russian.

"Okay..." At this time, Steve nodded perfunctorily, and then asked again, "What is this book all about? Some magical spells and magic?"

"Uh..." Fitz scratched the back of his head and said, "It's a bit strange to say it. During the time I was reading, the Book of the Dark God showed the structure and operation laws of some microscopic substances."

"What?" Everyone was shocked.

A mysticism book from another dimension actually shows some popular science content? The structure and operation law of microscopic matter?

What the **** is this?

"It's a bit… not like a magic book, is it?" Steve asked.

Fitz speculated and said: "It's very strange to say, I was studying quantum mechanics at that time, and the content displayed in "The Book of Darkness" fits very well with the subject of quantum mechanics I study, and it's just specifically answering me The problem…"

Agent Hill frowned: "So, "Dark God Book" should be renamed "Encyclopedia of Knowledge"?"

Gao Fei asked: "What about later? Since "Dark God Book" is so easy to use, then you should have learned a lot."

"No...On the contrary." Fitz said depressedly at this time, "After I read the book of the dark gods, I suddenly felt as if my brain was hollowed out... The knowledge and information it poured into my brain in an instant was too much. Too much, I'm about to... explode!"

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