American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 657: Inspect the battleship

The original purpose of Gao Fei coming to find Tony Stark was very clear. He only came for the method of dealing with high-dimensional creatures in the Kree database. As a result, Tony had to take him to reminisce about the old times. The two of them talked about the old times for more than two hours. .

"So in the end, before the last Master Gu Yi died, he left the unruly newbie named Strange to you, and now you have become his master?"

After listening to Goofy's series of narratives, Tony Stark asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Uh... In fact, I can't be regarded as his master at all, but as his mentor." Gao Fei said, "We are both teachers and friends. He asked me for advice, and I gave him guidance, that's all. That's it."

"Oh, okay." Tony nodded lightly, and then asked, "So is it understandable that you are going to the magic side now? You will start to study magic in the next period of time, from a close-to-hand combat fighter. A superhero-like superhero evolved into a mage-like superhero with a skill stream?"

Gao Fei shook his head: "Whoever says sorcerer can't melee combat, your stereotype of sorcerer is too deep. In addition, I'm not planning to change careers as a sorcerer, I just want to learn more skills."

"Well... that makes sense." Tony nodded in approval, and then began to worry about the high-dimensional creature that Goofy was talking about.

"That Trojan horse..."

"It's Dormammu, his name is Dormammu, not Dormammu," Goofy corrected.

"Oh, well, Dormammu." Tony shrugged helplessly, "When will Dormammu invade Earth, it sounds like he's very troublesome."

"Yes, he is a high-dimensional creature, and his abilities are completely beyond our cognition. It can be said that his appearance is more like a natural disaster, or an invasion of bad luck, rather than a simple invasion of other species. , dealing with him will be the biggest challenge ever."

"After Casillas learns to make a dark pact, Dormammu will invade Earth."

Goofy explained.

"Well... Anyway, this guy is just scary... So what do I need to do? Have you mastered the way to deal with Dormammu?" Tony asked worriedly.

"Not yet... No." Goofy was a little embarrassed, "Actually, I came to you this time to deal with Dormammu. When I was browsing the Cree database before, I found out that the Cree is related to Dormammu. High-dimensional creatures have dealt with it, and it seemed to be very unpleasant at the time..."

"Since this communication is unpleasant, it means that there must be friction between the Cree people and the high-dimensional creatures, and now the Cree people are still living in this universe unharmed, indicating that they must have a way to deal with the high-dimensional creatures, Is not it?"

Tony was relieved when he heard Gao Fei's analysis.

"You're right. There should be a way to deal with high-flying creatures in the Kree database. I'll find it for you in a while."

"Okay." Gao Fei smiled and nodded.

And when he was sure that Goofy had a way to deal with Dormammu, Tony wasn't so nervous. He patted Goofy's arm, pointed to the huge factory building not far away, and said, "By the way, let go of dealing with high-dimensional creatures first. , would you like to visit our battleship?"

Only now did Goofy remember Tony Stark's work during this period of time. He was building a self-defense "steel armor" for the earth. Speaking of which, Tony has been working for nearly three months. During this time, he must have A lot of progress.

"Come on, let's go and see."

Goofy stood up and walked towards the workshop under Tony's lead.

Going up the stairs along the side of the factory building, Goofy and Tony were able to overlook the semi-finished product of the huge battleship in front of them—the current Cosmos-class battleship has just emerged, and she looks like a clock-like disc.

"Is she round? Like a flying saucer?" Goofy asked curiously.

"Uh... To be precise, it's just that her frame is round, and her final shape will change in the later builds. What we see now is just her bones..."

Tony said, while mobilizing the intelligent system to show the design of this space-class warship,

"What we are seeing now is the base of this battleship. Her power is mainly provided by this part, but the main hull has not yet been built. This part will be distributed on the upper and lower sides of the base in a symmetrical cone in the future. ."

Goofy took a close look at Tony Stark's blueprint, and then got a rough idea of ​​the shape of the battleship.

"It looks like a huge spinning top..." Goofy said vividly, "Our Cosmos-class battleship is a large spinning top!"

"Shut up!" Tony Stark instantly screamed like a cat whose tail was stomped on, "Don't say that about my battleship! The name 'Top' is too ugly, although I admit that it does look a bit like , but for God's sake, please don't talk about it!"

"I have simulated many shapes, some of which are very powerful and domineering, such as the Razor-shaped battleship of the dark elves, or the half-moon-shaped battleship of the Cree 'Dark Star' style... But believe me, there is no such thing as a This shape can be better than this... uh...cough...gyro type, I guarantee it by my character!"

"I am also a face control. I have very strict requirements on the appearance of the battleship, but in front of performance, the appearance can only be considered for a while."

It can be seen that this gyro-type warship really troubled Tony very much, which simply made him brooding.

And Gao Fei actually doesn't care what the battleship looks like. After all, this battleship was built to fight alien invaders, not to participate in interstellar beauty pageants.

"Okay, Tony, I know your I don't mean to dislike this battleship. In fact, I think the gyro-type space battleship has a sense of design and a refreshing look. "Goofy reassured.

"Really? Are you sure you're not talking politely?" Tony asked, squinting. "Gyro-type battleships... have a sense of design?"

"Of course." Gao Fei nodded and said, "This look is very cool, isn't it?"

However, Tony disagreed with Goofy's comfort.

"Oh, Gao Fei, you really have no aesthetics..."

Gao Fei couldn't help rolling his eyes - you white-eyed wolf, I kindly comforted you, but you still complained about my aesthetics.

But fortunately, the earth's cosmos-class battleship finally took shape under Tony's supervision. Presumably in the near future, the earth's own cosmos-class battleship can be officially launched!

At that time, the earth will no longer be a backward planet that will only be passively beaten, but will occupy its own place in the mighty interstellar era!

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