American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 670: Alzheimer's Odin

Odin's symptoms, Gao Fei, are actually all too familiar. This is a typical Alzheimer's disease.

This is a very common disease among the elderly. Most of the onset people are 65 years old and above. Before Goofy Crossing, many elders in the real world suffered from this disease. Their clinical manifestations are similar to those of Odin. The symptoms are very similar now.

"It turns out that the Asgardians, the gods who guard the Nine Realms, will inevitably suffer from the same disease in their old age..."

At this time, Loki sighed melancholy: "Alas... Odin's situation has been getting worse and worse recently. He may only have a few hours a week to be normal..."

"It is obvious that he can no longer continue to serve as his guardian of the Nine Realms, and it is even more impossible to continue to rule Asgard. As for sending him to Earth for retirement, there is no way I can do it, Goofy, please understand."

However, after hearing this, Gao Fei resolutely shook his head and said, "I don't understand."

"Loki, you Asgardians, especially your king of Asgard, why don't you recuperate in your own territory when you are old, but instead send them to our earth's nursing home?"

"You should know that although Odin's spirit has declined now, his body has not declined excessively. As the former No. 1 combat power in the Nine Realms, Odin is extremely destructive, right?"

"Now Odin is troubled by Alzheimer's disease, and his mood is unstable and easy to collapse. If he loses his temper in the nursing home, how can other elderly people and the staff of the nursing home withstand his divine wrath? ?"

"Uh..." After listening to Goofy's question quietly, Loki said it was difficult to refute, "Goofy, the question you raised is indeed very realistic, and to be honest, we in Asgard are not without nursing homes... "

"Actually, this was what I thought at the beginning, arranging Odin to live in a nursing home in Asgard, anyway, no matter from any point of view, I have no reason to send Odin to Earth, right? "

Gao Fei nodded and said, "There's really no reason for this, so I'm wondering why you do this."

Loki shrugged helplessly and said aggrievedly: "Oh, Goofy, you should know me well, since the last time you were caught in Ravencraft Prison, I never want to come to Earth again. Now, especially New York..."

"Even though you have pardoned my sentence, I really don't want to go back to this place, especially New York, where I... er... To be honest, I already have a psychological shadow on this place..."

"So please believe me, under normal circumstances I would never take the initiative to come back."

Goofy knew Loki wasn't lying, he nodded in approval, "I trust you."

At this time, Loki glanced at Odin and shook his head: "Odin ordered me to send him to Earth, and he also clearly stated that he would be sent to New York."

"What? Odin himself is coming to New York?" Goofy asked in surprise, "But...why?"

"Yeah, why?" Loki said with a helpless smile, "I was also very entangled in this question at the time and wanted to ask for a reason, but you also know... This old guy's mental state is very unstable, sometimes clear and sometimes confused, So until now I haven't asked why."

"Of course, it's also possible that this guy didn't want to tell me and pretended to be confused with me." Loki sighed.

Goofy doesn't look like Loki is lying, and he doesn't think it's necessary for Loki to lie.

But Loki's nature is cunning, and lying is an integral part of his character.

"I didn't expect that the dignified **** of tricks would be played around at times." Gao Fei teased.

Loki responded helplessly: "No way, he is my father after all."

Goofy smiled, glanced at Odin, who was still admiring the scenery, and shook his head in embarrassment: "Loki, although this is Odin's own idea, I think it's too dangerous to keep him on Earth. Spirit Malfunctioning Odin is a ticking time bomb, I think..."

"Oh, Goofy, please! I know you are a good person, please don't abandon this old man!" Loki pleaded, "For the sake of his silent guarding of the Nine Realms for so long, accept him!"

"But his loss of control may cause a huge disaster..." Goofy said.

Just as he was talking, the staff of the nursing home had already come out with the relevant documents.

"Hello this gentleman, we are ready to check in your father..."

Before she finished speaking, the staff of the nursing home saw Gao Fei, and then she became excited and excited: "God! Isn't this police officer Gao, Gao, and Gao Fei? Why did you suddenly come to our nursing home?"

Before Goofy could speak, Loki hurriedly stood up and said, "That's right, Mr. Goofy is a friend of my father and I. He came to take care of him specially to ensure that your nursing home can properly receive my father."

Goofy hurriedly glared at Loki and clarified, "I'm not! I don't! Don't talk nonsense!"

However, the staff of the nursing home misunderstood Gao Fei's meaning and thought that Gao Fei was just deliberately concealing his identity and did not want to cause too much pressure on the nursing home.

The staff hurriedly smiled and said to Gao Fei: "It's okay, Officer Gao Fei, we will definitely handle this old gentleman properly. I heard that this old gentleman was a soldier when he was young, and he paid a lot to protect world peace. Efforts, even at this point, we will definitely provide him with the best service, this is what he deserves..."

"So please rest assured, Mr. Gao Fei, we will do our best to take good care of him."

Gao Fei is speechless - you take care of the wool...

Don't look at what the little mouth speaks better than the singing. When the time comes, the old man Odin will get out of control and grab his eternal gun to give you an energy emission, let alone your nursing home, even New York will have to go to heaven !

It's not that Gao Fei is unwilling to repay Odin's kindness of protection. It's just that the temple on Earth is too small to live in the big Buddha Odin!

Before waiting for the staff to introduce again, Goofy looked back at Loki and said, "Loki, please take Odin back to Asgard, I will go to Asgard to visit his old man in person, and Ask him what purpose he came to Earth for..."

"In addition, if he really wants to retire on I will build a retirement place for him alone. When I am fully prepared, I will invite him to recuperate."

Hearing Goofy's refusal, Loki expressed very embarrassment: "Goofy... don't rush to reject me, the old man Odin is completely childish now, very willful, if I mess with him, he will Crazy."

Gao Fei also scratched his head: "I was worried that he would suddenly go crazy on Earth, that's why I wanted him to go back to Asgard first..."

As a result, the negotiation between the two people here finally reached Odin's ears. When the old man heard that Goofy wanted to send him back to Asgard, his temper came up on the spot.

"Hey! The little devil in the atrium!" Odin tilted his head and looked at Gao Fei, with childlike resentment in his eyes, "I came all the way from Asgard, and I haven't even had a glass of wine, why are you? You want to drive me back? You people in the atrium are too inhospitable!"

Speaking of which, Odin raised his right hand abruptly.

In an instant, the situation changed, thunder suddenly erupted, and a sharp spear suddenly came into his palm!

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