American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 685: High Heaven's Conditions

Valkyrie aroused Gao Tianzun's interest in just a few words. For him, there is nothing more interesting than an invincible warrior.

He is tired of seeing the two-headed beasts and humanoids of the previous competitive champions. Their fighting methods have caused Gao Tianzun's aesthetic fatigue. Although the recent rise of "Golden Titan" and Thor are impressive, they are only rare after all. ,too few.

Gao Tianzun urgently needs a new powerhouse to inject fresh blood into his arena and make this season's games more suspenseful.

So he couldn't wait to "inspect the goods" and waved to Valkyrie: "Come on, No. 142, let me see this new warrior, I will give you a good price, I promise!"

However, at this time Valkyrie shook his head and said helplessly: "Sorry, Gao Tianzun, I may not be able to let you see him now."

"What?" Gao Tianzun frowned, "Why? Haven't you caught this warrior yet?"

"Uh..." Valkyrie shook his head and said, "No, Gao Tianzun, in fact, this warrior is best not to use the method of grasping, he is a real strong, a dignified warrior, for such excellent talents , I think we should treat him with courtesy rather than grab him like a beast and put him in a cage."

"Well..." Gao Tianzun heard this, his nostrils groaned with dissatisfaction, "No. 142, don't mess with me just because you are my favorite scavenger!"

Seeing that Gao Tianzun was angry with Valkyrie, Topas, who had always disliked Valkyrie, immediately added fuel to the fire: "No. 142, are you mocking the way the great Gao Tianzun rules? You are questioning us. Is it the current competition system? What are you dissatisfied with, say it!"

"Those gladiators are no different from beasts and pets. It is their honor that they can please Gao Tianzun!"

"What? Do you think Gao Tianzun's approach is wrong? Is the decision made by our great Gao Tianzun wrong?"

Valkyrie quickly shook his head and denied: "Oh, no, Gao Tianzun, I didn't question your intentions, you and your gladiatorial competition are the greatest inventions in the history of Saka star..."

"The gladiatorial competition gave Saka star energy and enriched the lives of its inhabitants..."

"But I think that excellent gladiators should be given generous treatment, so as to attract more powerful players for the gladiatorial competition. You must be tired of watching the current players? They are just brute force. monsters, they only have killing on their minds..."

"The golden titans and Thor of the new season are not bad. They can be regarded as real fighters, but they should be treated in a more proper way instead of putting them in a cage."

"Trust me, Gao Tianzun, this new warrior of mine deserves you to make an exception for him, don't put him in a cage, but treat him as a guest, give him enough courtesy, he won't let you down ."

After Valkyrie finished speaking, Topaz immediately waved the scepter in his hand and rebuked: "Absurd! We Saka Star have been following the old rules for thousands of years, why do you change it when you say it? I I think the old rules are still good. If you change them back and forth, aren’t you afraid of ruining the gladiatorial competition in Saka Star? Aren’t you afraid that the great Gao Tianzun’s hard work will be ruined?”

However, at this moment, Gao Tianzun squinted at Valkyrie and asked, "No. 142, can you guarantee that your new warrior will not disappoint me?"

"Of course I can guarantee it." Valkyrie said with a smile, "Otherwise I would not have made such excessive demands of you."

Gao Tianzun nodded and asked back: "So what do you mean, you want your new fighters to be treated as VIPs, instead of being locked in cages like other gladiators? How about I treat him as a champion? Let He lives in my specially prepared suite?"

"But the champion's suite is also supervised, there is no complete freedom, Gao Tianzun, my warrior needs complete freedom, not captive by you." Valkyrie said, "He only appears when participating in the competition. , and the rest of the time is at my own disposal.”

"That's just absurd!" Topaz yelled.

However, Gao Tianzun ignored his female bodyguard, and said again: "This is an unprecedented proposal... But No. 142, this way, this soldier can't be counted as my private property, then you recommend him Give it to me, you won't receive any reward..."

Valkyrie has long thought of this. If he asks Gao Tianzun to treat Gao Fei as a guest, then the nature of her recommendation to Gao Tianzun to Gao Tianzun is not to sell soldiers, but to introduce a player. You can no longer ask for a reward from Gao Tianzun as you did before selling soldiers.

"I am not the businessman who sold this fighter, but I am his agent. I can sign a contract with you, and the commission I get is linked to the number of games this fighter wins..."

"Every time he wins a gladiatorial match, I will get a bonus from you, and if he can become the gladiatorial champion, then I will get a higher bonus, so that I can guarantee that he will be on time. How about coming to the gladiatorial and getting paid again?"

Gao Tianzun pondered: "..."

Topaz strongly objected: "This is just bullshit! What a broker! Shit broker! I see you alcoholic drinking too much and talking nonsense! Dear master, you should throw her out!"

"Shut up! Topaz, be polite to my favorite scavenger!" Gao Tianzun said impatiently.

After that, he looked into Valkyrie's eyes and said with a smile: "Oh, No. 142, your proposal is so rubbish, I want to laugh at the rubbish. Gladiators are just my playthings, and they are not my friends. , why should I treat them with courtesy?"

When Valkyrie heard this, cold sweat could not help oozing out of his forehead.

But at this time, Gao Tianzun suddenly changed the conversation and said, "But who made you my favorite scavenger? Since you want to be an agent, I'll make you an agent..."

"I can give the fighter you hyped up a chance to play a gladiatorial match tonight...I can give him an extra match just to see how good he is."

"Well... His opponent will be the old champion two-headed beast who has won 37 games in a row. That guy has recently started his winning streak again, and he looks like he has a strong momentum..."

"If he can defeat the two-headed beast, then I will follow your suggestion, sign a contract with him, and treat him like a VIP."

"But if he loses in this gladiatorial match... hehe, you should know the character of the two-headed beast. He will never let his defeated men walk out of the arena alive."

"And then, dear No. 142, I'll chop you into pieces and feed my new pet I bought from the Shi'a Empire, understand? My pretty girl?"

American Comic Survival Guide

American Comic Survival Guide

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