American Comic Survival Guide

Chapter 692: Harvest cult value

[Worship from Hanur +5]

[Worship from Gek +5]

[Worship from Renne +4]

Seeing Gao Fei falling from a height of more than 300 meters without dying, seeing Gao Fei’s sudden explosion and overturning the arena, and then seeing Gao Fei cut off a right arm of the former champion two-headed beast with an axe, the Saka star audience at the scene They were all crazy, generously contributing worship points to Goofy, and shouting Goofy's name.




Gao Fei, who had succeeded in his strategy, happily watched the rising worship value in the background, with a victorious smile on his face. He was not in a hurry to chase after the two-headed beast that had been severely injured by him, because he knew that the two-headed beast was not at all. Worth mentioning.

The violent black biological armor covered Goofy's body, turning him into a more burly black giant, and this transformation also caused the audience to scream again, they always liked warriors who could transform. .

Gao Tianzun was very satisfied with Gao Fei's performance, because he dominated the arena with an overwhelming advantage almost at the beginning, and looking at the symbiotic body that gradually solidified on Gao Fei's body, Gao Tianzun's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Oh! Isn't this the symbiote on the bw planet? These ancient outer space bugs are still not extinct? The warrior recommended by No. 142 can actually fuse with these symbiotes. What a simple guy..."

Topaz next to Gao Tianzun does not have such profound knowledge as Gao Tianzun. She doesn't know anything about this symbiote, but it seems that this black and sticky guy is quite powerful, so she asked curiously: " Symbiote? Dear master, do you think the armor on Goofy is a symbiote?"

"Yes!" said Gao Tianzun ostentatiously, "This kind of symbiote is too ancient, and I don't know many people. But fortunately, my knowledge is very extensive, I know them..."

"These guys are a very dangerous species. They can turn any creature into an invincible warrior. They first merged with the Kree, with the Asgardians, and the warriors after they merged are almost invincible. There is no opponent in the universe."

Topaz suddenly realized, nodded and said: "I understand, that is to say, that warrior Gao Fei became so powerful because he was combined with this kind of thing?"

However, Tianzun Gao shook his head and said, "Topaz, you are too observant. Don't forget that Gao Fei cut off the arm of the two-headed beast before merging with the symbiote."

"Uh..." Topaz realized this after being reminded by Gao Tianzun, nodded and said, "So it is, it seems that I underestimated this guy."

Before he finished speaking, Gao Fei had already counted the worship value in the backstage. According to his preliminary calculation, he should be enough to open a treasure chest after a game.

At this time, his opponent, the two-headed beast, was lying on the floor panting because of the loss of an arm. It could be seen that the monster was seriously injured.

"Stand up, two-headed guy." Gao Fei hooked his fingers at the two-headed beast and said solemnly, "You won't be finished like this, right? Please, I still want to become famous with your battle, you An opponent of this level is not enough to be my stepping stone."

"Damn, you stinky boy..." The two-headed beast roared angrily, "I won't fall down so easily!"

At the same time, the other head also growled: "I will make you pay!"

Speaking of which, a green mucus spurted out from the shoulder cut of the two-headed beast. This mucus looked somewhat similar to the human-like mucus just now.

Gao Fei was fascinated and asked, "Are you serious? Are you going to steal a human-like move? You are blatant plagiarism, bro!"

However, it turned out that the two-headed beast did not plagiarize, and the similarity of spraying mucus was just a coincidence, because after the mucus was sprayed on his wound, a strong and sturdy mechanical arm suddenly stretched out from the incision in his shoulder.


The slime-clad robotic arm is here!

As a biochemical robot that can feel no pain and whose body can regenerate infinitely, cutting off an arm of a two-headed beast is nothing at all!

Seeing that the two-headed beast adjusted its state so quickly, the audience burst into cheers.

The trend of support that was completely reversed by Goofi was reversed again, and the name of the two-headed beast was called out by the audience again.

"Double-headed beast! Double-headed beast!"

"Double-headed beast! Double-headed beast!"

Valkyrie, who was sitting on the spaceship overlooking all of this, took a sip of beer and sneered: "These grasshoppers really have no principle at all."

Gao Tianzun rubbed his hands again iconicly and said with a smile, "It's interesting, this game has become more interesting..."

Before Gao Fei could pursue his victory, the two-headed beast roared and fought back. The palm at the front of his robotic arm was deformed and transformed into a cannon, shooting flames at Goofy.

The fiery flame instantly blocked the scene and wrapped Gao Fei inside. The fury who was responsible for taking the damage for Gao Fei was a little worried, and whispered: "Uncle Gao Fei, be careful of this guy's flames, I don't want to be grilled into kebabs..."

Different from the symbiotic way of Venom, Berserk appears on Goofy's body as a symbiotic body armor, and he has no active control over his body.

After Venom combines with Eddie, Venom can take over Eddie's body.

Therefore, all violent actions must be under the command of Gao Fei, and he is really only responsible for taking the damage.

Looking at the sea of ​​​​fire in front of him, Gao Fei smiled lightly: "Don't panic, be violent, uncle will show you something exciting."

Speaking of Gao Fei quickly entered the speed of light form, and the burning flame seemed to be completely still at this moment, turning into a completely static red ornamental flower.

In the eyes of the audience at the scene, Gao Fei suddenly turned into a black lightning bolt, drawing sharp arcs one after another on the arena.

The two-headed beast hadn't reacted to anything yet, and had already seen Gao Fei approaching him.

"What?!" said the first head.

"How could it be so fast?" The second head had slightly more lines than the first.

At this moment, Gao Fei had already grabbed the battle axe that had rolled on the ground, and waving it was another move.


The original intact left arm of the two-headed beast was also chopped off by Gao Fei, and the bones rolled to the ground.

At the same time, Gao Fei said to the stunned berserk: "Okay, boy, you can also play your role."

"Ming, I understand, Uncle Gao Fei!"

Violent said quickly, and then his mouth suddenly widened, and he gnawed at the head above the two-headed beast.

"Wait, what are you doing?!" The head above the two-headed beast only felt the blackness in front of him, and immediately screamed in despair.

It's a pity that this head was still on the body of the two-headed beast when he said the first half of the sentence, and when he said the second half of the sentence, it ran into the belly of Gao Fei and Furious.

"crunch crunch..."

Brutally chewing with energy,

"Uncle Gao Fei, don't say it, this monster looks disgusting and tastes good!"

Where is Gao Fei still in the mood to chat with Rampage, the strange smell of the two-headed beast's head has already made him almost vomit - originally just wanted to let Rampage play fighting skills, who would have thought that he would start eating randomly again!

However, this trick seems to be very popular with the audience of Saka Star, because the worship value of Gao Fei's backstage has ushered in another small climax!

American Comic Survival Guide

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