American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 70: Genius on the left, lunatic on the right (top)

Bruce never imagined that there would be so many unexpected situations in his internship trip.

What made him feel the most tangled, of course, was his psychology professor Schiller.

This professor doesn't seem to have only been in Gotham for a few months, but a native born and raised here. No, maybe most of the locals can't do this.

Schiller quickly figured out all the rules of the city at a speed that even Bruce was caught off guard.

Bruce once heard Gordon say that Gotham is like a big quagmire. Anyone who comes in will slowly fall into this inextricable quagmire.

But Schiller, the professor who called himself an ordinary person, plunged into this quagmire in front of Bruce. Not only did he react quickly and move quickly, but he jumped into the deepest part, and he didn't even want to extricate himself. mean.

He changed his body and seamlessly became a bad person worse than a bad person, from the staffing and geographical advantages of gang gangs, the protection fee standards of bars and restaurants, the odds of underground casinos, to the large-scale contraband trade. Rules, arms delivery security, dangerous goods smuggling routes, there is no such professor who will not.

Falcone nodded to the advice he gave, and praised Schiller who was born to do this. If he had come to Gotham 30 years earlier, Rodriguez would have had a seat in the Twelve Family.

This complicates Bruce's perception of Schiller.

You want to say that this professor is doing good deeds, but the means he used can no longer be called disgraceful, and he is simply complicit.

But you have to say that he is doing evil, but he is indeed constantly leveraging the original situation of Gotham with his own abilities, and through some outrageous methods, the situation is changed in the direction he wants.

And in Bruce's view, this change does not seem to be in a bad direction, but a very strange establishment of a shaky but better new order.

Especially when Bruce received news from Gordon that the crime rate in Gotham had dropped significantly in the past two weeks, he even felt absurd.

In this industry chain shaped by Schiller, the combat effectiveness of the police has been greatly strengthened, because they are in the same group with the Falcone family, the largest gangster in Gotham.

Because the police chief was directly supported by Falcone, the godfather provided them with a lot of heavy weapons, and they also used the godfather's power to deter others.

Now, wherever there is a gang fight, they can even arrive at the scene within 10 minutes, quickly suppress both parties, and then arrest them and throw them in a mental hospital.

Different from the past, the enthusiasm of the police for work is too high. Now they even have to grab the opportunity to go out to work. As long as they can invest a full member in the mental hospital, they can draw 2 out of all the expenses for his hospitalization. points as your own reward.

Gordon has been so busy these days that even those 10,000-year-old water monsters are screaming to rush to the front line to fight for justice and fight against gangsters.

Recently, this just police detective doesn't even know what justice is. Obviously, it should be a good thing to fight against gangsters so effectively, but he always feels that something is wrong.

However, such an action has both curbed the gangster's arrogance, and the life of the police has changed for the better, making them fall in love with the **** job.

Recently, Gordon was extremely shocked to find that now, there are people working overtime in the entire police station! Are they being controlled by some devil? !

Indeed, that is a devil called greed. He has a gun in his hand and does not panic. When you hold a heavy machine gun with plenty of ammunition and ask the gang to stop the fire, you will also feel that this job is nothing more than that. After doing this, and getting paid a lot of money, you will feel that this is simply the best job in the world.

At the beginning, Falcone also needed to send his black gloves to provoke relations between certain gangsters and let them shoot and fight.

But later, the anger was stirred up, "Hyena" and "Captain" united to block the "stealer" two streets away, and the "locomotive" on the edge of the Eastern District quickly joined the fight, three of the four giants on Elizabeth Street. Everyone wanted to help the place. Maroney, who had just digested the corpse of the Red Crow Gang, happened to have a good fight in the chaos, and the entire Eastern District was a mess.

Originally, the fire between the gangs killed a lot of people. When the fight was in full swing, the police rushed into the battlefield with heavy machine guns and bazookas. The gangsters were all stupid. Are we gangsters or are you gangsters? How can a police officer use a bazooka to enforce the law? !

In this way, one group of people were killed by fire and another wave was taken away by the police. The most powerful gangsters in the Eastern District were seriously injured. They didn’t dare to jump out, and they all hid back to their hometowns to lick them. The wound is gone.

The field team led by Gordon became famous in the first battle. All Gotham knew the violent tactics of these police officers. The armed pickup truck stepped on the accelerator to the end and directly entered the field. After the bulletproof shield was set up, the heavy machine guns swept away, and the rpg focused on the attack, all the way forward. , and finally wash the ground with hand grenades.

The most danceable gangsters in the Eastern District are all lying down, how can the rest dare to say anything?

Although this is more about Falcone's face, after all, the old godfather is willing to fully support the police, so he has all the reason and force. Ordinary gangsters don't want to pay such a big price to smear the old godfather. Tiger Beard, who was willing to pay the price, was beaten by this sudden punch, and Gotham was so eerily quiet.

All of this is because of an ordinary professor who had an epiphany one morning.

Bruce thought that the professor had become the black sheep of a group of black sheep, who regarded him as a companion, but the enemy of the enemy became the good friend of justice.

Bruce really didn't know what to say about this kind of behavior.

Of course, Batman is a genius, and after the initial struggle, he felt he had discovered a new possibility in Schiller's behavior.

Originally, he always felt that fighting criminals should be fast, precise and ruthless, and that killing chickens should be done with a knife.

But Schiller did not use this method. Whenever he attacked a force, not only did he not cut the grass and roots, but even at certain times, he would fertilize the force he had attacked before, so that the original force had already been cut. The poisonous seedlings that have been lost grow up again. Then use them as wedges to dismantle another intricate clump of vines.

After Bruce saw the behavior, he asked Schiller that question again, and Bruce said, "Are you really just an ordinary person? Or is there some special, unknown power that can do all this? "

Schiller was sitting in the office seat, he turned the ballpoint pen in his hand, then clicked the table, motioned Bruce to sit down, he said: "I'm telling you I'm an ordinary person, the point of this answer is not about me Have you mastered some magical powers that ordinary people don't have?"

"But, I want to tell you that the most amazing power of human beings is their thinking brain."

Schiller stood up and walked to the window. The white coat of the attending physician was on him, making him taller and taller. Compared to the stern-looking professor in the school, Schiller in the image of a doctor seemed calmer and gentler.

He said: "The answer to this question is not whether I am really an ordinary person, but that, as I once warned you, your advanced armor and expensive equipment do not make you real. Batman."

"Because of the questions that bother you, the answers aren't in these foreign objects."

"And in our brains, as any normal person has."

"In fact, as long as you calm down and think about it, you will know that complete violence cannot achieve any of the conditions you want, whether it is revenge or saving the city, this is doomed to be a dead end."

Schiller lowered his head and fiddled with the ballpoint pen with both hands, and then said, "Actually, the path you choose is a dead end, but if you don't want to die, you have to find a way to live from among countless dead ends."

"I just showed you one of the ways, but not all, not..."

Bruce said, "Isn't that enough? Isn't force, wisdom, and steadfastness enough?"

"And Gotham," Schiller said.

"...When will I learn Gotham?"

"Maybe until you die."

Before Bruce could speak, Schiller said, "Gotham is a book that never ends."

"I'm just a professor, what I'm going to do, just like what I do in class, I've drawn the key points for you, and the test paper is for you to write."

Bruce said: "Is the point about intrigue and checks and balances? Or, the power of intellect? Thinking and vision?"

"No, it's just like I do in class - the whole book is focused."

Bruce was speechless, he didn't know whether Schiller was sarcastic that he didn't attend the class, or was implying something else.

But Schiller's answer made him think about a problem.

If using violence to stop crime in this sinful city is doomed to be whimsical, and if Batman's military and financial resources are not enough to fill the quagmire with this simple and rude method, then perhaps, put aside pure violence, use His other specialty, which is wisdom, would be better if he could manipulate all this behind his back.

This city, which is full of countless violence, just cannot solve all problems with violence. Powerful force is only his stepping stone, but not everything.

When he opened the door with strong financial resources and equipment, he met Schiller, the teacher, and Schiller showed Batman a brand new Gotham.

A Gotham full of countless fogs and intricate relationships that put aside the violence, bloodshed, and violent conflicts on the surface.

When Batman followed the veins inside the huge tree canopy to the deep roots under the ground, when he slid down the ravine of the iceberg from that corner into the icy sea, he finally saw to the true face of Gotham.

It's a new world, Batman thought.

But for him, this is not a setback and blow, but a stimulant.

His brain has never worked so fast as it does today, and he never thought he had the ability to accept and sort out these complex relationships so quickly until he followed Schiller's every move.

The thrill of gradually digging out a huge root system along the small veins fascinated Batman, and he experienced a stronger excitement and joy than punching a criminal with his fist.

Perhaps, Bruce thought, this was the right answer.

Perhaps, he is such a person, excited like a madman in the face of this complex problem that may make any ordinary person feel extremely desperate.

This is him, this is the bat.

A paranoid, morbid psychic pleasure-seeker, even crazier than the mentally ill—the bat.

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