American Comics: Opening Guidance Batman

Chapter 80: in the name of the father

When Gordon woke up, only a small lamp was on in the dimly lit ward. Schiller was dozing off in the chair next to him. Hearing Gordon's movement, he woke up and took off his glasses, and said: "I said you would wake up when I was with me..."

Gordon can't speak yet, he's on a respirator. Schiller said: "You were seriously injured, a little too badly. After 20 hours of resuscitation, you only managed to save your life, and it is unknown whether you will be able to fully recover."

The psychiatrist's voice always has a calming power.

Gordon blinked, and beyond that, he really couldn't do more, and Schiller yawned and said, "Thanks to your partner, who arrived just in time to save your life."

"But I'm a little sorry. The group of people who were chasing you seem to have come for me originally."

Gordon shook his head slightly, he knew that these people were just hired killers, and even if Maroney didn't hire them, he would hire others.

Just as Schiller was about to continue speaking, the door opened and Harvey walked in and said, "Are you awake?"

Schiller nodded, got up from his chair, and Harvey said, "It's my turn, you go and rest."

Schiller glanced at Gordon before leaving. The police detective who usually seemed to be energetic, now looked extremely haggard, and the double torture of body and mind had made him a little in a trance.

The late-night corridor of the Central Hospital was pitch-dark, and only the footsteps of Schiller's shoes echoed very clearly.

When I came downstairs, a car stopped at the entrance of the hospital. A tall man in a suit came down and opened the door for Schiller. After Schiller got into the car, he said, "Let's have some jazz."

Soon, some brisk jazz sounded, adding a little fresh air to the dull atmosphere inside the car, and the streamer outside the car still flickered.

Schiller closed his eyes with sleepiness, and the person sitting in the co-pilot obviously did not expect Schiller to fall asleep like this. This professor is really different from ordinary people, he thought.

When the car drove to the place, Schiller hadn't woken up from the drowsiness, and the light sleep just now made him even more sleepy.

Walking up the wooden stairs, Falcone was sitting behind the table in a suit and leather shoes when Schiller entered the room, as usual, and Evans, also in a suit, was standing behind his father.

Schiller sat opposite the godfather, crossed his chest, and said, "Good evening, godfather."

Falcone waved his hand first, and the tall man in the suit came up. Falcone took out a box of cigars from under the table, and his assistant cut the cigars. Just as Schiller wanted to refuse, Falcone said: "I heard that you like smoking cigars, and I happen to like it too, so let's have one."

Schiller adjusted his posture and leaned his back completely on the back of the chair. He didn't hide his tired expression at all, but he still took the cigar. Evans came over and leaned over to light a cigarette for him.

Schiller took a cigar, glanced at him, and said, "I haven't seen you in a formal suit. There will be a lot of girls chasing you at the dance."

Evans gave a modest smile, said nothing, and stepped back behind Falcone.

"You've changed a lot, I can see it." Falcone said that the godfather still looked very elegant when he smoked a cigar. He just took a small breath and waited for the smoke to dissipate before speaking. say.

"I knew you weren't from Gotham the first time I met you, but it's better now, which is fine."

"When you're on guard here, you'll find that everyone is against you, but when you really treat this place as your home, you'll find that anyone can find their comrades here. "

"Perhaps because everyone is a potential criminal," Schiller said.

"You surprised me a little that you didn't question why I didn't clean up Maroney."

Schiller said in a low voice, "Maroney doesn't matter."

"You always make me feel incredible. I have seen too many people and too many geniuses in my life. They are often pretentious. Even if they seem very humble on the surface, I know that their respect is just fear of me. There are guns."

"But I just know that the godfather is awe-inspiring, not with guns."

"You showed me the magic of psychology, and you always seemed to give me the answers I wanted," Falcone said, just letting the cigar in his hand burn slowly.

"I hope Evans can learn the essence of this subject, but unfortunately, I know, he does not have this talent."

"His grades are not bad." Schiller said, shaking his ashes. "He also works hard and is a good student."

"But that's all there is to it, right?"

Schiller didn't care about Evans' somewhat disappointed expression, he said: "This is a good thing, Your Excellency Godfather, studying psychology is a dead end."

Falcone looked at him, Schiller took another puff of his cigar, and said, "It's not some bizarre metaphor, when you take this discipline to the end, you only have two outcomes, crazy or dead. ."

"Then it looks like you didn't choose either."

"Maybe I chose both?"

Schiller became more and more sleepy. The sweet and greasy aroma of tobacco made waves of sleepiness hit him. He narrowed his eyes, and the light of the whole world fainted into white.

"I know that Evans is still too far away. He is like his mother. He is neither an absolute good person nor an absolute bad person. This is the most terrible thing."

"What do you want him to be?"

Before Falcone could answer, Schiller said, "Or, do you want him to be the godfather?"

Falcone was silent.

Obviously he has the answer in his heart, but he is unwilling to admit the answer.

Is being a godfather a good thing?

Falcone, who has been the godfather for so many years, can't even give an answer.

"How's the cop?" he asked.

Schiller shook his head and said, "He's badly hurt, and it may take a long time to get better."

"You can make him fall to Maroney, I won't blame him." Falcone said: "I know these people have no choice, either cooperate or die, in fact, to persist until now, has let I was amazed."

"It may be offensive, but his insistence is not because of the godfather."

"What's that for? If it wasn't for fear of me, why would he resist Maroney's request for cooperation?"

"Because Maroney stopped him from going out and fighting crime."

"so what?"

"He's a policeman, and he thinks it's only natural for the police to catch criminals."

"Very naive, isn't it? It even seems a little ridiculous in this city."

"Good people don't always live long, especially in Gotham." Falcone said with a sigh.

"That's why I'm your longest-lived tutor."

Falcone closed his eyes, and after a while he said, "Evans, go and kill Maroney and kill him with your own hands."

Evans pursed his lips and said in a low voice, "Yes, father."

"As for those coming from the Metropolis, I'll deal with them."

"It doesn't bother you to do it."

"what's your plan?"

"I've made a lot of money lately, and there's a super mercenary who's asking a lot of money, who happens to be very tempted by the price I'm offering."

"I'll pay for it," Falcone said.

"In your name, God bless Gotham."

It seems that the godfather is indeed old, and he really loves his son. He believes that in the first few decades of the godfather's life, he has never been so kind to anyone.

Indeed, in the glorious past days of the godfather, he did not need to express this position to anyone, and no one dared to ask him to do so, and today, he can invite Schiele here and show him in such a gesture , it shows that he is really old.

Schiller thought like this, his sleepiness deepened, Falcone looked at the person opposite him, and gradually closed his eyes, the godfather sighed and said to Evans: "Send your teacher back to rest. "

Evans should be, the godfather stood up and looked out the window. Outside the window was the quiet night of Gotham. From the Falcone Manor, only the lighthouse on the coast flickered faintly.

Forty years have passed, he thought, the godfather's friends and enemies have been annihilated together with time, his life and the years are coming to an end with the previous era of Gotham, only this lighthouse is still lit all night, Together with him, witness the city's ups and downs of history.

Evans looked at his father behind him. Falcone's figure didn't have any old-fashioned appearance, he was still very tall and straight, and the suit was always so decent on him.

Finally the godfather put out the cigar in his hand and said, "I only hope that he will really be your longest-lived tutor."

On the pier in Gotham's East District, the sea reflects the light of the lighthouse, the waves are surging like golden fish, and a cargo ship leaves the port in the dark.

Before the smell of blood on the deck had dissipated, the crew's bodies were thrown into the icy sea, and a burly man standing on the bow spat on the ground, saying, "This time it's a big loss, I lost a few people. , I haven't earned any money yet."

"Don't worry, at least we escaped." Another person next to him answered.

Suddenly, before they were far from the port, a dull bell came from Gotham City, and the bell with a clear tremor rang seven times, and the captain of the bow asked in confusion: "Why are they here? Ring the bell in the middle of the night?"

"Who knows? Maybe to see us off." The man next to him said with a shrug.

There was a light sound above, and then, a black and yellow figure appeared on the mast.

"It is indeed to send you off... the death knell."

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