When Thor heard Cyclops say this, he was a little embarrassed and a little embarrassed.

He was taken away, and then Levi they came to rescue him.

Just as Thor was looking for an excuse, he suddenly heard Heimdall's voice.

"Thor, where are you now? The people of Asgard need your help.

Where are you now? What's the situation now?"

Thor was a little surprised to hear Heimdall's voice, and did not expect to be unable to contact Heimwall.

"I'm in a cave in Asgard right now, I've moved ordinary people here, and we need your help now.

"I'll go back right away, you don't have to worry."

Thor heard this and knew that Asgard's situation must not be very good now, and Heimdall's voice sounded very tired and anxious~.

When Thor ended the conversation, he saw that everyone present was watching him.

"Guys, I need your help, so far, the situation is not very good."

Tony, who was fighting alongside Thor, was very understanding, "We definitely will help you, the friend's business is our business, right, Weiss."

Levis didn't expect this to happen to his head, and nodded as if he looked at Tony.

"Definitely, are we ready to go now?"

Thor looked at them with gratitude in his eyes, and it was nice to have a group of friends to help him at this time, not to be alone.

"Okay, let's go now, I'm afraid Heimdall can't wait for it now."

Levi nodded, "Okay, let's go now." ”

Thor nodded, and the group went out again.

Cyclops looked at their backs as they left and shook his head, "It's good to be young, and you can still have energy now."

Once a few people appear in the clearing, Thor plans to use Bifrost to return to Asgard.

But Bifrost did not respond, Thor tried a few times and did not respond a little strangely, logically speaking, the rainbow bridge should not be closed.

Thor couldn't figure it out and reconnected to Heimdall, "Dahl, why didn't Bifrost respond?" I tried many times and didn't see him react.

"I took the big sword from Bifrost and prevented Hela from going to the Nine Realms, otherwise it would not have been Asgard who would have affected the war."

Heimdall explained why, and Thor knew why, but there was no other way to go to Asgard right now.

"So what do we do now? How can we help you if we can't go?"

"Don't worry, on Sakaar, the largest portal, you can't enter Asgard from there.

Heimdall definitely prepared a rear hand, otherwise the civilians of Asgard would not have survived under Hela without Thor's help.

"I know, we'll rush over now."

Levis stood aside and looked at Thor, "Looks like a way has been found?" How?"

"Yes, we still need to go to Sakaar now, and the biggest transmitters go to Asgard."

Levis had no problem hearing this, nodded, and called out his spaceship.

"Okay, now let's go, time waits for no one."

Tony and the desolate man found a spaceship to sit on, and Levi rode to the dust and rushed first.

The people behind also followed, and they all turned into arcs and disappeared into the sky.

According to Heimdall, they came to Sakaar.

When the current Sakaar is still recovering after the war, the Yin family is dealing with what Gao Tianzun left behind.

Someone saw Levis' ship, and they recognized the logo on Levis' ship.

Their eyes were on the spacecraft flying over them, and when they saw them return, the leader they pushed thought they still had something to do.

Just as they were wondering whether to say hello to them, Levi flew straight through them towards their planet's largest portal.

Disappearing inside the portal in the blink of an eye, the leader was relieved to see them disappear, and he thought they had come to the door because of something.

Just passing by, he was a little relieved, "Everyone go back to their own business, nothing happens here." ”

Hearing this, others also turned their heads to do their own thing.

Levi and Tony disappeared into the portal, passing through the portal and arriving at Adgarth.

On Hela's side, she had asked where Heimdall was hiding.

0 Ask for flowers...

Surrounded the place where Heimdall was hiding with his men, and the soldiers opened the hole.

But there were already people going to the empty building, and Hela was a little angry at being teased.

"Fenrieu, hurry up and find them for me.

The giant wolf that heard the command jumped out from behind Hela and sniffed the ground.

Follow the smell to Heimdall's hiding place, Heimwall is in the deepest part of the cave.

He leaned against the wall to feel the situation outside, and behind him was a group of civilians with little ability.

Panic was written in everyone's eyes, they had never encountered such a thing before.

Now there is also a huge amount of panic surrounding them, and everyone is very uneasy.

.... 0

What's more, their opponents are still so strong, they feel even more hopeless.

The giant wolf approached them step by step, and in the quiet atmosphere they even heard Beast's gasps.

Some people have even closed their eyes sadly, intending to bear the end of not being able to look at it directly.

And in this case, they heard another sound, huge amounts of explosions.

The explosion was so loud that it immediately attracted Hela and them

Seeing the fire on Bifrost's side, Hela's face sank, and in a blink of an eye, she disappeared in place.

The rest of the people did not stand still and kept up with Hela.

The movement on Bifrost's side was caused by Levis, who were dealing with the soldiers who came to stop them.

Their combat effectiveness is very strong, and after a while, all the soldiers around them are cleared out.

Probably Thor didn't expect the ease, solving the last one in his hand He looked up and saw Hela not far away.

Hela was quietly watching him, and Thor also saw her, and the two looked at each other from a distance, with war intent in their eyes.

"You shouldn't be here, but it's okay, soon you and your partner will disappear."

Hela touched her hair, which became a strange shape that I don't know if it was a horn or something, and two weapons suddenly appeared from her hand.

Thor knew she was ready to fight.

Thor himself took a battle stance, his eyes fixed on Hela.

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