American Comics: The Strongest Villain

American Manga: The Strongest Villain Chapter 543

quantum realm.

This is a field that humans have not yet explored and developed. When the spaceship shrank to a microscopic state and entered the quantum realm, Su Sheng couldn't help but be attracted by the surrounding scenery. Colorful, different brilliance, without the kind of darkness imagined, but a kind of Alice in Wonderland, entering a bizarre world.

The entire space seems to have a faint suspension force, which is somewhat similar to the feeling in the sea or space. Su Sheng temporarily turned off the spaceship, and the spaceship just drifted like this and moved with the current. The scenery is grotesque and indescribable. At first glance, it seems that there is no boundary at all. There are many coral-like plants growing around it, and there are even 663 things like hairballs floating around, but these hairballs are very large in size.


A huge eye appeared by the window of the spaceship, Su San paused to look carefully. The owner of this eye is a huge reptilian creature, milky white with finer down, with four legs on eight legs.

"This is a tardigrade, right? One of the smallest known microbes in the world, the smallest is only 50 microns and can only be found with a microscope. But now the size comparison looks taller than a dinosaur. It is said that this is the most tenacious creature!" Su Sheng looked at this 'monster' with great interest, and the other party was obviously looking at him too.

After a while, the tardigrade seemed to retreat slightly, and the round mouth on its head opened as if it wanted to swallow Su Sheng and the spaceship.

"Well, although I am very interested in you, I don't want to study your internal structure!" Su Sheng muttered to start the spaceship, and when the power was pushed, there was a whoosh sound, and the spaceship flew out directly and quickly. The tardigrade turned around slowly, but Su Sheng's spaceship disappeared without a trace.

"This should be the outside of the Quantum Realm, it's time to look inside."

The quantum spacecraft accelerated again, and with its acceleration, the space around it changed again, as if a black hole appeared to vibrate the surrounding space layer by layer, and the spaceship plunged into it!

The scenery changed again.

Inside the Quantum Realm.

Although the brilliance is still dazzling, the color has become much more monotonous, with a feeling of warm yellow. Huge coral forms filled the entire space, and just a small segment seemed to be as big as a block. There was a clicking sound, and the power system of the spaceship seemed to have some problems and began to be unable to supply it. The energy driving the spaceship flickered, and there was a feeling that it would disappear at any time.

"Is it the influence of the quantum realm?" Su Sheng thought about driving the spaceship to find a place to stop, opened the cabin and drove out.

When the feet landed, there was a feeling of stepping on a water bed. There are root hairs growing on the ground, but if they don't grow, they are like weeds on the ground. After shutting down the spaceship, Su Sheng walked around casually and contacted Hope. "I have entered the quantum realm. It is very large, very large, and the space here has a special kind of energy. Preliminary judgments can affect the state of the mind and the body, and have a great impact on the molecules of the body. It may make the molecules of the body It's going to be painful to have the splitting and healing effect. But it doesn't bother me."

"The energy here has a concrete manifestation. I found many golden particles, quantum particles, and the energy contained in them is consistent with the energy of space. Although I am not sure what it is useful for, I will collect some. In addition, the quantum spaceship is affected by Even if there is no problem with the system, it is estimated that the energy is insufficient, so I plan to temporarily shut down the spacecraft and communication, and I will contact you regularly."

Su Sheng briefly explained the situation, then turned off the bracelet communication, and then realized a particle container to collect quantum particles. After finishing these, Su Sheng began to fly around, looking for Hope's mother, the original Wasp. Janet's whereabouts, while appreciating and understanding the surrounding situation.


Very big!

Su Sheng felt that this should only be a part of the Quantum Realm, a region, but this feeling was just like being in the interstellar universe, boundless. Su Sheng was flying with all his strength, but he still had the feeling of looking at the mountain and running a dead horse, which shows how big this place is.

I haven't seen water bears or other creatures here, but the danger here is greater than outside. The entire space is filled with energy that constantly affects Su Sheng. Of course, Su Sheng is not affected at all, whether it is mentally or physically. But if ordinary people come in, I'm afraid they will collapse because they can't bear it in less than two minutes.



Su Sheng shouted while searching, but did not get any response.

Flying, Su Sheng suddenly felt that the surrounding flow seemed to be different, there was a suction coming from the front, although it was very weak, it did exist. "Could it be another quantum domain space?" Su Sheng thought and accelerated the speed at the same time.

Then he saw a moving black vortex.

This vortex is very large, like a tornado generated by the outside world, the surrounding quantum particles are sucked into the vortex one after another, and the vortex is moving in the direction of Su Sheng.

"This doesn't look like an entrance."

The suction force increased countless times, Su Sheng stabilized his body and muttered, but the corners of his mouth raised slightly. "Whatever it is, Janet doesn't seem to be here anyway, so let's see if we meet it!" Relaxing the power of resistance, Su Sheng was directly sucked into the vortex.


Su Sheng didn't control his body, and let the surrounding forces lead him into the vortex. The original dark yellow light disappeared, and his vision fell into darkness. Su Sheng could feel that he was still flying and spinning. "It seems that this vortex should lead to another space, otherwise the vortex should have come out after such a long time." Su Sheng thought to himself, and then felt his body tremble, and his eyes were filled with bright light.

①④ Marvel: Infinity War

Chapter 648 Time Vortex? Pillow disc!


A loud bang sounded in the ruins, and the roof of a dilapidated building was smashed through, causing dust to fly in an instant.

not far away.

A woman wearing a purple revealing jumpsuit and holding a samurai sword stopped in her tracks and turned around to look over. Her long purple hair was a little messy, and she looked a little embarrassed as if she had just experienced a fierce battle, leaning towards her Asian face. ~ Frowning slightly.

"Didn't they already leave?" Lingdie frowned and hesitated for a moment, then walked towards the direction of the sound with a slight staggering pace. The roof of the originally dilapidated house collapsed, Lingdie slowly walked in vigilantly from the door with a knife in his hand.

There is a deep pit on the ground, and there is a person lying in the pit!

a man.

Lingdie's brows frowned even tighter, who is this guy? Is it also from the X-Men? Look at how he is dressed, maybe he is just an insignificant person? There was a sizzling sound, and a long purple energy whip suddenly appeared in her other hand, and she flung it towards the man in the pit tentatively.


The man who didn't know his life and death in the pit suddenly raised his hand and grabbed the whip, which made Lingdie startled and pulled the whip back forcefully. Not long ago, she used the same trick to almost eliminate a blue-haired beast, but now she felt that the opponent was stronger than the beast, and she couldn't pull it at all.

"Who are you!" The spirit plate shouted in a deep voice.

The man in the deep pit didn't speak but stood up slowly, with his back to the spirit plate and a slight shake of his shoulders. In an instant, a powerful impact erupted instantly, and the already dilapidated body was directly razed to the ground by this impact. Ling Die felt as if she had been hit by a fast-moving car, her internal organs were overwhelmed, and she was in pain. He spat out a mouthful of blood and fell to his knees.

This, who is this person?

Lingdie looked up panting, and saw the man turning around slowly.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a very handsome and young Asian? Not as ferocious as imagined, not as powerful as imagined, a pair of eyes slightly confused as if thinking about something. The long whip was held in the opponent's hand, he didn't seem to notice himself?

The energy whip in his hand disappeared as soon as the spirit dish thought, and the other party still did not respond.


"No matter who it is, this guy looks very difficult to mess with." Ling Die thought to himself and quietly got up to leave.

As a result, as soon as she got up from the spirit plate, she suddenly felt that she was controlled by a wave of energy, and before she could react, her body involuntarily flew towards the man.

At a close distance, the spirit disc suddenly stopped.

Su Sheng glanced at the spirit plate, this uniform is really sexy and revealing, well, the airport is also very big, the shape of this uniform is added with a samurai sword energy whip and this Asian face. "Are you a spirit disc?" Su Sheng asked.

"You, who are you?" Lingpan struggled.

"Yes or no, answer my question." Su Sheng exerted a slight force on the palm of his hand, and the spirit plate instantly felt an indescribable sense of oppression all over his body, as if his body was about to be crushed, she hurriedly trembled: "Yes, I ...I am the spirit disc."

Su Sheng let out a hum and walked out, and the spirit plate involuntarily floated in mid-air.

At a glance, there are dilapidated buildings, and a pyramid stands tall not far away. Su Sheng seemed to think of something. "Apocalypse just died?"


Lingdie has learned well.

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