American Drama World Exorcism

Chapter 252: FBI and Akins

The ward has no windows and no lights, so it looks very dim, like a narrow coffin, giving people a sense of oppression and suffocation.

Fumbled and pressed the switch on the wall. There was a flicker on the ceiling, and the dim yellow incandescent lamp lit up with the sizzle of electric current.

The light bulb illuminates the narrow ward, and everything becomes clear.

Pete lay peacefully on the hospital bed, with a quilt on his body. The outer edge of the quilt was quite standard just covering his neck, slightly under his chin.

Pete's eyes were slightly closed, and the burnt hair had grown back, and it looked thick and shiny, which should be the result of frequent care.

The nails of the hands and feet are neat, and there is no other peculiar smell on the body.

Benny simply inspected the room, and found nothing except to make sure that although the House of Eixing was weird, it did take care of the patient with all his care.

There wasn't even a little extra thing in the entire ward that didn't belong here.

The items in the room are arranged neatly and neatly, and at first glance, it looks like no one has used it.

This page is normal, because Pete is not an ordinary patient, he is now almost equivalent to a vegetable. No one has moved anything in the room, which is normal.

This page just shows that Derek is not here at all.

If he was really here, or Derek was really here, the things inside wouldn't be so neat.

Sitting in the ward for a while, Benny shook his head in disappointment and left the nursing home.

It seemed that his guess was wrong, and Derek did not come to Pete.

After searching for a night to no avail, the next day, Benny had to drag his tired body to Diu Carrion.

"Well, you won. Tell me where Derek is and I will go to Washington with you myself."

Diocalion was silent for a moment, put down the soy milk in his hand, and nodded.

This is considered to have agreed to the deal.

"Go ahead, where is Derek." Benny asked, "Don't tell me I have to go to Washington first."

Diu Carrion smiled lightly.

"Your proposal is tempting, but Derek is an important member of the Hall family. He is most likely to become the next leader. So, I won't do that yet."

"He's in the Ashing House."

As if feeling Benny's expression of impatientness, Deucalion stopped buying the lawsuit and said directly.

"I have been to the House of Aixing, he is not there at all, and he has never been to the House of Aixing."

Benny said disappointedly.

Deucalion shook his head.

"I taught Derek how to cover up his whereabouts. He is very smart and learned it in just a few days.

Derek's cover-up was difficult for even a werewolf to find. "

"Maybe you need to check it out again."

"He just wanted to stay with Pete a little longer.

Pete is the one who cares about him most. "

"In fact, Pete has always played the role of father in Derek's life."

Benny felt that Deucalion's words meant something, but he couldn't be guilty of pursuing these things now, and the most urgent thing was to find Derek quickly.

Drive to the House of Aixing again, this time, with Benny, and Thalia.

With the experience of the last time, Benny directly grabbed Talia's hand and jumped into it-of course, the hand holding Talia was the right hand.

Walked all the way into the building and came to the front desk. After taking the book and filling out the information, Benny looked up.

This is a fat black aunt on duty, not the girl from yesterday.

He retracted his gaze in a distracted manner, and then calmly withdrew the right hand that was trying to continue with Talia. They were just about to walk towards the top of the stairs, but they were stopped by the black aunt.

"You better not go in."

The black aunt pointed to Thalia.

Thalia nodded and pulled away Benny who was about to ask.

"Here is the rowan."

Talia took Benny and whispered.

"She may have seen through that I am a werewolf. This is her kind reminder."

Benny didn't bother to bother about it.

He hasn't slept for almost twenty hours, and Derek has been missing for four days. He just wants to find Derek quickly. Beat him up, then sleep comfortably.

Thalia and Benny went through security again and came to Pete's ward.

Looking at the bright ward with windows, Benny couldn't understand the rules of this nursing home.

Are they a round board system?

Each patient takes turns to change the accommodation room every day?

How about the narrow and cramped coffin room yesterday, but today you have the windows?

Although today's room is not big, but with windows and without windows, it feels completely different!

Benny was looking at the room, all kinds of messy thoughts popped up in his mind.

This is a manifestation of not having rest for a long time and starting to lose concentration.

On the other side, Thalia seemed to be a little bit painful, but she didn't show it, but immediately began to look around after entering the ward.

Finally, she lifted the quilt and pointed to Pete’s medical coat and said

"Derek did come."

"But he should have already left. Not here."

Benny had a headache, and he was secretly relieved.

Derek is not here, which means he doesn't have to go to Washington with Deucarión.


Soon after the two visitors, Benny and Thalia, left, the man from last night hurried out again.

He came to the service desk, took a look at the registration book, and tore off the registration pages of Benny and Thalia.

"Don't let them in next time. The trial has reached a critical moment. Don't let them notice."

The man told, the black aunt nodded repeatedly.

The man hummed with satisfaction, crumpled the registration page into a ball and stuffed it into his pocket, after thinking about it and asking

"Did the little wolf cub caught that day?"

The black aunt shivered all over, and shook her head cautiously.

"He probably doesn't know what we are doing. He just came to visit his uncle."

The black aunt said cautiously

"He should think we are treating Pete."

The man banged the service desk, and the sound of bones beating on wood echoed in the quiet building, which looked unusually loud.


"He will go home and talk to his mother."

"Maybe it's his father."

"But no matter who it is, as long as he mentions this to an adult, we will be exposed!"

"So, we must let that wolf cub disappear!"

"Before the police or his parents find out!"

"do you understand!"

The black aunt was so scared that she nodded her head again and again.

The man held his head up in satisfaction, knocked on the service desk again, turned and walked into the stairs, and disappeared.


"What? Not in the Ashing House?"

Deucalion stood up from his chair in shock.


He cried.

"Derek has indeed been to the House of Ashing, but he has left. The other person is indeed not in the House of Ashing."

Benny explained patiently, and then turned around, shrugging and pretending to be sorry.

"So, unfortunately, our transaction seems to be void."

"No." Diocalion calmed down again. He reached out to stop Benny who was about to leave, and said in a deep voice, "It's a bit too early to conclude now. Maybe you can wait."

"I'll go find him."

"I am his hidden class teacher."

"Benny, if I find Derek, our deal will still be valid."

Diocalion said, turning his head to face Benny.

Benny looked at Diocalion, who looked calm but was really nervous, and shook his head slowly and firmly.

"Dou Carrion, I can't trade this with you anymore."

"Derek respects you very much. It is an insult to Derek to make a deal with Derek. It is also a blasphemy of his respect for you."

"If you only have hatred in your mind, if you have been blinded by hatred, Los Carrion, then go to Washington to avenge yourself.

But before you leave, please listen to my advice. People with only hatred in their hearts will be swallowed up by hatred sooner or later. "

After speaking, Benny turned and walked out of the restaurant.

On the way back, he kept thinking about why Derek chose to stay in Hawkinstown, but he avoided everyone.

Benny believed that Derek should have known that they were looking for him, but he still refused to meet everyone.

why is that?

After much deliberation, Benny thought of the slap in the school locker room that night.

It seemed that Derek had never said anything excessive to him before that slap, and he had never reprimanded Derek.

Before that, the relationship between the two people got along too much.

But from that slap, Derek seemed very injured.

Maybe there is a problem with his thinking mode.

Benny sighed secretly. Driving around aimlessly in the car.

Although Derek is a kid, he is not a kid who knows nothing.

At some point Derek was sensible and worrying.

Especially after Benny got insight into Derek's purpose of going to Washington with him, he yelled at his right hand in his heart, and showed more pity to Derek.

He didn't know how to explain his current state to Derek and the relationship between the two of them.

If the identities of the two are exchanged, someone tells him against his father's body: Your father is in the right hand and I am not your father. I know you feel close to me, but that is the soul of your father who is sealed in the right hand. Harassing Barabara——

Benny felt that if someone said this to himself, he would knock that person out with a punch.

If you don't want to admit it, you don't want to admit it. It's boring to find so many excuses, right?


How to do it?

Benny sighed and looked at Hawkins Town outside.

Since the last wolf tide disaster, the construction team has entered the field, and the entire Hawkins Town has gradually begun to look a little bit from a semi-ruined state.

There are full of people working in full swing.

Yi drove the car all the way out of town, and finally Benny stopped on the hillside on the edge of the forest.

Taking the blanket from the car and two beers, Benny walked up the hillside and sat down under the blanket.

Opening a bottle of beer, looking down at the lush woods under the mountain, looking up--

Dun Dun Dun Dun -

He poured out most of a bottle of beer immediately.

It was only yesterday that I vowed not to drink again.

Benny sat on the hillside and smiled to himself, raising his head and drank the remaining beer.

Opening another bottle, Benny began to sip.

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