American Entertainment 1982

Chapter 312 Return to the General Assembly

Livingston, IL, SSD Fraternity General Assembly.

Just like many years ago, Tommy walked into the conference room that looked like a vampire tomb, but the only difference was that this time he was no longer blindfolded, but the participants in front of the round conference table were still wearing White robes, hoods and darkness hiding faces.

"We are equal brothers, right? But when I walked in, the doorman didn't give me a set of white robes like yours." Tommy walked to the round table and sat down, without the smile he had before. Talk to these guys who seem to be invisible: "Long time no see, actually it's not a long time, just a few years. Last time I said I would execute niggas, this time I am here to fulfill my promise."

A voice sounded from the direction opposite Tommy: "Control public opinion as much as possible, and then use or even provoke conflicts between Asians and black people to intensify it. You and your white people will extend a caring hand to the Koreans and help them resist the black people." Hell, you are actually planning to invite SSD brothers to participate in this carnival in your eyes in order to legally kill some niggas? You don’t think it’s fun enough to kill niggas yourself, and you want everyone in the meeting to wear it too Put on your white robe, pick up the noose, and let's hang up the nigger together in an honest and fair manner?"

"Others think so too?" Tommy did not rush to answer, but sat in front of the table and looked around, and continued to ask.

There was no response. Tommy took out the cigarette case from his suit pocket, took one out and held it in his mouth. Then he turned his head and lit it with the ceremonial candle lit in front of the guy next to him. He took a deep puff and used the Mouth smoke blows out the candle flame:

"To be honest, I have always respected you very much. Until just now, that gentleman said to me, I just want to have a big party and take you to hang niggas for fun?"

He stood up slowly, walked around the round table, and walked slowly behind everyone: "Am I such a fucking boring person? Is it true that no one realizes what I'm talking about, or are you collectively pretending to be idiots and me? joke?"

"I think your tone can be less grumpy, Tommy Hawke."

"That's right, Mr. Robert Miller, look, even though you wrapped yourself like a fresh carrot in plastic wrap, I still knew it was you. This is what I want to say, the gathering ceremony of the White Robe Society It’s so ugly. Many years ago, our ancestors gathered in this way because of the limitations of the times, but now, we are left to secretly enjoy the addiction of wearing white robes.”

"Of course, I can explain it without being irritable. The low-level niggas in New York, Los Angeles, and Miami may be deceived by BT TV network's propaganda, making them feel that they are angered by the actions of Koreans. Then those guys They will take to the streets. Thanks to the popularity of the show "Almighty Gun Master" over the years, they know how to take to the streets with weapons, how to rob stores, and how to deal with people who block the road. I mean, maybe there will be arson in the black areas of these cities. Robbery and other behaviors then spread to other communities adjacent to the black community. Which race is adjacent to the black people? Of course it is Koreans. It is very interesting. Whether in New York, Los Angeles, or Miami, Korean communities are always surrounded by In the nigger community, this question is very interesting. I even found out why Koreans like to be neighbors with niggas. In order to save money, in the 1960s and 1970s, a large number of Koreans came with all their savings and their families. Americans are struggling to make a living, but the Chinese and Japanese have formed a large scale early and occupied good areas. The Koreans who came late can only choose the buffer zone between Asians and niggas as a place to stay. Housing prices are low, but at the cost of having to endure niggas. They are hostile and oppressive. You should really look at the racial distribution map of Los Angeles. You will find that Koreans are simply the gatekeepers of Asians. Their Koreatown is like a frontline fortress, standing firmly at the forefront, facing the entire The niggas in South Los Angeles guard the Chinese and Japanese behind their backs. In other words, if the niggas want to rob the Chinese and Japanese, they need to kill all the Koreans. From this point of view, the Koreans are great. Just like serving as our vanguard cannon fodder in the Korean War, this time we have become the guardian cannon fodder of Asians. But it doesn't matter. The United States doesn't care about these Korean guys anyway. In the eyes of the government, these guys have a lower status than black people or even Mexicans. .”

"I don't care about Koreans, Tommy, say what you have to say."

"Sacrifice a group of Koreans, sacrifice a group of niggers, sacrifice some buildings, in exchange for..." Tommy walked back to his seat and stood there, opening his arms slightly: "South Los Angeles without niggers, New York without niggers Brooklyn, Miami's South Bay without niggas, I never said this operation was called the resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan or a bad name for the resurgence of black slaves. This plan for niggas, in my case, is called Rebuilding America. Those niggas always Thinking that they are really superior to others, white people must respect them and cannot say the word nigger. Now, it is time for them to recall that the word nigger they greet each other was created by white people. You take it away from me and say this. Right to the word and I’ll take your life nigga.”

"Back to the topic, after the nigger catastrophe, the city will be seriously damaged. Don't doubt it, it must be like this, because the nigger can do something worthy of praise, which is the advantages of stealing and destroying. Therefore, an urban reconstruction plan is needed. The federal government It is estimated that the government will not spend much money. At most, it may issue some small relief funds. It is likely that the municipal or state governments will plan to raise funds for reconstruction. I think we will definitely be willing to spend money to support these cities to tide over the difficulties. And the officials must know how to repay us, with a large number of reconstruction projects, preferential investment conditions, etc. I know that there are many construction contractors in SSD who contract military infrastructure projects. They should be interested in the government's reconstruction business, right? And My KeyBank provides loans to whoever needs it, and this is my party, niggas destroy, and we rebuild, make money, and drive the niggas away so they can learn to respect themselves again, at least in the big cities."

"If the city owes us money, whoever is the mayor will learn to lick the SSD's balls."

"A riot...what if the National Guard intervenes?"

"Major General Ott, Commander-in-Chief of the California National Guard, isn't he among you? Well, he is a member of the Stanford University SSD. If there is really trouble in Los Angeles, he has the obligation to send all the National Guard to defend it. Beverly Hills and other wealthy white communities would never let a nigger set foot inside."

"Who is the unlucky guy?"

"Earl Rush, a nigger who always wants to pretend to be a white man, a nigger careerist who climbed out of the bottom, has superb abilities, completely ignored Tommy Hawke, and took charge of BT TV station himself, regardless of his role in this man-made disaster No matter how he chooses, there is only one ending waiting for him, and when I find him, the ending is doomed."

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