American fame and fortune

Chapter 148 Martin is the hero

On Monday morning, Thomas came to the company. It was relatively early and there were not many people entering the company.

As soon as she entered the lobby on the first floor, Natasha, the front desk assistant, greeted her warmly: "Good morning."

"Morning." Thomas could clearly feel that Natasha's smile was extraordinarily bright today, comparable to when she was facing a company partner.

Natasha smiled happily: "Congratulations on winning the North American box office championship."

Thomas understood and corrected: "It's not me, it's Martin, my client Martin Davis."

Natasha took a step closer: "The customers you have cultivated."

Thomas knew very well in his heart that he did put in a lot of effort, but many things were not done by him, such as films and characters, and more resources were obtained by Martin himself.

Natasha's position as a front desk assistant belongs to the management of the mailroom. In the company she came to in the summer, the front desk assistant is not a good position among the many positions in the mailroom.

She took another step towards Thomas: "You have cultivated Martin, a star client, and I think you will have an independent office soon. Thomas, if you need an assistant, don't forget me."

Thomas quickly took a step to the side: "I will remember."

He was about to go to the elevator room, when he looked up and saw senior partner Jim Witt, he hurriedly greeted him.

Jim Witt nodded in response, stopped, and called Thomas over: "Martin is the number one male at the Wax Museum, right?"

Thomas said: "Yes, the absolute leading actor, he gave the company an extra box office champion this year."

Jim Witt was very satisfied: "This little guy Martin did a good job, and you are also good."

Thomas laughed, not forgetting to borrow the client's name to brag for himself: "Martin often said that he and I are gold medal partners."

"Keep working hard!" Jim Witt encouraged: "Martin has great potential, and I am optimistic about his future."

Thomas was overjoyed at first, and then suddenly surprised when Jim Witt walked towards the special elevator for the upper floors.

It is not uncommon for brokers to poach each other, and there should not be too many in the circle. It is not uncommon for partners of the same company to grab the clients of small brokers.

Before, Martin was just a potential actor.

The success of the wax museum may attract the attention of many people.

When going upstairs, Thomas remembered another important thing, Martin's contract!

Martin is a new client. According to laws and regulations, WMA can only sign a one-year contract.

Wait until the one-year period expires before signing the longest three-year contract for an actor.

It is now October, and in two months, Martin's contract will expire.

At that time, even if Martin renews his contract with WMA, he can choose another agent.

The client is unknown, and Thomas worries.

The client became famous, and Thomas was still worried.

When he came to the partition and sat down, Thomas couldn't help scratching his head, and a dozen hairs fluttered down.

"Hey Thomas, congratulations."

The neighbor who usually doesn't talk much, the agent in the partition on the left is lying on the partition: "Your client won the box office champion with the number one male, it's amazing!"

He pointed to Thomas' partition: "Oh, you can move soon."

Thomas shook his head: "Nothing."

The neighbor asked curiously: "Where did you discover Martin Davis, impart a little experience, why can't I meet such a good potential client?"

Another agent who passed by was also interested: "The number one male at the top of the box office in North America, Thomas, don't hide your secrets."

The neighbor said again: "How did you get the leading man in a $40 million production? Let me introduce you."

The neighbors on the other side also came to join in the fun: "I won't let you introduce me in vain. I'll treat you after get off work today. Grapevine Manor or Avalon? You choose!"

Colleagues who usually only had nodding acquaintances suddenly became so enthusiastic, which made it difficult for Thomas to adapt for a while.

But he is still clear-headed, knowing that all this is because Martin won the North American box office championship as the protagonist.

These smiling colleagues may have quietly bought a shovel.

The agent is part of the entertainment industry. What Thomas said to Martin in the past also applies to him. He smiled and declined: "I'm going to have a meeting, and we'll talk later."


Atlanta, just after noon, Beast House Club.

Vincent stretched his waist, came out of the rest room, and saw Hart hurried in from the outside.

The guy ran and yelled, "Big news, big news."

Vincent came to the fence on the second floor: "What's going on?"

Hart shook the newspaper in his hand: "The movie starring Martin's father, just the Wax Museum, won the North American box office championship! The first weekend box office was 20.13 million US dollars!"

Hearing this, Vincent walked down from the second floor, ignoring the boss's arrogance. Because he was in such a hurry, the cowboy hat he didn't wear fell off, and he didn't even look back to pick it up.

He took the newspaper from Hart and couldn't help laughing when he saw the box office winners and figures on it, as well as the image of Martin on the movie poster.

The smile was too big, and the hooked nose was shaking: "I knew it, Martin is a talent! Did you see it? I didn't miss it!"

Hart nodded again and again: "Papa Martin can get along anywhere."

Vincent said, "It was my good vision that gave him a chance and discovered him."

Hart had different opinions in his heart, but Vincent was the boss, and the boss had the final say.

Carrington came in from the outside at this time, and Hart shouted at him: "Papa Martin has won the North American box office champion, we are now booking a plane ticket to Thailand, Papa Martin has always wanted a daughter!"

"Papa Martin is amazing." Carrington first admired, and then said sadly: "Hart, we have missed the best opportunity."

Hart understood that it was the most suitable opportunity to go to Thailand while in Atlanta, and it was too late now!

His eyes were red, and he was sad: "It's all our fault for not being determined!"

Vincent put down the newspaper and called his stepmother, Sophia, to tell her the good news.

Because the more successful Martin is, the more likely they will be successful in investing in Geshan Youyan.

Marietta Community Theater.

A van drove to the entrance of the theater, and Robert brought several students over to pick up the goods.

The driver opened the rear compartment door, and there were boxes of Coke inside. He asked, "Unload the car now?"

With his hands behind his back, Robert looked like a senior acting teacher. He hooked a few students and confessed: "Look at the production date, don't want Coke that is not in 2003."

A student was very curious: "Teacher, why do you have to choose the Coke in 2003?"

Robert thought for a while and made up a suitable reason: "Martin Davis likes to drink Coke in 2003 the most. I bought it for him."

Another student asked, "That Martin Davis who just went out at the box office?"

"That's him," said Robert.

These students are all very motivated, looking at the production date, moving Coke to Robert's office, dreaming of becoming the next Martin Davis.

Half of the coke produced in 2003 was unloaded in the office, and Robert asked the driver to send the other half to his home as a strategic material.

Martin gave Robert a car.

Robert would pay off with countless 2003 Cokes.

What Martin didn't know was that before the release of "House of Wax Museum", Robert solemnly held a Coke ceremony in the office and at home, facing the West.

The effect seems to be very good.

Inside the slightly dilapidated basketball gymnasium of Marietta Public Middle School.

Lily took a few followers and blocked the blonde girl Lindsay in the locker room.

Facing the school bully, Lindsay backed away unconsciously: "What do you want to do? Let me tell you..."

Lily strode forward: "Bichi, you publicly declared that the Museum of Horror Wax Museum is a super bad movie, and asked you not to watch it? Did you say that?"

"I said this, what does it have to do with you!" Lindsay slammed her back against the closet, and there was no way to retreat.

Lily approached step by step: "Do you know that Martin is my neighbor and grew up with me!"

She waved her long arm: "Hold her down, I will give her some strength, let her know what to say and what not to say."

The 6 strong girls from the basketball team who came out from behind easily subdued Lindsay.

Lily didn't go too far, she just gave a sharp warning, stuffed a stinky sock, and led the people away.

On the school bus home, Lily pulls out an entertainment-only copy of The Hollywood Reporter from the Marietta Community Theater Company.

On the second page, there are large photos of Martin and news reports.

"Hollywood's New Power: Martin Davis!"

Lily read carefully and found many familiar shadows.

"In 1981, Martin Davis was born in a poor neighborhood in Atlanta. In the fifth year he came to this world, his parents separated. His mother fell into the river drunk and his father was a drug addict and a liar. , addicted to alcohol and drugs, in such an environment, Martin fell in love with acting, and made it his goal..."

"Martin's childhood life was not happy. Poverty and loneliness have always been with him. Due to the irresponsible guardian, he had to do odd jobs to support himself when he was young. This made him lack of partners in school and became the object of ridicule...Martin once Wanted to give up acting, but it was Martin's dream after all, and he ended up taking this path."

Then there are all kinds of hardships in life, which are more exaggerated than Lily actually experienced.

Lily is actually well aware that Elena has borne most of the family's suffering, and she feels much less directly.

"Martin has been working hard and has never given up. Finally, last year he got the opportunity to make his debut with "Zombie Gigolo" invested by Gray Films. He officially stepped into the field of film and television performances, and then he has the leading actor of "House of Wax Museum" today!"

"This is a young actor who has come out of adversity. He has outstanding acting talent, is independent, self-improving and hard-working! This is an excellent actor, handsome and has acting skills..."

People like Lily, who are familiar with Martin, really can't stand it anymore, and they are exaggerating too much.

It's almost a literal representation of the American Dream.

She is one of the people who knows the character of Martin best.

In addition, Lily was not very happy that she was not mentioned in the article, and the Carter family was not mentioned.

Martin is clearly a soft rice man who survived by eating soft food!

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