American fame and fortune

Chapter 172 Fucking Broken Heart

On Christmas Eve, most of the remaining tenants came to the roof to participate in the party. Bruce went to a few male circles and found that there were not a few people discussing Nevada scandals.

Mene eloquently said: "Judging from my experience of following Washington for 20 years, there is definitely an inside story about this matter."

He looked at Martin and Antonio, and said, "Boss, Anthony, that's what I think. Will the Pentagon conduct biological weapons experiments there? Create a humanoid weapon that doesn't feel pain and only knows how to kill like crazy?"

Martin picked up his glass and said, "It would be a waste if you don't become a screenwriter."

Mene smiled embarrassedly: "I've been working on Bradt's adaptation of "Wanted" recently, and I'm a bit influenced by him."

Antonio patted his basketball-like stomach and asked Martin, "Are you going to be the leading actor again?"

Martin nodded: "It's about the same. A new film will be released in early February next year, and there will be another film to be shot later. I will be the absolute protagonist."

"You've become a big star, so it's not appropriate to live here anymore." Antonio thought very much about himself, "I didn't chase you, if a paparazzi with a six-figure salary asks me to install a pinhole camera in your room, I can't refuse."

"You're so direct," Mene said.

Antonio turned to look at Bruce who was walking back: "I want to make money, but I'm afraid of being perverted."

Martin took a sip of his wine and said, "Don't worry, Old Bu won't blow people's heads off."

Antonio moved his butt, thinking that I was not afraid of headshots. He said: "If you change houses, you can come to me and I will introduce you to you."

Martin was curious: "Do you have property for sale?"

"No." Antonio raised his head: "But I know a lot of rich people."

He said a fact: "Don't forget, when I was a millionaire, you were still a bunch of poor ghosts."

Mene looked at Anthony, who was as fat as a ball, and then at himself, who was handsome and unrestrained. The society is really unfair. Why are rich people always such greasy old men?

Martin had a drink with Antonio: "No problem, I will find you when I need to buy a house."

Bruce is back.

Jessica and Emily followed, and they clinked glasses with Martin: "Merry Christmas!"

Martin raised his glass: "Merry Christmas!"

After finishing her drink, Jessica said again: "There is an express package from Atlanta, and I will collect it for you."

Martin nodded: "I'll get it later."

At ten o'clock, Mene was going back to his residence.

Before leaving, he said to Martin: "Boss, you paid the fine for me. No matter what, as long as you use me, in a word, I belong to you!"

Martin pushed him: "Go back quickly, what do I want you to do?"

Bruce put his arms around Mene's neck and joked, "Just your tongue."

Mene was serious: "I'll lick whoever you ask me to." He glanced at Antonio: "The fat landlord is fine."

Martin waved his hand and said directly, "I won't be polite to you when I need you."

Mene left the top floor first.

After a while, Martin and Bruce went downstairs together.

Jessica and Emily followed.

Martin went to get the express and stood in the doorway while Jessica went into the living room to get it.

The petite Emily stood at the entrance, looked up at Martin, and suddenly asked, "Martin, you don't have a date tonight?"

Martin responded casually, "No."

Emily lowered her voice: "You can stay here, Jesse won't object."

Jessica came over with the package, heard it, and neither agreed nor refuted.

Martin shrugged. "Annie screwed me up when she got back to New York."

He took the express mail from Jessica and went back to his apartment.

Emily closed the door and asked, "He doesn't like us?"

Jessica is younger, but her head is more vivid than Emily: "You and I work in the studio of "The Mountain Has Eyes" because of his recommendation. Strictly speaking, we are his employees."

Emily couldn't understand the meaning of the words.

Jessica had no choice but to pat Emily's chest: "Your brain is all grown here!"

On the other side, Martin went back to the apartment.

Bruce was surprised: "You're back?"

Martin found a wallpaper knife, opened the package, and said something else: "You are my manager, who specializes in bad things."

The first sentence sounds very pleasant to the ear, but the latter sentence Lao Bu wanted to draw his gun: "Because you are a rotten person who always does rotten things."

"So, I need an assistant to manage the blog, communicate with fans, and handle daily affairs." Martin asked: "This position is very important. Who do you think is suitable?"

Bruce thought of Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton, how embarrassing the former was after being betrayed.

He thought for a while: "I think Jessica is more suitable, with simple social relations, a bit of brains, and easy to control."

Martin said: "She went to art school, worked hard in Hollywood, and is a little smart, which is more suitable than hiring a stranger."

"Keep a proper distance, especially in the relationship between men and women." Bruce suddenly thought of sad things.

Isn't that what he is? Got drunk by his former boss, and then...he left quickly.

In other words, he was a good man, and Vincent treated him well, so he didn't target his former employer.

Martin opened the package, and inside were gifts mailed by Harris, stars made of crystal, star maps inlaid with rhinestones on copper plates, and certificates of high-end atmosphere.

This set is made, plus postage, and it will cost more than $100.

Bruce came over to look through it, and the more he looked at it, the more he found it interesting: "Give me a set, and I'll give it to Jin."

Martin said, "When she got excited, she asked you to make a film?"

Bruce's face was serious: "Come on, I decided to take a picture with her, and I will say goodbye after the filming."

"You are going to become a world-class celebrity." Martin has no doubts about this, and the awakened Kim Kardashian is definitely a master of hype. He admired: "Maybe more famous than another Bruce, a top celebrity who is famous all over the world."

Bruce said: "Of course I have to control it, I don't show my face."

Martin has no interest: "Not showing your face? It's boring."

Bruce asked Martin to get a star gift, and said: "You go to bed early, I will go to Jin for Christmas."

Martin sadly discovered that he had become a loner.

Fortunately, before going to bed, I received a call from Louise: "Thank you for your Christmas present."

"You're welcome, it's specially prepared for you." Martin said specifically: "The master bartender can not only create originals, but also improve existing recipes. The improved recipes of the three classic cocktails are more suitable for modern people's tastes."

Not just Louise, friends in Atlanta like Kelly Gray, Elena and Lily, and partners like Vincent and Sofia, all mailed Christmas presents.

Louise realized that she didn't prepare a Christmas gift for Martin. Thinking about Martin's heart-warming actions after the defeat of "Alexander the Great", she said softly: "I will take over the preparatory work of the arrest warrant. You can prepare the role with peace of mind. Leave it all to me... well, we will set off for Hong Kong City the day after tomorrow, and I will pay all the expenses."

Martin laughed: "It's such a good feeling to be nurtured."

Louise said: "Not only you and me, but also Angelina Jolie."

Martin was surprised: "What is she going to attend the annual meeting of the Bartenders Association? She also wants to be a bartender?"

Louise said simply: "Julie is going to Cambodia and transits through Hong Kong City."

Martin had a vague impression that some of the children adopted by Julie were from Southeast Asia. He thought about it for a while, and then said: "You are personally in charge of the arrest warrant, and you just invited Julie to star in Fox. Look at Bradt's script outline. But cool girls are a good fit for Jolie."

Louise was surprised: "You still dare to invite her? "Tomb Raider 2", "Mobile Killer", and this one, the market response is very mediocre. Are you sure she can turn around?"

Strictly speaking, Jolie has screwed up three movies in a row, and if "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" fails, she is basically finished in Hollywood.

But Julie Leng turned around by virtue of the scandal with Pete.

What's even more frightening is that Julie has no public relations, and all the responses come from her.

Martin said: "Isn't her salary going to drop?"

Louise said: "I'm sure, $5 million invited her and made her feel grateful to me, but her appeal..."

"I heard that Jolie got involved with Pete when she was filming "Mrs. Look at the heat, whether it's scandalous or not."

Louise said directly, "You're betting."

But Martin said: "Actually, I am the first protagonist. If she is popular, it will be the icing on the cake. If she is not popular, she will not become a burden."

He thought more about it: "Besides, if she doesn't expose it, we can kick it out for her."

Louise has seen this kind of bad things a lot. She thinks in a Hollywood way: "If Jolie snatches Pitt away, and you step in and snatch Jolie away, wow..."

She became excited: "Thinking about it makes me feel wonderful, the movie must explode."

Martin asked, "You think it's possible?"

Louise considered carefully back and forth, and felt that it was indeed feasible, before she said: "When I see Julie, I will have a good talk with her."


Meanwhile, at a party in Century City.

Thomas met Anne Hathaway's agent Maha.

The two took the initiative to find a quiet place to chat.

Maha said directly: "Anne and Martin are bound together. They are very much in the media's attention. They are relatively young. There are some things that we need to guard against for them."

Thomas said in his heart that his head was clearer than anyone else's, but he agreed with Maha's words: "I have communicated with Martin, and he agreed to cooperate."

Maha felt relieved: "So is Annie." She reminded emphatically: "Annie is still very young, so is Martin. They are both on the rise in their careers. You have to tell Martin to take protective measures. I don't want Annie to get pregnant."

"Martin will do a good job." Thomas believed in Martin: "Next, let's discuss the rhythm and plan of the two people's exposure, which can neither be separated from the media and public view, nor arouse people's resentment."

The two brokers broke their hearts for the client's love.

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