American fame and fortune

Chapter 194 Do too many bad things, afraid of being fucked

Tuesday, an ordinary morning.

Jessica accompanied Martin out of the apartment, boarded the Volkswagen driven by Bruce, and was about to go to Burbank for an audition.

The car drove less than one kilometer and turned into the underground parking lot next to it.

Mene drove another car and waited here.

Martin took off his hat, put it on Jessica's head, and said, "Be careful."

Under the light, Jessica's skin was so white that it reflected light, and she was a little surprised: "Is it necessary to be so careful?"

"It's necessary," Bruce said.

Martin got into Mene's car, waited until Bruce had left, then pulled out of the parking lot and followed.

It wasn't that Martin was being too careful, but Adrian targeted Paris Hilton's ex-boyfriend when he auditioned at the Wax Museum last year, when he was the number one favorite.

Today it was the other way round, with Martin being the number one candidate for the audition.

There were no accidents along the way, and they came to Warner Studios, met Thomas, and entered the office building of Warner Pictures together.

The Departed Walker crew leased half a floor.

Today is a makeup audition, and the crew assistant brought Martin and Menet into the dressing room.

Bruce stood guard at the door.

Thomas said: "You guys are really complicated."

Bruce nodded: "Ordinary people don't care. A bad person who has done too many bad things can't feel at ease if he doesn't do it."

Not only Martin, in fact, he also agrees with this.

If you mess with people a lot, you are naturally afraid of being messed with.

Thomas looked at Bruce, then at the foyer through the glass door of the dressing room, and thought that the two were a natural match.

Bruce pointed to the water bottle Jessica was carrying: "Don't let it out of your sight."

Before Jessica became an assistant, she was also in the actor circle, so she nodded quickly: "I understand."

Thomas finally understands that Martin and Old Bu are treating the audition as a war, or the kind of CIA messing things up.

But considering all the shit these two have been involved in, it's not an exaggeration.

An hour later, Martin changed into an old-fashioned suit and entered the audition room.

In the audition room, besides casting director Allen and director Scorsese, a string of executive producers including Louise sat.

There are five other related accounts.

Overseers from Warner Bros. and the Screen Actors Guild.

They are very professional, and each of them holds a game console to play, which is nothing to worry about.

An assistant came to prepare to play against Martin, and the audition was still the conflict scene between Colin and his boss Franco.

In less than a minute, the audition was complete.

Scorsese did not let Martin leave, but asked the photographer to take multiple photos of his makeup.

There is a difference between what the human eye sees and what the camera captures.

Scorsese looked back at the audition tape, then at the makeup photos, getting more and more satisfied.

His acting skills are online, his image is good, he brought money into the group, and worked hard. Apart from being less famous, he has no other shortcomings, which meets his requirements for an actor.

"Okay." Scorsese called to stop the shooting, and he looked at Martin: "You go to the dressing room and wait for a while."

Martin knew that the result of the audition would be decided on the spot, so he replied, "Okay."

When he left the audition room, Scorsese looked around and asked the investors for their opinions: "For the role of Colin, I choose Martin Davis. What do you think?"

"Agreed." Warner Brothers' representative Daniel and Pacific Pictures' Louise expressed their views successively.

Casting director Allen said: "I agree."

Producer Graham King raised his hand, focusing on Scorsese: "I agree."

The big picture was settled, and everyone else agreed, even Doug from Dyson Pictures voted for it.

The attitude of the five related households playing game consoles is just watching, and they have no right to express their opinions.

Scorsese glanced at Allen next to him: "Go and inform someone."

Allen got up and left the audition room, and walked towards the dressing room.

Thomas saw her and stood up.

Bruce knocks on the door and Martin emerges from the dressing room.

Not only Martin, but also Mene, Allen's favorite, came out at the same time.

Allen nodded quietly to Mene, then walked towards Martin with a smile on his face: "Congratulations, you have won the role of Colin Sullivan!"

"Yes!" Thomas shook his fist vigorously.

Martin came up to shake hands and thanked: "Thank you! Thank you Director Allen."

"You're welcome." Allen specifically reminded: "One thing, go back and study the characters and scripts carefully. Don't watch the original movie, and don't be affected by the original version, because we are shooting and producing works with completely different styles."

Martin said solemnly: "I remember."

At this moment, footsteps came from the other side, and Matt Damon led two people into the corridor.

Martin saw Damon, and Damon saw Martin.

Damon walked towards Allen: "Hi, Director Allen."

Martin turned back to the dressing room to remove his make-up.

Damon exchanged greetings with Allen, subconsciously turned his head to look at Martin, but met another pair of eyes.

The owner of those eyes was looking behind him.

It may be the body's stress protection reaction, Damon's belly is straightened, buttocks are so flat that it is almost invisible.

Bruce was bored, looked away, and sat back on the bench by the door.

Thomas watched Damon go to another dressing room, and slapped his fists: "Martin will definitely catch up to him!"

Bruce felt that if Matt Damon was not as bad as Martin, he would definitely be caught up.

Soon, the makeup artist left, and Martin came out, hugged Bruce, Thomas and Jessica one by one, and said, "Thank you to each of you!"

These words are true and sincere, he alone cannot get this role at all.

The determining factor of the audition is not only in the audition room, and the key to an actor's success is not only the actor himself.

This is a team victory.

Before noon, the results of Mene's audition came out.

Uncle Mene licked the casting director into obedience, and the audition was just a formality, and he successfully got the role, a black policeman following Colin Sullivan.

Now is not later, and Frank's Irish gang certainly won't have blacks.

The only ones who can use Mene are the characters on the police side.

At noon, Martin called Emily who was busy in the wanted studio, Thomas, Bruce and Mene, and he invited them to have lunch together.

It's also his team in Los Angeles.

Martin made a special toast to everyone: "I was able to win the role in the Departed Walker crew. The work of each of you is very important. We are a team. This is the team's victory. Thank you every one of you!"

Bruce took the lead, and everyone clinked glasses with Martin.

When the meal came, Martin said again: "Everyone is welcome."

Thomas was not in a hurry to eat, and specifically reminded: "I won't talk about the wanted crew, that's your project, and only you can bully others. When it comes to the Departed Walker crew, you should pay more attention, Matt Damon may not have Leonardo is not easy to get along with other ideas, and there is one more person you should focus on."

Martin could hear these words. Hollywood actors were far less aggressive than actresses, but it was not without fierce battles.

Thomas specifically named a person: "80% of the villains will be Jack Nicholson. This person is famously difficult."

Martin nodded and asked, "I know. He is notoriously short-tempered. Because the car in front of him was in the way, he smashed the window glass of someone's car with a club and lost 500,000 U.S. dollars."

Mene asked, "I heard he slept with 2,000 women in Hollywood?"

Thomas simply replied: "Nicholson, Marlon Brando and Warren Beatty are known as the three major playboys in Hollywood, and they deserve their names."

Menet is fascinated: "When I am in my 60s, I don't know if I can have so many."

Bruce continued: "There aren't so many female casting directors in Hollywood, are there?"

Martin had another drink with everyone, and said, "Don't worry, I will try my best to live in peace with others."

Bruce woke up in an instant, guessing that the crew was busy.

Following Martin, he has experienced enough bad things, and Lao Bu is not afraid. Isn't he just messing with people or being fucked? He has rich experience.

After dinner, before Martin left, he asked Thomas to collect some relevant information about Matt Damon and Jack Nicholson.

"Don't worry, it's not to cause trouble." He comforted Thomas: "Just in case."

Thomas had no choice but to believe.

For Jack Nicholson, Martin's deepest memory in his previous life is not the movie, but Meryl Streep's cheating partner, and Jennifer Lawrence's willingness to seek shallowness for the sake of superiority.

After he came over, he found that Hollywood didn't care about these things, and the rumors of similar gossip were basically true.

After auditioning for The Departed, Martin also auditioned for Wanted.

The difference is that in the former he is an actor, in the latter he is one of the people with decision-making power.

In the audition room of the wanted warrant, besides Louise, Martin, Leterrier and the casting director, there were also a few related parties.

The professional quality of these related households is obviously not high, and they whispered from time to time during the audition process.

Taking advantage of the time when the actors came in and out, Martin asked Louise, "Where did you come from?"

Louise said: "The people arranged by Warner Brothers and the Screen Actors Union are routine procedures."

Martin called Jessica over: "Find four handhelds and give them to those four."

Jessica did things neatly. Before the next actor entered the audition room, she found four handheld phones and sent them to the related parties.

The professionalism of the four related households skyrocketed, they played games steadily, and stopped talking.

Martin understood that during the audition, the partners and screen actors' unions sent routine supervisors, and their professionalism was closely related to game consoles.

The Most Wanted crew has signed Morgan Freeman to play the villain.

Other actors were recruited one after another.

In addition, both Martin and Angelina Jolie are going to be stunt doubles, and the latter directly contacted the actor who acted as Jolie's double in "Tomb Raider 2."

On Martin's side, he called the three stunt doubles of "The Mountain Has Eyes". The bald Buck and Lewis had a suitable schedule and salary, and they also joined the crew.

At the same time, Thomas and The Departed Walker negotiated Martin's salary, which is only one-tenth of the first protagonist Leonardo's, which is 2 million US dollars.

Except for the low salary, other aspects are the treatment of the absolute protagonist.

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