American fame and fortune

Chapter 223: Blessing from the Hierarch

The exhibition hall of Coca-Cola's Atlanta headquarters was crowded with media reporters.

A large number of movie fans, coke lovers and curious citizens rushed over early in the morning and entered the exhibition hall.

As long as you participate in today's event, you can receive a special gift.

In the temporary dressing room of the exhibition hall, Martin is completing the final look with the assistance of a stylist.

On the sofa in the corner, Justin glanced at the middle-aged big head who was also doing styling, and asked Thomas: "Why did Martin choose him as his assistant? He doesn't have a good image and temperament."

Thomas whispered: "Robert is Martin's guide into the actor circle, and it is very important to him."

"Okay." Justin no longer cares about such trivial matters.

An assistant came to Martin and explained the specific process of the event again.

Martin listened very carefully and would fully cooperate. The donor not only has money, but also power.

Since Coca-Cola announced that he was the spokesperson, the miscellaneous voices suddenly subsided, and the surroundings became quiet all at once.

Justin has been paying attention to Martin's side and is very satisfied with him.

The appearance is outstanding, the public image is excellent, and what is even more rare is that he has the stability that young people lack.

The endorsement of Pepsi and Britney has been a mess in the past few years. Britney herself is not smart enough, and there is a weird dad behind her. All kinds of bad things keep popping up, which is very annoying.

On Martin's side, on the other hand, strive for the conditions that should be fought for, and actively cooperate with those that should cooperate.

In the exhibition hall, hundreds of people gathered at this time.

Elena, Lily, Harris and Hall all came.

They were in the front position. Lily glanced back and said, "Many people are holding posters of Martin. He is very popular."

"Martin is Atlanta's biggest star in Hollywood right now," Harris said.

Lily's way of thinking is different from ordinary people: "It sounds like Atlanta is miserable, and people like Martin can be mixed into the most popular..."

Before she finished speaking, Elena raised her fist and thumped her on the head: "If you can't speak, you don't have to."

Lily shut her mouth sullenly, and said to herself that when I was 18 years old, I would have to settle all accounts with Elena for all the oppression I have suffered since I was a child.

Across the aisle, a dozen handsome men held a banner reading "We Love You Papa Martin."

With the expansion of the Beast's House chain store, the former Sports Boys group spread to various cities in Zuozhou. Today, they rushed back to Atlanta to cheer for Martin.

Hart greeted here: "Elena, Lily..."

Carrington shouted: "Mrs. Teacher."

Lily stood up abruptly, raised her arms and waved to Carrington.

With a snap, she received a slap on the back of the head.

Lily sat down quickly.

Hall muttered, "Idiot!"

Lily punched him on the arm, and Hall was silent.

There are more and more media reporters, and hundreds of people have come to the media area.

Coca-Cola attached great importance to this signing, and even invited Warner TV to broadcast it across the United States.

Martin's old friend Helen served as the live host.

After the incident at Burbank Middle School, Helen became famous and became the head news anchor of Warner TV.

"In 1886, Coca-Cola was born in Atlanta!" Helen's voice spread throughout the venue: "Today, the Cult of Coca-Cola was officially established, and Coca-Cola ushered in its first leader!"

She stretched out her hand to signal: "Welcome to the leader!"

Martin walked onto the stage wearing a bright red cape, a long red crown and a scepter in his hand.

On the cloak and the crown, there are words of Coca-Cola.

The top of the scepter is not a gemstone, but a classic glass bottle of Coke.

Behind Martin was a priest with a big brain.

Robert took a step forward and adjusted the throne slightly, and Martin sat on it.

Helen bowed and saluted: "Master Davis."

Martin held out his hand in consolation.

Helen stepped back behind the scenes and continued the narration: "Today, we witnessed a historic moment, the birth of a brand new sect."

She took the lead in shouting: "Cola God Cult!"

Under the stage, hundreds of people shouted in unison: "Cola God Cult! Cola God Cult..."

Many reporters in the media area also joined in the fun, shouting happily.

"This is the first time I have seen such a special signing ceremony."

"Coca-Cola and Martin Davis are going to explode!"

"Think about what Martin has done with Coke? Coke sales will rise again in the next few years!"

On the stage, Martin pressed his hands down, and the venue quickly fell silent.

He said loudly: "In any corner of the world, Coca-Cola is the best drink. It can sweep away tiredness, hunger and thirst, bring people joy, and bring excitement like sunshine. Coca-Cola plus life is the God of Coca-Cola. Teach, I wish the world had Coca-Cola!"

There was warm applause.

The sand sculptures of Hart and Carrington of the Boys Group even blew hooligan whistles.

Martin waited for the voice to subside, and then said: "Those who want to join the Coke God Cult, line up on the stage and receive blessings."

A number of Coca-Cola employees had already entered the venue to guide everyone to the stage in an orderly manner.

The first to go on stage was the men's group headed by Hart and Carrington.

High Priest Robert brought a special commemorative Coke marked with the words of Coca-Cola Theology, and stood beside Martin.

Hart was ready to bow and salute.

How could Martin be asked to salute? Helen was just pretending. He raised his hand and said, "Everyone doesn't need to salute."

Hart quickly took two steps forward and said in a low voice, "Papa Martin, you are so cool!"

Martin had a microphone pinned to his collar, so it was inconvenient to speak, so he just nodded slightly, took a bottle of commemorative Coke, and handed it to Hart.

Then it was given to Carrington.

The latter quietly gave Martin a thumbs up.

The men from the Sports Boys went down, and the four Elena siblings came over.

Then, many people from the crew, including Julie, also took the stage to give speeches.

Relatives and friends have priority, which is normal.

There was nothing unusual about Martin, and he sent them away with a bottle of special Coke.

Afterwards, hundreds of spectators lined up to take the stage, and even many media reporters came to join in the fun.

The Coke religion has such a low barrier to entry, why don't you just join and see.

Martin quickly sent out hundreds of blessings from the leader, but he was fine, the high priest was panting heavily from exhaustion.

Jerome, who has always been calm and calm, rushed over at this time and replaced Robert's job, changing from the head of the regiment to the deacon.

In the end, even Coca-Cola's own employees lined up to receive the blessing.

Thousands of bottles of commemorative Coke were distributed.

"Cola God Religion! Cola God Religion!"

Amid the cheers of everyone, today's signing ceremony ended successfully.

Immediately, Coca-Cola posted relevant pictures, videos and news on many websites including the official website.

Various media resources have been invested in the promotion.

Most of the audience gradually dispersed, and the group of relatives and friends was left behind by Bruce.

Coca-Cola also prepared a huge reception party.

Martin went to take off his make-up, changed back into formal clothes, and Hart and the others waited on the bench at the door.

"Boss." Hart was a little more stable than before: "We wanted to kneel on the stage to celebrate your coronation in the grandest way, but Old Bu refused..."

Martin nodded: "It's great if you can come."

Carrington answered, "Without you, boss, we wouldn't be where we are now."

A group supporting role in a theatrical movie and a stage performance at a Saturn Award have raised their style of boy group to several levels and become the benchmark for gigolos in the entire state of Zuozhou.

Martin greeted them: "Go, go to the party."

Lily sneaked to the side and whispered to Martin, "I want to be a saint, what should I do?"

Seeing Elena following, Martin said, "Ask Elena."

Lily didn't dare to ask, as long as she asked, it must be ruthlessly suppressed by the iron fist.

Martin didn't care about Lily. Apart from filming, he was preparing for Coca-Cola these days. He asked Elena, "Did you see the house?"

Elena said: "I have taken a fancy to one building, and I will go and have a look with you later."

When they came to the restaurant, they were immediately welcomed in by the reception staff.

Justin and Thomas were waiting here at the door. When the former saw Martin, he immediately came over to shake hands: "You're doing great today, and you look like a Pope."

Martin asked, "Aren't I the leader of the Coke God Sect?"

Justin couldn't help laughing: "I was wrong, you are a real leader."


Atlanta, Duluth Business Club.

In the luxuriously decorated reception room, the two had just watched Coca-Cola's commercial endorsement signing ceremony.

The middle-aged man named Johnson stared at Milton: "You did this very badly, which made us lose the best development opportunity in Atlanta's film and television industry."

"I'm very sorry, I was at fault for this matter." Milton did not shirk his responsibility, but he also made an excuse: "Taylor did things fairly well, this time..."

Johnson snorted coldly: "Candidly shoot videos of so many people, and still scream? What is he trying to do? A black dog actually wants to bite its owner back!"

Milton stopped pleading.

Johnson added: "I was born in the slums of the South City, dropped out of high school, did not receive an elite education, and is still a black man. You should keep your eyes open in the future."

Milton responded: "I will no longer use black people for important jobs."

Johnson nodded slightly.

Milton was silent for a moment, still unwilling, and asked, "They were targeting Martin Davis by accident. I suspect Martin Davis..."

Johnson pointed at him, waiting for Milton to shut up: "Put all your thoughts away, Coca-Cola attaches great importance to this promotion, if you want to die, you can find a place to jump off a building or shoot yourself in the head, don't drag others down. "

Milton cursed countless times in his heart, but he could only choose to endure it: "I understand."

Johnson warned again: "Not only do you have to put your mind away, but also take care of the people below you. If there is a problem with Martin within the state of Zuozhou, they will throw you to the Coca-Cola Group."

There's no reason for this kind of thing.

Milton had no choice but to force himself to accept it.

After Johnson left, he returned to the Methodist office, closed the door, and smashed the door, but he couldn't express his uselessness.

At this time, the wife's call came: "Go home early in the evening for dinner, I made oysters."

Milton sat on the office chair, lowered his head, and felt so uncomfortable that he wanted to commit suicide.

How can life be so tortuous!

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