American fame and fortune

Chapter 287 Super Fast Hand Speed

The Brooklyn studio area suddenly became quiet and harmonious, and the three crews all restrained their members not to mess around here.

The studio area is too dangerous!

The inevitable rumors, such as Martin Davis being difficult, came from the "I'm Not There" crew.

Martin doesn't care and concentrates on filming every day.

Hollywood is a circle full of rumors.

Due to the postponement of the Central Park location, the crew remained in the studio to shoot.

The literary part came to an end, director Danny Boyle temporarily gave up the guide tube, and the assistant director and action director Chad Stalski was responsible for shooting the action part.

Martin has cooperated with him on the wanted warrant, and the action scenes are particularly tacit.

Chad's intentions and ideas can be understood by Martin as long as they are spoken, and they are extremely well completed.

On the set, which was arranged as a penthouse in the Upper East Side, Martin took off his suit jacket and threw it to the assistant next to him. The stylist came over to touch up his makeup urgently.

Chad called Lewis, the stuntman who played Martin's opponent, and talked about the scene together: "In this scene, Martin gradually recovered after drinking blood mixed with smart drugs, but the opponent has a gun in his hand, so you have to use unconventional methods. Get rid of him!"

He said to Lewis again: "Come here to check the situation, lean over to check Martin's condition, and then a conflict breaks out, pay attention to cooperation."

Lewis had already rehearsed his position, and replied, "No problem."

Bruce entered the set at this time, gave Lewis the prop revolver, and at the same time gave Martin the soft needle in the sealed package.

Chad asked, "Is that okay? Do you want to practice first?"

Martin tore open the packing bag and said, "No, I have practiced it."

At night, in a similar way, I played games with Aniston, and it's interesting to play between men and women.

Of course, this does not involve messy things. The main reason is that Aniston has a high awareness and actively cooperates with Martin to practice key action scenes.

After the stylist touched up the makeup, Martin lay on the ground next to a pool of blood, with red blood stains on his mouth, pretending to be a dead man.

Chad returned to the director's seat, observed the set through the director's monitor, and shouted: "Every department is ready, three minutes to shoot!"

Soon, the record was tapped and filming began.

Holding a revolver, Lewis entered the spacious living room of the apartment. Seeing his accomplice and Martin lying in a pool of blood, he immediately came to check the situation.

He reached out and turned Martin's body, and Martin turned around, opening his mouth and spitting out the needle.

The soft needle hit Lewis in the face, and Lewis let out a scream.

According to the preset routine, Martin reached out and knocked out Lewis' gun, raised his foot and kicked him out, then jumped up and used a Bruce Lee-style side kick.

Lewis fell backwards, smashed on the preset prop cabinet, smashed the door, and was unable to get up.

Martin followed closely, punching Lewis in the face like an inch punch.

Lewis cooperated very well, swung his head back sharply, and then tilted to one side.

Panting heavily, Martin came to the pool of blood, picked up the revolver that had fallen on the ground, and checked the bullets.

His hands drooped naturally, falling on the sides of his thighs, staring at the entrance of the passage, like a western cowboy about to duel.

According to Boyle and Chad's vision, there will be a montage insertion of the old cowboy in "Unforgiven" using the revolver to shoot.

The crew has obtained the authorization to use the relevant films.

"Stop!" Chad felt very good, but lacked confidence, and asked Boyle, the director on the other side, "Is it okay?"

Boyle nodded: "Very good!"

Then Chad shouted: "This one is over!" He reminded again: "Martin, Lewis, don't move, the second group of moves will enter the field!"

Several male actors had already received the guns from Bruce, and immediately followed the rehearsal route and entered the shooting location.

Chad added, "Martin, watch your shooting position. Not the one you're used to. It's a cowboy revolver."

Martin nodded: "Understood, Rapid Revolver!"

With Chad's order, filming began again.

Amidst the sound of dense footsteps, Martin did a trick with the revolver like a cowboy in the west. Before the first person came out, he held the revolver with one hand and pressed the hammer with the other.

Five enemies with guns appeared in the field of vision.

Martin pulls the trigger, and a rapid revolver fires!

His hand speed is astonishingly fast. In the past two years, he has been digging tunnels one after another, and he has practiced super fast hand speed without special effects at all!

This is what anyone who has experienced has said!

Anne Hathaway, Angelina Jolie, Blake Lively and Jennifer Aniston can all attest!

Six shots were fired, five enemies fell, and a decorative glass pane shattered.

Excited, Chad exclaimed, "Good job! Martin, you're awesome!"

Martin tossed the revolver to Bruce and said, "Small."

He can use this kind of hand speed in a dark and humid environment, let alone dry and unobstructed conditions.

The action in the apartment ends, and Chad yells, "It's over."

There is a break at noon, the crew does not return to the hotel, but eats in the dining car.

The actors of the crew of "I'm Not There" next door automatically avoided Martin when they saw him from a distance, as if encountering a demon king.

Martin got on the trailer with the dinner plate, waited for Bruce to sit opposite him, and asked, "Old Bu, am I so scary?"

Bruce not only had bright eyes, but also sharp ears in the crew. He said in a low voice, "Don't you know that rumors spread widely on the set? It is said that you are difficult to deal with, and you are a big devil. It is unlucky to stare at anyone."

Martin had heard it before, but it was the first time he heard it later: "The Great Demon King? What the hell, I'm the leader of the God Cult, okay?"

"I've inquired carefully, and it first came from Cate Blanchett." Bruce knew a lot: "She's an important member of the Australian gang, and she doesn't like you very much."

Martin ate a mouthful of vegetables and then a mouthful of meat: "She doesn't know that the Great Demon King eats meat?"

When Bruce heard this, he immediately became very interested: "What? Do you want to fuck her?" He likes to mess with people and the like: "How? Do you have a plan?"

"Stop! Stop!" Martin wondered: "Old Bu, use your shitty brains, when did good people like us take the initiative to mess with others? We are all self-defense!"

He emphasized: "Mouth grows on other people. Who cares? Can you control other people to open their mouths? As long as she doesn't say it in front of me, let her go."

Bruce turned his head and saw Blanchett and Bell in the distance through the window of the dining car.

He has been close to some people in the next group. Bell has a very good relationship with Heath Ledger and has a lot of opinions on Martin.

But it is impossible for the other party to have an opinion, say something bad behind their backs, and kill them.

After eating, the two returned to the trailer to rest.

Martin asked Bruce, "Is there anything about Harvey Weinstein in the News of the World or the Sun?"

"No." Bruce gave him the last two newspapers: "Harvey is not an ordinary person. It is estimated that no real evidence has been caught, and the News of the World will not move."

The Sun and its weekend edition, the News of the World, have a reputation for accuracy when it comes to gossip, scandal and celebrity revelations.

The news team that Martin met in Washington would rather take the risk of making news than writing random essays.

Harvey is also considered a big fish.

In the afternoon, the crew continued to shoot the action scenes, with Martin as the main shooter.

Long-term gun training made it easier for Martin to handle these scenes with ease.

Robert De Niro also appeared in the studio and officially joined the shooting.

As one of the four major actors in the 1970s and 1980s, the old man, like Jack Nicholson, has a bad temper, but he is completely two kinds of people in shooting and usual, and he is relatively dedicated.

In recent years, Robert De Niro has not been very selective in filming scripts. He has a relationship with his family. As an Italian who values ​​his family, the old man currently has six children and plans to have a seventh.

Raising children is expensive.

Martin and he belong to WMA, and Robert De Niro's agent Ali is the lubricant, and they get along pretty well in the crew.

In addition to life, I will also talk about some mutual friends.

Martin specifically mentioned the two friends: "I heard from Leo that you introduced him to Director Scorsese?"

Robert De Niro nodded: "I'm that bastard's daddy!"

Martin's eyes widened in shock. Could there be an indescribable secret? Shocking gossip?

"Don't think about it." Robert De Niro obviously guessed Martin's thoughts: "In the early 1990s, when shooting "A Boy's Life", I personally selected Leonardo from 400 candidates and let him play the role. My rebellious stepson."

It was the first time Martin learned about it, and asked, "Is he so dazzling then? 1 out of 400?"

Robert De Niro: "An idiot, I'll pick him because he's Italian!"

Martin is not surprised at all. Ethnicity and nationality are the most obvious circle symbols in Hollywood.

De Niro said again: "Later, I recommended him to Scorsese. He is not bad and has been improving." Then, he looked at Martin and asked: "Listen to Scorsese, are you On the set of Infernal Walker, blow up that bastard?"

Hearing this, the people around, including Aniston and Bruce, looked at Martin in surprise, unable to hide the shock in their eyes, as if saying that they didn't expect you to be such a person!

"Leonardo was blown up in the performance!" Martin hurriedly corrected, he didn't care about names like Big Devil and Difficult, but saying that Leonardo was blown up can ruin someone's innocence.

He is quite confident in this aspect: "Director Scorsese said that my interpretation of the role completely blows Leonardo."

Aniston came over and did not shy away, kissed Martin in front of everyone, and complained to De Niro: "You scared me."

De Niro laughed: "No wonder you have such a good relationship with Leo." He changed his voice: "That bastard is not like an Italian, irresponsible, married, and family-oriented, traitor!"

Martin agrees: "He's definitely a traitor, and I'll make him look good when I get a chance."

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