American fame and fortune

Chapter 323 New Shooting Technique

"Martin Davis has created an extremely complex role in The Departed, and he has performed an excellent performance of a completely different undercover inside and outside. His acting skills have become the best among actors born in Hollywood in the 1980s."

In Pinewood Studios, London, in the crew of "The Prestige", Emma Thomas carefully looked at the newspaper in her hand: "In just three years since entering the industry, Martin Davis has had three consecutive films with over 100 million box office in North America. There is no comparison between Wang and Elijah Wood and Hayden Christensen, who were blessed by the prequels of the Star Wars, but Martin's report card is even more convincing..."

Nolan, who finished today's work, came over at this moment, stood behind Emma, ​​looked at it for a while, and said, "What are you looking at?"

Emma handed the newspaper to her husband: "The box office of The Departed Walker exceeded 100 million in North America, and nearly 200 million worldwide."

Nolan sat down, read the newspaper carefully, and said at the same time: "We are going to create Scorsese's highest box office record."

"It should be." Emma said the main point of the newspaper news: "Martin Davis's three consecutive films have exceeded 100 million US dollars at the North American box office, and I feel that they are among the male actors born in the 1980s with the strongest commercial appeal."

Nolan has already seen the part of the comparison: "Elia Wood and Hayden have the blessings of the two major projects, but Martin also has them. This is a very smart actor, and the projects are chosen for a purpose."

He said one by one: "There are eyes in the mountains. Wes Craven is the producer and screenwriter. He is the godfather of Hollywood horror films. He has a strong appeal in the horror and thriller genre. Martin starred in this film, which is equivalent to getting A guarantee of success."

"Wanted, he cooperated with Jolie, the latter's triangular relationship with Pitt and Aniston was exposed, and the topic exploded, obviously a planned publicity, although it is not sure whether Martin was involved, but the success of the wanted , Jolie's role cannot be ignored."

"Needless to say The Departed, Scorsese's gangster films have never lacked audiences, as well as Leonardo and Nicholson."

Hearing her husband's words, Emma Thomas said: "But in Hollywood, among the actors born in the 1980s who have outstanding appearance, excellent acting skills, and relatively strong commercial appeal, no one dares to say that they are stronger than him."

Nolan said from his objective point of view: "Martin Davis still lacks a box office work."

"For now, Martin is already hard to come by." Because she often sees Mene at the club, Emma is somewhat affected: "I regret it now, I should have insisted and let Martin audition for the crew of Deadly Magic."

Nolan said: "Hugh Jackman is also good."

Emma shook her head: "Without Wolverine, how much appeal does he still have? After Van Helsing failed, he fell further. Without Wolverine, he would be an ordinary second-tier at best."

"The film has been shot to such an extent that there is no need to talk about it." Nolan knew that his wife had considered things comprehensively: "Bell strongly recommends Hugh, and I have to give due consideration..."

Emma rarely interrupted her husband: "Bell is too close to the Australian gang, I know you like to use British actors, and I do the same, but you still have to think carefully between Australian actors and American actors, The biggest power in Hollywood is still power in the United States."

Nolan nodded: "I understand."


Los Angeles, Angels Club.

Mene left the crowd, found Bruce in the corner, took the Coke he handed over, and flexed his arms to show his muscles: "See, I'm back to training again."

Bruce opened the can and asked, "Because Emma Thomas has been in London for the past two months, don't I need to drag you to eat sweets?"

Mene sat next to Bruce and said, "Yeah, she likes to eat sweets too much, and she doesn't care about body management."

Bruce asked, "Have you been in touch with her recently?"

"I called two days ago." Menei said simply: "I talked to her about the plot of "The Departed Walker". She watched the movie."

Bruce touched the Coke can: "Just look at it."

Mene took a sip of Coke: "She was very impressed with Martin."

Bruce said: "If you have any difficulties, you can find me or Thomas."

Mei Nei smiled: "The only problem is that she is a little young. If I were ten years older, I would take her down very easily. Unlike now, she keeps pulling me."

Bruce knows Mene's power well: "It's not bad at the moment, I can have first-hand sources of news."

There was a burst of applause in front of him, but it was Chad Stalski on the training ground who had achieved good results in the shooting training that simulated actual combat.

Chad faced the target dummy and used a shooting method that is relatively rare in Hollywood movies.

He ejected the magazine, emptied the chamber, and left the shooting range.

Martin went forward and bumped fists with Chad: "Man, your recent training results are amazing."

Chad said: "My physical strength can only guarantee that I can shoot one round, and then half of the bullets will miss the target in the second wave."

Marcus, who came with Chad, said: "Although you can't compare with Martin, you really have a good sense of gun." He specifically emphasized: "It's closer to actual combat."

Martin asked: "When you encounter the enemy, do you pay attention to speed when shooting?"

"Yes, you have to be quick to draw your gun and shoot!" Marcus, who only left Afghanistan this year, said, "When you encounter an enemy at close range, you must ensure that the first shot is fast and accurate, so the target is the enemy's chest and torso. Area targets, rather than relatively small heads."

Martin nodded slightly.

Marcus added: "However, the battlefield environment is complex. Hitting the enemy's chest and abdomen with a weapon like a pistol may not be fatal. It must be replenished in time."

Chad continued: "Only a dead enemy is a good enemy."

Martin gestured for the shooting action: "Hit the enemy first, so that people will lose a certain amount of active offensive ability, and then fill up the gun, so that the target will stay still for a longer time or permanently, and will no longer pose a threat."

Chad said: "This is the shooting technique that I plan to use in the new project after referring to many sources. With excellent marksmanship and your flexible skills, you can use a gun from a distance, fight from close up, and even a pencil can be used as a killer." A deadly weapon."

Martin is very confident about this. Even if the project is temporarily in the early creative stage, it will take a long time for the actual shooting and production. At his age, he is still in the peak state of his body and will not be unable to move.

This is a very real problem, everyone will grow old one day.

Bruce and Mene came over at this moment.

The former interjected: "At that time, Marcus and I can also serve as gunsmiths and action directors, and even play a few powerful villain bosses on stage."

Chad couldn't help laughing: "Good idea, I'm going to design some action routines and scenes specially for you to create distinctive shots."

Marcus, a film lover, is also very happy to be in front of the camera.

"What about me?" Mene teased, "I don't have special treatment?"

Chad glanced at Mene's face and complexion, and said, "I will think carefully about how to design a character for you."

Martin asked, "What about the plot?"

"I think about action scenes and action design first." Chad is a stuntman and action director, and his priority is of course what he is best at.

He said: "The plot and characters are all for the action scenes, in order to connect the action scenes logically."

Martin fully agrees: "The highlight of this kind of film is the coolness, not only the improvement of upgrading and fighting monsters, but also the coolness of clearing and beheading bosses."

Chad scratched his head and said embarrassedly: "I have considered these, but the plot still has only one simple line." He looked at Marcus: "It is about borrowing Marcus' real experience, about revenge for the dog. "

Martin said: "Don't worry about the plot, just calm down and polish it. If you need a professional screenwriter, just let me know."

Chad replied: "Not for now, I will call you when I need it."

Martin turned to Marcus, "Is the memoir going well?"

"It's okay." Marcus smiled: "Robinson is very powerful. Many things I said are not systematic at all, but he can organize them into very organized words, just like in memory."

The two parties had already signed an agreement, and Martin said: "If you have any difficulties, please contact me, or Chad."

He and Mene walk forward, then give Bruce a look.

Bruce deliberately lagged behind, slowing down Marcus's pace, and asked quietly: "Is everything about Daisy and John settled?"

Marcus looked around and saw no one around, so he lowered his voice and said, "Those four disgusting old blacks will never be normal men again."

Bruce said softly: "Daisy and John can rest in peace."

Marcus crossed himself: "May God bless them."

Chad comforted: "Come here, it's not worth putting yourself in for those disgusting bastards."

Bruce wholeheartedly agrees: "Indeed."

Marcus said: "I have let go of this matter, and I will focus on work later. Busy work can make me forget the pain of the past."

Entering November, the North American awards season is becoming more and more lively, and many seeded contestants are screened one after another.

For example, "Babel" starring Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett was screened on the first weekend of November, and its reputation and response were relatively good.

Naturally, the box office of this type of film will not be much better. The focus of commercial marketing is the Oscars. Only by getting Oscar nominations and awards can there be good commercial gains.

Other films such as "The Queen" and "The Last Dictatorship" also started with spot screenings, accumulating and controlling word of mouth, and look forward to gaining something in the awards season.

Martin's publicity and marketing are also gradually exerting force, especially for the many outpost awards, winning can effectively increase exposure.

After the announcement of the winners of the Gotham Independent Film Awards, it's time to vote for the major Film Critics Association awards.

This is the season when film critics can show their presence and influence the most.

Martin, of course, does not ignore that he has always had a good relationship with the Los Angeles critics.

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