American fame and fortune

Chapter 417 Black Cole

At Warner Studios, in the "John Wick" studio, Martin met a sponsor representative from Germany, a brown-haired middle-aged man named Hoffmann-Koch.

Louise introduced both parties and said emphatically: "Hoffman is the representative of the German company Heikohler \u0026 Koch in New York. After hearing about our project, he must come to Los Angeles to meet you and wants to sponsor our project. a movie."

Facing people who came to deliver money, Martin smiled naturally and kept saying kind words: "HK company is well-known, and I am also a firearms enthusiast. I have used products such as MP5, USP and HK rifles, and they are better than American weapons." "

"Mr. Davis, you're welcome. I've always wanted to meet you, but I haven't had the chance to meet you." Hoffman didn't look like a German, but more like a Yang guy who was good at doing business: "A few years ago, I saw Burbank Middle School From the video, I knew you were an expert with guns.”

Martin first said from the perspective of a hero of the city of Los Angeles: "It's a pity that more people could not be saved."

He started from his own background: "I grew up in a slum surrounded by gangs in Atlanta. I once initiated the establishment of a community defense alliance. Only by becoming skilled in the use of weapons can we protect ourselves and the people we care about."

Hoffman took the opportunity to give a gift: "On behalf of HK Company, I would like to present to you a full set of the company's civilian products. Please do not refuse. The company will help you complete all legal procedures."

Martin showed that he was very familiar with HK products: "Do you have your company's new HK416 carbine?"

"California has strict restrictions on firearms, and only semi-automatic civilian versions are available," said Hoffman.

Louise interrupted at this time: "Hoffman is here this time and wants to sponsor our film on behalf of HK Company."

"I talked about the film with Ms. Meyer, and also read the script and some scene settings." Hoffman was very direct: "The film is almost entirely composed of explosive gunfight action scenes. I have communicated with the company headquarters, and the company is interested in sponsoring it. All firearms used by your protagonist.”

Martin glanced at Louise, and their eyes met for a moment.

He had heard Louise say on the phone before that she was not idle when she went to New York on a business trip to discuss shooting locations and other matters, and she brought back a sponsor by the way.

Martin said: "Your request is that all the male protagonists I play use HK's series of products?" He said bluntly: "In the scene, there are many scenes where the male protagonist picks up guns and shoots them..."

Hoffman understood what Martin meant and said: "The hero's carefully prepared main weapon must come from HK Company." Of course he understood the key to cooperation: "In addition to weapons, we will also assist the crew with a series of shooting matters in New York. , and provide a sufficient venue sponsorship fee.”

Martin glanced at Louise: "I have no objection."

Louise said to Hoffman: "We will discuss the specific cooperation matters in detail tomorrow."

Hoffman stopped talking about these things, and instead chatted with Martin about firearms, and found that Martin was indeed an expert in using guns.

He suggested that HK choose this movie mainly because of Martin. On the one hand, Martin's commercial appeal is getting stronger and stronger, and on the other hand, as a city hero, Martin has killed gangsters with a gun.

While chatting about firearms, Hoffman tentatively asked if Martin was interested in shooting a series of posters and videos of gun practice for HK.

Martin refused without hesitation. Even in a place like the United States, where guns are rampant, only stupid public figures would cooperate with gun dealers on endorsements.

As a leading actor in a movie, I can use it no matter what, but not in reality.

Martin and Louise negotiated a cooperation intention with Hoffman, and the people below quickly worked out the specific terms of cooperation. In addition to providing firearms and props to the crew, HK Company will also spend US$3 million to sponsor the filming.

This contract seems to have made some contribution to a free America.

"Our advertising revenue is expected to reach $10 million."

In the office, Louise pushed up her black-rimmed glasses and said, "The sponsorship contract with Coca-Cola has been negotiated. They will provide US$4 million in advertising sponsorship."

Martin asked with concern: "What specific requirements do they have?"

Louise smiled and said, "You are the leader of the Coca-Cola Cult. Coca-Cola requires that in the action scene design of the film, there should be at least one major action scene in which you use bottled Coke to kill the enemy."

This was within Martin's expectation: "It's a joke, I asked Chen Hu to focus on designing similar scenes and strive to make them more beautiful."

Louise continued: "The costumes for your and Mene's characters, as well as other powerful killers, in the film are mainly dark suits, and Briony will sponsor all the suits."

She smiled: "There is also a Cadillac. What arouses the male protagonist's revenge and anger is not only the dog, but also the car. The car must be a Cadillac. In addition, your main means of transportation in the film is also a Cadillac."

Martin said directly: "As long as the advertising sponsorship money is enough, these are not problems."

Whether the car the protagonist wants to get back is a classic Mustang or a Cadillac, it actually makes little difference to the film.

Martin is on the rise and can be said to be popular. It has multiple brand sponsorships, which also makes the advertising sponsorship of the project particularly smooth.

There are also brands such as mobile phones and department stores that are also discussing advertising cooperation with the crew.

Of course, it is far inferior to super commercial masterpieces such as Transformers and The Dark Knight. These two films have earned more than 30 million US dollars in advertising sponsorship alone.

But in medium-scale productions, Martin can squeeze into the first echelon, not to mention the top of Hollywood.

On the mobile phone side, the final deal was made with Nokia.

2008 is already close to the final glory of Nokia mobile phones. Nokia's requirements for advertising are consistent, such as resistance to manufacturing and durability. It would be better if anti-bounce lenses can be added.

It's a pity that the Samsung brand bomb has not been released yet.

Martin met with two directors, Chad and Nolan, and basically settled his schedule.

After the Oscars, he will go to New York to shoot "John Wick", which is expected to be completed in about two months. He will return just in time for the start of the summer season, when "The Dark Knight" will really start its pre-release promotions.

The relevant publicity pavement, whether it's Martin's side, or the crew and Bell's side, has been advancing.

Before Louise went to New York again, she found Martin and Chad again.

The three of them also constitute the Big Three of the "Quick Chase" project.

"There's something I want to tell you in advance."

As Martin's status and business appeal continue to increase, Louise gradually pays attention to methods and methods when it comes to work related to Martin. Knowing some things in advance can save a lot of trouble.

She roughly said: "This time the crew was filming in New York, there were a lot of street scenes, and we had to deal with New York municipal agencies. A New York official we were working with recommended a friend's daughter and wanted our crew to give her a role of some importance."

Chad didn't reject this. Hollywood is full of related households. This is a normal situation. He asked, "Is it okay to be a female killer?"

Louise said: "It's best to play a positive role. I personally suggest letting her play the leading role."

It is said that it is the heroine, but in fact, there are very few scenes, and most of the time lives in the photos in the actor's wallet and in the memories of nostalgia.

Martin asked: "What's the connection behind her?"

Louise said directly: "Her father has been a federal prosecutor in New York City for more than ten years. He also served in the city hall. He has a certain degree of influence. He has old friends in many departments in New York. If we recruit her into the crew, the location will be Shooting can be a lot less troublesome."

She added: "The other party is an actor himself. He has appeared in many TV series since 2002. He has been involved in the film industry since 2005 and has played many important supporting roles."

Martin said: "How to give favors, you are better than me to deal with it, you make the decision."

If it wasn't for the heroine, Louise wouldn't have brought it up for discussion. Seeing that Martin and Chad had no objections, the matter was basically settled.

As for the other party's age being slightly younger, this is not a problem at all in her eyes, not to mention that makeup can solve it, and the role itself has limited roles.

It was nearing late February, and Louise and Chad led most of the crew on a charter flight out of Los Angeles and headed to Brooklyn Studios in New York to make final preparations for the filming of "John Wick."

Martin was called to the hotel by Kate. After a crazy output, Kate began to cultivate her mind and adjust her state for the Oscars.

The next day, the miserable man was squeezed by Jolie and Aniston again until the tank gun ran out of shells.

Fortunately, Elizabeth is on a diet and saving water for the first Oscar red carpet in her life, so she doesn’t have so much energy to grab ammunition.

Martin took a day's rest and regained his energy.

On February 24, he and Elizabeth replenished a small amount of high-calorie food, put on their respective dresses, took an all-black Cadillac flagship car, and went straight to the Kodak Theater.

The Academy Awards ceremony is in its 80th year.

After queuing for a while, Cadillac gradually approached the red carpet area.

Martin looked at Elizabeth, who was slightly nervous, and pointed outside the car window, specifically asking her to relax: "Did you see that red? That is the area of ​​the Coca-Cola Cult. I am the leader and you are the saint. For a moment, We brought Cokes and drank them with the congregation.”

Elizabeth saw the red cultural shirt and smiled sweetly: "I know, this is an essential ritual for you on every red carpet."

Martin also laughed: "I will join you in the future."

Elizabeth was particularly happy, and her sweet smile healed her inner tension: "I'm looking forward to it."

The car in front drove away, and after Colin Farrell walked away on the red carpet, the Cadillac stopped in front of the red carpet.

Martin got out of the car first, turned around and took out Elizabeth.

Countless flash lights lit up, so bright that it was hard to keep your eyes open.

Martin took Elizabeth's hand and walked toward the Kodak Theater.

Reporters on both sides talked a lot: "Playboy has a new girlfriend."

"She seems to be the little sister of the Olsen sisters. I think her name is Elizabeth."

"That's right, Elizabeth Olsen, Martin's new prey."

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