American fame and fortune

Chapter 428 Do I look like a principled person?

In the Brooklyn studio, set up as a hospital ICU ward, Alexandra finished filming her last scene and returned to the embrace of God accompanied by the sad actor.

Chad declares the shot passed.

Alexandra opened the white quilt, jumped down from the hospital bed, hugged Martin, and refused to let go for a long time.

Others stay away automatically.

Martin patted Alexandra on the back: "I can see her anytime I want to in the future."

Alexandra nodded, let go of Martin, took a step back, and said, "But I may not be able to see you for more than a month."

Martin was confused: "You don't live in New York?"

Alexandra said softly: "My parents are planning to take Catherine and I to travel to Sweden. We will take advantage of the beginning of the darkest day to stay there for a while. When Catherine goes to college, we may not have time."

"I wish you a pleasant trip in advance." Martin saw Chad walking over and said, "The crew has prepared souvenirs for you."

Chad took a prop bracelet and handed it to Alexandra: "This is the bracelet you wore during the shooting. Keep it. I hope you can always remember this experience."

Alexandra asked Martin to help put it on and said with a smile: "I will never forget it."

She was about to leave the set. Many people from the crew greeted her, and Martin kept sending her outside the studio.

Catherine also came and was waiting by the studio.

Martin waved to Bruce, and Bruce immediately sent over Martin's two-piece gift set.

Alexandra said: "You gave me a lot of gifts, no need to..."

"It's different. This is a special souvenir to commemorate working together." Martin then handed it to Alexandra: "It's not something valuable, just some handmade crafts. Everyone who worked with me left I will give one copy when I’m on set.”

Alexandra took it, opened it and looked at it. A clown statue and a fang pendant were indeed not valuable items. She said, "I accepted them."

As soon as he finished speaking, the gift box was suddenly put aside, and Martin was hugged and kissed passionately.

Martin also responded fiercely.

The two of them had a tacit understanding and moved towards Martin's trailer at the same time.

Just as Catherine was about to follow him, she suddenly noticed sharp arrow-like eyes staring at her and quickly stopped.

Sure enough, Martin's bodyguard was a manager or something, and he was warning her with his eyes.

Catherine felt that this man was a bit perverted, so she decisively found a place to sit down and waited patiently.

Looking over from a distance, she saw the huge trailer beginning to shake. She didn't know how hard the people inside used it. Weren't they afraid of causing a murder?

It wasn't until the sun turned to the west that the two shameless men came out of the trailer.

Catherine went over, found Martin, and said directly: "Martin, I also want a souvenir."

Alexandra refuted: "You don't work on the crew, so you are not qualified."

Martin followed suit and gave Catherine no souvenirs.

Alexandra went to pick up the two gift boxes that Bruce returned.

Catherine took the opportunity to push a note into Martin's hand, made a phone call gesture, and pulled Alexandra away.

Bruce said: "Two sisters, you are really not human!"

Martin glanced at the note in his hand. There was a string of phone numbers on it. He crumpled it into a ball and threw it into the trash can next to him. He said, "Do you think I am a rotten person like you? Old Boo, you have to admit it. I am more qualified than you, and I have more principles and bottom lines than you."

Bruce laughed: "I'm waiting to see your principles and bottom line."

Martin faced Lao Bu, held his head high, and entered the studio.

After filming the cultural scenes for three consecutive days, the crew got back on track with intensive shooting of the action scenes.

On the abandoned dock built by the police, Martin launched a desperate fight with the leader of the Russian mafia.

A veteran stuntman named Quinn plays the role of the villain Ivanov throughout the film.

This man is an old friend of Chad. He has been in Hollywood for many years and is still considered a marginal supporting actor. He has never even played a significant role.

In fact, this is also a portrayal of the life of most people in the actor circle, who remain unknown throughout their lifetime of acting.

Even if you can become a slightly famous supporting actor, like Mene, without family background and sufficient background, you need extraordinary good luck.

Quinn has excellent acting skills, has a strong body, and is brave enough to fight.

Before filming, Chad briefly explained the precautions to prepare the two actors.

Martin had practiced with Quinn, and he specifically said at this time: "My punches are simple and direct, and they basically go towards the vital points. I will control the force, and you should also pay attention to dodge."

Quinn smiled with big white teeth: "Don't have any scruples, Martin, just come and let us make this scene more exciting."

After finally getting a role like this, he plans to give it his all.

The recorder came over to take notes and the shooting began.

Quinn took off his suit jacket and threw it in the garbage pile aside. He said, "Jonathan, you killed my son! Just because of a dog that stepped on a horse, you killed my son, you madman!"

Martin had a gloomy face, wiped the wound on his cheek, and said slowly: "Daisy is the last gift Helen left for me."

In Chad's setting, the dog is the last side of Jonathan that belongs to ordinary people.

When the dog dies, Jonathan's humanity as an ordinary person is gone.

Quinn was almost crazy: "You madman, you killed my only son for a dog!" He put on a boxing stance: "It's just you and me now, let's end this."

He punched wildly one after another, but Martin dodged it.

Martin found an opportunity, parried his fist, and kicked Quinn between the legs.

Quinn raised his leg and blocked it with his knee, but screamed in pain.

Martin exerted force on his hands, grabbed his wrist, and threw him into the garbage with a back throw.

It looked like a solid piece of junk, all made of resin, with a mat underneath.

Martin jumped forward, but Quinn kicked him out. He flew back backwards and fell to the ground.

Both of them got up from the ground, each punching and kicking, hitting each other's vitals.

During this period, Chad called for a stop several times to allow the two of them to recover their strength. Chen Hu also came over to provide guidance to make the fight more beautiful.

In the middle of the afternoon, the scene was filmed to the end. Martin first cut his throat with his palm, then inserted his eyes with his two fingers, and finally knocked down the villain by lifting his vaginal foot.

Quinn gasped for air and shouted: "Jonathan, we are people who adhere to professional standards and have a bottom line!"

Martin punched Quinn hard on the chest and said coldly: "Do you think I am a person with principles and bottom lines?" He punched Quinn hard on the heart and asked while hitting him: "Do I have them? Do I need principles and bottom lines?" "

Quinn hesitated and was speechless.

Martin struck again and again.

Quinn slumped to the ground.

Chad shouted at this time: "This one passed, good! Very good!"

Martin stretched out his hand, waited for Quinn to take it, pulled him up, and asked, "Is it okay?"

Quinn clamped her legs together and said, "My balls almost broke."

Martin couldn't help but laugh.

Quinn took a few deep breaths, regained his composure, and said, "Your movements and strength are controlled just right."

Chad watched the replay on the director's monitor again, stood up and came to the set, giving a thumbs up to Martin and Quinn: "You did a great job, it was a wonderful game."

"I risked my life for this show," Quinn said with a smile.

He doesn't have much extravagant expectations for the future, he just hopes to become a villain with more roles in some action movies.

Martin deliberately joked: "Quinn's brother was almost beaten by me."

"I was also very worried at one time." Chad said specifically to Martin: "When you shouted that there were no principles and bottom lines, I was worried that you were really crazy and would kill Quinn as an enemy."

Martin said: "Find the right opportunity and occasionally break out your acting skills."

Today's shooting went smoothly and the planned scene ended ahead of schedule. Chad looked at the time and shouted loudly: "It's done, it's done. Go back and have a good rest. We'll shoot the third act shootout scene tomorrow."

Daniel from Warner Bros. came into the set at this time to ask Martin about something.

Martin went over and asked, "Is there something urgent?"

Daniel reminded: "This weekend is the Metropolitan Museum of Art charity party. Don't forget to attend." He asked with concern: "You need to be high-profile now and help "The Dark Knight" and "John Wick" attract attention. Come up with a plan. ?"

Martin thought about it, but still asked: "Does Warner have any plans?"

Daniel said: "Those stupid pigs are just asking you to put more fuss about your clothes."

Martin shook his head: "It's hard to become a breaking point like this."

The Oscars in the fashion industry are originally a chaotic dance of demons. There will be countless strange costumes on the red carpet. Even if a few slices of raw meat are used to stick to the vital points, the effect will be the same.

Daniel gave up hope on the people at Warner Bros.: "It's up to you. If you need anything, just tell me."

Martin thought for a while and said: "I will inform you in two days to keep confidentiality. By the way, Leonardo arrived in New York today, and he may attend with me."

"No problem." Daniel said, "You have always been able to do things, so let's do them together."

The two of them discussed METGALA together and left the studio.

After Daniel left, Bruce came over and said, "While you were filming, Leonardo sent a message, and he came to New York with Nicholson."

Martin got into the trailer to remove his makeup and said to Bruce: "Send him a message and I will be at the hotel in half an hour so he can prepare a treat."

Bruce sat on a chair aside, edited the text message and sent it out.

A little more than half an hour later, Martin returned to the hotel where the crew was staying, and met Leonardo and Nicholson in the resting area of ​​the hotel lobby.

Nicholson raised his sunglasses and said: "Leo, this bastard, insists on dragging me to participate in some fashion Oscars, and you also said that you have a good idea that can make us the focus of the whole city?"

Leonardo shrugged. Anyway, he was bragging for Martin. If he couldn't handle it, it would be Martin who would be embarrassed.

"It seems that I'm going to be serious this time." Martin said fiercely.

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