American fame and fortune

Chapter 500 The Dragon-Slaying Boy Turns into an Evil Dragon

Walking along the long steps to the Lumiere Hall, Martin met many members of the jury.

Li Dongcang from South Korea was the first to come over and shake hands with Martin, and seemed very enthusiastic.

Martin responded enthusiastically.

Bruce reminded him softly.

Martin turned around, and John Travolta came over. He took two steps forward and shook hands with the veteran movie star: "Hello, John."

Travolta seemed to be just saying hello as a routine, and said with a smile: "Master Hubbard asked me to say hello to you on his behalf."

"Thank you." Martin understood that Hubbard must be the leader of Scientology.

Travolta added: "Master Hubbard hopes to discuss with you in Los Angeles the joint development of Scientology and the Coca-Cola Cult."

Martin seemed quite interested on the surface: "Please say hello to Master Hubbard for me. I have many matters related to the development of the sect and would like to ask his experienced senior for advice."

By the way, he is also a leader.

Travolta nodded, shook hands with Martin again, and quickly left.

Martin shook hands with the other judges and exchanged a few words with each one.

When Shu Qi arrived, he switched to Mandarin: "Ms. Shu is my favorite oriental female artist. I have read many of Miss Shu's works."

"You speak Chinese so well, it's unexpected." Shu Qi shook hands with Martin and asked, "Have you really seen many of my works?"

Martin nodded, of course this is true, like the Red Light District and Jade Girl Heart Sutra, etc., he has seen it over and over again many times in his previous life.

Especially the latter, a masterpiece in the field of art films.

Of course he wouldn't say that: "I also watched "If You Are the One" last year."

Upon hearing the Chinese title of the movie, Shu Qi was sure that what Martin said was most likely true. Women are more emotional, and her liking for Martin increased greatly.

In addition, she also thought of something. An old friend from the International Bartenders Association headquartered in Hong Kong called and asked her to pay more attention to "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" and the leading actor Martin.

Shu Qi tried to ask: "Can we take a group photo together?"

"No problem." Martin stood beside her and waved to the photographer specially brought by the crew to take pictures of the two of them.

It is not easy for Shu Qi to reach the stage of being a Cannes judge.

After taking a group photo, Martin went to find other judges.

All the films participating in the competition have already been produced, and it is impossible to make too much of a fuss about the film itself. The competition for awards will naturally shift from the film itself to other aspects.

Anyone who understands how film awards work knows that the real battleground is off the screen.

On Shu Qi’s side, Louise Meyer had already said hello through the International Bartenders Association.

Martin is not sure whether he will win the prize, but no matter whether he wins or not, he must first cripple his biggest competitor.

He believes his biggest competitor is Quentin Tarantino's "Inglourious Basterds."

Martin chatted a little more with another judge, Italian actress Aisha Argento.

After meeting her in person, Martin discovered that she was the heroine of XX.

It also reminded him of some things he had seen about Harvey in his previous life.

Martin did not see Huppert, the chairman of the jury, and turned to Bruce and said: "Let me influence Aisha Argento in private. I seem to have heard somewhere that she is a victim of Harvey."

Bruce nodded, looked around and said in a low voice: "It feels like we're almost turning into Harvey."

"It's normal. The boy who slays dragons will turn into a dragon one day." Martin considers himself a bastard, but compared to Harvey, he dares to say that he is a good person.

"We never force women," he said.

Bruce thought of the Kardashian sisters and said, "We are all forced by women!"

Martin glanced around and suddenly saw Menet taking a photo with Isabelle Huppert in the corner of the main entrance platform.

Bruce also saw it and said: "As expected of Mene, he got a photo with the goddess of literature and art so quickly."

While taking a photo with Huppert, Uncle Menet madly complained about another Isabelle, saying that when he met on the Corniche yesterday, the other person's face looked like the earth was falling apart, which could scare people to death.

Huppert, who seems to be a noble and literary person, just likes to listen to this.

Moreover, Mene exudes a temperament and smell that is particularly attractive to older ladies. Huppert liked this very much after 2000.

Although the two did not chat for long, they both left a deep impression on each other.

Mene also asked for Huppert’s contact information.

Martin also chatted with Huppert for a few words, and then entered the Lumiere Hall.

Bruce quietly gave Mene a thumbs up.

Menei smiled confidently, as if these were just trivial matters and no big deal.

The 62nd Cannes Film Festival officially kicked off.

The opening film this year is Pixar's "Up."

Although it is just an animated film, it caused a sensation when it was released, especially the beginning of the film, which was praised.

Disney has just swallowed Pixar Studio, and its impact on Pixar is not too great for the time being. Pixar animated films are still synonymous with quality.

In less than ten years, Pixar will be homogenized by Disney.

After watching the opening film, he returned to the hotel and took the elevator. Martin met Charlize Theron again and happened to hear her complaining to her companions that she had been hungry for many days in order to walk on the red carpet.

Being a good neighbor and a true gentleman, Martin invites Charlize to join him for a late-night snack.

And, of course, the rest of the two crews.

Charlize had a good impression of Martin and wanted to go out to eat soon, so she agreed: "Go back and change first. After changing, shall we meet in the lobby?"

Martin said, "Okay."

The two of them went back and changed into casual clothes, went downstairs to the lobby, and a dozen people went out to a nearby restaurant together.

Martin has already made a reservation.

The Cannes Film Festival has just begun, and it’s a time when media reporters are going crazy.

From the moment Martin and Charlize went out to the door of the restaurant, there were always a lot of reporters following them taking pictures.

Many of them deliberately adjusted their shots to ignore people like David Fincher and Jennifer Lawrence, and only photographed Martin and Charlize walking together.

Judging from the footage alone, it looks like the two of them were on a date alone late at night, going for supper alone.

Excellent entertainment reporters naturally understand market demand and what people like, and use this to create news.

Under the influence of his partner Jodi, Ivan also became a master in this area.

He and his assistant followed Elsa Argento into an Italian restaurant and deliberately chose a table next to Elsa.

Elsa ate her late-night snack absentmindedly, thinking about the news relayed by an intermediary.

Harvey wants her help in pushing "Inglorious Basterds" to win an award.

Elsa felt a little confused.

"I wonder who will be the unlucky one at this Cannes Film Festival." An American English voice came from the side. Aisha had gone to Hollywood to develop and could understand: "Harvey Weinstein is here, Cannes will definitely not It will be peaceful. Last year or the year before that, he locked people in a hotel room for a whole day in order to buy a film from an overseas film company!"

Another said: "What the hell, I saw him lock a famous actress in a hotel room a few years ago."

"Harvey has applied what he did in Hollywood to Cannes. There are many beauties coming this year, and there must be some unlucky ones."

"Others are all about exchange of interests. You are willing to give in and I am willing. It's rare to see people like Harvey using force like this."

"He is a big boss and a rich man. Who can do anything to him?"

Listening to the faint words, Elsa remembered something she had deliberately forgotten. When she came to attend the Cannes Film Festival in 1997, she met Harvey Weinstein, who lured her to the hotel with the promise of helping her go to Hollywood. Inside the room...

Elsa always believed that it was a trap!

Harvey never fulfilled what he promised her, and she didn't leave any evidence. In addition, she really wanted to develop in Hollywood and didn't dare to offend Harvey, so she could only selectively forget it.

Elsa knew that she couldn't afford to offend Harvey, and she didn't dare to say much about it, after all, it wasn't very glorious at the time.

She put down her knife and fork and slowly wiped her mouth, just like she was in the hotel room.

It's definitely not possible to do something openly, but you can do it secretly and quietly.

Elsa is now on the jury, and Harvey's film is up for serious awards.

When leaving the restaurant, Elsa made up her mind and bought Huppert's favorite dessert back to the hotel and delivered it to Huppert's room.

Huppert has a tough style and wants to promote "White Ribbon" to win the award, but she knows that she needs to be strategic and win the support of other judges.

Elsa took the initiative to come closer, and Huppert accepted her kindness.


Los Angeles, Beverly Hills.

Stuart Townsend, who had nothing to do, got up in the morning, went to the door to get a newspaper, and came back to have breakfast and read the newspaper.

Turning to the entertainment section, he couldn't eat breakfast anymore.

Stewart saw multiple pictures, all of which were photos of Martin Davis and his girlfriend Charlize.

They left the hotel together, they walked on the road together, they entered the restaurant together, they left the restaurant together...

As close as a couple.

The newspaper headlines were also scary.

"Martin Davis is suspected of having a spark with Charlize Theron, and they were seen together in Cannes!" 》

Stewart completely lost his appetite. These two bastards were having an affair behind his back!

He took another newspaper from under the dining table. In the photo in the newspaper, Martin and Charlize were standing on the beach, looking at each other. Their eyes seemed to be electric!

"Damn neighbors!" Stewart shouted angrily: "Why would my neighbor be trash like Martin Davis!"

No one could answer him.

Stewart took out his cell phone and dialed Charlize's number regardless of the time difference. When the call was connected, he asked, "What have you done? You shameless crazy woman dared to cheat!"

Charlize didn't know why: "Why are you so crazy?"

Stewart yelled: "I told you to stay away from Martin Davis! Stay away! Don't you understand? How dare you do this to me!"

Charlize tried to remain calm: "Martin and I are just neighbors and have a working relationship."

Stewart couldn't listen and warned: "If you don't stay away from that bastard Martin Davis, I will burn your house and Martin Davis' house next door!"

Charlize was helpless and comforted: "We will have a good talk when I get back."

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