American fame and fortune

Chapter 514 The highest honor

After the group of recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, including Hawking and Spielberg, stepped down, Guan Hai stood in front of the podium again.

He had a solemn expression, a far-reaching gaze, and a long voice: "For more than 200 years, many people have defended our country and protected our citizens. Our hearts will always be full of pride and gratitude to them!"

The lens of a live camera turned to Martin, giving him a large close-up.

Guan Hai's speech continued: "The hero among us represents the spirit, courage and love of America. He believes in America, he loves this land, and he will never stop defending our freedom!"

There was warm applause.

Lily raised her camera and kept taking pictures.

"Because of this, we respect our heroes!" Guanhai made a gesture of invitation: "Invite Martin Davis, the hero of America and the recipient of the Outstanding Medal of Freedom!"

Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, who was sitting in the front row, was the first to stand up and applaud, and other White House officials also stood up and applauded.

Everyone on the South Lawn stood and applauded.

The Distinguished Medal of Freedom is not awarded every year, and today there is only one recipient, Martin.

Elizabeth also stood up and applauded Martin. She was particularly excited by this scene and felt that this was also an honor that belonged to her.

Lily raised her camera and kept pressing the shutter button to record Martin's glorious moments.

Martin walked up to the podium amidst applause, stood in the center, and said: "Mr. President..."

Guan Hai shook hands with him and said with a smile: "Martin, you showed us the courage and determination of the United States."

Martin stood up straight and asked Guan Hai to put on the large award medal and pin the star medal on him.

The applause was even louder on the South Lawn.

Martin took two steps forward, came to the podium, and said: "The strength of America comes from the faith and spirit of all of us. I am not as brave as you say, and everything I do is to survive. But you have given me a great honor, thank you, God bless you, and God bless America!"

Amid applause, Martin walked toward the podium.

Lily put down the camera in her hand and said, "Who would have thought that a bastard from that community could actually receive the highest civilian honor in this country."

Elizabeth's palms turned red and her face flushed with excitement: "Don't you think Martin is super charming? He is America's hero and my hero too!"

Lily lowered her head to look at the camera, admiring the photos she had just taken one by one through playback.

When Martin returned to the audience, Spielberg gave him a hug and others shook his hand.

Hawking's electronic voice sounded again: "Hero leader!"

Martin nodded over there: "Thank you."

The ceremony was still going on, and staff members had already come over to remind Martin to go to the banquet hall for a reception lunch after the ceremony.


Los Angeles, Burbank.

Toni, who had her belly straightened out, sat on the sofa and watched the Independence Day celebration live on TV attentively. When she saw Martin wearing a medal, he was fascinated for a moment.

"That's so cool, my hero." She gently stroked her belly and murmured: "Son, come out and see, your father is a hero, a real hero!"

In the panoramic close-up of the TV screen, Martin is wearing a medal and a star on his chest, showing his masculine charm to the extreme.

In contrast, the sea view next to it is dark and gloomy, which is really a good background.

Toni, who couldn't drink now, poured a large glass of juice, raised it towards the TV, and said, "Congratulations, my hero, the father of my son!"

Just in time, a close-up shot captured Martin's smile, and Toni seemed to get a response. She drank the entire glass of juice in one go, feeling as comfortable as eating ice cream.

She calculated that this year her son would be able to come out and see his father.

It's really great.

Toni looked at this high-priced apartment. She thought it was very spacious at first, but now it looks cramped. The floor height is too low, the space is too small, the furniture and appliances are too different, and the food and clothing are not of the first-tier brands...

Really, wherever I look, I am dissatisfied.

As soon as her son is born, all this can change. Toni thought of the Coty community in Sherman Oaks, where Martin has a single-family house worth at most $3 million. She will not be greedy and her son can live there. That's it.

As a father, you should pay your dues.

The live TV broadcast continued, but without Martin's camera, Toni stood up and prepared to go out for some exercise. The doctor asked to ensure a basic amount of activity.

Two floors above, in another room, Ben Affleck picked up the remote control and turned off the TV.

Martin Davis received the highest national honor that a civilian can receive, and enjoyed unlimited glory in front of the White House and everyone in the United States. This made Ben very depressed, even more uncomfortable than being unable to breathe.

Daben subconsciously came to the wine cabinet and opened the checkered glass cabinet door. The cabinet was empty, not even a bottle of wine.

People suffering from alcohol addiction need alcohol both when they are depressed and when they are happy.

Daben's long pony-like face fell down, his temper rushed to his forehead, and he was about to explode.

But he saw lines of words written on the inside of the wine cabinet.

"Have you forgotten the humiliation brought upon you by Martin Davis?"

"Martin Davis is beautiful, but you fell into a cliff!"

"Ben Affleck, do you still want revenge?"

There is also a key sentence: "Do you want Jennifer Garner to become like Pitt's ex-wife?"

These heart-wrenching words written by hand when he was calm and at the height of his hatred made Da Ben's alcohol addiction disappear in an instant, and he was refreshed and regained his sobriety.

Daben closed the wine cabinet door and said: "I will never forget, I must take revenge!"

But it’s easier to think about than it is to do.

In the past month, he has found someone to quietly contact Eliza Cuthbert and Anne Hathaway. The former has neither good nor bad feelings towards Martin, and is already a stranger.

He didn't want to offend his powerful ex-boyfriend just because he was a down-and-out person.

The latter was so stupid that she thought she owed Martin...

Originally, Ben wanted to send someone to Atlanta, but suddenly he realized that he had no foundation in Atlanta, and Atlanta was the birthplace of Martin Davis, so he gave up the idea.

How to do?

Ben is following suit, just as he and Pitt fell, and plans to start with the women surrounding Martin Davis.

Such as assistants and housekeeping.

As a result, he saw a Hollywood alternative.

A bastard who wears the name of a playboy and does playboy deeds, but he has never forced himself on any woman!

This is incredible!

This is so un-Hollywood!

I would like to ask, which big-name star, director and producer in the industry dares to say that he has never forced others to have sex?

Is this still a Hollywood star?

He's obviously a crazy guy like Johnny Depp!

Ben was still thinking about getting involved in the espionage incident, just in case there was something fishy...

Before they really got close, the LAPD and FBI were spotted.

One is the largest armed violent organization in Los Angeles, and the other is a member of the largest armed violent organization in the United States.

I can't afford to offend you.

Looking at the time, he went out to go to the supermarket.

After taking the elevator downstairs and exiting the apartment door, Ben found a blond woman with a big belly sitting next to the door. She seemed to be in special pain.

I knew this man well and had met him more than once when I came in and out. The residents of this apartment sometimes looked at him like a prisoner.

At any other time, Ben wouldn't have cared about it at all, but the woman's painful look reminded him of before his daughter was born.

People with bad tempers also have a soft side inside. Ben stepped forward and asked, "Are you okay?"

Toni looked at Ben and said, "I was too excited just now and drank some desserts. It may have caused contractions. Please send me to the hospital!"

Ben said: "I'll call 911 for you."

"They come and go too slowly." Toni cried: "Please, take me to the hospital, I can't lose this child."

Daben hesitated for a moment and then helped her up: "Hold on."

Toni put one hand on Ben's shoulder and the other in front of his belly: "I can hold on!"

This woman was particularly strong at this time: "I will definitely be able to hold on!"

Daben helped her into his car, started the car and drove quickly to the nearest hospital.

In less than ten minutes, the car stopped in front of the hospital emergency room, and Ben shouted: "Doctor, help! Help!"

Someone ran out immediately.

Soon, Toni was lying in the emergency ward and taking anti-fetal drugs.

Ben breathed a sigh of relief.

The doctor came over and said: "The problem is not very serious, but we must also pay attention to pregnant women not to have excessive mood swings, as this may cause problems easily."

Toni's heart returned to her stomach: "Doctor, is my baby okay?"

The doctor said: "No problem, you have a good rest, pay attention to your emotions, and call me if you have any questions."

Toni nodded: "Okay."

The doctor gave the nurse a few instructions and left quickly.

Toni turned her eyes to Ben, thinking of the previous misunderstanding, and said: "Ben, thank you."

Daben did a good thing and was in a good mood: "We are all neighbors, you are welcome."

It was impossible for him to stay here with Toni for a long time and asked: "Where is your husband or boyfriend? Give him a call and ask him to come over quickly. He should be informed about this kind of thing."

Toni doesn't have a husband or boyfriend now, but remembering the live TV broadcast just now, she said: "He went to Washington on a business trip and was not in Los Angeles."

Omoto asked: "Going on a business trip? Leaving you alone at home?"

Toni said: "You can't blame him, he went to the White House to attend the Independence Day celebration..."

Big Ben thought of the live TV broadcast he just watched and said: "It's amazing."

The child in her belly filled Toni's head with many inexplicable thoughts, and she unconsciously said, "He even appeared on live TV."

Ben felt that Toni's man might be someone, and couldn't help but said: "When he comes back, can I introduce him?"

Toni nodded unconsciously: "If the opportunity is right, I will introduce you to each other."

Da Ben looked at his watch: "If there's no problem with you, I'll leave."

Toni took the bag and took out her mobile phone: "Shall we leave our contact information?"

This time she realized that a person might face unknown problems, so she left the phone number of someone living in the same building, which could be used at critical moments.

"Okay." Ben thought of her husband or boyfriend who could attend the White House Independence Day celebration.

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