American fame and fortune

Chapter 551 It’s too difficult to be a good person

In Los Angeles, the headquarters of the Martin fan club, Phoebe is counting the promotional materials sent by Jessica.

Rachel brought a large number of fans over to collect the event items for the afternoon.

The cast of "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" has a promotional event and they are going to support it.

Phoebe handed out posters and banners next to each other.

A male fan asked: "There are media reports that Ben Affleck, Casey Affleck and Brad Pitt instigated Toni Fairman to frame Martin in the illegitimate child incident. Is that true? ?”

Rachel nodded: "Yes, what was reported in the newspaper is true, the LAPD has arrested these three bastards!"

Someone immediately yelled: "They have gone too far!"

"I have said that Martin must have been wronged. Many people on the Internet still don't believe it. They want to blackmail Martin and they can find reasons no matter what."

"With Martin's charm, does he need to use force? If he wants to, what kind of woman doesn't?"

"My friend works as a videographer in the fashion industry. I heard that the favorite male star of the Victoria's Secret supermodels is not Leonardo but Martin. It is said that Martin is also the certification threshold for supermodels!"

"How to authenticate?"

Listening to the discussions of these people heading down three directions, Rachel quickly stopped her and said loudly: "In this afternoon's event, we will not only support Martin, but also call on all parties to pay attention to this incident and severely punish the culprits who framed Martin. !”

Phoebe then said: "If we don't punish her severely, Bonnie or Jane might pop up next time. They can pick up a baby and say it's Martin's child. Martin won't have to work anymore to provide us with high-quality movies." I can’t even cope with this.”

Others offered words of support.

"Yes, the murderer must be severely punished!"

"They must pay!"

“We want to put pressure on the Los Angeles justice system!”

Rachel opened a box, took out various posters and banners that had been prepared in advance, and distributed them to the leaders of each fan team.

Rachel and Phoebe organized hundreds of people to participate in today's interaction.


At Los Angeles International Airport, Martin saw off Elizabeth and Lily and headed to the Hollywood Bowl to prepare for a promotional event for "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button."

The Olsen sisters' fashion promotion activities in Milan have not yet ended. After confirming that Martin is fine, Elizabeth returned to Europe and continued busy with brand promotion work. After all, she is the third largest individual shareholder of the brand.

Lily was going to Rome and Florence to visit and study, so she went to Italy with them.

Martin arrived near the Hollywood Bowl and saw that the place was already crowded.

The crowd wearing red cultural shirts almost occupied Highland Avenue in North Hollywood.

Seeing the black Cadillac Escalade, the men realized Martin had arrived.

An almost uniform voice sounded.

"Martin! Martin!"

All the red shirts shouted in unison: "Martin! Martin!"

Martin did not dare to open the window, so Bruce opened the sunroof, stood up, waved to both sides, smiled and nodded to express his gratitude to the supporters.

Security personnel from the event organized a wall of people to create a path for the Escalade to drive through the theater's back entrance.

Approaching the door, Martin picked up the electronic loudspeaker he always kept in the car and shouted loudly: "Thank you for your support!"

There was a roar from outside.

Until the back door of the Grand Theater closed, thousands of people outside were still calling for Martin.

The main entrance opened, and groups in red cultural shirts entered the venue one after another. The cameras of hundreds of reporters in the media area turned to the auditorium.

Thousands of banners and posters were held high.

"Support Martin and punish the real culprits severely!"

"Let those who break the law get the punishment they deserve!"

"The law should protect our heroes!"

I don’t know where it started, but soon everyone in the audience started shouting.

"Protect heroes and punish the real culprits severely! Protect heroes..."

The media's cameras recorded this with incomparable faithfulness, and then huge pressure from public opinion formed.

The sound reached the background, and Thomas was a little worried: "Will this affect your relationship with the Los Angeles authorities?"

Martin smiled: "This was done after communication."

Bruce whispered to Thomas: "Big Ben is not irrelevant. MacLean wants to create some public pressure."

Thomas understood and said no more.

David Fincher came in at this time, hugged Martin, and said, "I was still a little worried. It's great to see you are okay."

Martin laughed and said, "A little trouble."

He will hold on to this matter and deal with it with a tough attitude.

As long as he is a little weak, similar troubles will definitely appear one after another in the future. The people below him don't have to do anything else. Just dealing with these will be annoying to death.

As for ordinary collaborators such as David Fincher, Martin cannot ask for too much. It is the most normal situation to see the direction of the wind before expressing an opinion.

In addition to David Fincher, Kathleen Kennedy also came over to chat with Martin.

The promotional event kicked off immediately, with Martin, David Fincher, Cate Blanchett and other creative staff taking the stage together, following the process plan, telling some behind-the-scenes anecdotes, and answering questions from the media and fans on the spot.

When it got dark, the crew also showed some clips from the film.

Compared with other works of David Fincher, "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" is more sunny and positive.

At the end of the event, David Fincher and Martin chatted for a while.

The two were talking about their next collaboration, "Gone Girl."

David Fincher focused on casting: "Gillian Flynn and I reviewed the information of all the candidate heroines. Martin, there is one thing I need to explain to you in advance."

Martin said, "Just say it."

"Natalie Portman, the actress jointly recommended by you and WMA, is not suitable for this role." David Fincher said it very directly and gave the reason: "There is no problem with her acting skills, but her appearance does not fit the role. Amazing Amy, Amy was a very beautiful girl in the original description, and she still had a cold and cruel temperament after she disappeared..."

He was more straightforward: "In short, Natalie Portman is not pretty enough, her appearance is too average."

Martin agreed with him. The recommendation was originally based on Ali's face, and said: "You and Jillian make the decision, and I won't interfere."

David Fincher saw that he had no objection to him and was relieved, but Martin and WMA still had to take care of their reputation: "I will inform her to participate in the third audition to see if she is suitable for Amazing Amy. I will see the results of the audition." .”

Martin said, "Okay."

That's what he said, but Martin knew very well that Natalie Portman would probably lose the election because of her mediocre appearance.

If it weren't for looks, David Fincher would have chosen his long-time friend Reese Witherspoon.

The two chatted for a while about the movie they were promoting.

Both of them are not too worried about the box office and market of "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button". The Best Actor Award at the Cannes Film Festival is somewhat of a blessing. Martin is now extremely popular and popular. Warner Bros. and Paramount Pictures jointly released it. , there is no problem in publicity and distribution.

Of course, this kind of movie cannot compete with purely commercial movies at the box office.

It was dark outside, and Martin got into the Escalade and headed home.

Bruce reminded: "Don't forget, you have an appointment with Harvey Weinstein tomorrow to meet with him."

Martin said: "Let me ask about the situation over there first."

He took out his mobile phone and dialed Georgina's number. The scumbag and prodigal girl found out everything about Harvey's situation in the past few days.

Georgina even told Martin a room number and asked him to go find her after talking to Harvey tomorrow. She wanted to be tested again.

The other party sold his husband, how could a good man like Martin refuse? It would be too bad to refuse, so I had to bite the bullet and agree.

Bruce turned his head and caught a glimpse of Martin hanging up the phone and saying, "It's really hard for you to get on with your job. You sold yourself to get someone."

Martin sighed: "Old Boo, it's not easy for you either, you have pelvic pain?"

Bruce couldn't help but shed tears when he thought of Jodi, who was in peace before and after: "It doesn't hurt anymore."

The two rotten people complained about their respective difficulties.

The car entered the North District of Sunset Boulevard, and when he was almost home, Martin noticed a van driving out of Charlize Theron's house next door, followed by a black Mercedes-Benz.

Two cars came towards each other, and under the lights of the Escalade, Martin could see clearly that the person driving the Mercedes-Benz was Stewart Townsend.

There were several bags piled on the passenger side of him.

It seemed like the back seats were all full.

As the two sides were about to pass each other, Stewart recognized Martin's Escalade, lowered the driver's window glass, stretched out his hand, and raised his middle finger in Martin's direction.

Bruce saw it: "If you want me to run over, I can knock him over."

Martin shook his head: "Whatever you did to hit him, he will soon go for a paternity test and face even greater trouble."

Bruce thought of a question: "Does the man need to be responsible for doing what Toni did?"

"I don't know." Martin did not remember any similar cases: "Perhaps, this will become a typical case in the American judiciary."

Bruce pointed back: "He won't be driven away by Charlize Theron, right?"

"Let me ask." Martin dialed Charlize's number and waited for the call to come through. He said in a very concerned tone: "Hi, Sally, I discovered a situation. There was a van full of things driving from your house. Come out? Do you know? I called the police if you didn’t know.”

"No need to call the police, I know what's going on." Charlize still remembered Stewart's slanderous words about her, and specifically added: "I broke up with Stewart Townsend and asked him to move out today."

Martin said: "I'm sorry..."

Charlize said: "It has nothing to do with you. I know all the bad things he did. I have persisted with such a scumbag for so many years."

"Everything is going to be fine," Martin said with relief.

She sighed longly: "Are you free on the weekend? Let's have a drink together."

Martin responded: "On weekends, you can decide the time and place and call me anytime."

When Martin hung up the phone, Bruce said: "Leo and Jack are right, this is still your favorite."

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