American fame and fortune

Chapter 557 Shocking

It was nearly noon, and the takeout ordered by Thomas was delivered to Martin's office. After the deliveryman left, Martin refreshed the TMZ webpage again and saw the news he was waiting for.

Louise said: "Yes."

Everyone put down what they were doing and turned their attention to the projection screen.

The headlines on TMZ’s front page are extremely eye-catching.

"Sexual Predator Harvey Weinstein: The Horrifying Rise of the Movie God!"

In order to shock, Jodi directly pushed Harvey to the position of God in the film industry.

The higher the praise, the more shocking it is.

Martin clicked on the video. For him, the content was far less attractive than the title, because he knew that these were just the tip of the iceberg.

The video began to play, and the first thing that appeared was the video and audio secretly recorded by San Diego native Anna Frank, in which Harvey Weinstein's person and voice were clearly identifiable.

This was followed by video interviews with three consecutive victims, during which they also showed photos taken while working with Harvey and signed contracts.

These people told in detail how they were forced by Harvey, and everything happened in Harvey's long-term private room at the Four Seasons Hotel.

Louise saw this for the first time and couldn't help but say: "With Harvey's power, it would be easy to get a woman normally, but he chose the most uncivilized way."

Martin answered: "People always have special quirks, such as Leo's single-mindedness."

Louise laughed: "And you."

There were so many people, so she joked and got back to the point: "With so many victims, I thought there would be more than one or two who secretly recorded the video and audio. If this matter really gets publicity, they might come forward."

Martin said: "Jodi has blown the whistle and it's time to give her support and not leave her alone."

Bruce picked up the conference phone, called Emily and Jessica's numbers at the same time, and said, "You guys start."

The other side responded at the same time: "Proceed immediately."

Bruce took out another old Nokia phone and dialed Ivan's number: "Next step."

"Understood." Ivan replied in the shortest sentence.

At the same time, Louise walked to the window, dialed a number on her phone, and called Kelly Gray, who was accompanying Senator Erica in Washington.

The other party was well prepared and just said "I understand" and hung up the phone.

Martin dialed the number of Warner Bros. executive Daniel and said: "Hey, old man, there is news on the Internet about your nemesis."

"Revenge?" Daniel was confused at first, but then he reacted: "You're talking about that damn Harvey!"

He was the distribution producer for the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, and like Barry Meyer and Alan Horn, he was criticized over and over again by Harvey Weinstein.

"You'll find surprises when it's the top story on TMZ's front page," Martin said.

Daniel was in his office. He immediately opened his computer browser and logged into TMZ. The news headline at the top of the home page was eye-catching.

"I'll appreciate it," he said.

Martin hung up the phone.

Daniel watched the video carefully, shaking his head as he watched. There had always been rumors about Harvey in the circle, and some people even reported it to the police, but due to reasons such as evidence and money, everything was dropped in the end.

Unexpectedly, this guy became more and more violent. Not only did he not restrain himself, but he became even bolder.

Think about it, after doing something shady and easily solving it, this person will never stop there. Instead, he will continue crazily because there is no punishment.

Again and again, until it's no longer possible.

Daniel left the office and went upstairs to find Barry Meyer.

When Barry Meyer saw the news, he thought for a moment: "Someone is going to mess with this bastard Harvey!"

Daniel didn't say much, just responded: "Obviously."

"I also want Harvey to die. He is still holding on to the rights to "The Hobbit" and the subsequent rights to the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, which is disgusting." Barry Meyer did not act rashly: "Wait a minute and see what happens. Either we don't move, or if we move, that bastard will never be able to stand up again."

Daniel agreed: "Peter Jackson proposed the idea of ​​a new trilogy. His appetite was too big for us to make concessions."

Barry Meyer nodded: "This may be an opportunity to completely resolve copyright."


In a slightly old office in New York, several people wearing Bluetooth headsets were sitting in front of computers and busy.

At a nearby computer, Emily loudly gave orders: "According to the determined division of labor, all websites will be uploaded, immediately, immediately!"

When those people heard her voice, they quickly got busy. They skillfully entered the backstage of some popular forums or movie websites, unblocked the sealed information prepared in advance, and released it.

One of them also posted the forced video of Harvey secretly filmed by Anna Frank to YouTube.

Emily also has some subordinates who are responsible for increasing the popularity of the video.

They have used these many times in movie promotion and marketing, and they know the rules of YouTube very well. It didn’t take long for the video to be included in the hot social news list and appear in a prominent position on the YouTube homepage.

YouTube is now truly the largest video website in North America, with a huge number of users, and the number of people online at the same time is far ahead. As soon as the video was listed, it was clicked by countless people, and the popularity skyrocketed.

London, in a temporary office.

Jessica urged her talents who are proficient in French, German, Spanish, Italian and other foreign languages: "Hurry up, all relevant videos will be uploaded to the most popular forums, videos and news websites in Europe, as planned!"

The six or seven people present took out their file bags, unsealed them, connected the storage disks to their computers, and

Just like Emily, although they knew they were doing something very important, they didn't know who they were targeting.

Only then did I see Harvey Weinstein’s name.

The remuneration given by the studio was high enough and a confidentiality agreement was signed. These people had questions in their minds, but they did not ask any more questions. According to Jessica's arrangements during the meeting, the relevant video materials and press releases were released in their respective responsible departments. on the website.

The next step is to get familiar with the heat-up process, which is not difficult at all for Emily's team.

In a short period of time, the video and news of Harvey's invasion have reached the top of the hot news rankings in Europe and the United States.


Meanwhile, in the old neighborhoods of downtown Los Angeles.

In the dilapidated rental house, Ivan hung up the call to Bruce and opened the email page, which was already ready for sending emails.

He checked it again and chose Send All.

In the email, different from the news reported by TMZ, there were some important video and picture content specially edited by Jodi.

Everything clearly and unmistakably proved that Harvey was involved in criminal acts such as coercion.

After sending out the first batch, Ivan moved quickly and sent out the second batch, and then the third batch.

It didn’t take long, and he sent the email five times alone.

The recipients are all the email addresses of hundreds of European and American media that Ivan has carefully collected.

Ivan, a freelance paparazzi, has telephone numbers and news delivery emails for communication with many media.

Unlike a handful of email accounts for ordinary people, the owners of these accounts will check them frequently and even set up special reminder functions to get the most valuable news in a timely manner from the massive paparazzi.

Ivan sent hundreds of emails in a group, turned off his laptop, disassembled it into different parts, carefully cleaned the room rented under a false identity, and went out with his only bag on his back.

The neighborhood was big and old and there were many scavengers, so he smashed the parts and threw them into different trash cans.

Ivan put on the hood of his sportswear, walked to a nearby community, got into a dilapidated car, and left.

On the way, he also abandoned the car.


Washington, D.C., Hilary's office.

The assistant knocked on the door and came in to remind: "Ma'am."

Hilary, who was resting with her eyes closed, opened her eyes and asked, "Is it time?"

"Yes." The assistant said softly: "You should change your clothes and go to attend Senator Erica's private party."

Hilary changed into slightly more casual clothes, asked her assistant to call a car, and left the office with her assistant and special escort to a club on the east side of Washington.

Recently, within the Donkey Party, Senator Erica from Georgia has been very active, and her proposal to protect the rights of women in the workplace has attracted much attention.

Hilary is also very interested in this. Female support is her base, and the position in the Oval Office is also her future goal.

In terms of women's rights, Erica and Hilary had a chat. There were some differences, but the general direction was the same.

Soon, Hilary came to the club and met Erica.

The two had a very lively discussion about their respective claims and advocacy of women's rights, as well as the currently booming women's rights movement.

Erica specifically talked about the Mitu movement.

Hilarie said: "I have specifically read the information about Mi Rabbit, and they seem to have three major opinion leaders, namely Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Aniston and Meryl Streep. Because of their relationship with Hollywood , they attract a lot of attention.”

Some time ago, when Erica came to Los Angeles, Martin specifically introduced Julie and Aniston to Erica, and they had a great conversation.

Erica said: "Hollywood's publicity is extremely useful. If used properly, it will be a great help to our career."

Hilarie also has power in Hollywood. When she competed with Guanhai internally for candidates last year, she also attracted many Hollywood stars to support her. She said: "This publicity position is indeed very important."

Erica added: "The women's movement in Hollywood is booming. In recent years, the voice has become louder and louder, especially the MiTu organization, which has become a force that cannot be ignored. If I have the opportunity, I will introduce Jolie and Aniston to you. ."

Hilary smiled: "I know them, but I'm not very familiar with them."

Erica found an opportunity and introduced Kelly Gray.

The topic and proposition of women's rights has long become mainstream. The reason why the three of them discussed it behind closed doors may be because of women. This aspect is particularly speculative.

Hilary is also wooing Erica to prepare for the future.

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