American fame and fortune

Chapter 617 Help Pete look decent

Los Angeles, WMA headquarters.

With Thomas's assistance, Marina and Svetlana officially signed a management contract with WMA. Their direct manager was Thomas's former assistant Natasha.

Next, Natasha still has a lot of things to do, including helping new clients rent a house, settling in Los Angeles, registering with the Screen Actors Guild, etc.

Thomas quietly warned Natasha: "They are Martin's people now, you understand."

Natalie has been an assistant for so long, how could she not understand this little thing? She nodded: "I know what to do."

At noon, Svetlana was going to a Century City counter to buy cosmetics.

Using the excuse of visiting a friend, Marina came out of WMA alone and contacted her uncle in Paris to report the latest situation.

It is normal for a niece to come to a new environment and report to her uncle that she is safe and tell some new things she encounters.

Returning to WMA, as soon as we arrived at Natasha's office area, Natasha shouted from inside: "Marina, come here and talk."

After Marina passed by, she found that Svetlana had arrived.

Natasha kept the story short: "I have enrolled you in an accent correction class and will help you find suitable roles. Your mobile phones should be on 24 hours a day. I will notify you immediately if there is any news."

Marina and Svetlana each received a large pile of information and left the agency.

After Natasha was busy for a while, she relaxed a little and went to the coffee machine to get a cup of coffee.

Colleen, who was also working in the lobby, came over, leaned on Natasha's office partition, and asked curiously: "Where did you find those two new customers? They are so beautiful and can play the role of vases by nature."

Because most of her colleagues were men, Natasha got closer to Colleen and simply said: "Of course it's the resources given by my old superior Thomas, Martin's side..."

She gestured, and Colleen understood instantly: "No wonder people are beautiful, have a good figure, and have a good temperament."

Natasha said: "I rely entirely on Thomas and Martin to gain momentum here. If I follow them, I will gain something no matter what."

Colleen sighed: "It's a pity that I am not as lucky as you. I am alone in the company."

"Take your time. With your family, you won't be short of money." Natasha smiled: "Maybe one day we will meet the next Martin Davis like Thomas did."

"I hope we have as good luck as your former boss." Colleen waved her hand: "Go back and keep calling."

She returned to her workstation, picked up her phone, and sent a text message.

The other side quickly responded: "Received."

She didn't need to do the rest.

Colleen had been busy for a while and went to the bathroom to relieve herself. The moment her pants fell down, a tattoo-like mark was revealed on her private parts.

Marina didn't expect that just two days after she took an accent class, Natasha would call and ask her to meet the assistant casting director of the production team.

Arriving at WMA, Marina met Natasha and a middle-aged woman in a reception room shared by ordinary agents.

Natasha introduced: "This is Susie Flavor, a director in charge of casting."

Marina greets people warmly.

Susie said directly: "I have a project in hand and I am looking for a suitable actress. Because the salary is very low, I can only choose from ordinary actors. I heard that you starred in Martin's "John Wick 2"? "

"Yes." Marina had a certain reputation in Russia and knew how to say what was best for herself: "Martin and I had many scenes opposite each other, and there were a lot of dialogues."

Susie had seen the set photos provided by Natasha before and said, "You are more in line with the requirements of the role. I will pass your information and that of several other actors to the casting team, and you are ready to audition."

Marina quickly took out her business card and handed it to Susie: "You can call me at any time."

Susie received the business card and Marina's information together, and said to Natasha: "I have to meet a few other actors, so I won't interrupt."

Natasha and Marina sent Susie out of the reception room.

Susie turned back to Colleen.

Marina was not the only one to choose.

Natasha handed the pile of information in her hand to Marina and warned: "Go back and take a good look at it and prepare for the audition. I will think of other things."

Marina took it and said, "Thank you."

If she wanted to stay in Los Angeles for a long time and stay close to Martin, she had to have a stable identity and job. She had planned before coming to the United States to continue her promising career as an actress in Los Angeles.

After Marina left, Natasha called Thomas and explained the relevant situation one by one.

Thomas pondered for a moment and said, "Please pay more attention to the situation at Marina's side and notify me as soon as possible if there is any situation."

Natasha hung up the phone, somewhat curious. The reason why Thomas pays so much attention to Marina must be because of Martin, but there are many women who have relationships with Martin. It seems that except for Elizabeth Olsen, no one has heard that he pays special attention to Marina. who.

Could it be that Martin's feelings for Marina are unusual? It seems possible that this Marina is the kind of woman who becomes more beautiful and tasteful the more she looks at her.

Natasha couldn't help but think in this direction, and she got excited. If Martin wanted to favor Marina, she would be very likely to become popular, and then she would have a top customer.


In the spacious office upstairs, Thomas hung up the phone with Natasha, feeling somewhat curious.

But after following Martin for many years, he had already figured out how to get along with each other. He never asked too many questions that shouldn't be asked, and everything Martin told him was carried out to the letter.

This is how Thomas Ryan succeeds.

The phone rang and Thomas answered.

Someone on the other side said: "Brad Pitt is getting out of jail."

Thomas was surprised: "Isn't it until the end of the year? Why is it two months early?"

The person said: "Pitt has reached a new agreement with the prosecutors. He will testify as a witness against Harvey Weinstein, and the condition is that he will be released on parole for the last two months."

Thomas said, "I know."

Peter came out earlier than expected. Although it was a bit unexpected, it was not a big deal. Thomas called Martin immediately to tell him.

Bruce answered the phone.

Until now, others are just guessing, but Thomas is 100% sure that Brad Pitt's situation today was caused by Martin's planning.

They got Pitt, then they got the Affleck brothers, and finally they got Harvey Weinstein.

It's true that Quentin is the leader of the Foot Gang, but Harvey is the real soul.

Outside the studio of Brooklyn Studio, Bruce listened to Thomas' description and said, "Pay attention to Pete's whereabouts."

Thomas responded.

As soon as Bruce returned to the set and entered the studio, the door closed and filming began again.

By the time he quietly arrived at the outside of the set, the filming of this scene had already come to an end.

Mene, who was leaning on the bar, suddenly stood up straight, stretched out his hand to stop the tragedy that was about to happen, and said in a mellow voice: "Jonathan, put down the gun in your hand and walk away. You just need to walk away."

"The food here is very good. Do you know the secret of this steak? The key is that it uses duck fat." The actor from Italy forked the cut steak and put it into his mouth: "It tastes very delicious... "

Mene took a step forward: "Jonathan..."

Martin, expressionless and without saying a word, raised his gun and pointed it at the Italians and pulled the trigger.

As the crisp sound of gunfire rang out, the Italian actor fell back.

Martin turned to leave.

Mene acted very helpless and said: "You killed a person in the Continental Hotel, Jonathan, you left me with no choice..."

Martin kept walking and walked out step by step along the passage.

The camera stretches with his figure until the bar door closes.

Chad looked up from behind the director's monitor and said loudly: "Very good, this one passed!"

He stood up and praised: "Martin, you are still as good as ever." He specifically praised Mene: "You did a great job and your acting skills have improved a lot."

Menet muttered: "Thanks to Isabelle Huppert's role-playing game."

Chad yelled, "Twenty minutes off, then transition to another scene."

Martin returned to the dugout.

Bruce came over and said, "Pete was paroled and came out two months early."

He told the story roughly.

Martin nodded and asked: "I remember the "Inception" shooting incident. Pete paid a large sum of money to the victims and the crew, and he basically had no property in his name."

"No more." Bruce whispered: "Even if there is, the ex-wife and ex-girlfriend tried to trick them all."

Thinking of Jolie and Aniston, Martin once again lamented the horror of such a creature as his ex-wife.

But on second thought, the problem lies with Pete himself.

Johnny Depp's ex-wife has always said that Depp is a good person.

Even Tom Cruise has become the love of Nicole Kidman's life in the past two years.

Mene came over and said: "Boss, Peter came out from inside and has no solution in life. Do you want my young friends to take care of him?"

Martin waved his hand: "No, we are all serious people and we will never do anything illegal."

He was also worried that Pete would be cold and hungry when he came out, so he simply said: "Old Boo, we are good people. We must have a charitable heart. How about helping Pete find a decent job?"

Bruce said in his heart that Pete himself was not decent, and they wanted to help Pete look decent, so he responded: "I'm going to make a phone call."

Martin nodded: "Go ahead."

Mene asked curiously: "The work in the Sacred Valley."

Martin said: "Pitt has never won the Best Actor. Help him realize his dream and still get a decent income."

This kind of Hollywood star who moves to the Sacred Valley to engage in art should be able to achieve excellent development and become a top star in the industry.

Martin heard a case mentioned by Jenna Jones. Maitland Ward, the supporting actress in "Miss White", later fell into the arms of Sacred Valley. Not only did she win the Best Actress Award many times, her works also sold very well. .

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