American fame and fortune

Chapter 687 Documentary of Justice

Burbank, Davis Studio.

Thomas entered Martin's office, pulled up a chair and sat across from him, saying, "I just got the news that Depp has spoken to several partners through his agent, claiming that he wants to work with Johnny Depp and is not allowed to work with him. We work together."

Martin didn't care at all about Depp's speculation, and just asked: "What's the reaction from Disney?"

"Disney Studios has not given Depp any response," Thomas said.

Martin can roughly guess Disney's thinking. You make your own troubles, and I will run mine. As for the final outcome, business results will speak for themselves.

If Depp's starring roles in "Transcendence" and "The Lone Ranger" are huge hits, and Martin's follow-up films are not well received, Disney will definitely choose Depp and abandon Martin.

vice versa.

Martin and Davis Studios would do the same thing.

Thomas asked, "Are we going to respond?"

"No need." Martin said directly: "We rarely cooperate with outside production companies."

In fact, except for Disney Pictures, the companies he works with have basically no intersection with Depp.

Most of the films starring Martin came from Davis Studio investment, and other films like "Escape from Tehran", such as Graham King and others, have no intersection with Depp.

Now Depp's popularity is completely messed up by the three of them.

There are constant scoldings on the Internet, and Depp has made a lot of efforts and attempts, but the results are not good.

Mainly because Depp has done too many things to offend people in the past two years.

Although he dug a hole for Annapurna Pictures in advance, Martin did not wait for Megan Ellison and Depp's films to fail. Instead, he has been using his subjective initiative and doing everything possible to push the two films down.

Thomas said at this time: "I got news about Christopher Nolan."

Martin asked: "What about him leaving the CAA and contacting the WMA?"

"Yes, the company wanted to poach Nolan more than a year ago." Thomas is now a partner of WMA and has enough understanding of the company's dynamics: "After long-term efforts, the results are finally coming."

He detailed: "Nolan's contract with CAA expires this year. After expiration, Nolan will not renew the contract, but will join WMA."

This is not surprising to Martin. When he had a private chat with Nolan at the beginning of this year, Nolan said that after fulfilling the last year of his contract with CAA, he would not renew his contract with CAA.

Martin asked: "Who was Nolan's agent?"

"Ali Emmanuel." Thomas has no idea about Nolan. Over the past few years, he has seen more and more clearly why he is successful today.

It's not about how outstanding your abilities are, but it's about being able to serve Martin wholeheartedly.

He has no idea of ​​developing front-line customers in the short term, and almost all of his energy and resources are focused on Martin.

Thomas left Martin and immediately rushed to Warner Studios to discuss the Joker's appearance in "The Dark Knight Rises."

During the later editing of this film, Nolan planned to add a small number of unused scenes shot in "The Dark Knight" into the third film.

In fact, it has nothing to do with the plot. This marketing master wants to use Martin and the Joker to further promote the publicity and hype of "The Dark Knight Rises."

Martin only signed a film contract for "The Dark Knight", and there was no licensing agreement. If he wanted to appear in the third film, he would naturally have to pay additional fees.

Talks between Thomas and project producer Charles Rowan did not go smoothly, with the latter saying that the final cut had not yet been determined and it was too early to talk about it.

After Martin ended his cooperation with Warner Bros., various cooperation and financial transactions during the period inevitably became somewhat difficult.

Thomas solemnly stated on behalf of Martin that if the film uses his image without Martin's authorization, it will be an infringement.

It’s not that Charles Rowan doesn’t want to talk, but the micro-management masters above have intervened, making it impossible to talk for the time being.

In an office building dedicated to film post-production not far away, several producers belonging to the "Jack the Giant Catcher" crew were directing their respective teams of editors to be busy in post-production.

Jon Berg, the president of Warner Pictures, comes to inspect every few days. I walked around today and saw that the editing work of several editing teams was progressing smoothly, and I was quite satisfied.

In one of the post-production rooms, a producer from Castle Rock Pictures said: "The background tone is darkened. I want the background color to have a thick and epic feel like an oil painting."

The colorist handled the shots with deft hands and feet.

The producer looked at the edited clip and said dissatisfied: "Once again, I don't want any funny scenes. Giants invading the human world is a very serious event. Even if it is a fairy tale adaptation, it must be a solid epic. feel."

In another post-production room on the same floor, a producer representing Legendary Pictures was also looking at the completed clips.

After watching it for a while, he couldn't help but shake his head and said: "This is a family-friendly fairy tale movie. Don't make it so serious and make more jokes. Make the movie-watching atmosphere joyful."

The editor follows the producer's request and adds scenes that serve as jokes in the edited clip.

Producers express their opinions from time to time.

Not only these two post-production studios, but several others are also doing similar work.

Jon Berg, the president of Warner Pictures, gave them such power, and they naturally completed their own edited versions according to their own understanding, preferences and styles.

As for the final outcome of the film, that is something that only Jon Berg has the power to decide.

After MacDonald finished supervising the editing, he hurried out to meet his immediate boss.

Jon Berg asked: "Are you going to finish on time?"

McDonald promised: "In up to half a month, we will submit our respective edited versions to the company, and then we can organize professional review."

Jon Berg is quite satisfied with this: "I will organize a professional jury."

At that time, a professional jury will review each edited version to find all the outstanding clips, and then use these outstanding clips as a basis to edit a movie that fits the main story line.

McDonald knew his boss's strategy and flattered him: "Boss, you have created a brand new film production model, which will definitely be remembered in the annals of Hollywood history."

These words made Jon Berg feel very good. When he first took office as the president of Warner Pictures, many people questioned and criticized him, thinking that compared to Alan Horn, he was an amateur in film production.

"Pharaohs and Gods" co-directed with Daniel was a commercial failure, and the voices of doubt inside and outside the company became louder.

Even if he shirks the responsibility to Ridley Scott and Christian Bale, it cannot reduce the voice of doubt in the slightest.

Jon Berg naturally wants to make a turnaround.

After leaving the post-production office building, Jon Byrne returned to the office and contacted film experts in the company, media, critics and theaters.

At that time, invite them to come and watch the film, rate the film, and describe in detail what is good and bad.

Based on these, Jon Berg will personally control the editing of the final cut.


"Escape from Tehran" is about to start filming. Martin has been studying Tony Mendes' autobiography these days. From time to time, he will go to the crew's studio to communicate face-to-face with Tony Mendes.

Louise also contacted the CIA's Hollywood Affairs Office.

In this film, the CIA has a completely positive image. Langley responded positively, and the crew was able to directly enter the CIA headquarters for filming.

The plan to shoot in three locations: Washington, Los Angeles and Istanbul also made it difficult for the film to apply for tax rebates.

California, Virginia, where Langley is located, and Türkiye currently do not have corresponding tax refund preferential policies.

Tax rebates can often save 10-15% of the production cost of a film.

While Louise and others were studying corresponding strategies, Jennifer Siebel, the wife of California's lieutenant governor, came to visit Martin.

In the reception room, Jennifer Siebel said with a smile: "I was on the phone with Elizabeth two days ago and heard her mention the movie tax refund. I have news here that may interest you."

Martin reacted quickly: "California also has relevant tax rebate policies? That time in 2009, it fell to the state assembly."

Jennifer Siebel said: "Gavin is ready to push this bill again. If everything goes well, there is a high probability that it will be approved by the state assembly in November. Part of your filming and all post-production must be located in Los Angeles. Over 50 million For U.S. dollar projects, as long as most of the filming and production is completed in Los Angeles, it is not difficult to get a 10% tax rebate.”

Martin smiled and said: "Jenny, thank you very much for the good news."

Jennifer Siebel smiled: "We are friends, we help each other, you're welcome."

Martin is also very wise and asked: "It has been a long time since the last film "Romantic Trouble" was completed. Have you come up with any new ideas recently?"

"I have an idea." Jennifer Siebel elaborated: "The Harvey Weinstein incident hurt me greatly. The shadow of this incident has always been hanging over me. It was not until we worked together to stop his evil that I Gain inner peace.”

Martin nodded: "Actually, I was also under a lot of pressure. You may have heard that Harvey invited me to star in his film projects several times. After I refused, he threatened to ruin my career as an actor."

Jennifer Siebel is now the wife of a politician and often serves her husband’s political needs. She said: “I plan to sort out the entire incident and personally direct a documentary to record the crimes of Harvey Weinstein, and The helplessness of the victims will serve as a wake-up call to the whole society and those who come after us."

Martin agreed: “That’s a great idea, Jenny, you are a lady with a real sense of justice and social responsibility!”

He didn’t hesitate: “The production costs must be left to Davis Studio!”

Jennifer Siebel said: "I came here today to ask for your help."

Martin said: “From funding to personnel to Mi Rabbit, none of these are problems.”

In the current social and political environment, not to mention the social impact of this documentary, it will be a hot product if sold.

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