America's Road to Wealth

Chapter 224 Little Laura Attacks

812 North Bedford Road, Beverly Hills.

Around 9:30 am.

Abel was sitting on a wooden chair in the front garden.

Next to him is Edward.

"BOSS. Just last night, we have tried to let Miss Laura know about Ms. Theron."


"Just now. News came from New York. Miss Laura left New York around eight o'clock in the morning."


"It's Texas. She's taking a regular flight. She will land at Dallas-Fort Worth Airport around ten o'clock."

"Understood. Keep watching. Let the Sunnis Mountain side also cooperate and tell Doni that I don't want any mistakes to happen again. Do you understand?"



So much for the conversation between the two Texans.

After finishing the conversation, Abel stared blankly at a small ant nest in the shadow of the leaves in front of him.

These hardworking little creatures in their nest.

They are working hard to maintain their existence as a whole, and they are constantly struggling.

007 never rests, from birth to death.

Abel couldn't help but sigh.

He didn't know whether the things he did were right or wrong.

Abel raised his head and looked at the leaves above his head.

During this process.

From the corner of his eye, he saw Anne's personal bodyguard Jin Na.

There was a sadness in his heart that he couldn't resolve, so he simply waved his hand and asked Jin Na to come over.

Jin Na saw her boss calling her name and walked over immediately.

"BOSS." This treasonous female agent, who was originally from Kazakhstan and was trained by the Red Bear Kingdom, shouted softly.

After Jin Na came to work and live here for more than ten years, her accent has become American.

Even when speaking, I can no longer hear the flicking of the tongue.

Facing his subordinates, Abel smiled:

"Jinna, right? I remember last time you asked me to bring your relatives over. I asked Edward to do it. Did Edward help you?"

Edward was standing behind Abel at this time.

Jin Na, who heard her boss's question, quickly looked at the captain who was very prestigious in Rock Security.

After reading it, Jin Na whispered:

"Thank you very much, BOSS. Captain Edward is here to help. My sister and her child have been picked up by me."

"Oh, that's good." Abel said with a smile:

"This way your family can be reunited. According to me, the most important thing for us as human beings is family, family!"

"Yes. I think so too." Jin Na had a smile on her face.

Abel chatted with her some more about her family history.

A big shot like the boss cares about these things about himself.

Jin Na was a little flattered, and she answered in detail one by one with some excitement.

Edward, the bodyguard captain next to him, was already used to this.

Because Abel treats other people around him the same way, he will care about them whenever he has time.

Even Edward's two children. One daughter and one son are now Abel’s godchildren/goddaughters.

Edward knew that Abel was trying to win his own heart by doing this.

Edward knew this, but he was still very moved.

Just imagine, there are so many billionaires in the world.

How many people can be as kind to a bodyguard as Abel?

Edward, a retired SEAL team captain who also went to college, knew.

There is Abel as the godfather. As long as there are no problems with the godfather of his two children, their future prospects will be limitless.

The Sefolossa family transcended class and rose through the ranks.

It’s up to the next generation.

Just for this point.

Edward felt that even if he had to die for Abel right now, he would not blink an eye.

Edward was beside him, dreaming about the children's bright future.

Abel and Jinna talked about her sister and her sister's children.

Maybe the boss seemed too gentle and friendly when he said these words.

Jin Na couldn't help but become bolder.

Made a request that she felt was a bit excessive.

"BOSS" Jin Na said anxiously:

"My sister and her children lived a life of farming and ranching in my home country. Although the Sunnis Mountains are very nice, they haven't changed much since they came here."

"So I thought, Miss Hathaway's place just needs a cook. I want my sister to come and work at Miss Hathaway's place. I don't know if that's possible."

Jin Na also knew that this request was quite outrageous.

Not wanting to lose this good job, she quickly added:

"Of course. If it doesn't work, that's no problem. They can still live well at the headquarters."

Abel pondered for a moment, then asked with a smile:

"You should ask Anne about this kind of thing. After all, she is the one who wants to work next to her. Have you ever asked Anne? What did Anne say?"

"Ms. Hathaway is easy to talk to. But I haven't told her yet. I think the most important thing for this kind of thing is to get your permission." Jin Na said softly.

The female bodyguard's attitude made Abel nod his head inwardly.

The former Yanzi who had undergone special training by the agency were indeed different and knew what was most important.

Know who has the most power.

In this case, Abel agreed to her request.

"As long as Anne agrees, let your sister and her child come over." Abel smiled and nodded.

The chat with Jinna lasted about half an hour.

Abel had been sitting in the front garden of the courtyard for nearly an hour.

Abel looked at the time, it was already ten o'clock in the morning.

He stood up and stretched.


Abel trampled the ant nest in front of him to pieces.

He allowed these hard-working creatures to end their endless 007 career in advance.

“Who is responsible for pest control in the garden?”

Edward: "He's a gardener, his name is Jack."

"Replace Jack." Abel said:

"There are already ants. I don't know if there are other bugs. Let's find another gardener."


After firing someone with just one sentence, Abel turned around and entered the villa.

He didn't need to look in the bedroom to know that Annie hadn't gotten up yet.

Last night, the atmosphere was suitable and she was very emotional.

More relaxed than ever.

A scumbag with a combat power of five wants to challenge the big devil even if he has a little strength.

In the end, I was so devastated that I couldn’t even get up today.

Obviously she is going to attend the premiere of "The Princess Diaries" this afternoon.

Fortunately it is still morning and the premiere will be held in the evening.

She still has time.

Abel himself, after all, is not completely dark in heart.

He came to the study room in the villa, thought for a long time, and couldn't help but take out his mobile phone.

He called his grandfather, Alex.

After the call ended, it was confirmed that no one was around Alex.

Abel spent more than ten minutes describing in detail what happened in the Sunnis Mountains in late February and early March.

Then consult your grandfather for advice.

What responded to him was a few minutes of silence from Alex on the other side.

Then Abel heard his grandfather let out a long sigh over there.


"What I worried about finally happened."

Alex said: "But I have to say, kid, you are doing the right thing."

Here in Beverly Hills.

In the study, Abel, who was holding a mobile phone in one hand, raised his eyebrows.

"My dear grandfather, what do you think I should do next?"

"You did a good job. Let Shrub make the choice. But you don't have to worry too much. People in the Shrub family have always been very calm, which is very similar to Herbert."

Alex said there: "I think the same goes for little Laura, her character is also a standard bush."

Abel looked at the time, it was almost eleven o'clock in the morning.

He said softly: "The time has come. If all goes well, she may have arrived at the place by this time."

"Huh" Alex let out another long sigh.

"You chose the most correct approach to the wrong thing this time."

Alex said: "I'm glad you can tell me. But remember, don't tell Arya and Emily this kind of thing. They love you, but they don't like you like this either."

"I see."

Alex added:

"Let's see what the results are. Once you have the results, tell me immediately. I will go find Herbert. Remember, Alexander and I will always be your backers."


Alex hung up the phone.

Abel also directly knocked on the table in front of him.

Just after the sound rang a few times, the door was pushed open and Edward walked in.

"How's the situation over there in the Sunnis Mountains?"

Edward immediately said:

"I was just about to report to you that Tony called me ten minutes ago. She said that Miss Lauren had met Ms. Theron."

Abel nodded, "Then what."

"Then Miss Lauren and Ms. Theron entered Ms. Theron's room."

Abel frowned: "Little Laura went in alone with her? Didn't you bring anyone else?"

"Yes, I didn't bring anyone else. Just Miss Lauren." Edward said as he took out his phone and looked at it.

"Latest news, they haven't come out of the room yet."

Abel stretched out his hand and said, "Give me your phone."

Edward quickly handed the phone to his boss.

Abel took it and saw that it was a specially modified communication mobile phone inside Rock Security.

Edward has unlocked the physical limitations above.

Abel can also see the communication between Edward and Tony inside.

Almost every minute, Duoni would send out information about the situation on her side.

Abel was holding his mobile phone and half-shrunk on the huge boss chair. He looked at the mobile phone screen expressionlessly.

One minute, two minutes.

Ten minutes, half an hour.

After one hour.

The communication was constant, but mostly useless information.

The woman and girl remained in the room.

An hour passed.

From Doni's side, news finally came that Laura came out of Charlize Theron's room.

According to the news, Charlize Theron also came out with Laura.

Duoni even recorded their expressions and sent them over.

Dawnie said Laura came out smiling and Charlize looked like she had cried.

Seeing this, Abel's heart tightened, but he soon relaxed.

Things have come to an end.

Since it has already happened.

Why should I care?

He thought to himself and handed the phone back to Edward.

"Tell Doni. After Laura leaves, have someone check on Charlize."

Abel said expressionlessly.

Edward nodded.

At this time, there was a knock on the study door.

Toot, toot.

"Honey? Are you in there?" Anne's lazy voice sounded outside.

Abel took a deep breath, and his expressionless face became slightly more vivid.

"Go ahead." Abel said, "Open the door and let Annie in."


Edward opened the door and let Anne in.

Annie smiled and rushed towards Abel, just about to fall on him.

Abel stretched out his hand to block it, and then Annie saw him start to take off his belt.

"I took the wrong step, sorry!" Annie said quickly.

But she was caught, so what's the use of talking about it?

"Not again!"

"Honey, I have to attend the premiere in the evening!"

"Uuuuuuuu, I'm sorry, I was wrong, I shouldn't have come in!"

"Ahhh, let me go. Please, no matter who it is, no matter it is Jessica, Charlize or Gisele..."

"As long as you can come and help me. Woohoo."

This kind of thing also has no effect on praying to God.

She was caught by Abel who was feeling a little depressed. She first played the harmonica and then did yoga.

More than an hour later.

Abel held Annie who was slumped against him, resting with her eyes closed.

He took out his cell phone and dialed Edward's internal number.

"Edward." After the call was connected, Abel said softly: "How is the situation?"

"Ms. BOSS Theron is doing fine. She is in good health, and according to Dorni, she looks much cheerful."

Abel frowned, holding the phone in one hand and the other involuntarily.

Anne closed her eyes and hummed a few times.

"Be gentle..."

she whispered.

"What about Laura?"

"Miss Lauren, she left Sunnis Mountain an hour ago. Our people at Smith Farm said she had arrived at the farm, your hometown."

After hearing this news, even Abel didn't know what this little Laura wanted to do.

"Continue to monitor. If anything happens, inform me directly." Abel had no choice but to say.

After he finished speaking, he put down the phone and saw that Annie's eyes, which had been closed just now, had opened.

She had a girlish look on her face. She put a white and delicate hand on his shoulder and tapped his nose with her finger.

"I just heard the names of two women. One is Laura and the other is Charlize."

"Charlize is Charlize Theron, right? Which Laura is Laura?"

With a smile on her face, the guesser said:

"Laura Prepin? This one is younger. She's not bad looking. She's not as pretty as me, but at least she's not ugly."

"Laura Linney? This one's a little old."

"Laura Caelotti? You won't like her if she doesn't look good."

"Laura Dern? Hmm. She has a good figure, but she also looks average, and she looks very old."

"It's Laura Prepan, right? But I haven't seen any news about you and her in the media!"

That's what makes Anne's character so good.

After talking about it, she was more cheerful than anyone else in this regard.

Not as realistic as Charlize.

When she discussed these things, she had the same tone as a girl discussing her boyfriend's scandal partner with her boyfriend.

"Neither." Abel put both hands in, making her hum softly.

"This Laura is not from Hollywood, she is still a college student."

"I'm also a college student!" Annie said dissatisfied: "I'm a college student in the literature department of New York University! My SAT score was 1190. My ACT score was 30!"

SAT and ACT are equivalent to the college entrance examination in the United States.

The full SAT score is 1600 and the ACT full score is 36.

Annie's score can be said to be relatively excellent.

"Okay." Abel said with a smile: "But Laura doesn't even have to take a test. She can study in the Manhattan campus of your school. I remember that you were in the unappreciated Brooklyn campus, right?"

"Who said the Brooklyn campus is not valued! Is this Laura also a student at New York University? Or is it the law school or the school of economics at the Manhattan campus?"

"No exam required"

Anne's beautiful eyebrows raised, "She has a letter of recommendation that New York University can't refuse?"

Abel smiled and nodded, this angel-looking girl.

As long as he is not in a monotonous state, he can be said to be quite smart.

"Okay. That's probably a rich lady or something. Is she the same as that Ikana?"

"Ikana, you also know?"

"Nonsense, I know all the women who have been in the news with you. I have checked their information. There is also a similar one named Peggy Morgenthal. Her grandfather seems to be the Manhattan District Attorney."

"No, at least Paige" Abel wanted to explain for a moment.

Annie interrupted his explanation: "There has never been this Laura before, but now it looks like a new one?"

"You can say that." Abel sighed.

Use both hands.

Annie started humming again.

While making out with his woman, he discusses his other women with her.

Abel thought this state was quite strange.

"Okay. If you have a chance to introduce me, please be gentle! Please introduce me to me."

"Including. Including other women."

"And. Honey. Please, let me go."

"I have a premiere show in the evening. It's the premiere of my first movie in my life, and it's also my first premiere in my life. I don't want to mess it up!"

Her voice was plaintive.

"What are you afraid of?"

Abel smiled and said, "What's the big deal, I'll go with you? Can I accompany you to attend?"


Anne Hathaway's scream of surprise echoed in the study.

"Really." Abel smiled.

He felt that Anne should be given more care.

Because Charlize is more ambitious than reality.

The equally realistic and ambitious Jessica Alba and the Elizabethan Angels.

Or the young Scarlett, or the extraordinary Liv Tyler.

Anne, who was very clever but at the same time gentler, endeared himself to him even more.

"Oh oh oh~ This is what you said. You can't go back on your word if you have already agreed! You are a billionaire, so you must keep your word!"

Annie was so happy that she almost sat up on him.

As far as she knows, her boyfriend is so far.

But it has never officially appeared on TV media.

So far, he seems to have only given interviews to his own magazine.

Those TV stations, the most famous reality shows and programs in the United States, all wanted to invite him, but none of them invited him.

On the American Internet, there is a survey on "Whose TV interview do you most want to see?"

Abel Smith's name topped the list, well ahead of the second-place owner of the white house.

And today, Abel was actually willing to accompany him to the premiere, which meant that his first official appearance in the TV media was for him.

Of course Anne would be happy.

When you are happy, your emotions become excited and adrenaline hormones are secreted.

Annie, who was exhausted, felt like she was doing well again.

Zhan Wuzha couldn't help but want to challenge the big devil again.

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