America's Road to Wealth

Chapter 271 Ikana wants to have a baby

There are more than 5,000 listed companies in the U.S. stock market.

More than half of these listed companies have annual revenue of less than US$2 billion.

Not counting those companies that are poorly managed and lose profits.

Among these 2,500 companies with annual revenue of less than US$2 billion, there are at least several hundred companies with annual profits of less than US$10 million.

There are hundreds of such listed companies.

If you give birth to a child, the child support will be 10 million a year.

Compared with the U.S. stock market, this child is really not a child.

It is really already the annual profit of listed companies.

"And these." Ikana did not let Paris see those harsh restrictions.

She also showed Paris other benefits besides income.

For example, in the top ten cities in the United States such as New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco, there are luxury homes with permanent residence rights.

There will also be terms for the use of yachts, private jets, etc.

And its benefits include a security team, a premium housekeeping team, top-notch private medical services and more.

Everything, even a kid from a rich family like Paris.

I was also very moved when I saw it, because so-called wealthy families like the Hilton family often just look very beautiful.

Most of the Hilton family's wealth is in real estate and shares in the Hilton Hotel Group.

These things cannot be sold casually. Normally, I can only live by eating dividends from shares and profits from other investments.

This makes Paris and other socialites, most of whom are just superficially glamorous. If they really had to come up with more than a million dollars in cash at a time, not many of them, so-called socialites, could afford it.

Including the previous Ikana.

Even the families behind them are often the same.

Like Paris's Hilton family, millions and tens of millions of dollars are fine.

If you want to take out hundreds of millions of dollars at once without selling real estate and shares, you will often not be able to do so.

At the same time, this is also the current situation of most billionaires, including Ikana’s father.

The number of rich people who really have huge cash flow is very small.

There is no one like Abel who has tens of billions of dollars in cash flow and can use it freely.

So when Paris Hilton saw this "prenup".

The eldest daughter of the Hilton family was already lamenting in her heart why she was not the one signing the signature.

Yes, Paris Hilton regarded this agreement and the trust fund as Abel and Ikana's prenuptial agreement.

In the United States, or in the European and American world.

When wealthy people get married, or when wealthy families get married, 99.99% of them will sign this kind of prenuptial agreement.

There are many provisions in a prenuptial agreement. Most of them are used to cut off pre-marital assets to prevent the rich from losing their money and people.

Some of the more generous rich people will also give the woman many benefits in their prenuptial agreement.

Paris believed that this agreement, which had many benefits for Ikana, was a prenuptial agreement.

After watching the part where Ikana was selective and showed her.

Paris Hilton couldn't help but said:

"My dear, you signed this agreement. After you have four or five children, you will be richer than my grandfather."

Barron Hilton is often poorer than Ikana's father when he doesn't sell his stake in Hilton Hotels.

Not counting real estate, Ikana signed this agreement to have a few more children.

It only takes ten years to become richer than her father.

When Paris Hilton saw it, she was naturally envious and jealous.

Paris Hilton is envious of slightly jealous words.

It also allowed Ikana to wake up from the abnormal emotions of being betrayed.

Paris Hilton can envy and covet this deal.

Ikana, who is smarter, more rational, and knows more, naturally also knows the preciousness of these agreements.

To put it bluntly, Ikana felt that if she showed this thing.

99.9999999999% of women in this world will be willing to sign.

These women include those so-called wealthy ladies.

Thinking of this, Ikana felt much calmer.

She smiled and said to Paris: "I haven't thought that far about having a baby."

"That's not okay." Paris Hilton actually said seriously:

"Ikana. You are almost twenty years old. You are mature enough to consider having children! The most important thing is"

Paris Hilton lengthened her voice and said in a leisurely tone:

"I think the two of us have worked hard to run YKM for several years, but we may not be able to make as much money as you by having more children."

At YKM's current development rate, by the end of this year, the final profit will be several million dollars.

Because five more branches were opened this year, part of the profits were consumed.

The final profit at the end of the year was only three to four million US dollars at most.

With YKM's current scale, if it develops for another two to three years, it may be able to achieve annual profits of more than 10 million US dollars.

The net profit of tens of millions of dollars every year is already very good.

And Ikana now has a way to earn so much money by lying down and working hard to have children.

If it were Paris, Paris felt that she would go to Abel to have a baby right now.

Strive for one child a year, two children every three years, three children every four years, and four children every five years

If we can use technological means, we can directly bring out a few twins and triplets.

In a few years, he will become a billionaire.

Even being a billionaire is no longer a dream.

Listening to Paris's leisurely tone, Ikana became more rational.

Looking at Paris's pretty face, she couldn't even hide the envy.

In contrast, Ikana actually felt a little lucky.

Ikana thinks that what Paris Hilton said is pretty good?

That night, Ikana mustered up the courage to speak.

However, she found Abel in the small study room inside the master bedroom, turning on the TV and talking on the phone with someone.

Ikana swore she didn't mean to eavesdrop.

She just happened to walk to the door of the small study and wanted to talk to Abel.

Then Abel happened to be talking on the phone with someone else and just watching TV.

".Nothing wrong. The time has come, David. Let's get started."

"Yes. This time the whole army is on the verge of defeat. Tell me, if Smith Capital does its best, how much capital can it mobilize now?"

"The full leverage is 80 billion U.S. dollars? It's a bit less. But it should be enough. So, let's start building positions."

“Still USD/NOK, continue to go long. We need to move quickly this time and don’t be afraid of exposing our intentions.”

"That's right. 80 billion US dollars, all buy USD/NOK, and open positions as quickly as possible. I require that all positions be completed within a week at the latest!"

"That's right. Buy all the right futures contracts. We don't do cash foreign exchange now. It's not the time yet."

"That's right, listen carefully, we"


Ikana, who "accidentally" heard this outside, was a little surprised.

Eighty billion dollars.

This is an astronomical figure for any individual or even a country.

Eighty billion dollars. Ikana knew that her man was about to launch a large-scale capital operation again.

At this moment, the number "eighty billion U.S. dollars" seems to have magic.

It broke the last trace of the agreement that Ikana had signed with Bairi.


Ikana thought.

Such a person can command 80 billion US dollars, and his net worth is at least tens of billions of US dollars.

A man who is so generous to himself.

As long as you can protect your future life, you can love yourself and your children.

What else can't be tolerated?

At least Ikana would have known that if she hadn't met Abel.

Depending on her own efforts, she may not be able to live her current life before the age of thirty.

The greater possibility is that after she has worked hard for more than ten years, after she is thirty years old.

She might not even be able to live the kind of life she is living now.

The kind of life he is living now, even his father, who has struggled for most of his life, cannot enjoy it like he does now!


Ikana took a deep breath and let it out gently.

This rational woman has completely convinced herself.

I have done my own psychological construction.

At this moment, Ikana heard Abel's voice calling her softly.

"Ikana? Ikana, are you there? If you are, please ask someone to bring a cup of coffee for me."

It turned out that Abel had ended the call with David Mellon.

But he was still in the small study and didn't come out.

Ikana, who was at the door, quietly took a few steps back and stretched a certain distance.

She then responded: "I'm here. Do you want some coffee?"

As she spoke, she walked to the door of the study and showed her signature bright smile to Abel inside.

Abel smiled at her and said:

"Yes. Bring me a cup of coffee. Let Jane do it. Jane can grind coffee better than anyone else."

Jane works for Rock Security. . She is Ikana's personal bodyguard and personal assistant. .

She's Hispanic. . He came to the United States when he was fifteen years old. It is said that when he was in Latin America, he picked coffee beans in coffee gardens for a long time.

"Okay." Ikana smiled sweetly and went to ask Jane to make coffee while she returned to the master bedroom.

This time Ikana saw that Abel was not on the phone, so she walked into the small study openly. .

But she saw Abel waving to her, "Come here. Honey, watch TV with me..."

Ikana walked over, and as soon as he got close, he held her hand and was pulled into his arms. .

Abel sat on the huge and spacious boss's chair, and Ikana sat on him. .

Feeling her plump body, Abel felt very comfortable.

Sitting in his warm arms, Ikana also felt very comfortable.

Many times, hormones attract each other, which makes no sense.

Under this posture, Abel's two big hands.

They are familiar with the roads and have gone where they should go.

Ikana bit her lip slightly and slapped his hand gently, "Be gentle. It's made of flesh, not silicone!"


Listening to his satisfied giggle, Ikana also looked at the TV in the small study where Abel was watching.

She discovered that what was playing on the TV was a multinational TV station.

It is an economic channel under the British BBC, and it also speaks English.

What this channel is currently broadcasting is news about Soros’s appearance in the Financial Street of London, England.

"Soros went to London? Is this guy doing anything else?" Ikana said softly.

Soros is too famous in the United States.

"Absolutely. This is a crocodile that does all kinds of evil. It usually lurks in deep water. Once its prey accidentally bleeds, it will attract its prey."

When Ikana heard Abel say this, she couldn't help but grab his right hand.

"It hurts, don't use so much force." She couldn't help but said coquettishly.

Abel followed the good example and relaxed a little.

Ikana breathed a sigh of relief, this is good.

Ikana just wanted to continue discussing Soros's trip to the UK with Abel.

Abel had already picked up the remote control and switched TV stations.

The newly switched channel, Ikana didn't know what channel it was.

The language inside was also spoken in a language she didn't understand. The station logo was the three letters "NRK", but the characters inside were still white and seemed to be from Northern Europe.

"What TV station is this?" Ikana was already a little emotional, and her hands started to move quietly.

She wants revenge.

Her revenge made Abel exhale comfortably and said with a smile:

"This is Norway's NRK TV station. Its full name is Norwegian Radio and Television Company. The voice seems to be in Urdu or Lapp, but I can't understand it anyway."

Ikana's eyes were already as charming as silk, "If you don't understand, why don't you still read?"

"I originally wanted to call a translator in. But if you come in, what else can you call a translator?"

Abel smiled and said, "That's all. I won't read anymore."

He took action.

Ikana chuckled.

When Jane, her bodyguard and personal assistant, came in with coffee.

In the master bedroom study of the villa, the movement of great harmony and reproduction of life has already been played.

Ikana's personal bodyguard was not surprised and walked out with the coffee, closing the door at the same time.

Before closing the bedroom door, Jane accidentally overheard the hostess's private words to the male host.

The hostess screamed these words.

Her mistress Ikana screamed - "Child. I want child. Give me child. Give me child. Give."

Jane couldn't hear the next words.

The bedroom door is well soundproofed, blocking everything out.

After leaving the master bedroom door, Jane asked two female bodyguards to guard the door of the master bedroom.

No one is allowed to disturb without the boss's order.

Jane herself was holding the cup of coffee, thinking about it, and went to the living room on the first floor.

"Huh? So fast?" In the living room, Paris Hilton, a working-class designer, was still working on a draft.

She saw Jane coming over with coffee and asked curiously.

Paris Hilton just saw Jane going to make coffee. She also wanted to drink the coffee that Jane made, so she asked Jane to get her a cup too.

Jane agreed, but said she had to send it to Abel first before helping Paris rush.

Paris thought she would have to wait at least a while.

I didn't expect it to be ready so quickly.

Jane replied: "This is coffee for BOSS. He doesn't have time to drink it now. Miss Hilton, let me drink it for you."

Paris didn't mind either. She took the coffee from Jian and asked curiously:

"How come Abel doesn't have time to drink? It's still so early, so you don't have to worry about not being able to sleep if you drink coffee."

"That's not the reason." Jane said: "The boss and Miss Ikana are busy now and have no time to drink coffee."

"Oh. Okay. Wait a minute, what are the two of you doing so early? Can I go over and have a look?" Paris Hilton asked subconsciously.

Jane was silent.

When Paris Hilton saw her performance, she immediately understood something.


Paris Hilton cursed inwardly.

This Ikana just told herself that she didn't want to have a baby so early.

That's good, it wasn't long after dinner.

Just go "busy".

Do you really not want to have a baby so early?

No, this is the rhythm of wanting to have a baby right away.

Looking at the numerous design drafts in front of her, Paris Hilton began to complain about the unfairness of fate again.

The next day, Abel went out early as usual.

Ikana slept until noon as usual.

Designer and copywriter Paris Hilton was as busy as ever before taking a break at noon.

Paris takes a break at noon.

I finally saw Ikana, who had been hiding in her room to do some work at around seven o'clock yesterday and had never been seen.

Ikana was seen wearing a set of loose pajamas.

Her figure was so good that the bear pattern on her pajamas turned into a big bear pattern.

Ikana held her waist with one hand and rubbed her waist with the other as she slowly walked down the beautiful spiral escalator on the second floor.

"Hey, good morning. Paris."

After seeing Paris looking at her, Ikana smiled and said hello.

"It's already noon. Miss Lerner, it's already past morning." Paris said angrily.

"Oh, yes. It's already twelve o'clock. Have you had lunch? My dear Paris."

"Not yet."

"How about we have lunch together?"

"Very happy to."

Then at lunch, Paris noticed that Ikana ordered a lot of food that she didn't usually eat.

There are tomatoes, carrots, papayas and other fruits and vegetables that are pretty normal and Ikana will eat them occasionally.

There are also pork, eggs, pork liver, and lamb liver, which are super high-calorie foods that Ikana would never even touch in order to lose weight.

"Why did you eat these today?" Paris was surprised.

Eating tomatoes, carrots, and papayas is easy to understand, but eating these latter things, my God, isn’t Ikana afraid of getting fat if she gives up on herself?

"It's better to change the taste once in a while." Ikana smiled.

Paris wants to say that your taste is too exaggerated.

But since Ikana said so, Paris Hilton naturally couldn't say anything.

Even Ikana obviously endured nausea when she ate these foods.

After the meal, the two chatted for a while. Paris saw Jane bringing some medicine, and Ikana took it.

"What's wrong with you? Are you sick?" Paris asked concerned.

"It's okay." Ikana responded with a smile, and threw the medicine packaging box into the trash can nearby. "This is a health medicine, it is very good for my body."

"Oh." Paris Hilton was skeptical.

After the break, Paris originally wanted to invite Ikana to go shopping or go shopping together.

Everyone is going back to New York the day after tomorrow, so it would be a shame not to go shopping.

But Ikona refused, saying that she was going to rest and was very tired.

Paris had to give up the idea.

Just wait until Ikana goes to the second floor while there is no one in the living room.

Paris secretly took out the pill box that Ikana had just thrown away.

She took a closer look and found that it was a drug produced by Pfizer.

The name of the drug is "Clomiphene Citrate Capsules".

Paris didn't recognize the drug either.

She looked to the side, wondering what the drug was doing.

The results are at a glance.

“Fake ing”

What do you mean by not wanting to have a baby so early!

This is obviously because I want to have a baby, which is a bit crazy!

Paris Hilton cursed under her breath.

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