America's Road to Wealth

Chapter 300 Franco-American Foundation

Little Laura only knew Mr. and Mrs. Zipperton, who had been participants in the Young Leaders Program of the French-American Foundation.

But she didn't know that it was on the French side.

There are many celebrities who have joined this organization or been helped by this organization.

For example

Mr. Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Mayinglong, who is not yet twenty-four years old this year.

This young Frenchman is also one of the outstanding young people in France who has received funding from the Franco-American Foundation.

The gathering of French and American youth leaders that Abel attended today, Ma Yinglong also attended.

In this cocktail party style party.

Xiao Ma, who would marry the mother of his high school classmate in the future, was looking with envy at Abel, who was speaking on the stage to hundreds of outstanding French young people.

"When I was eighteen years old, I traveled to New York and passed by Wall Street. After I saw the copper bull on Wall Street, I vowed that I would become the leader of Wall Street in the future!"

".When I was twenty years old. I graduated from college. Then I took all my savings and got on a plane to New York. When I came to New York and set foot on Wall Street, I only had I bet seventy dollars, maybe you won’t believe it, but that’s the reality.”

".That's right, in October 1999. I was on Wall Street and earned my first million dollars in my life. It was less than a month before I arrived in New York."

"January 5, 2000. One year and eight months ago. At that time, I earned the first 100 million in my life, in US dollars."

".After that, I"


Abel's speech...

In the eyes of Ma Yinglong and the following more than a hundred outstanding French young people.

In fact, neither the subject matter nor the appeal displayed during his speech were particularly outstanding.

At least there are many outstanding French young people here who can surpass Abel.

Abel had no special training in speaking.

Maybe they can't compare to the pony at this time.

After all, there are specialties in the art industry.

But if Abel is crowned the super rich man in the United States, he will also be crowned the richest man in the world.

Abel's ordinary impromptu speech would suddenly become attractive and persuasive in front of these outstanding French young people.

This is a very simple principle - if you think what he says is not awesome enough, then go ahead, are you as awesome as what he does?

The speeches and words of successful people may seem childish or even illogical.

But as long as he is illuminated by the aura of success, he will look very bright.

Especially as everyone knows, after this cocktail party is over.

Every "outstanding young French leader" present here can get "some" help from the French-American Foundation.

For example, the French-American Foundation provides tens of thousands of euros in "training grants", "re-education grants", "funding for further studies in the United States" and so on.

When everyone applauded, of course they worked even harder.

Look at Abel, who is swaying freely on the stage and receiving cheers from all the outstanding compatriots below.

Ma Yinglong really wished that one day he could stand on such a high platform and accept everyone's cheers.

Soon Abel Smith's speech ended, and another celebrity from France came up.

As usual, there will be four such speeches tonight.

France and the United States each sent two representatives up.

France is the host, so it's naturally his turn to be the first to speak.

The person speaking on behalf of Fran is a wonderful member of the French side of the Young Leadership Program.

He is the mayor of Thule, France, and the first secretary of the French Socialist Party, Mr. Francois Holland.

Ma Yinglong noticed that when the second representative of the French Youth Leader went up to give a speech.

Abel Smith, the U.S. representative who came down, sat next to Mr. Francois Holland.

The two were talking intimately, not knowing what they were talking about.

Ma Yinglong really wanted to go to these two people and listen to the conversation between these two big guys.

It is a pity that he is still young and even just joined the French Socialist Party this year.

Had he not joined the French Socialist Party this year.

It is estimated that as a recipient of funding from the French-American Foundation, he will not be able to attend the reception of the Youth Leadership Project even today.

There is no way to see the speech of such a young richest man in the world!


Although he can sit here, Ma Yinglong feels that he is lucky enough.

And among French youth, he is already good enough.

But Xiao Ma still feels that he still needs to work hard and should work harder.

Only in this way can we strive to be a speaker on stage in the future, even in a few years!

Ma Yinglong knew that almost all the big people had been on the podium above.

There is Mr. Francois Hollande on the French side, and it is even more exaggerated on the American side.

It is said that the great former commander-in-chief and his wife once spoke on it.

Listening to the speech of the new representative of the French side, Xiao Ma began to dream about his future style on the top.

Not far in front of the pony, Abel had just finished his speech.

He was talking to François Olander, a big French figure in Ma Yinglong's eyes.

"Oh, François, you mean, I should buy Le Parisien? Not Le Soir Française?"

Francois Holland nodded reservedly and seriously: "Yes. Sir, I think that for you, Le Parisien is more valuable to acquire."

Hearing what he said, Abel smiled: "As far as I know, the political color of Le Parisien is relatively light. The political color of France Soir is strong. Why do you think I should acquire the former?"

"Mr. Smith," Francois Hollande said softly, "In fact, my suggestion on this is for this reason."

"It is precisely because the political tone of Le Parisien is relatively weak. In this way, the French people will not react so much when they know that it has been acquired by the Americans."

Abel gradually understood and understood what Francois Holland meant.

In terms of scale, the two newspapers are actually almost the same.

The same goes for sales.

In terms of the difficulty of acquisition, Le Parisien is more difficult.

Because the owner of Le Parisien is the Amaury newspaper group.

This is one of France's major monopoly newspaper groups, with its subsidiaries including Le Parisien, Courier Ouest, L'Equipe (France's largest sports daily), Mann Libre, and the journal Viewpoint.

If you want to acquire a large newspaper from this giant.

There is no other way but to throw money at it.

In contrast, France Soir, which has a more political tone, is easier to acquire.

Its shareholders are relatively dispersed and there is no clear boss. As long as most of the shares are acquired, there is a way to privatize it.

Originally, Abel's intention was to acquire "France Soirée" first.

Because the difficulty is relatively low.

But when he asked Francois Hollande, a local boss in Paris, he suggested that he start with Le Parisien.

Abel didn't understand it at first, but now he understood it.

According to Francois Hollande's meaning, it is actually easy to understand.

That is to say, "Le Soir Française" has a strong political tone and has a high status in the hearts of French people.

It would be easier if the person who bought France Soir was French.

But if you are a foreigner, the French, who are more proud of their country than any other in Europe, may be quite emotional.

In contrast, Le Parisien has very little political overtones. It does not pay much attention to political affairs, but only to people's livelihood.

If a foreigner acquires "Le Soir Française", the impact will be great.

If a foreigner buys Le Parisien, not many French people will care.

In addition, Abel raised his eyes and looked at Francois Hollande.

Abel remembered that it was shown in the information given to him by the French-American Foundation.

This Mr. Francois Holland has a very good relationship with the Amory family, the founder family of the Amory newspaper group.

This guy's suggestion is probably related to this matter.

Thinking of this, Abel smiled and agreed with Francois Holland's suggestion.

"A very good proposal. But François, I am not familiar with the Amaury newspaper group."

"I just arrived here today, my first time in Paris, my first time in France."

"I'm very unfamiliar with this place. And you are a local. I would like to ask Francois, can you introduce me to the gentlemen from the Amaury newspaper group?"

Abel suddenly laughed when he saw Francois Hollande.

Francois Holland said: "Of course, I happen to know Henry of the Amory family. He and I have a very good relationship!"

"That's perfect!" Abel laughed.

Off topic - the conversation between the two was entirely in English.

This is because the French youth funded by the Franco-American Foundation first require him to have a good foundation in English.

In other words, there are more than a hundred outstanding French young people present at this cocktail party.

Everyone can speak fluent English, even the Frenchman who is speaking on the stage now.

He also spoke English rather than French.

In this way, more than twenty Americans, including Abel.

There will be no problem of language communication here.

François Hollande was also speaking English at this time, and of course Abel understood it.

After talking about the newspaper, Abel discussed the issue of residence with Francois Hollande.

"Paris is such a beautiful city."

Abel smiled and said, "It's so beautiful that I even want to buy a house here."

The truth is that more than an hour ago, he told little Laura and Annie that the city was too dirty and dark.

But many times, you just have to open your eyes and tell lies.

Especially for those who are in a superior position, or those who want to be a superior person, this skill is even necessary.

This is the reality.

Francois Holland also smiled and gave suggestions, "Mr. Smith, with your status and wealth, you should naturally live in the 16th arrondissement."

"Oh, District 16." Abel said with a smile: "I understand. I will let people pay attention to it later."

The two chatted again, mainly Francois Hollande doing his best to entertain Abel.

After all, among the members present now, there is no doubt that Abel has the highest status.

He is the main funder of the Franco-American Foundation, a Wall Street tycoon in the United States, is married to the Bush family, and is the richest man in the world.

There is no one here with a higher status than him.

Francois Hollande is already the Frenchman here and currently has the highest status.

If François Hollande doesn't accompany him, who can accompany Abel?

Should we let a small character like Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Ma Yinglong accompany us?

The entire reception included four speeches and subsequent social networking.

It took about two hours in total.

It's almost the end.

Abel and several American representatives from the Franco-American Foundation, the young leaders from the American side of the Young Leaders Project, took the stage.

The outstanding young people in France lined up to shake hands with these outstanding young leaders in the United States.

In the eyes of some interested people, this scene may seem like a young French elite paying homage to a young American elite.

Well, in a sense, this is actually the case.

In America’s Young Leaders Delegate.

Abel stood at the head, smiling and shaking hands with these young people who will most likely become the mainstay of this country in ten or twenty years.

Holding and holding, he found an outstanding representative whose expression was as excited as other French youths.

Abel felt that this French young man looked familiar, and he smiled at him habitually.

"Hello, sir. What's your name?" Alberto asked.

Mainly because the other person seemed familiar to Abel, as if he had seen him somewhere.

"Hello, Mr. Smith." The French young man was very excited and introduced himself, "My name is Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Mayinglong!"

"Oh, hello. Mr. Ma Yinglong." Abel was accustomed to calling the other party's last name, and he reacted after calling him.

Isn’t Ma Yinglong the surname of the future French commander?

Abel couldn't help but take a closer look at the young man in front of him.

After confirmation, this is the future European customer service pony.

"Hello, Mr. Ma Yinglong. I'm Abel Smith. Nice to meet you. I think you will have a bright future!" Abel smiled, shook his hand a few more times, and patted his hand. Shoulders as a sign of encouragement.

This made Pony very excited.

But for Abel, that was all.

Not to mention that Xiao Ma is still a young man now.

Even if it is Ma Yinglong in the future, Abel may not pay much attention to him.

There are not many people on this planet who are worthy of Abel's attention now.

Anyway, the pony in front of me is not this kind of person at the moment.


In the future, when he can really become the commander-in-chief of France.

Abel estimated that he would also be in a higher position by that time.

So no matter what Xiao Ma, he shook hands and ignored it.

It's just that he spoke a few more words to Ma Yinglong after all, and this scene also fell in the eyes of the Americans and French present.

The Americans were okay, they didn't react much.

The reaction of the French people present was different.

Big figures on the French side like Francois Hollande followed Abel and couldn't help but take a few more looks at Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frederic Mayinglong.

It would have been a few years before Olander took notice of this pony.

In this time and space, it was because of Abel.

Francois noticed it in advance.

If Xiaoma knew, he would probably be very happy.

After this cocktail party is over.

When Abel returned to the Pullman Paris Defense Hotel, it was already around seven o'clock in the evening.

In the executive lounge of the Pullman Paris Defense Resort Hotel, Abel saw Soros who was chasing him.

He had to temporarily give up the option of going back to the room and getting together with little Laura and the others.

Instead, he stayed and discussed with Soros.

"Mr Smith."

In the hotel's executive lounge.

Soros looked at the handsome young Abel in front of him, and the Oilers giant said:

"Aren't you willing to join us now? The piece of fat in front of you is the third largest natural gas exporter and the eighth largest oil exporter in the world."

Abel smiled and said softly:

"But it is also one of the top ten economic powers in Europe. In addition, it also has one of the most powerful oil funds in the world. By selling so much oil, this country has enough wealth to ensure the security of its currency."

"Its oil fund has joined the fight!"

Soros said: "In the end, without Mr. Smith and your actions, it would have been defeated step by step."

"But I heard that the Norwegian Petroleum Fund is allocating its investments around the world and preparing to come back to support its country."

Abel said leisurely: "For example, this fund sold more than 3 billion US dollars of their shares in General Electric and exchanged them for US dollars."

Seeing Abel like this, Thoros sighed.

The Oilers boss knew that if he didn't talk about some actual benefits, he would never be able to impress the kid in front of him.

As tough as Buffett.

Soros thought to himself.

"Speak directly." Soros said softly: "Mr. Smith, what do you want?"

I'm coming.

That's what it feels like.

Abel somewhat experienced the feeling of the United States standing in the middle between World War I and the middle period of World War II.

Not a winner, but able to enjoy the benefits of a winner in advance!

"NBC Television Network."

Abel spit out such words.

"This is impossible." Soros refused directly.

"It's not like I didn't buy it for $20 billion. How about it? Let GE sell it to me and I'll be done with it," Abel said.

Soros smiled bitterly and said: "Mr. Smith, this is not easy. General Electric values ​​NBC television very much."

"This is my condition." Abel said softly: "If I can't get it here, maybe I will contact the Norwegian Petroleum Fund. After they sold part of GE's stock, they are still with GE. Has about $7 billion worth of stock."

Abel smiled and spread his hands towards Soros, "As a major shareholder of GE. Maybe they may have a way to persuade GE, but not necessarily."

Soros gritted his teeth, "We will consider it. But I hope that before we consider the answer, Mr. Smith, you cannot meet with the people from the Norwegian Petroleum Fund!"

"I can't do this."

Abel said, and then he added with a smile before Soros's expression changed drastically:

"But I can guarantee that I will not give a reply to the Kingdom of Norway until you give me a reply. This should be fine."

Soros nodded stiffly, then gritted his teeth and left quickly.

Looking at his leaving figure, Abel laughed happily.

The layout that took nearly two months was finally somewhat useful tonight.

But the bigger head is still behind.

Abel couldn't help but look forward to what happened next.

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