America's Road to Wealth

Chapter 325 Now I am the most powerful person in New York

Woolworth Building,

On the 52nd floor, in Abel's office.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, Abel looked down at the ruins not far away.

Click and Bloomberg stood by his side.

The ruins in the distance still look a bit smoky.

"Air pollution is too bad," Bloomberg said:

"I asked relevant experts. It will take at least a year before this air pollution will gradually dissipate. Do you really want to work here?"

The implication is to ask Abel if he is not afraid of air pollution.

"I've already had the latest fresh air system installed."

Abel smiled: "The entire building cost me about five million US dollars in total. It is very expensive, but as long as you are in it, you don't have to worry about the air you breathe."

After the big event.

In addition to the 110-story Twin Towers, five other World Trade Center buildings, the Marriott Hotel, four subway stations, and the Orthodox Church of St. Peter's were destroyed or severely damaged.

In addition, a total of 25 buildings in Manhattan were damaged, and seven buildings in the World Trade Center were razed to the ground.

News came not long ago that the Deutsche Bank building located across from the World Trade Center was also destroyed due to the toxic environment that made the office building unusable.

After the World Trade Center burned, a large amount of toxic gases were produced, and the environment became very unsuitable.

This is also the reason that prompts many residents of Lower Manhattan to leave here.

Fortunately, this kind of problem can often be solved with krypton gold.

The latest fresh air system can solve 99.99% of the pollution in the air.

Then install a large number of air sensors to detect the quality of the air at any time.

That would be enough to ensure the safety of the air inside the Woolworth Building.

Abel himself rode in all the vehicles. Whether it’s the latest Cadillac monster or other modified vehicles.

They all have three defense systems, so they are not afraid of attacks by biological and chemical poisonous gases, not to mention a little bit of air pollution.

At most, he might inhale some polluted air when he enters the room from the vehicle.

But that's just a little bit.

That's just polluted air, not poisonous gas.

Only living there for a long time and breathing this kind of air every day will have an impact on the body.

In fact, after this big incident happened.

Manhattan has also become the area with the most fresh air systems installed among residential buildings in the United States.

Abel is calling on ordinary citizens to come back here again.

It's true that he will appear here often.

Abel can breathe the purified air without any impact on himself.

Ordinary citizens will breathe seriously polluted air, and that has nothing to do with him.

Abel thought that was enough.

Bloomberg thought so, and the founder of Bloomberg had already thought about this.

Bloomberg's headquarters and Bloomberg's Manhattan home are also equipped with similar air purification devices.

As for the Creek, as the largest armed forces headquarters in New York, there has long been a three-defense system at 1 Police Plaza on Park Street in Manhattan.

Instead of caring about this, Abel felt that it would be better to care about Bloomberg’s election.

This will determine whether Abel can act recklessly in New York for the next eight years.

"I heard that the date was chosen on October 12th?"

In front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, Abel asked Bloomberg softly.

The founder of Bloomberg nodded: "It's October 12th."

Bloomberg and Abel said on October 12th.

It refers to this year’s New York general election, which will officially begin on October 12th.

The originally determined time was actually the middle of last month.

Who told what happened last month, so this year’s New York election was chosen this month.

In accordance with relevant New York laws and regulations.

Donkey Party candidate Mark Green and Elephant Party candidate Michael Bloomberg.

The two men have 26 days to promote themselves and win votes.

"Have there been any polls? What is the current support rate?" Abel asked softly again.

New York was a red city in its long past.

But now, almost a hundred years ago, New York has turned dark blue.

Throughout the 20th century, only three Elephants were elected mayor of New York.

The last one is the current Giuliani.

In the past thirty years, New York has only had one Elephant Party mayor, Giuliani.

In such a blue-to-black place, it will be very difficult for Bloomberg to win.

This is why Bloomberg has been a member of the Donkey Party for almost ten years.

The reason why he chose to jump to the Xiang Party in the end.

It's because the internal competition within the Donkey Party is too fierce.

It was as intense as the real New York election.

Because most of the time, the results of the New York Donkey Party’s internal elections are the results of the New York general elections.

Bloomberg, who couldn't get ahead there, jumped here.

This time Bloomberg’s opponent, Mark Green, is a battle-hardened political veteran.

He has served many times as the borough president of Queens and Brooklyn, New York.

Faced with Abel’s question, Bloomberg said softly:

“The situation is very grim. In the New York Post poll, Mark Green’s approval rating was 10% higher than mine. In the New York Times and CBS polls, he was 10% higher than me. 8% more than me."

Bloomberg is actually very satisfied with this number.

Bloomberg knew that if he were at the beginning of the year.

Without an alliance with Abel.

Then Mark Green's approval rating will be much higher than it is now.

After forming an alliance with Abel, Bloomberg received the vast majority of support from the National Rifle Association in New York.

There is also the strong support of the New York Elephant Party, plus the help of Abel’s media power.

That's why we are in this situation now.

At this time, Crick said softly: "I think after today's incident, this situation will definitely be drastically changed."

Click is the New York Police Chief appointed by Giuliani. In other words, he is also a member of the Elephant Party.

In fact, if he had a choice, Click would rather follow his old benefactor Giuliani.

But Giuliani has served as mayor for two terms and cannot continue to run.

And Giuliani is already old, and it won't be long before he retires.

Crick, who had just tasted the power, was reluctant to leave the inner circle so soon.

With Abel's help, Crick decisively turned his support to Bloomberg.

With this approach, even Giuliani can't say anything bad about Click.

Who knows if Bloomberg fails, Click will definitely be removed from office by the Donkey Party.

You must know that the position of the boss of NPYD has always been a super-rich position in this country.

With an annual budget of US$4-5 billion and more than 50,000 employees, this is the most powerful police department in the United States.

Being the leader here has so many benefits.

Apart from other aspects, if Click is not the head of the NYPD.

Then he is not qualified to stand beside Abel and Bloomberg now.

After hearing what Crick said, Bloomberg also had a faint smile on his face.

The founder of Bloomberg also feels that today’s good show should give him a lot of points.

"The concert on the 11th is very important." Abel said, "I think this should be able to increase your support rate by a few percentage points, Michael."

"I understand." Bloomberg looked cautious.

"Giuliani has agreed." Bloomberg said: "Fortunately, we don't have to spend so much money this time."

Last year Abel held a Christmas Eve show in Times Square.

Although there is a brand of Elizabeth's back garden erected in the back.

This brand is now ranked around 450th in the world on the Forbes list.

The brand is worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and the company's market value has exceeded two billion dollars.

Revenue from last year to now has exceeded $500 million.

There is no doubt that it is a very successful marketing that created this cutting-edge brand.

But if it fails at that time. The nearly 80 million U.S. dollars invested by Abel was wasted.

If 9/11 had not happened, any media company or music company would want to hold a concert in Times Square.

Even with Abel's connections, it would probably cost almost hundreds of millions of dollars.

Only by opening up all links can we hold this kind of event in Times Square like Isa Company.

Almost hundreds of millions of dollars of capital investment.

No music company or media company dares to take such a big risk like Abel.

Fortunately, thanks to 9/11, justice stands in the way, and even the New York City Council does not dare to stop it this time.

Therefore, the cost of this charity concert held in Times Square was much lower.

Abel and Bloomberg each offered $1 million.

Most of the total US$2 million was spent on stage construction and specific expenses.

If this were any other time.

Opening up the entire official chain in New York would cost an estimated US$40 to 50 million. Including donations, fees, etc., the total is about 80 to 90 million US dollars.

Then you have to factor in the cost of hiring a singer to sing.

The cost of this is also exaggerated.

For example, if you invite Michael Jackson to appear, the appearance fee will be more than 5 million US dollars, and a VCR recording will cost 500,000 US dollars.

For a concert, at least ten or twenty people should come, right?

That's tens of millions of dollars in appearance fees.

Calculated, if we only rely on spending money to hold a concert in Times Square, it will cost us US$120-150 million.

In other words, the New Year's Eve concert in Times Square and the September 11th Charity Fundraising Concert in Times Square do not need to spend so much money in these special circumstances.

The two discussed some concert matters, and Crick also joined.

Because the security at that time will mainly be provided by the NYPD.

Compared to Abel and Crick, Bloomberg is obviously more interested.

If such a good opportunity to win over ordinary voters is missed, it will affect the election.

Bloomberg can’t even let himself go.

Abel felt a little pity for the singers who were invited by DreamWorks Music.

No one dared to refuse the invitation, and no one dared to make additional requests.

This group of super stars usually have such special personalities that even the boss of the music company would coax them to come.

They heard that they could sing in Times Square, or pray in memory of those who died on September 11, 2011.

Even if there is no appearance fee for the concert, there is not even transportation fee.

Even if they have to pay for the air tickets and accommodation to come to New York, they have to pay for it themselves.

These people still all came here in a hurry.

This made Abel's prepared thoughts of adding insult to injury and harming singers signed by other music companies and record companies all come to nothing.

It can only be said that ZZZQ, which Americans like to play most, has taken the concept of moral kidnapping to the extreme.

Under the banner of ZZZQ, even if the singer himself doesn’t want to. The singer's manager and company will also kidnap them.

After noon.

Crick and Bloomberg got together and left, and Abel also left the Woolworth Building.

Surrounded by a motorcade, he left Manhattan.

He was going to a part of Brooklyn he rarely visited.

Brooklyn is the most populous of the five boroughs in New York City.

It has a large population of about 2 million and a vast area of ​​251 square kilometers. These two standards are the best among the five boroughs in New York City.

If the boroughs of New York were independent cities, then Brooklyn would be the third most populous city after Los Angeles and Chicago, and the fourth largest city in the United States.

As a characteristic of America as a country of immigrants, especially New York City, the capital of the world, Brooklyn has residents from almost all over the world.

It is precisely for this reason that in the 1980s and 1990s, this place was famous for its poor public security.

Fortunately, since New York City Mayor Giuliani took office, public security has been greatly improved, and the quality of living has gradually improved.

But even so, after Abel entered the area.

The number of vehicles in his fleet has also increased to seven.

The six accompanying Cadillac cars and SUVs carried a total of 24 rock security staff.

Including Lincoln and Edward in the Cadillac Monster, there were a total of twenty-six bodyguards and a driver accompanying them.

At the same time, what is even more outrageous is that when Crick separated from Abel, he knew that he was coming to Brooklyn.

The director-general, who showed a rapport with Abel today between the police and the public, also made several special phone calls.

The results of these phone calls.

It was Abel's motorcade as soon as it crossed the Brooklyn Bridge.

This side of the Brooklyn Bridge.

Five police stations in Brooklyn dispatched seven police cars and 21 mounted policemen on motorcycles to patrol within 200 meters of the motorcade.

There are even two police helicopters on standby directly on the helipad directly above the two precincts.

This made Abel feel physically and mentally happy in the back of the Cadillac Monster.

It also made Abel feel that he was now a real New York local snake.

It is not in vain that I have been investing tirelessly in this place.

"Huh, it would be great if a Black Hand, Blood Gang, Crip Gang or something came out and slapped me in the face."

As he tapped the car window in boredom and looked at the Brooklyn street scene passing by outside the window, Abel couldn't help but sigh.

It's a pity that there are not so many slaps in the face in reality.

Those gang members were not idiots. They saw such a fleet of luxury Cadillacs.

I have already run as far as I can.

What's more, there are so many police cars and mounted policemen visible to the naked eye.

No matter how arrogant a gang member is, it is impossible for them to come up and die in this situation.

If you want to get slapped in the face, Abel would have to wear a brand-name suit and go to the black area of ​​Brooklyn alone.

But this was impossible. For Abel, who was eager to bring along the special PMC personnel of the Rock Security Company, it was impossible for him to do such a risky thing.

In this way, Abel became very popular all the way.

Soon we came to the Bensenhe District of Brooklyn, a small sports field located on the edge of New York's East River.

Once outside the stadium, through the car window, Abel could see a large number of vehicles parked in the parking lot of the stadium.

There are many luxury cars and nanny cars inside.

Around the parking lot, you can also see more reporters, photographers, and videographers.

The reason why such a scene occurred is because it started on October 4th.

Many well-known singers and musicians across the United States suddenly appeared here.

These big stars come in batches every day and leave one after another.

They were rehearsing the concert inside this small sports ground.

They were preparing for a charity fundraising concert to be held in Times Square on the night of October 11th.

As Chairman of Smith Media.

Abel, the mastermind behind the entire concert, has never been here.

I happened to be chatting with Bloomberg about this concert today, and he had nowhere to go in the afternoon.

Abel decided to come over and have a look.

The person in charge of this concert is Michael Levine, the son of Anne Hathaway’s mother’s godfather.

Michael Levine, who was in charge of the last Christmas Eve fashion show, did a great job.

Michael Levine has more experience hosting concerts in Times Square than anyone else.

Abel naturally left the matter to him.

Michael Levine, one of the presidents of Smith Media and the CEO of Elizabeth Back Garden Company, also shoulders this responsibility.

With the help of David Geffen, the producer of DreamWorks Music, he was responsible for everything about this very hasty concert with a huge lineup and arrangement.

Because the preparation time is less than ten days, even with the help of a large number of resources provided by Abel.

Even if you have already had one experience.

Michael Levine is also very busy. There are too many things for Michael to worry about.

When Abel arrived.

What Abel saw was Michael Levine, whose mouth was blistered.

He was angrily cursing a black singer dressed in hip-hop in the audience.

"Fake you! I have given you several days! This is the answer you gave me!? Fake you!!? Fake you!!"

"We were singing in Times Square! At least hundreds of millions of Americans could see it, and hundreds of millions around the world! You want to sing this shit in front of hundreds of millions of people!!"

"Fake you!! Look at the lyrics you gave me! Five songs, what are the lyrics? What kind of police bastards are the lyrics of Fake? This woman's butt is really big. The government wants to kill us people. Ah, mother is the greatest, the gold chain must be thick enough to be worthy of the name, and kill the enemy with one shot."

"Fake you! Except for one mother who is the greatest, which one do you think is suitable to sing in the square?! Fake you! Fake you!!"

The voice of Fake YOU resounded throughout the audience.

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