America's Road to Wealth

Chapter 363 Unexpected Disaster

Abel's plane took off around 6pm on December 2, New York time.

Flight time is 15 hours.

By the time his plane arrived at Hanguo Incheon International Airport, it was already around 9 a.m. on December 3, New York time.

There is a 14-hour time difference between Seoul and New York.

Waiting for Abel's plane to arrive at Incheon International Airport.

The time here in Hanguo was already past 23:00 on the evening of December 3rd.

That is around 11pm.

In other words, it was already dark when Abel took off from New York.

After flying across the North American continent, across the Pacific Ocean, and arriving at Hanguo Incheon Airport, the sky was still dark here.

It's so magical, after all the earth is round. The rotation of the earth causes jet lag in human time.

Li Xinyu flew for more than 15 hours.

She slept on it for seven or eight hours.

She just woke up when she was approaching Han State. It was obviously difficult for her to go back to sleep right away, but it was night here again...

So sometimes when traveling or traveling, if the place you go to is too far away, you will have such a thing as "jet lag".

The Hanguk Airport where the Boeing 747 arrived is Incheon International Airport, which is located in Yeongjongdo Island, Jung-gu, Incheon Metropolitan City, Hanguo.

It is 23.5 kilometers away from the Incheon Metropolitan City Center to the east and 49 kilometers away from the Seoul Special City Center to the northeast. It is a 4F-level international airport and a large international hub airport.

As the largest airport in the country, it was actually officially put into operation in January this year, and it has been under construction for almost 11 years.

As the largest international airport in Hanguo, it is also one of the busiest airports in Asia and the busiest airport in Hanguo.

Even if it's already 11pm.

There are still many tourists and passengers coming in and out.

As a landmark building of Han State that was just opened to navigation this year.

In recent times, it has become the favorite place for Han people to see and even go.

In parallel time and space, in the next few years, a large number of variety show crews, reality show crews, film and TV series crews will come here to shoot.

Like tonight, it's already past 11pm.

MBC TV station has already broadcast several episodes of the new variety show "Living Together", and the crew will be here tonight to shoot a special outing.

"Living Together" is a celebrity survival competition elimination variety show.

In the game, team members not only have to play together, but also live together, and even play all night long.

Its program host is the newly emerged young variety show MC Yoo Jae Suk.

The program team set off from Seoul very late.

It was already close to 11 o'clock when we arrived at Incheon International Airport.

But both the host Yoo Jae Suk, the guests participating in the show, and the filming crew have all become accustomed to it.

This show often has late-night specials, and sometimes it starts playing games in the middle of the night.

Sometimes even into the morning. It's past 11 o'clock in the evening. For this program group, it really can't be called late...

The three vans of the program team, pulling more than 20 members, drove to the road where there were only three traffic lights left from the airport.

The convoy is moving.

Yoo Jae Suk, who is less than 29 years old this year. In a van in the middle, chatting with tonight’s guests Shin Hyesung and Junjin.

"Hey, Comet Junjin. When the show is finished filming, how about I treat you to dinner when I have time?"

Shin Hyesung and Junjin are both members of Hanguo's popular group "Myth" at this time.

This group is particularly popular in Hanguo this year. Shin Hye-sung and Park Chung-jae (Junjin) are ranked lowest in the group and are the most average-looking.

The two of them were arranged by the company to participate in various variety shows as guests and MCs in addition to singing and performing.

Tonight, it was the two of them who went to Yoo Jae Suk's "Living Together" performance.

Faced with the host's kind words, Shin Hyesung and Park Chung-jae also seemed very polite.

"Brother, I'll treat you to a treat after the show is over. Let's go have a meal together!"

Shin Hye Sung said with a smile.

Pu Zhongzai also followed: "Yes, yes, let's have dinner together then!"

Liu Zaishi responded cheerfully, but at this time, the three Han people did not take the dinner seriously.

There is a high probability that they will not eat together unless they become really good friends later on.

Because in Han State, this kind of daily politeness is very common.

While chatting, the three of them brought the topic to tonight's show.

At this time, the motorcade just arrived at the second-to-last traffic light from the airport.

The red light came on, and the show crew's cars stopped and waited for the red light.

Liu Zaishi opened his mouth and wanted to discuss a plot with the two of them so that it could be filmed on the show later.

At this moment, a huge roar came from the rear of the program team's van.

"What's the sound?" Pu Zhongzai looked confused.

Shen Huixing stood up halfway in the van and looked to the back, "It seems to be the back?"

Liu Zaishi was sitting next to the car window. He opened the car window and looked behind him.

It was okay not to look at it. After looking at it, Liu Zaishi was shocked.

Late at night, Liu Zaishi, the host of "Living Together, Falling Together," saw a place not far behind the road.

There are a lot of tall off-road vehicles painted in military green, rushing towards this direction.

At the head were several very large trucks, which looked arrogant and arrogant.

The huge roar of these military green-painted convoys is the sound made by these large-displacement military vehicles when the accelerator is pressed deeply.

Their overall speed was very fast, and in the blink of an eye, they were in front of the convoy of the program crew such as Liu Zaishi.

Fortunately, the road is wide, a five-lane road.

The four middle lanes are all occupied, and there are no cars on the two right-turn lanes on the far right.

The menacing military green large off-road vehicle ran directly to the right turn lane. Under the gaze of dozens of Hanguo vehicles and vehicle owners waiting for the red light, the large military truck in the lead went straight through the intersection with countless traffic lights. And passed.

The Hanguo car owners who were about to pass under the green light on both sides were all startled.

Everyone immediately stopped the car and did not dare to move. No one got out of the car to curse or call the police.

Because at this time, through the street lights on both sides of the road, everyone already knew who the owner of this convoy was.


In the program team's motorcade, Park Zhongzai, the youngest, looked at the motorcade strutting forward under the red light and cursed in a low voice using the national curse of their country.

Shen Huixing stopped him immediately:

"Keep it down! Do you want to die? These people dare to scold you! If word gets out, no one can protect you!"

Host Yoo Jae Suk, who did not want to cause trouble, also said, "Yes, yes, don't say this. Don't say this."

Pu Zhongzai was very unhappy, but knew that no matter how much he scolded him, it would be useless.

The extremely arrogant military green painted convoy quickly passed the intersection.

At this time, the red light also turned green, and the cars on the left and right that were scared to stop did not dare to move because the light on their side turned red.

The program team's motorcade continued to move forward.

The cheerful atmosphere in the carriage just now had disappeared.

Still looking a little down.

Suddenly, Shin Hye Sung looked at Yoo Jae Suk: "MC Yoo, look at those "", they seem to be going to Incheon International Airport. With so many people going, what happened at the airport? Do we still have to go there to film the show?"

It is a unique name given to Americans by Han people.

The pronunciation is basically the same as the English "Yankee".

Translated into Chinese, it means Yankees.

In other words, most ordinary Chinese people call Americans Yankees.

Obviously, the people who were so arrogant just now, directly using super-large military trucks to stop the cars on the left and right, and driving away in a large convoy, are the people in Hanguo's "".

That is, Americans.

Liu Zaishi didn’t know either.

If there is anything special happening at Incheon International Airport tonight.

The TV station wouldn't let the program crew pass.

When the program crew set out, there was no announcement or anything like that.

"Is there any special situation?"

Pu Zhongzai asked.

Shen Huixing was even more exaggerated: "It's not like the north is coming, and the Yankees are going to run away, right?"

Liu Zaishi thought to himself, if there really was a call from the north. Those of us in the entertainment industry had better be the first to run away.

"I don't know either. Let me call Director Wu and Producer Liu at the front." Liu Zaishi could only say this.


The two members of Shinhwa Group were waiting for the main host Liu Jae Suk to make a phone call to communicate with the director and producer in front of them.

After the phone call, Liu Zaishi said:

"The director and producer did not say anything special happened. The filming plan continues, and we still have to move forward."

The two bosses of the program team both said so.

Of course Shin Hyesung and Park Chung-jae didn't dare to refuse.

In Han State, there are exaggerated distinctions between superiors, inferiors, juniors and elders.

Not to mention that among the two mythical combinations, the one with the lower status is here.

Even the most popular person in the group would not dare to be rude or refuse when facing the producers and directors of a program group.

Workplace bullying in China and North America is often just an invisible rule.

But in Neon and Han, they are not unspoken rules, they are explicit rules that everyone is required to abide by.

This rule applies to all industries, and the entertainment industry is no exception.

The convoy moved on.

It was just after being frightened by the US military convoy just now.

In the van compartment, Liu Zaishi and the other three lost interest in chatting.

After driving for another ten minutes, the convoy finally passed the last traffic light.

In the distance is the international airport, which is shining brightly in the dark night.

There were planes taking off and landing all the time in the sky nearby, and the huge roar of the plane engines echoed around.

"Ah, what a beautiful, great, and miraculous building."

Liu Zaishi looked at the airport not far away and couldn't help but say.

Park Chung-jae and Shin Hye-sung also nodded.

Incheon International Airport is the new favorite of Hanguo people this year.

Seeing it, Han people will feel proud.

"Look over there!"

As the motorcade continued to advance, Pu Zhongzai suddenly pointed in a direction outside the car, "There are those Yankee cars! They are indeed coming to the airport."

Several people looked out, and sure enough, on one side of the airport, they saw some of the US military convoy vehicles parked there.

The way they park is very aggressive, with one car occupying several parking spaces.

It was originally half a parking lot that could accommodate at least one or two hundred cars.

After parking a dozen large American military off-road vehicles and two military trucks, there was no room for other Han nationality vehicles.

Maybe, maybe, maybe... Seeing these cars here, the Han people didn't dare to drive over and stop.

Of course the program team wouldn't dare either.

But tonight they're filming here.

I have already contacted the airport staff.

The program team can go inside to shoot.

The three vans in the fleet can also be parked inside the airport.

"Wow, this is the first time I've come here when I'm not on a plane!"

Under the guidance of airport staff.

The program crew went directly to the edge of the runway inside the airport.

They're here tonight, playing airport workers in a variety show showdown.

The speaker was Pu Zhongzai.

He said as he looked at the planes taking off and landing in the distance.

Liu Zaishi, who was wearing glasses, suddenly pointed in a direction, "Look over there. The Americans seem to be over there? They are all wearing military uniforms. Isn't there really going to be a war?"

Park Chung-jae, Shin Hye-sung, and other members of the program team were all startled, and they looked over.

Sure enough, here is the edge of the largest runway, which is at least tens of meters or even hundreds of meters away.

Standing were dozens of ghost guys wearing U.S. military uniforms.

With a large number of lights turned on, these people stand out in the dark.

Director Wu and Producer Liu from the program team were also looking over there at this time.

Producer Liu reacted the fastest and asked the airport staff around him.

"What's going on over there? Are you making a movie? Why are there so many ghost guys?"

"I don't know," the airport staff said, "but that area has been blocked. Except for those Yankees, no one else dared to go there. A colleague of mine went there just now and was kicked out by a few Yankees."

Facing the staff's words, the Han people present fell silent again.

It’s as if they have already acquiesced that the Yankees have the right to kick the people of Han in the Han Kingdom...

"Stop talking about this. Let's film the show."

Director Wu cheered people up.

They are just people in the entertainment industry or variety show stars, and their status in the entertainment industry is not high.

How can I still have the ability to talk or take care of important national affairs?

And everyone in Han knew that they really had to let these Yankees go.

The brothers and neighbors to the north will definitely call over right away.

Can the people of Han defeat it on their own?

To this question, the answer from Han people is often yes.

But they also know that they are actually lying to themselves.

If you ask yourself, not many Han people would think that their side can beat them.

In this situation.

Even if they are very harsh, most people in the Han Kingdom actually know in their hearts that as long as the Yankees are guarding the Han Kingdom, the north will not dare to attack.

For this kind of security, the Han people seem to have acquiesced in allowing the Yankees, especially the Yankee soldiers, to have privileges in this country.

It’s useless if they don’t allow it anyway.

The program team is preparing to start arranging equipment and programs.

Liu Zaishi was relatively free at the moment. He and the two guests kept staring over there.

"Producer Liu, it seems someone is coming. Director Wu, look, someone is coming over there."

Liu Zaishi said suddenly.

It turned out that there were a few people walking towards this side from those ghost guys, and they were going very fast.

When they got closer, the crew took a look and realized they were two "Yankees."

The two Americans, accompanied by two other people wearing Hanguo local police uniforms, appeared in front of the crew.

Half an hour later.


Pu Zhongzhi walked out of the airport and couldn't help but curse.

The entire crew of more than twenty people had all been kicked out of the airport.

The reason is that it interferes with airport security, even if the program team and the TV station have already reported it.

"It's probably nothing that impedes airport security."

Liu Zaishi said in a leisurely voice:

"Guess we're too close to those Yankees!"

Everyone else was silent, which meant that they generally thought so.

"Then who exactly is he? How come so many American troops came here to greet him so late? Could it be that the commander-in-chief of the United States is here?"

Shen Huixing said.

Producer Liu replied:

"How is that possible? If the commander-in-chief of the United States comes, it will not only be the Yankees who will greet him. Our own Commander Lu will be the first to greet him!"

What Producer Liu said didn't sound very good to the people of Han, but everyone knew that this was the reality.

Liu Zaishi said: "Maybe it's a big shot from the United States? Otherwise, why are there so many Yankees? And they're all wearing military uniforms."

Everyone nodded, maybe this was the only explanation.

Park Chung-jae suggested:

"Maybe. We can go outside and take a look? Go to the place where Americans park their cars? They will always come out later. After they come out, we will know who is coming? It can't be Bill Gates, right? The world Only the richest man has this kind of pomp, right?"

"What is the world's richest man? That's all old history. Bill Gates is no longer the world's richest man. The current world's richest man is Abel Smith!" Shen Huixing said.

"Go and watch outside. Maybe we can start shooting again after the people leave." Producer Liu suggested.

The biggest boss on the crew has said this, and of course no one will refuse.

About twenty people came outside, squeezed into the van, and looked at the American convoy on the other side from a distance.

It was already very cold in Han State in December, and it snowed in many places.

Being squeezed into the car, even with the heater on, it was a bit cold.

But he couldn't leave, so Producer Liu waited for the Americans to leave and contacted the airport again to see if they could continue filming.

Waited for a while, maybe half an hour like that.

"I'm coming!"

Pu Zhongzai, who had been staring outside, said:

"Look, those Yankees in uniform are coming out!"

Everyone in the van and the program crew became energetic.

Everyone saw the special exit for vehicles to enter the airport, and as expected, the two large off-road vehicles painted in military green appeared inside.

There are also a large number of American troops, and an even larger number of Yankees.

"There are so many people." Producer Liu said:

"No wonder there are so many cars. If there weren't so many cars, we probably wouldn't be able to pull so many people!"

Everyone in the car nodded in agreement, knowing that some big shot must have come from the United States today.

Otherwise, there wouldn’t be such a big and exaggerated battle, and so many people would come to greet it.

In this posture, if someone said that the American commander-in-chief came secretly, some people might believe it.

Suddenly, a van from the program crew came next to him.


It is the sound of the shutter when a camera or video camera takes a picture.

Along with the sound, there was also a flash of light that had flashed away.


Producer Liu immediately cursed, "Who is taking pictures? You dare to take pictures of anything!?! Are you looking for death?"

"It's the photographer." Liu Zaishi said, "The car behind. Our photographer, lighting team and sound effects engineer are all in the back."

"!" Director Wu also cursed.

But it's too late.

Those Yankees among the people of Han State responded very quickly.

Before the shutter sounds here, the flash flashes by.

Someone shouted something in English over there, followed by an ambush, a cover, and a charge.

As soon as Director Wu finished scolding, dozens of Yankees rushed over.

The filming crew of "Living Together" has not yet reacted.

The Americans with guns who rushed over were all captured and beaten.

Fortunately no one here dared to resist.

After all, this is also the country of Han, where guns are banned and public security is generally good.

The American soldiers who came to greet them were very familiar with this place. Under the dissuasion of the American soldiers, the newly arrived Americans did not use their traditional American Iai Slash.

Unlike those who went to meet Li Fuzhen, the Americans there did not have the US military to stop them, and they performed an American-style Iai beheading on them on the spot.

The performance was a success.

Although I didn’t see the performance of American Iai Slash.

But everyone in the crew, including Liu Jae Suk, later enjoyed a rough meal.

The same goes for Producer Liu and Director Wu. Including two members of the Shinhwa group Park Chung-jae and Shin Hye-sung.

They all received a severe beating because of that flashing light.

Wait until most of the American convoy has left.

The airport security and the Hanguo Shou local police who had just arrived were belatedly arriving.

For the people on the show who were beaten, these compatriots should have been the saviors.

But when these people came, they beat and kicked them without saying a word.

The program crew received two severe beatings in a row.

Only when he was put into a detention vehicle used by the Seoul police to arrest prisoners did he realize what was going on.

Producer Liu shouted that he wanted to inform the TV station that they were a legal filming crew, not criminals or violent people, and should not be treated like this.

What greeted him was the police chief of the Shouer local police who was escorting him in the same car.


The sergeant said: "Do you know what you did?! You are a bunch of idiots, fools! Just stay in jail for a few days! If you are lucky, you can still get out. If you are not, just wait until you go to the prison in Xishou'er."

Producer Liu, who already had some social status and was a middle-level elite member of MBC TV station, was beaten three times in a row and was blinded.

The final result is the entire program group of "Living Together".

A total of 23 people, in three vans, were all thrown into the detention yard of a police station in Seoul.

Detention field=detention center, that’s what it’s called here in Han State.

The "culprit" that caused all this was when Liu Zaishi and others were being beaten.

Abel had already boarded the military command Humvee specially modified by Walter Sharp, the commander of the U.S. Command in Johnstown.

"Oh, it's not an ambusher. It's a Han nationality who happens to be filming a show here?"

In the warm car.

When faced with Walter Sharp, he explained that the flash just happened to be someone filming a program over there.

Abel smiled and nodded in acceptance.

If someone were to ambush and attack you as soon as you came over.

Then this Han Kingdom is too dangerous.

But how is that possible? This is Han State, East Asia, and not the future Afghanistan or Laqi...

"It's really just a coincidence. My adjutant has told me that the other party is indeed a camera crew affiliated with a TV station in Seoul."

Walter Sharp smiled gently.

This general is said to be the most promising to become the next commander-in-chief in South Korea.

Judging from the appearance, regardless of the military uniform he is wearing.

He is no different from many American Wall Street elites in appearance and temperament.

Just by changing into a suit, he will look very elegant.

Abel nodded and said with a smile: "Since it's just a misunderstanding, then just give him a simple lesson."

Walter Sharp laughed and said that someone had already done it.

Two big men had a gentle conversation.

Liu Zaishi and the others were beaten three times and even arrested and detained.

The reason is simply that the photographer of the program couldn't bear the professional habit, forgot to turn off the flash, and secretly took a photo.

For this photographer, it was his dirty hands that hurt everyone.

To others on the show, and even to the network itself.

That would really be a disaster.

In a U.S. military convoy.

Originally according to Walter Sharpe's meaning.

He wanted Abel and Abel's people to live directly in Jackson Camp, Dobong District, Seoul Special City.

That is the U.S. military camp closest to the center of Hanguo Seoul among the various bases.

Or several other camps in the Shouerlong Mountain Area, such as Koyna Camp, Jinying, Longshan Base and other places.

But Abel refused.

He felt that he was not a public official in the US government, but just a businessman.

Come over here, Walter Sharp brings so many American troops to greet him, it's a bit outrageous.

You want to live directly in a military camp, even if no one in the United States talks nonsense.

This will be more or less a small handle in the future, but it is really unnecessary.

What's more, no matter how good the conditions inside the military camp are, except for safety, it can never be better than the outside.

In terms of security, there are so many US troops stationed there.

As long as the mischief from the north doesn't come over.

In Han Kingdom, Abel didn't think he would be in any danger with more than thirty rock security bodyguards.

And even if there is really danger, it can still be supported until Walter Sharp and others send people to rescue.

He declined what Walter Sharp said was an offer from four-star General Leon Laporte, the U.S. commander in chief in Korea.

Just let Walter Sharp wait for hundreds of American soldiers to send his people into the center of Seoul.

So I invited them to go back.

Otherwise, bringing so many American troops would be awe-inspiring, but it would also be too scary for the Han people.

This side of Shouer.

Li Fuzhen knew that Abel was coming and how many people he brought with him.

Of course she had already made arrangements here.

She directly used her connections to book all the rooms on the top and second floors of the Shilla Hotel located in the center of Seoul City, specifically at No. 249 Donghu Road, Jung-gu District, Seoul City.

There are a total of 37 luxury suites of different levels, which can accommodate the 125 people who came with Abel if several people share one room.

This Seoul Shilla Hotel is also the earliest and most famous flagship store among the Shilla Hotels of the Samsung Group.

Opened in 1979, it is a five-star hotel under the Samsung Group and one of the most famous hotels in Hanguo.

Most foreign leaders who visit Hanguo usually stay here.

The Han people themselves often took pride in staying at the Silla Hotel when they arrived in Seoul.

It's a bit like Chinese people staying at Diao Dayu Hotel.

In the hotel, Li Fuzhen personally greeted Abel and her little sister who arrived late at night.

Let’s not mention this matter for now.

When Abel was holding Li Fuzhen and talking softly to his sister-in-law Li Xinyu.

The other end of Shouer Jiangnan District.

Lee Jae-seo, chairman of Samsung Group.

and his son, Lee Young-jae, general manager of Samsung Electronics, a subsidiary of Samsung Group.

At the same time, in the middle of the night in Shou, the father and son were talking in the living room.

"It's already here. I'm sure it's Abe Smith who's here in person. General Walter Sharpe, a Yankee from Camp Jackson, went to greet him personally. I heard that the battle was very big, and they ran red lights along the way and caused several car accidents. Seoul local police . Inspector Li Zaiming wiped his ass all the way."

After listening to his son's soft report, Li Zaixi did not speak immediately.

The old man stared straight at his only son, his eyes making Li Rongzai feel a little scared.

"Rongzai." Li Zaixi suddenly said softly: "Tell me, does this matter have anything to do with you? To be honest, it is very important."

Facing his father's rare stern look.

Li Rongzai, who is in his thirties this year, feels a lot of pressure.

Even if he could dominate outside, Lao Lu, the commander of Lian Han Kingdom, had a very nice and approachable attitude when he met him.

But Li Rongzai also knew that all this was based on the fact that he was Li Zaixi's only son.

I only have this privilege because I am the first prince of the Samsung Group.

Without this identity, I would just be a top-notch rich second generation.

Now looking at his father's majestic and wise eyes, Li Rongzai felt very regretful.

He couldn't help but lower his head: "I was wrong, Dad."

Seeing his son lower his head and admit his mistake, Li Zaixi breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that he was not hopeless after all.

"Then where did you go wrong?" Li Zaixi continued to say majestically.

"The mistake was that I should have stopped those people, but I didn't. Let them scare my sister."

Li Rongzai did not tell everything frankly.

But he said part of it.

Li Zaixi asked softly: "Who is there?"

"Cui Taiyuan, Gu Guangyan, Xin Bindong, and a few others."

Li Rongzai reported the names of several people.

"What's the motive?" Li Zaixi's face was expressionless.

"They felt that Fu Zhen had disgraced the Han people. And Fu Zhen might enter the stage to seize power with the support of the Americans. They were afraid that these things would happen, so they decided to give her some color, hoping that she would retreat in spite of the difficulties. "

At this point, Li Rongzai changed the topic, "But Dad, these people still have some sense of propriety. These people still care about you. They don't dare to go too far. They just..."


Li Rongzai's explanation came to an end, and Li Zaixi gave him a hard slap.

The chairman of Samsung Group looked at his son who looked stunned after being slapped.

He took a deep breath - "Go to the Shilla Hotel with me tomorrow. We will go to see Mr. Smith together. Then you apologize to Fuzhen. You are lucky, because your sister happens to be the lover of an American. Otherwise, haha..."

Li Zaixi sneered and left in disappointment, turned around and went back to the room, leaving his son alone in the living room in a daze.

I'm almost in good health. I only have a cough and a sore throat, but no more fever. I should be able to update normally today. I'm sorry.

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