Arcane Lord

Chapter 214 The first batch of people

After the banquet, the formal negotiations began. With Derrick present, Sha Duo could not suppress them as a mage, and the other party did not dare to fool Sha Duo with his professionalism.

Originally this was a mutually willing cooperation, and most issues were settled in just a few words. Among them, the most critical ones, price and stability, have also been reached.

Just as he was about to sign the contract, he froze on one question.

"Three of you, this exclusivity clause is absolutely impossible." Xia Duo said coldly.

This has touched his bottom line. Not to mention the limited strength of these three chambers of commerce, even if they are very strong, Xia Duo will not agree to the so-called exclusivity clause.

There is a saying in my hometown that goes, "Tai'a supports others and gives others control." It is extremely unwise to entrust all territorial material affairs to these three chambers of commerce.

Besides, he has already signed a cooperation contract with Mrs. Patty, so we can’t let him go back on it!

If he regrets this, he will probably be blacklisted by the Lord of Glory immediately!

Xia Duo's attitude was firm and there was no room for compromise. If it worked, it would work, and if it didn't work, forget it. Anyway, having a free meal tonight and a bottle of elf fruit wine was not a loss.

The situation was frozen. At this time, Derrick, as the middleman, came out to smooth things over. He had more contact with the mages, so he naturally knew that once the mages decided, it would be difficult to change.

"You can also remove this item, but the delivery of all materials and personnel must be settled on the spot, and the money and goods must be paid." President Hans of the Hans Chamber of Commerce put forward this suggestion.

The previous discussion between the two parties was that Xia Duo had a certain credit limit in the name of a pioneer and a mage. Within this limit, he could withdraw materials at will.

Wait until the territory is profitable before repaying it.

But all this comes with a premise - exclusivity!

Now that the exclusivity clause is removed, settlement must be made on the spot. This is too realistic. Xia Duo frowned, but if it can guarantee that the money will be available, then it is still acceptable.

Shado is considering whether he can advance some gold coins from Mrs. Patty to settle accounts with these three chambers of commerce, or whether he can directly transfer the channels of these three chambers of commerce to Mrs. Patty.

The latter is less troublesome, while the former may be safer.

After hesitating for a moment, Sha Duo decided to keep it in his hands first. When the trust between him and Mrs. Patty increases in the future, or when he becomes stronger, maybe it would be a good choice to hand it over to her.

The presidents of the three chambers of commerce here were waiting for Xia Duo's reply. Xia Duo didn't want to get too entangled, so he agreed directly.

Although the settlement is now on the spot and the money and goods are settled, it is still necessary to sign a contract. Xia Duo needs to ensure the stability of the input and output of personnel and materials.

Stability is relative, and Xia Duo must ensure monthly purchases.

Xia Duo roughly calculated that if he organized 100 ordinary people and 20 guards to go to 20 Liwai to develop, the monthly food expenses would be at least several thousand gold coins!

Of course, for the market price calculated here, during actual development, part of the food can be obtained from the forest on the spot, so let’s count it as half.

Others, such as purchasing serfs, recruiting workers, guards, etc., are all gold-eating beasts. Once the development machine is started, what awaits Xia Duo is either success in development and huge profits, or complete ruin and bankruptcy.

In fact, Xia Duo felt quite unsure. He decided that once he started to develop, he would borrow more money from Mrs. Patty. He would even borrow a lot of money after becoming familiar with these three chambers of commerce.

As long as they are trapped, Xia Duo can feel more at ease. Anyway, the worst outcome for him is that he fails to develop and makes no money.

He should continue to be a mage.

Becoming a pioneer and gaining territory is an unexpected blessing, and being a mage is his job.

Thinking of this, Shadoton felt open-minded and readily signed a sacred contract with the three guild presidents and Derrick. Derrick was the unexpected witness and supervisor of the Lord of Glory.

"Three presidents, happy cooperation!"

"Master Xia Duo, no, Lord Xia Duo, happy cooperation!"

Several people looked at each other and smiled, and the tense atmosphere before instantly became much more harmonious.

After leaving Edrich's house, Shado did not return to the Mage Tower immediately. Instead, he stopped by Mrs. Patty's house and told him about his cooperation with the three chambers of commerce.

Although Mrs. Patty was surprised that Chateau found three collaborators so quickly, she smiled confidently when she heard the names of the three chambers of commerce.

"Master Shada, the Liaton Chamber of Commerce has organized the first batch of people. When will you have time to take a look?"

"So fast?!"

Only two days have passed since the last contract was signed. A group of people were organized so quickly. Xia Duo was very surprised, "How many are there? Who are they?"

"There are only 20 people in the first batch. They are all free people in the town and live in poverty. It is difficult for them to get ahead in the Saville Territory. They all want to start from scratch in the Daxia Territory."

"Okay!" Xia Duo also immediately gave out the pie, "As long as the territory is successfully developed, everyone will be rewarded, whether it is fields, gold and silver, and even if their descendants want to learn magic, I will give them a chance."

This kind of person who participates in the whole process of development and has a certain degree of initiative will, if nothing else, become a die-hard supporter of Xia Duo.

They placed everything on the development of their territory and on Xia Duo. Naturally, Xia Duo would not let them down, and there would definitely be a big pie.

Moreover, Xia Duo's development here is different from the subsequent development of the Saville Territory. The Great Xia Territory started from scratch. As long as they can persist, they can see hope.

The ancestors of many big figures in the Saville Territory were mostly ordinary people who followed the first generation of lords to pioneer. Although Sha Duo was not as good as the Grand Arcanist, he could attract people as long as he had the hope of successful pioneering.

Mrs. Patty continued to introduce, "One of these people is a cobbler. His craftsmanship is pretty good, but his business is not good and he owes a lot of money. He even paid off the shop left by his ancestors. Most of the others are porters on the dock. There are also people who have been adventurers.”

"By the way, there is also a priest of the Lord of Glory. I heard that the Liaton Chamber of Commerce is recruiting people to open up new territories, and the priest volunteered to participate."

Priest? Ask to participate? Xia Duo frowned. He did not dislike the temple or the teachings of the Lord of Glory, but he was a little unsure about letting the clergy of the Lord of Glory get involved so early.

"What's the name of that priest? Did you say what his purpose was?"

"The priest called himself Leiden. He only said that he wanted to participate in the pioneering and did not say any other purpose." Mrs. Patty explained.

But her explanation made Xia Duo even more confused, so she asked again, "Can I contact him? Can I make an appointment to meet him?"

Xia Duo is still cautious about the people in the temple. After all, the person standing behind them is Father God. If he doesn't understand the other party's purpose, it will be difficult for Xia Duo to feel at ease.

"Priest Leiden said you can go to the temple to find him. He won't leave recently!"

Xia Duo looked up at the timing rune on the top of the west mage tower and found that it was almost 9 pm, so he said goodbye:

"In that case, madam, please help me make an appointment with him tomorrow afternoon.

"We will discuss the specific development plan when the time comes. Madam should have been prepared in the past two days. It is too late today. I will go back to the Mage Tower first and we will discuss it tomorrow."

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