Arcane Lord

Chapter 719 Hope, Painting

After the trip to Rodney Territory, Sha Duo finally let go of some of his worries and waited for the ships from Rodney Territory to arrive to pick up the people from Rodney Territory in the east. This matter would be completely understood.

After returning to his residence, Shado opened the planning note, crossed out the words "Rodney's trip", turned to the back, stared at it for a while, then closed the note and went to bed to rest peacefully.

When he woke up again, it was already late at night. Xia Duo was walking in the Tower of Time, and everything was quiet. There was no longer the scene where apprentices would come out and run around even late at night.

The current apprentices of the Tower of Time are already considered apprentices in the true sense. All courses are scheduled almost slowly from morning to night, giving them no room to breathe at all.

Three years to become an official mage is the bottom line that Xia Duo gives them, and it is also the bottom line for their future lives. Once they fail to successfully complete their studies, they will immediately be saddled with a debt that is not small even for an official mage.

In such a situation, how could they not study hard!

Of course, the more important factor is actually hope. With the hope of stability, you can work hard, instead of having to rely on luck or financial resources to become an official mage as in the past.

Through the projection of the tower spirit, looking at the apprentices sleeping peacefully, Xia Duo also seemed to see hope, which was the hope nurtured by magical civilization.

Soon Xia Duo arrived at the public floor. As soon as he got out of the elevator, a flash of light flashed around him, and the pretty girl who had just separated during the day appeared again.

It was already late at night, but Niya seemed to be still very energetic. She took the initiative to lean towards Sha Duo and said with a hint of surprise: "You're awake!"


Xia Duo nodded slightly and continued walking towards his destination, while Niya followed him without asking. After walking a few steps, he found that Niya couldn't help but yawned, but she quickly used her hands to Cover your mouth.

So, Xia Duo stopped, looked at Niya, and turned her head until she saw her, and then said reproachfully: "Why haven't you rested until now!"

Niya lowered her head and whispered, "I contacted the teacher before."


"The teacher said you did a good job, and then he checked my study tasks, and I -"

The sounds behind him were getting quieter and quieter, and even with Xia Duo's hearing, he couldn't hear them, but he could roughly guess that it was just that the task was not completed and he stayed up late at night.

To be honest, Xia Duo really envied Niya for having a teacher who arranged study plans for her and also supervised her from time to time.

But envy is not something that comes with envy. Fortunately, as long as Niya's study plan does not involve the secrets of Giles Tower, she has shared it with him, so Xia Duo doesn't care whether she has such a teacher or not.

Of course, if it were true, Xia Duo wouldn't refuse.

Seeing that Niya didn't seem to want to leave, Xia Duo stepped forward, hugged her gently, and said softly: "I'm going to the town to find Broto, it's nothing important, you don't have to follow me, Go back and rest!”


After receiving Niya's confirmed answer, Xia Duo let her go and watched the other party teleport away from the public floor before he continued walking towards the teleportation room.

It was definitely not an illusion. Sha Duo found out that after this incident, Niya became a lot attached to him, which made him both happy and a little resistant.

All kinds of emotions are endless.

When they arrived at Savile Town, Shado went straight to Blotto's blacksmith shop in the South District. Most people would have fallen asleep at this late hour, but Blotto was not an ordinary person. He was an alcoholic dwarf.

Basically, he drank to sleep and drank again when he woke up. For Brotto, there was no real difference between day and night.

When you are asleep, it is night; when you are awake, it is day.

In fact, for Xia Duo today, day and night are just an extension of his past habits. He also has dark vision, and he can treat the night as day, or simply not distinguish it.

When Shado came to the door, Broto seemed to have just woken up, speaking in vague dwarf dialect, and standing in the corner outside the house about to unbutton his pants.

Chateau didn't want to see the next scene, so he quickly shouted: "Blotto!"

The dwarf suddenly woke up in an instant. At the same time, a familiar black hammer broke through the wall and flew into Brotto's hand.

When Brotto saw clearly that the person coming was Xia Duo, he immediately walked towards the house without looking back.

"Uncle Broto, I need your help if I need anything!"

Chateau quickly stepped forward to stop Brotto, and at the same time took out the distilled wine prepared in advance and forced it into the other person's hand.

At this time, Chateau had already squeezed into the house with Brotto.

Throwing the hammer away casually, Brotto opened the wine bottle as a habit. Turning his head, he happened to see the hole in the wall that had just been hit by the hammer. He couldn't help but shook his head and said angrily:

"I knew it would be bad if you came to me so late!"

After saying that, he drank a big gulp of wine for himself, looked at Xia Duo with the smell of wine, and asked: "What on earth is going on?"


Xia Duo once again took out a few bottles of distilled liquor from his pocket and placed them on the anvil aside. "I didn't thank you for the dragon leather boots last time!"

Nowadays, dragon leather boots are worn on Xia Duo's feet, which are comfortable and fit. As the saying goes, "Wear the boots without forgetting the shoemaker." How could a decent young man like Xia Duo forget Brotto!

"Don't thank me, I got a share too! Tell me what happened this time! You mages have a lot to do!"

So, Xia Duo said directly, "I want to ask Uncle Broto to help me find a coating that can be stable on the surface of fine gold for a long time, and the color is preferably silver or light gray."

"Fine gold? Coating?"

Bruoto looked Xia Duo up and down, and finally set his eyes on Xia Duo's waist, and made a sound of "tsk tsk!"

"Is there a fine gold spell book!"

"Is there one?"

"Yes! But-"

"But what?"

"But not with me!"

Xia Duo couldn't help but roll his eyes, which was equivalent to saying it in vain! "So, where can I find that kind of coating? Don't tell me that I have to go to the Kingdom of Danzo to find it!"

"Haha! Don't worry, if nothing goes wrong, you have it yourself!"

"Me? Myself?" Xia Duo obviously didn't believe it, but he also wanted to hear Broto's explanation.

Bruoto gulped down a few more sips of wine, let out a long breath, and then continued: "I heard that a drow assassin came to the north some time ago?"

"How do you know?" Xia Duo asked subconsciously.

But he quickly realized that the drow assassin had done something as big as the elven body art, so even if there were only elves present at the time, there would always be some rumors.

"Yes, there was indeed a drow assassin!"

"Then he should have been dealt with by you. In my impression, drow assassins don't have the habit of only attacking once."

"Indeed, he has been dealt with. Aberk caught him."

There was nothing to hide about this matter, and at the same time, Shado roughly guessed what Broto meant by the paint on his body.

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