Aura and Fiona were wearing classic desert nomad style clothing.

Not because they needed to guard against the sun or heat, there were spells for that.

They were wearing such clothing because Aura had determined that it was the only attire permitted in the desert.

And also because Aura was filming this.

Characters in Ascendance can record their actions at any time, and Aura wanted to make a cool movie out of his desert trip.

Two figures dressed in classic nomadic garb traversing the desert, one flying above the sands, the other walking with a gnarled staff in hand.

The two fight off the monsters in the desert, following a poorly drawn map tucked in the walking man's sleeve.

They reach a strange ruined structure, a sideways pyramid atop an upside down statue of a griffin.

The flyer lands next to the walker, and they enter the ruins, only to find a nonsensical mess of staircases and doorways and traps.

The walker pulls yet another map out of his sleeve and unfurls it on the ground, setting a lit candle nearby, and making dramatic motions with cartography tools that he obviously doesn't know how to use.

The two wander the staircases for a while, avoiding traps and a few small monsters, until they find themselves entering the underground structures.

The underground area was riddled with riddles and puzzles, confusing and confounding our heroes.

Until the walker pulled out another map and made some more dramatic motions with those poor, unused cartography tools.

After a few hand signs and nods, the two split ways and searched the ruins, finding little of interest beyond the traps themselves.

When they reunited, the two began yet another arduous trek through the bowels of nonsensicality, solving riddles and puzzles that would make nintendo proud.

Once they completed the first underground layer they went on to the second, flyer almost getting caught in an acid trap on the way down.

The two continued to somewhat safely navigate downwards until they reached the fifth layer, where they encountered a majestic door with no visible means of opening.

Instead of pulling out a map, this time, walker pulled out a diagram of the door in front of them.

He then pulled out several sheets of paper and began to do some math, writing down all sorts of bogus equations and numbers, eventually rolling it up while nodding his head.

Walker then walked over to the door, cast a spell on his leg, then kicked the door with all his might.

And the door simply fell backwards.

Because it was just a fancy slab of material that had been placed in the hallway.

Behind the 'door' was a hallway, and at the end was a fancy door with some sort of complicated locking mechanism.

Walker proceeded to kick it again, but this time, he dodged backwards.

This time the door fell forward, towards our tepid heroes.

Due to walker's timely dodge, the 'door' whiffed and broke apart on the ground, revealing yet another hallway with a fancy door at the end.

And people wonder why adventurers who explore ruins are always complaining about doors.

The next door was a sliding door, and the one after it was a heavier sliding door to the opposing direction.

And once walker and flyer had defeated the four heavenly doors, they now had to defeat the door lord.

The last door was ten times as fancy as the fanciest of the previous doors.

It was the dooriest door that ever doored itself within the doors of doorhalla.

And unlike the previous doors, it was actually a standard double door setup with a cool puzzle lock.

So walker solved the puzzle.

And the door opened.

And what was behind the door lord's hallowed facade was not surprising to anybody.

A shitload of shiny loot.

Because what kind of lord doesn't hoard all the loot for themselves, and the door lord was exceptionally door lordy.

Walker and flyer began to shovel loot into bags, at least until Aura remembered that he didn't need to keep filming.

Aura then stored all the loot in his item box and began to prepare tools for breaking through the ruin's floor.

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