Astartes of the Bear School

Chapter 641 643 Break in!

Chapter 641 643. Interspersed and penetrated!

Fringilla's response gave Menno Kuhoun some confidence again.

After all, the warlocks around the Commander-in-Chief are different from ordinary second-rate warlocks. Fringilla Vigo is an advanced spellcaster who can open portals in mid-air.

With the portal here, the command post won't be taken down no matter what, right?

Maybe he thought so himself, or maybe he was coerced by the many subordinates in his command post and had to think so.

In short, the rhythm of the battle cannot be disrupted by a demon hunter who appears out of nowhere.

This is a huge war and represents huge interests.

No one can escape from it.

Menno Kuhorn could only adapt to the situation and mobilize the mobile forces that his men could mobilize around him, trying to build an impenetrable line of defense around his command post.

And all this is just another induced tactic.

"Have you mastered it yet?"

Lan En confirmed in his mind with Mentos who was doing on-site calculations.

The voices of Biological Intelligent Brain returned to the state they had at the beginning after a long absence, with a sense of fatigue and lag.

It initially took him half an hour to develop a personalized training plan.

Today, the main body's requirements still squeeze its computing power to the extreme.

"Yes sir, I have calculated the communication efficiency between the warlocks, their communication interval, and the amount of information communicated at one time. Everything is according to plan."

As a result, Lincoln and others who were following behind were shocked to find that their march became very strange.

Lan En, who led them forward, always suddenly turned around or even turned around during the subsequent march.

And after continuing to travel for a period of time, the route and traveling speed will be changed without any incident, as if to avoid something urgently.

It's like a battle of wits with some invisible enemy.

But at the same time, they had to admit that their probability of encountering an enemy began to decrease suddenly, and everyone's physical strength began to recover.

"Sir." Under the questioning of his comrades behind him, Lincoln had to increase his horse speed and came to Lan En's side to keep pace with him.

"Did the Nilfgaardian warlocks place an invisible curse or a demon or something here? I feel like we are going back and forth in circles."

"No, there are no curses, no demon spirits, and not even much chaos magic power here."

Lan En said calmly.

"We're definitely going in circles."

Even the sporadic encounters with the enemy during this period were calculated and deliberately made known to the Nilfgaardian headquarters.

Because only by letting the enemy know your own limited movements can you control the enemy's actions!

Lan En just smiled and said nothing when Lincoln asked him, "Is it a bad thing to be discovered?"

Because he just wanted to be discovered by Nilfgaard's command about his existence and movements.

If they can't find themselves, they won't be able to 'direct' them properly.

"Received news, [Hunter Lord] is still moving! This time the direction is southeast! Send the black infantry archery regiment there!"

"We can't send them over! They have been maneuvering for two hours! Even if they reach the position, what kind of combat effectiveness will they have?! They can't even draw their bows!"

"Then what kind of legion is there? There has to be a gap!"

"Delvinny Brigade! Let them get on!"

The news was spoken one by one from Fringilla's mouth, and then recorded by the clerk, and then the staff made decisions based on the intelligence of the battle situation.

This was originally a procedure with clear logic and clearly defined rights and responsibilities, but now, the command post has become a mess.

A staff officer tugged on his black and white tie to help him breathe easier.

He looked as if he had been in the casino for several days and nights. His hair was disheveled, his eyes were red, and he looked like he was almost exhausted.

"Where does he want to go? What a cunning mouse!"

On the battle map on the table, in addition to the black Nilfgaardian army and the red Northern Alliance army, there is also a gray force rampaging across the map.

There are only more than sixty people in that force. To be precise, there is only one person worthy of attention!

This map is originally changed every twenty minutes, which is the result of the greatly increased efficiency of information exchange.

However, after the variable Lan En was introduced, the new map was already drawn in a messy manner by the staff in less than five minutes after it was rolled out.

But on the increasingly messy drawings, no one who was tortured by tight nerves noticed that the defense line they had originally built was slowly being torn apart by themselves.

Communication systems that are far more advanced than ancient methods will unleash and strengthen the commander's desire to command as never before.

Details on the front line that were previously unknown and out of control can now be displayed before their eyes. Who among the commanders can bear it?

There is pleasure in this.

However, there is a limit to the amount of work an ordinary person can efficiently accomplish in a day.

The mobilization of each combat unit affects the whole body. After all, this is not an occupied area with an absolute advantage, but a big battle!

Who's gone? Who's on top? Who should be preserved? Who can give up? Which position is not important?

Under Lan En's seemingly chaotic, but actually ulterior, maneuver, everyone in the entire command post was unknowingly consuming their brain power.

Distracted attention and slow reaction speed

So much so that in the midst of a long period of busyness, a question suddenly popped up in the command post of a vegetable market.

"Wait a minute, how long has it been since the news came from [Hunter Lord]?"

Deathly silence fell like a suddenly falling curtain.

Everyone, including the dizzy Menno Coulhorn and Fringilla Vigo, all looked at the clock.

half an hour.

In the busy affairs of contact, analysis, aftermath, remediation, etc. due to the frequent mobilization of troops, everyone recovered from the dizzying and high-intensity mental work at this time.

The culprit who made them carry out this series of troop movements has not received any information for half an hour!

A staff officer broke away from the dead atmosphere and grabbed the collar of a clerk next to him. His face looked like he wanted to eat him!

"Look through the records! See if I missed anything? Hurry!"

Menno Kuhorn was even more direct. He was still several tables away from Fringilla in the center of the venue.

But at this time, he had already shouted at the sorceress: "Open the portal! Open it quickly."

Nilfgaard's famous general no longer took any chances. After realizing that the demon hunter had created a thirty-minute gap in their intelligence, he made a prompt decision to move the command post.

However, time is running out.

The calculations of the biological brain combined with the emotional sensitivity and battlefield experience of the Emperor's Children have allowed a certain team to penetrate through the loose protective net!


A sound like a church bell exploded outside the camp of the command post!

The explosion was followed by the loyal war cries of the soldiers, followed by screams and cries of pain.

Even if they haven't seen anything yet, everyone can hear it: the camp was breached surprisingly quickly!

A ferocious line of blood splashed on the camp tent cloth of the command post. The sad bright red on the tarp made everyone's faces turn pale and their legs trembled.

No longer having time to hesitate, Fringilla immediately raised her hands slightly according to the combat advice previously given by Menno Kuhorn, the master tactician.

A strong wind began to sweep through everything while chanting the spell.

A large-scale covering spell, there is no need to consider whether it can react to this thing.

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