Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 8 7. Passing By

Chapter 8 7. Passing by

The bronze drake Sefiel was very lucky.

But it's also very unlucky.

After it discovered that Prince Drake Proudmoore had escaped from his destiny, it immediately began to track down that "time residue". Using its magical time-retrospect, it quickly discovered the traces left by Drake.

Then follow the Kaz Modan sea area, all the way to the wetland.

Things are going pretty well so far.

The speed of action of the giant dragon is absolutely unmatched by ordinary people. It stands to reason that with Sefiel chasing him, the resurrected prince will soon be sent back to his due destiny.

But Safiel, immersed in the great mission of maintaining the world line, overlooked one thing.

The six-year-old wetland of the Dark Gate is a forbidden place that must not be approached by other four-color giant dragons except the black dragon!

Because the soul of the dragon, the evil artifact, is here.

The story about the artifact that attacked the dragon was very long and long. It involved the civil strife and decline of the five-color dragon army. It was a sad thing for all the dragons.

And after the orcs rushed into the world of Azeroth from the Portal of Darkness, the artifact that was supposed to be kept in the Red Ridge Mountains in the southern border of the mainland was obtained by the orcs of the Dragonmaw clan.

These brutal orcs were superior in numbers and killed the guardian of the artifact, and a noble red dragon died as a result.

But that was just the beginning of the disaster.

The Red Dragon Queen who rushed to check, one of the most powerful and noble creatures in Azeroth, was unsuspectingly controlled by the Dragonmaw Chief Zuluhed who held the soul of the dragon.

The orcs of this clan are good at taming wyverns in their home world of Dellano. After getting the soul of the dragon, they did evil beast taming in Azeroth.

They relied on that artifact to enslave red dragons and create dragoons. The tragedy of Prince Drake Proudmoore and the Third Fleet also stemmed from this.

Now, the Dragonmaw clan resides in Grim Batol, the cursed city of the Wetlands.

The orc chief Zuluhed holding the dragon soul can clearly sense every dragon that enters the wetland and enslaves them. In the two years since the orcs found the dragon soul, many dragons have suffered bad luck .

Sefiel is not ignorant of this.

But the time residue it was searching for was right in front of it, and it couldn't just give up. Unfortunately, this young dragon, who was only born more than a hundred years ago, seriously underestimated the power of the dragon soul.

The moment it set foot on the wetlands, it was spotted by dragoons of the Dragonmaw clan.

"Stop chasing me!"

The depressed young dragon flapped its wings and quickly crossed the night sky. To describe it in a less elegant way, it almost used all its strength to get away from the pursuit of the two red dragons behind it.

These red dragons controlled by orcs obviously still have a sense of resistance.

Let them slaughter human beings, they may grit their teeth and do it, but let them chase their compatriots, they obviously don't work hard.

Otherwise, with the flying speed of these two adult red dragons, Seifel probably wouldn't even be able to fly out of the edge of the wetland.

The Bronze Dragon Legion has always lived in seclusion, and is as lonely as the Blue Dragon Legion, but they have a good relationship with the Red Dragon Legion. The good relationship established by their ancestors has also allowed Seifel to escape.

It has to get out of here as fast as possible.

Bronze dragons that can roam in different timelines at will cannot be killed. They are a rare "time creature", even if they kill the current one.

It is still there in the past and in the future.

For Sefiel, the concept of "death" does not exist.

It was supposed to be fearless.

But there are many things scarier than death in this world. If unfortunately it is enslaved by the dragon soul, then this beautiful little dragon will probably suffer a fate more terrible than death.

Zuluhed was clearly interested in the mysterious bronze dragons and their ability to manipulate time, so more red dragons were sent from Grim Batol to surround Sefiel in all directions.

"The Lord of Time bless me!"

While flying, the young dragon prayed in his heart:

"After this shit is over, I swear, I'll never come to the wetland again!"

While thinking this way, it flapped its wings as hard as possible, flew over the mountains of Dun Mod, and sprinted all the way to the Arathi Highlands, and couldn't even spare the energy to perceive its surroundings.

It dare not stop.

It has endless hours to play with that "time residue", so now, life matters.

run, little girl!

run now!


Bu Laike, who was lying on the hilly high ground, held his breath. He saw the young dragon flying into the sky, being chased by two equally huge shadows.

The young dragon looked very embarrassed and could only try to escape by flapping its wings.

But Bu Laike was not at peace.

"At this time, the Dragonmaw Orcs are still using the evil artifact, the Soul of the Dragon, to imprison the Red Dragon Queen in Grim Batol in the wetlands. That artifact is fatal to other dragons except the black dragon.

Except for the red dragon who wants to save his queen, it is impossible for other giant dragons to run to the wetlands to die. "

Bu Laike hugged the trembling little murloc in his arms, his thoughts changed sharply.

He thought:

"Either the young dragon has lost his mind.

Or, it took a risk to come to the wetland to find something important. Let me think about it, there is no treasure in the wetland that the dragon is eager for.

Then it must be looking for something else."

A few seconds later, a terrible idea popped into Bo Laike's mind, making his eyes narrow and his fists clenched.

"Damn it! That's a meddling bronze dragon! What it's looking for should be Prince Derek Proudmoore, who was supposed to sink to the bottom of the sea, but escaped with a narrow escape.

That's me!

The dragon was coming for me, and the orc dragoons saved my life by accident. "

Bo Laike moved his fingers.

He looked towards the rising peak in the middle of the wetlands, where the cursed city of Grim Batol, the hometown of the Wildhammer dwarves three hundred years ago, was cursed by the witch queen Modgud of the Dark Iron dwarves in the Battle of the Three Hammers .

The vicious witch queen died there, and the War of the Three Hammers ended with the victory of the Bronzebeard and Wildhammer clans.

But as the price of victory, the Wildhammer dwarves lost their ancestral land forever.

Those dwarven sons of the sky had to take their beloved griffins to migrate to the Wildhammer Highlands and the Hinterlands in the northern border to find new homes.

"It will be four years after the destruction of the dragon soul. If I have been hiding in the wetlands, I can survive for at least four years. With the dragon soul, the bronze dragon dare not come here to trouble me."

Bu Laike thought to himself:

"Or maybe I should join the Dragonmaw Clan directly and find a way to take the dragon's soul and prevent it from being destroyed, so that I won't be afraid of the bronze dragon.

However, to snatch the dragon soul from Deathwing and the magical Ronin four years later, it is no easier than facing the bronze dragon.


Bo Laike glanced at his character card, the bright "Proudmoore" surname, let him sigh.

Though he's not Prince Drake.

But since using someone else's body, at least one has to be careful.

If he joined the Dragonmaw clan with Proudmoore's surname, let alone whether the orcs would accept him, Admiral Dai Lin would probably be so angry that he brought all the soldiers of Kul Tiras with him when he heard the news , rushed into the wetlands.

Even if the entire army is wiped out, he, the "family traitor", must be killed in Grim Batol.

That's Dai Lin.

One of the most powerful warriors in Azeroth, he can kill orcs as easily as chickens.

"Then, plan changes!"

After thinking on this hill for nearly half an hour, Laike finally straightened out his thoughts again. He picked up the little murloc, and instead of wasting time here, he turned around.

Instead of heading towards the Arathi Highlands, go to the northwest of the Wetlands.

"The bronze dragon went to the Arathi Highlands, so the Sardo Bridge can't go, and the risk is to go from the coast of the reef, cross the sea to the northwest, and go to the Hillsbrad Hills.

There are also many important strongholds of the human kingdom, and I should be able to find a strong enough priest of the Holy Light, since I brought back the lost sacred artifact for them and killed so many orcs.

Ask them to purify a curse for me, it shouldn't be a big problem. "

Bu Laike Shaw jumped into the shadows, and while practicing his stealth skills, he touched the smooth head of the little murloc, and he whispered:

"After the curse is purified, I will return to the wetland as quickly as possible. For the next four years, I will live here as an orc killer wandering in the wetland.

Anyway, there are a lot of orcs here to kill me.

When the rank of thief reaches forty or fifty levels, I don't have to be afraid of it being just a baby dragon. Hehe, the Bronze Dragon Legion is facing a lot of troubles now. "

Bu Laike laughed and said:

"As long as I don't cause a world-destroying event, and don't interfere with those important world-line figures, the busy Quicksand Scale and the missing King of Time will not come to me in a big way.

Perfect! "

After making up his mind, Laike walked briskly towards the salt foam marsh in the northwest of the wetlands. On the way, he lost a small camp of the Blood Ring with only three orc guards.

In the early hours of the day, I finally returned to the swamp full of mud and disgusting things.

He saw a murloc village not far away at a glance.

This is the most remote place in the wetland, and the Blood Ring orcs didn't clean it up on a large scale, so there are a lot of saltspray murlocs in the saltspray swamp, and they live freely.


Bu Laike pulled out Witt's leg at his waist, and put the little murloc on the ground again. He moved his shoulders, stared at the noisy murloc village in front of him, and quietly entered the stealth.

"Hello, murlocs, surprise! Your old friends are back!"


The salt-spray marshes between Ironbeard's Tomb and the Reef Shores are not very large.

It took Laike more than a day to cross here. On the way, he raised his thief class to level 11. Because he didn't spend too much time searching for equipment, the equipment on his body didn't change.

After stepping out of the swamp and entering the beach, in the morning light of dawn, he saw the reef coast covered with a layer of white water vapor in front of him.

Seeing the sea, the little murloc also croaked excitedly, jumped out of Laike's arms, shook his body, and ran towards the sea that was constantly washing the beach.


It ran and screamed, jumping excitedly in the water, like dancing.

Bu Laike was sitting on the rocks on the beach, resting and feeling the morning breeze. The damn curse made him tasteless like a dead person, tasteless in eating and drinking water.

It was a little strange at first.

But now, he's had enough of this lack of touch, smell, and taste.

He glanced at the data of the character card, and desperately wanted to return to his normal human form.

Character Card: Derek Proudmoore (B Laike Shaw)

Info: Kul Tiran Human, 19 years old

Status: Mortal Body. Shadow Curse. Life Solidification. Weakness

Class: 2nd-level fighter/15th-level navigator/11th-level stalker

Legendary Class: None

Mythical Class: None

Title: Prince of Kul Tiras

Equipment: Magicweave Bag, Werther's Third Leg, Monkey's Murloc Dagger, Monkey's Murloc Knife, Jungle Bracers

Talents: Son of the Sea, Shadow Affinity (Basic), Shadow Walking, Proudmoore Bloodline (Hateful Seal)


Kul Tiran Military Swordsmanship (Proficient)

Deadly Throw (proficient)

Fist of the Tides (Mastery)

Stealth (Adept)

Navigation (Proficient)

The blood bar at the bottom of the character card is the same as before, stuck at 70% and there is no way to continue to rise, which made Bu Laike feel unhappy again, and his desire to get rid of the curse became more urgent.

"Then let's go."

Bu Laike stood up and strode towards the reef shore in front of him. There were dangerous naga in this sea, he knew, but it was better to face a naga than a baby dragon.

"Go to the hills as quickly as possible, and solve this shit before that nasty young dragon comes over."

"Bunbo Erba, stop playing in the water, follow me closely, don't run around, be careful that Naga catches you as a snack! You stupid, silly little murloc.

Well, if I were as simple as you, I would have fewer worries. "

(end of this chapter)

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