Aztec Eternals

Chapter 1164 The first European to convert

The sun flies away like a flamingo, flying to the end of the sea. A day's march, pursuit, and fighting all turned into a faint red wave that then dissipated along with the bodies of the sailors thrown into the sea.

As the sky grew dusk, a large group of canoes emerged from the large bay in the south. Loaded with more than two hundred Tylenol men, they surrounded the two captured caravels, like "worker ants" preparing to carry the loot. The leader of these "worker ants" is the Mayari tribe's chief, Anani Shuihua, who is very tall but does not have a majestic face. He wears a talisman of the Lord God and has a hummingbird tattoo on his forehead.

"Hiss! The Lord God bless you! It is exactly what the prophecy said. The white-skinned evil demon came in a ship that has never been seen before, sowing killing and death!...Ah! May the Lord God bless you..."

Seeing the two caravels, Chief Splash was shocked for a while, then he lowered his head and held the amulet around his neck, fell to the ground, and prayed to the distant god in the west. He has been converting to the Lord God for more than three years, and he can be regarded as respectful and respectful on weekdays. But this time, seeing with his own eyes the prophecy of the Longship Tribe three years ago came true, a kind of piety that he had never experienced before finally rose from his heart, like a bonfire lit under the night, shrouding his simple heart. Light, warm and bright.

"Can know the future and cover the sea and sky. The sun god is really bigger than all the ancestor gods combined!... This is a real, powerful, god like a sacred tree!... I pray to you, even if I sacrifice my life... May you protect the Water Flower Tribe and all tribes in the Hot Land (Cuba) from being harmed by evil spirits! I beg you!..."

In the afterglow of the setting sun, hundreds of Taíno militiamen and more than a hundred kingdom warriors all faced the bright red west and held devout evening prayers. The name of the god "Huitziloppo" resounded throughout the sea and also to the captured Castilian galleons.

After the evening prayer, there is a festive dinner! Everyone lit a bonfire and shared the cassava, sea fish, lizards, fruits and tobacco leaves brought in the boat. The aroma of starch and barbecue, mixed with the relaxing smell of tobacco, floated to the caravel where the prisoners were detained, making the several kingdom warriors in custody both envious and irritable.

"Cha Bo, everyone else is on the shore. Why do the two of us who like the food, sweets, and spicy food propose to stay on the ship to guard the prisoners and bandage the prisoners of these evil tribes?..."

"Ha! Mikui, I vomited after eating the roots of the Cuban tribe. It's really tasteless! The evil tribe is also a human being and needs to eat...I'm sure they must be hiding something that we haven't eaten. Good stuff!...Haha! Let me look for it!...Found it! These sealed buckets must be the food they store! Let me open it and take a look!..."

Chabo, the red crow's personal guard, smiled happily and used the ax in his hand to pry open the sealed wooden barrel that no sailor had ever wanted to open. Then, a smell of pickled fish that had been brewing for three full months and was enough to make people faint suddenly hit their nostrils!

"Huh?! What is this? This smell...evil!!..."

"Huh? This herring?..."

Boatswain Qiachu tied his hands and feet and sat on the deck. The wounds on his limbs were simply bandaged by the native warriors, and they were also wrapped in some chewed leaves with a good smell, giving them a spicy feeling. He raised his head greedily, smelling the aroma of food coming from the shore not far away, and his stomach couldn't stop growling. From morning to now, he had gone through an exhausting fight, but had eaten nothing. However, the natives tied them to the boat and did not give them any food, not even rotten roots, not even a mouthful of cold water...

Obviously, hunger and thirst are the most effective weapons, which can make prisoners lose their will to resist and even lose their ability to escape. In his current state, he would be unable to swim, let alone escape, and would drown if he fell into the water.

However, just when he was hungry, a familiar and disgusting smell wafted over, causing his expression to change drastically. He wanted to eat at one moment, and felt nauseated at the next.

"Holy Mother! What a strange native warrior, he actually opened the barrel of pickled herrings!... This barrel of herrings is the last reserve food on the ship, unless it is a last resort... Ha!"

"Damn it! Chabo, close the lid quickly! Close it quickly! Ugh!..."

"Ah! Ancestor! I fell into the pit of corpses! I'm going to die...Evil!..."

After a while, the two Red Crow guards escaped from the cabin in embarrassment, their faces still a little frightened. Their faces turned green and they cursed each other and the "evil and vicious" demons. Until an unbearable sneer reached their ears, causing the two of them to instantly look sharply and look at each other viciously.

"Huh? Who is it?!...Eh! A yellow-skinned evil spirit?!..."


Boatswain Qiachu felt regretful, lowered his head in a hurry and closed his mouth tightly, but it was too late. Two pairs of calloused feet were already standing in front of him. Then, a strong hand grabbed his light yellow hair and forced him to raise his head.

"It's really strange! Mikui, among a group of white-skinned demons, why is there a brown-skinned one? He looks a bit like us..."

"Cha Bo, could it be that he is from a tribe on Cuba Island that has taken refuge with the devil?..."

"Let me take a look at his teeth!... With these teeth, at most he could be an ordinary tribal warrior or warrior..."

"Hey! Which tribe are you from?! How did you get on the evil demon's ship? Are you leading the way for the evil demon?!..."

"Ah!...that...respected knight of Xipangu...Chachu is not laughing at you...he is just...starved and fainted..."

Goldsmith Carlo squatted next to him and said something carefully, and saw the murderous eyes of the two native warriors. He suddenly shrank his neck, lowered his head, and remained silent.


Boatswain Cha Chu looked at the two menacing native warriors in front of him with a look of horror and confusion. Both of these two native warriors carried bows, wore leather armor, and had mysterious tattoos. Although they are not tall, their faces naturally have a murderous and fierce aura, just like those Shinra mercenaries who wander around and plunder. As they talked, the expressions of the two native warriors became more and more fierce, and they even pulled out their copper axes!

"Damn it! Mikui, this tribesman who surrendered to the devil is pretending to be stupid! I asked him three times in wasteland dialect, plateau dialect, and Cuban dialect, but he didn't even answer me!..."

"Cha Bo, is it possible that he is mute?..."

"Didn't he laugh at us just now?..."

"Stupid! A mute can also laugh, but he can't speak..."

"I don't think so!... This must be a tribesman who was bewitched by an evil spirit! He is a traitor who turned his back on the Lord God... He was fascinated by the evil god, so he boarded the evil spirit's ship, gritted his teeth, and said nothing!... "

"Then what do you want to do?...Kill him and throw him into the sea?..."

"Hmm... This tribesman is among the demons, so he must know a lot about the demons... I want to wake him up from the demons' temptations, make him convert to the Lord God, and then carefully ask him about the demons' information!... Especially, on this ship Are there any hidden belongings?…There must be!…”

"Well, that seems to be the case... But Chabo, you are not a priest, how do you wake him up and make him convert to the Lord God?..."

"This is simple! We did it once before when we were conquering the Mixtecs in the south..."

Chabo, the red crow's personal guard, smiled honestly and confidently pulled out the useful stainless steel dagger. But after thinking about it, he changed it to the obsidian dagger for sacrifice.

"Let's use obsidian! The priests all use obsidian... Mikui, light a brazier!..."

"The brazier is ready, here it is...then what to do?..."

"Let me think about it... cut off his hair, throw it into the fire, and carve a sunbird of the main god on his forehead... um... that's right! And cut off a little finger! Only pain can wake him up, and priests are like this Do it!…”

"Don't kill him... There aren't many prisoners, so we still have to keep them for sacrifice..."

"It doesn't matter! He is not a white-skinned demon. As long as he wakes up and converts to the Lord God, there is no need to sacrifice... Praise the Lord Huitziloppo! You are bigger than the sky, bigger than the sea, and bigger than the evil god of evil spirits. !…Ready!…”

"Ah! What are you going to do?...Ah this? This is?!"

Boatswain Cha Chu stared at a red-haired native warrior with wide eyes, holding down his left hand while raising the stone dagger with a "grinful smile". Another native warrior clamped down on him, preventing him from moving at all. Only endless fear and darkness hit his heart.

"God bless! Holy Mother bless! Canary Dog God bless! Ancestors bless me!...Damn it! No!!...Ah!!!..."

A howl of extreme pain, and a wisp of green smoke from the brazier. A stone dagger carved with force, a sailor with tears streaming down his face. In the first ray of night on the coast of Cuba, in this extremely simple conversion ceremony, the first European to convert to the Lord God was suddenly born.

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