Aztec Eternals

Chapter 1167 For the sake of God, help your brother

"Praise Huitziloppo... There are three masts on the Pinta. The foremast and mainmast are square sails, and the mizzen mast is a triangular sail. In such a narrow river, the square sails must be furled as much as possible, relying on the flexible triangular sail. The fore-and-aft adjusted like this"

"Coo! Damn it! These native sailors don't understand at all! Have they never manned a sail? If they were my men, I would slap them to death...cough! Dear Sipangu warriors, I will take my time, Look carefully...that's it..."

The sun was shining brightly and the water was swaying gently. The fish in the bay followed the leader fish, and a large group of small boats also followed the big boat, passing through the narrow river channel and paddling into the wide "Big Water Bay". Boatswain Chachu bowed his head and was busy on the "Gray Earth" (Pingta), while the goldsmith Carlo and the carpenter Antonio were manning the sails on the "Stone Spear" (Ninia). Although they only relied on triangular sails and a few sailors to control them, the two Caravel caravels still showed amazing flexibility and lightness.

"Oh! Mikui, the reason why these two demonic ships don't use oars is because they rely on sails and the power of the wind god! ... It only takes three or four people to adjust the sails and they can move by themselves. stand up…"

The red-haired guard Cha Bo stood on tiptoes, raised his head, and looked at the strangely shaped and elongated spinnaker. With wise thinking flashing in his eyes, he whispered.

"Could it be that... this Bai Fan is the real evil magic weapon?! It has the blessing of the ancestors and is magically exerted by the evil shaman?... If it is stolen... and sold to the rich noble priests in the kingdom..."

"Huh?! How dare you sell the devil's magic weapon? Stupid! How could you steal such a big sail?..."

The red-haired Miku curled his lips and raised his hand to give Chabo a slap, but the opponent nimbly dodged him. He glared at Chabo, glanced at Boatswain Chachu who was steering the sail obediently, and sighed.

"It seems that these two evil sailboats are lighter and more powerful than the big ship we are chasing!..."

"If we hadn't laid an ambush in advance and waited for these two ships to enter the would probably not be easy to catch them on the offshore coast!...Tsk! These evil speedboats are like flying vultures. But it’s not that easy to cum…”

"Not bad! I heard that these are just the first batch of vanguard evil demon scouts, so they can't be beaten. There are also evil demon warriors and warriors behind them, all of them are armored... I don't know who those armored warriors of the evil demon tribe are. What does it look like? Where is the weakness? Can it be killed easily..."

The two red-haired guards gathered together, talking and imagining the long fight that was destined to come. At the stern of the ship, the captured guard chief Alana tied his hands tightly and lay on the deck with difficulty. He arched closer to Cha Chu and begged in a hoarse whisper.

"Merciful Holy Mother... Chachu, we are all old friends... I was injured in the chest. From yesterday morning to now, I haven't had a bite to eat... Please do me a favor and give me something to eat! Even just a bite The white leftovers left by the natives..."


Boatswain Cha Chu glanced at Alana, and then at the two red-haired guards at the bow. He didn't speak or react in any other way. He just continued to stand in front of the mizzen mast and pretended to adjust the sail.

"Chachu!... I have sailed all this way with you, brother, to make a fortune together!... I have never been sorry to you... For the sake of the Lord..."

Chief of Guard Alana was so hungry that he didn't even have the strength to speak. He stammered, taking breaths twice a sentence, and kept pleading.

"Lord! Now you are following the leader of the natives, in charge of sailing the ship... There is always some food, right?... If I don't eat some, I will starve to death... For the sake of my brother-in-law!... He escaped. As long as he returns to the Kingdom of Castile and has the merit of discovering a new sea route... he will definitely be awarded a title..."

"Huh? For the sake of that idiot Columbus? He threw Boatswain Bartolome overboard and didn't treat his brothers as human beings... He is just a damn and talkative brown-headed goose!..."

Boatswain Qiachu's eyes flashed fiercely, he cursed a few times, then raised his hand, and slapped Alana twice in the face!

"The same goes for you! Alana, you idiot who only knows how to play with muskets! ... You are always friends with everyone, but don't think I don't know what you are thinking! ... You have a little money and grapes on the shore. Yuan, you have no regard for the brothers at all!... You insisted on wiping the bottles we drank from before drinking, and you never squatted in the pit with us and wiped your butt with the same cable! You show off idiot , using soft straw paper, damn it!…”



Boatswain Chachu slapped Alana again, then got up and left with a curse. When he came back, there was a ball of white paste on his hand, which was cooked tapioca flour.

"Hold it! Lick it clean! Don't let any of it fall off!..."

"Ah! Uh...uh huh...uh..."

The chief of police, Alana, was overjoyed. He took the "white goo" and ate it wildly, even biting his own hand. After a while, he panted, burped with difficulty and satisfaction, and continued to plead.

"Cha Chu... Good brother!... Give me some more water... This thing is too dense, it makes me choke..."

"Joder! Want water? Who do you think you are? A noble man?!..."

Boatswain Cha Chu cursed and kicked Alana twice, then took out the small kettle from his waist and threw it in front of Alana.

"If it weren't for you, I would be kind to you... If Columbus were here, I would chop off his ears and feed them to the dogs!..."

"Gudu! Gu..."

Alana didn't care much, just like a thirsty ghost reincarnated, desperately raising his head to drink water. The water has a bit of earthy smell and a bit of sweetness. It is obviously the stream water on the bank. After drinking the last drop of water, he collapsed on the deck with satisfaction, basking in the dazzling sun, and said to Chachu.

"Chachu, from today on, you are my real good brother, closer than my brother-in-law! ...My brother-in-law ran away after leaving me, and the boat didn't even stop. He is like a dog! You risk offending the natives. , gave me food and drink, you are raised by unicorns!..."

"Coo! Mother-in-law, act like a woman, you were raised by a unicorn!"

Hearing this, Boatswain Chachu cursed in a low voice and kicked Alana again, but not as hard. Alana didn't take it seriously, but instead moved forward with a shy face.

"Cha Chu, good brother!...How did you...surrender to the natives and work for the natives?...I see that your leader has a bird pattern carved on him, which is exactly the same as the native militiamen!..."

"That... the Lord testifies! I can also operate a sail... I can also use a musket... to make gunpowder... Ah! I can also read, much more than Carlo and Antonio!..."

"Good brother, please! Please help me and the leader of the natives tell... that I... er... knight squire Alana, is willing to surrender to the lord of Sipangu! Sail the ship and fight for him..."

"Ah! Alana, what kind of knight squire are you? Have you ever ridden a horse? Do you have a certificate of knighthood and squire?..."

"Uh! I have a vineyard and a mill at home. Of course I have ridden a horse! ... As for the attendant's certificate... cough! If I can make it back alive this time, I will have the credit for discovering the new route. Not to mention the attendant's certificate, it is also a knight's document. You can spend money to buy it from the Queen's officials... After the Holy War is over, there are really a lot of poor Jihad knights who owe a lot of debt and want to pawn knight documents! The most are from God. Luo's poor knights... Hey! What a pity... Everyone has discovered the new sea route. This is a great achievement... Hey! I almost ran away, but I still fell into the hands of the cruel natives..."

Alana sighed softly, with regret from the bottom of her heart on her face. As for what he said, Cha Chu was stunned for a moment, not knowing whether it was true or false.

In the final analysis, Chachu was just a naturalized tribe from the Alana Islands. He didn't know a single Chinese character and had always been fighting and fighting among the lower class sailors. Alana, on the other hand, comes from a vineyard in Catalonia and is the "second son of a landowner". She was tricked by her "brother-in-law" Columbus into leaving home and taking her on a ship. The money he brought with him when he left home was spent on food, clothing and travel expenses for the two of them, and he was even considered half of Columbus's sponsor...

"Joder! What a bullshit squire, what a poor knight... Now, they have nothing to do with us!..."

Qiachu touched his forehead, feeling the vague pain and touching the deep tattoos. Even in the Kingdom of Castile, the attendants and knights would never have anything to do with him. At the end of his life, he was just a mixed-race boatswain... His eyes gradually became fierce and fierce, like a wolf dog with no retreat and could only move forward!

"Coo! Alana! Put away your thoughts... If you don't want to die on this big island of natives, then you have to follow me honestly from now on! I will find a way to kill you Keep it..."

"Uh! Cha Chu... I... I... follow you!..."

"Ha! Well, then recite it with me! ...Praise be to the Lord of Huitziloppo!"

"Uh... Praise the Lord of Huitziloppo?..."

“Praise to Huitziloppo!…”

“Praise to Huitziloppo…”


Under the slanting sunlight, Qia Chu took a deep breath, as if he was spitting out everything from the past. Then, he took another deep breath, sniffing the faint smoke in the air, listening to the cheers in his ears, and looked towards the large village that loomed south of "Big Water Bay". In this beautiful blue sky and green water, he widened his eyes and murmured expectantly.

"The capital of ancient Japan... the fiefdom of the great lords of the East... silk, porcelain, cotton and gold and silver... Chili!..."

"Lord of Huitziloppo! The East, which is said to be flowing with milk and honey, doesn't know what kind of rich and wealthy appearance it is!..."

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